Common Foreign-Language Hymns
This list shows hymns that were originally written in languages other than English, that appear frequently in English hymnals that are indexed at Instances that appear in multiple editions of the same publication are only counted once.
Hymns in 186 publications
- Arglwydd, arwain trwy’r anialwch (Welsh – Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah)
Hymns in 79 publications
- Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht (German – Silent Night)
Hymns in 77 publications
- Lobe den Herren, den mächtigen König der Ehren (German – Praise to the Lord, the Almighty)
Hymns in 74 publications
- Schönster Herr Jesu (German – Beautiful Savior)
Hymns in 72 publications
- Adeste Fideles (Latin – Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful)
Hymns in 64 publications
- Jesu dulcis memoria (Latin – Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee)
Hymns in 51 publications
- Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott (German – A Mighty Fortress Is Our God)
Hymns in 48 publications
- Laudes Creaturarum (Italian – All Creatures of Our God and King)
Hymns in 42 publications
- Sehet, ihr Völker! (German – Hark, All Ye Nations!)
- Sei Lob und Ehr’ dem höchsten Gut (German – Sing Praise to Him)
Hymns in 41 publications
- Gloria, laus, et honor (Latin – All Glory, Laud, and Honor)
- O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden (German – O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown)
Hymns in 40 publications
- Nun danket alle Gott (German – Now Thank We All Our God)
Hymns in 38 publications
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (French – Angels We Have Heard on High)
Hymns in 37 publications
- Wilt heden nu treden (Dutch – Prayer of Thanksgiving)
Hymns in 34 publications
- Veni, veni, Emmanuel (Latin – O Come, O Come, Emmanuel)
Hymns in 31 publications
- O store Gud (Swedish – How Great Thou Art)
Hymns in 30 publications
- Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (German – Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming)
Hymns in 29 publications
- Stille meine Wille, dein Jesus hilft siegen (German – Be Still, My Soul)
Hymns in 28 publications
- Beim frühen Morgenlicht (German – When Morning Gilds the Skies)
Hymns in 22 publications
- Corde natus (Latin – Of the Father’s Love Begotten)
Hymns in 21 publications
- Ah! ne repousse pas mon âme pécheresse (French – O Divine Redeemer)
- Finita jam sun proelia (Latin – The strife is o’er, the battle done)
Hymns in 20 publications
- Veni Creator Spiritus (Latin – Come, Holy Ghost, Our Souls Inspire)
- Wirf dein Anliegen auf den Herrn (German – Cast Thy Burden upon the Lord)
Hymns in 19 publications
- Angularis fundamentum (Latin – Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation)
- W Żlobie leży ktόż pobieży (Polish – Infant Holy, Infant Lowly)
- Δόξα Πατρὶ καὶ Υἱῷ καὶ Ἁγίῳ Πνεύματι (Greek – Glory be to the Father, and to the Son)
Hymns in 18 publications
- Bí Thusa ’mo Shúile (Irish – Be Thou My Vision)
- O Signore, dal tetto natio (Italian – From afar, gracious Lord)
- Surrexit Christus hodie (Latin – Jesus Christ is risen today)
- Άναστάσεως ήμέρα (Greek – The Day of Resurrection)
Hymns in 17 publications
- Gott segne Sachserland (German – God Bless Our Native Land)
- Macht hoch die Tür (German – Lift Up Your Heads, O Mighty Gates)
- Ne Fai pē mei Kālevale (Tongan – Take the Name of Jesus with You)
Hymns in 16 publications
- Brich an, o schönes Morgenlicht (German – Break Forth, O Beauteous Heavenly Light)
- Cantique de Noël (French – O Holy Night)
- Discendi, Amor santo (Italian – Come Down, O Love Divine)
- Grosser Gott, wir loben dich (German – Great God, We Praise Thee)
- Tryggare kan ingen vara (Swedish – Children of Our Heavenly Father)
Hymns in 15 publications
- Jesu, dolcedo cordium (Latin – Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts)
- Stillehalten (German – If Thou But Suffer God to Guide Thee)
- Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her (German – From heaven above to earth I come)
Hymns in 14 publications
- A toi la gloire, O Resuscité (French – Thine Is the Glory)
- Dir, Herr, sei dieses Kind empfohlen (German – This child we dedicate to Thee)
- Herzliebster Jesu, was hast Du verbrochen (German – Ah, Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended)
- O filii et filiae (Latin – O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing!)
- Tröstet, tröstet meine Lieben (German – Comfort, Comfort Now My People)
- Wir pflügen und wir streuen (German – We Plow the Fields, and Scatter)
Hymns in 13 publications
- Befiehl du deine Wege (German – Commit Thou All Thy Griefs)
- Ô Canada (French – O Canada)
Hymns in 12 publications
- Splendor paternae gloriae (Latin – O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright)
- Ubi caritas et amor (Latin – Where Charity and Love Prevail)
- Wie schön leuchtet der morgenstern (German – How Bright Appears the Morning Star)
Hymns in 11 publications
- Die Ehre Gottes aus der Natur (German – The Heavens are Telling)
- Santo, santo, santo. ¡Mi corazón (Spanish – Holy, holy, holy. My heart)
- Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (German – Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness)
- Αϊσωμεν, πάντεζ λαοί (Greek – Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain)
Hymns in 10 publications
- Blott en dag, ett ögonblick i sänder (Swedish – Day by Day, and with Each Passing Moment)
- Conditor alme siderum (Latin – Creator of the Stars of Night)
- Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen (German – Rejoice, rejoice, believers)
- Inflammatus et accensus (Latin – When Thou comest to the judgement)
- Kumbaya (Gullah – Kumbaya)
- Pues si vivimos (Spanish – When We Are Living)
- Salve festa dies (Latin – Hail Thee, Festival Day)
- Sur nos chemins les rameaux et les fleurs (French – Where’er we go, the palms along our way)
- Urbs Syon aurea (Latin – Jerusalem the Golden)
- Victimae Paschali laudes (Latin – Christians, to the Paschal Victim)
- Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme (German – Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying)
Hymns in 9 publications
- Ad regias Agni dapes (Latin – At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing)
- Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (German – All Glory Be to God on High)
- Als ich bei meinen Schafen wacht’ (German – While by my sheep I watched)
- Amen Siakudumisa (Xhosa – Amen, We Praise Your Name)
- Himmel, Erde, Luft und Meer (German – Heaven and earth, and sea, and air)
- Hymnum canamus gloriae (Latin – A Hymn of Glory Let Us Sing)
- Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (German – Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word)
- Nesem vám noviny (Czech – Carol of the Shepherds (Come, All Ye Shepherds))
- O du fröhliche, o du selige (German – O thou joyful, O thou wonderful)
- Thuma Mina (Zulu – Send Me, Jesus)
- שָלוֹם חָבֵרִים, ֹשָלוֹם חָבֵרִים (Hebrew – Shalom, My Friends)
Hymns in 8 publications
- Ar Hyd y Nos (Welsh – All Through the Night)
- Bereden väg för Herran (Swedish – Prepare the Royal Highway)
- Il est né le divin Enfant (French – He Is Born, the Divine Christ Child)
- Jesous Ahatonhia (Wyandot – ’Twas in the Moon of Wintertime)
- Kirken, den er et gammelt Hus (Danish – Built on the Rock)
- O amor quam ecstaticus! (Latin – O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High)
- Pange, lingua, gloriosi proelium (Latin – Praise the Savior Now and Ever)
- Sollt ich aus Furcht vor Menschenkindern (German – Shall I, for fear of feeble man)
- Tú has venido a la orilla (Spanish – You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore)
- Veni redemptor gentium (Latin – Savior of the Nations, Come)
- Wie lieblich sind die Boten (German – How Lovely Are the Messengers)
- Μνώεο Χριτέ (Greek – Lord Jesus, Think on Me)
- せかいの友と (Japanese – Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather)
Hymns in 7 publications
- Cantai ao Senhor (Portuguese – Oh, Sing to the Lord)
- Christ lag in Todesbanden (German – Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands)
- Christi Blut und Gerechtigkeit (German – Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness)
- Crist domimdegail (Gaelic – Christ Be with Me, Christ within Me)
- Gott ist gegenwärtig (German – Lo, God is here! Let us adore)
- Jesu, Tawa Pano (Shona – Jesus, we are here)
- Jesus nimmt die Sünder an (German – Christ Receiveth Sinful Men)
- Meine Hoffnung stehet feste (German – All My Hope on God Is Founded)
- Nocte surgentes vigilemus omnes (Latin – now-from-the-slumbers-of-the-night)
- O quanta qualia sunt illa Sabbata (Latin – O What Their Joy and Their Glory Must Be)
- Still, Still, Still (German – Still, still, still)
- Toda la Tierra (Spanish – All Earth Is Hopeful)
- Von guten Mächten treu und still umgeben (German – By gracious pow’rs so wonderfully sheltered)
- Κοπον τε και καματον (Greek – Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Languid?)
Hymns in 6 publications
- A solis ortus cardine (Latin – From East to West, from Shore to Shore)
- A va de laa mioo, diioo (Loma – Come, Let Us Eat)
- Cantemos al Señor (Spanish – Let’s Sing unto the Lord)
- Cuando el pobre (Spanish – When the Poor Ones)
- Dank sei dir, Gott (German – Thanks Be to God)
- Den store hvide flok vi se (Danish – Behold a Host Arrayed in White)
- Frère Jacques (French – Are You Sleeping?)
- Haleluya! Pelo tsa rona (Shona – Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises)
- Ich bin getauft auf deinen Namen (German – I am baptized into Thy name)
- Ich harrete des Herrn (German – I Waited for the Lord)
- Jesu, meines Lebens Leben (German – Christ, the Life of All the Living)
- Mein Jesu, wie du willt (German – My Jesus, As Thou Wilt)
- Noël nouvelet (French – Sing We Now of Christmas)
- Nun ruhen alle Wälder (German – Now All the Woods Are Sleeping)
- O Jesu Christ, mein schönstes Licht (German – Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me)
- O wie wohl ist mir am Abend (German – Oh, How Lovely Is the Evening)
- Seigneur, faites de moi un instrument de votre paix (French – Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace)
- Siehe, der Hüter Israels schläft noch schlummert nicht (German – He, Watching over Israel)
- Stabat mater dolorosa (Latin – At the Cross, Her Station Keeping)
- Unfold, Ye Portals (French – Unfold, Ye Portals)
- Vox clara ecce intonat (Latin – Hark! A Thrilling Voice Is Sounding)
Hymns in 5 publications
- Adoro te devote (Latin – Truth whom we adore)
- Aloha Oe (Hawaiian – Farewell to Thee)
- Cristo vive (Spanish – Christ Is Living)
- Enhver som tror og bliver døbt (Danish – he-that-believes-and-is-baptized)
- Freudenvoll, freudenvoll walle ich fort (German – Joyfully, joyfully, onward I move)
- Fröhlich soll mein herze springen (German – All my heart this night rejoices)
- Heleluyan, heleluyan (Muscogee – Hallelujah, hallelujah)
- Herr Jesu Christ, dich zu uns wend (German – Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now)
- In Dir ist Freude in allem Leide (German – In Thee Is Gladness)
- Juanita (Spanish – Juanita)
- Lux fiat (Latin – Send Out Thy Light)
- Mantos y palmas (Spanish – Filled with Excitement)
- Mfurahini, haleluya (Swahili – Christ has arisen, alleluia)
- O dass ich tausend Zungen hätte (German – O That I Had a Thousand Voices)
- O esca viatorum (Latin – O Bread of Life from Heaven)
- O lux beatas Trinitas (Latin – O Blessed Light, O Trinity)
- Ô ma joie et mon espérance (French – In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful)
- Personent hodie voces puerulae (Latin – On this day earth shall ring)
- Santa Lucia (Italian – Santa Lucia)
- Sei stille dem Herrn (German – O Rest in the Lord)
- Thut mir auf die schöne Pforte (German – Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty)
- Und zog mit einer Schar (German – But the Lord Is Mindful of His Own)
- Uyai Mose (Shona – Come All You People)
- Venez, Jésus, mon salutaire (French – Come, Saviour Jesus, from above)
- Vexilla Regis prodeunt (Latin – The Royal Banners Forward Go)
- Wohl mir, daß ich Jesum habe (German – Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring)
- Μέγα καί παράδοξον Θαΰμα (Greek – A Great and Mighty Wonder)
Hymns in 4 publications
- ¡Miren qué bueno! (Spanish – Oh, Look and Wonder)
- [Unknown title] (German – Good Night)
- Ach bleib mit deiner Gnade (German – Abide, O dearest Jesus)
- Ach, uns wird das Herz so leer (German – Ah! this heart is void and chill)
- Ave verum corpus (Latin – Jesus, Savior)
- Birjina gaztetto bat zegoen (Basque – Birjina gaztetto bat zegoen)
- Christe, du Beistand deiner Kreuzgemeine (German – Lord of Our Life and God of Our Salvation)
- Clarum decus jejunii (Latin – The Glory of These Forty Days)
- Confitemini Domino (Latin – Come and Fill)
- De tierra lejana venimos (Spanish – From a Far-off Land)
- Die güldne Sonne voll Freud und Wonne (German – Evening and Morning, Sunset and Dawning)
- Dios de la esperanza (Spanish – May the God of Hope)
- Dios está aquí (Spanish – God Is Here Today)
- Emitte spiritum tuum (Latin – Emitte spiritum tuum)
- Erhalt uns, Herr, bei deinem Wort (German – lord-keep-us-steadfast-in-thy-word)
- Funiculì, Funiculà (Italian – A Merry Life)
- Guds Ord det er vort Arvegods (Danish – God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage)
- Han skal leve (Danish – Long May He Live)
- Hebe deine Augen auf zu den Bergen (German – Lift Up Thine Eyes unto the Hills)
- Igjennem Nat og Traengsel (Danish – Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow)
- Ihr Kinderlein, kommet, o kommet doch all! (German – O come, little children)
- Instantis adventum Dei (Latin – The Advent of Our God)
- Je te salue, mon certain Redempteur (French – I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art)
- Jesu geh voran auf der Lebensbahn (German – Jesus, Still Lead On)
- Jésus, je voudrais te chanter (French – Lord Jesus, of You I Will Sing)
- Komm, Heiliger Geist, Herre Gott (German – Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord)
- Laudate Dominum (Latin – Laudate Dominum)
- Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (German – Dearest Jesus, We Are Here)
- Lov og Tak og evig Ære (Danish – Praise to thee and adoration)
- Mayenziwe ’ntando yakho (Xhosa – Your will be done, be done on earth)
- O Gott, du frommer Gott (German – O God, Thou Faithful God)
- O heil’ger Geist, kehr bei uns ein (German – O Holy Spirit, Enter In)
- O Jesu! Søde Jesu, dig (Danish – O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee)
- O Selig Haus, Wo Man Dich Aufgenommen (German – O Happy Home)
- Rhyfelgyrch Gwŷr Harlech (Welsh – March of the Men of Harlech)
- Seelenbräutigam, O du Gotteslamm (German – O Thou, to whose all-searching sight)
- Sizohamba Naye (Xhosa – We Will Walk with God)
- Skriv dig, Jesu, paa mit Hjerte (Danish – Print thine image pure and holy)
- Somos Uno en Cristo (Spanish – We’re United in Jesus)
- Soplo del Dios viviente (Spanish – Breath of the Living God)
- Stodala Pumpa (Czech – Walking at Night)
- Una Espiga (Spanish – Sheaves of Summer)
- Vo Lozärn gäge Wäggis zue (German – A Swiss Walking Song)
- Walte, walte nah und fern (German – Spread, O Spread, Thou Mighty Word)
- Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (German – Whatever my God ordains is right)
- Wie wohl hast du gelabet (German – O Living Bread from Heaven)
- Wiegenlied: Guten Abend, gute Nacht (German – Lullaby)
- Zomaar een dak boven wat hoofden (Dutch – What Is This Place)
- Ἅγιος ὁ Θεός, Ἅγιος ἰσχυρός (Greek – Holy God, Holy and Mighty)
- ܚܼܿܝܸܠ ܡܵܪܼܿܢ ܐܝܼܵܕܹܐ ܕܼܿܦܵܫܼܿܛ܃ ܘܼܿܫܵܩܼܿܠ ܩܼܿܘܼܕ݂ܫܵܐ ܠܚܘܼܣܵܝ ܚܵܘܒܹܵܐ (Syriac – Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands)
- 오소서 오소서 병화의 임금 (Korean – Come Now, O Prince of Peace)
Hymns in 3 publications
- [Unknown title] (Dutch – We Are People of God’s Peace)
- Ach lieber Herre Jesu Christ (German – O Jesus Christ, Our Lord Most Dear)
- Alles ist an Gottes Segen (German – All Depends on Our Possessing)
- Auf, auf, mien Herz, mit Freuden (German – Awake, My Heart, with Gladness)
- Berger, secoue ton sommeil profond (French – Shepherds, Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep)
- Bred dina vida vingar (Swedish – Spread Your Wide Wings)
- Čas radosti, veselost (Slovak – Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing)
- Cielito Lindo (Spanish – From Sierra Morena, Cielito Lindo)
- Da pacem Domine in diébus nostris (Latin – Grant Peace, We Pray, in Mercy, Lord)
- Dans nos obscurités (French – Within Our Darkest Night)
- Dejlig er den himmel blå (Danish – Bright and Glorious Is the Sky)
- Den signede dag med fryd vi ser (Danish – The Blessed Day with Joy We See (O Day Full of Grace))
- Ein Lämmlein geht und trägt die Schuld (German – A Lamb goes uncomplaining forth)
- En el Frío Invernal (Spanish – Cold December Flies Away)
- Es ist das Heil uns kommen her (German – Salvation unto Us Has Come)
- Fred til Bod for bittert Savn (Danish – peace-to-soothe-our-bitter-woes)
- Giesù sommo conforto (Italian – Jesus, Refuge of the Weary)
- Gottes Sohn ist kommen (German – Once He Came in Blessing)
- Halleluja, Christus lebt (German – Halleluja, Christus lebt)
- Herr Christ, der einig Gotts Sohn (German – The Only Son from Heaven)
- Herre Gud! Dit dyre navn og ære (Danish – Lord Our God, with Praise We Come)
- Herzlich lieb hab ich dich, o Herr (German – lord-thee-i-love-with-all-my-heart)
- Hve dryalegur er Drottinn (Icelandic – How Marvelous God’s Greatness)
- I Himmelen, I Himmelen (Norwegian – In Heaven Above)
- Ich will dich lieben, meine Stärke (German – Thee Will I Love, My Strength, My Tower)
- Ist Gott für mich, so trete (German – If God Himself Be for Me)
- Je louerai l’Éternel (French – Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord)
- Jeg er så glad hver julekveld (Norwegian – I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve)
- Jesaia, dem Propheten, das geschah (German – Isaiah in a Vision Did of Old)
- Jesu Rex admirabilis (Latin – O Jesus, King Most Wonderful)
- Jesu, deine Passion (German – Jesus, I Will Ponder Now)
- Jesus lebt (German – Jesus Lives)
- Jesus, meine Zuversicht (German – Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense)
- Lass mich dein sein und bleiben (German – Let Me Be Thine Forever)
- Lasst uns mit Jesu ziehen (German – Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus)
- Llwyn Onn (Welsh – The Ash Grove)
- Lobet und Preiset (German – Praise and thanksgiving)
- Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, all zugleich (German – Let All Together Praise our God (Praise God, All Christians))
- Mein gläubes Herze (German – Mein gläubes Herze)
- Midden in de dood zijn wij in het leven (Dutch – We Who Once Were Dead)
- Mit Freuden zart, zu dieser Fahrt (German – With high delight let us unite)
- Morgenglanz der Ewigkeit (German – Come, Thou Bright and Morning Star)
- När juldagsmorgon glimmar (Swedish – When Christmas Morn Is Dawning)
- Ngayong nagda dapit hapon (Tagalog – When twilight comes and the sun sets)
- Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g’mein (German – Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice)
- O bona patria, lumina sobria te speculantur (Latin – For Thee, O Dear, Dear Country)
- O sola magnarum urbium (Latin – Earth Has Many a Noble City)
- O tænk, naar engang samles skal (Norwegian – Oh, Happy Day When We Shall Stand)
- Oh, I went to Peter’s flowing spring (German – Oh, I went to Peter’s flowing spring)
- Os er idag en Frelser foedt (Danish – Rejoice, Rejoice This Happy Morn)
- Paradicsomnak te szép élo Fája (Hungarian – There in God’s Garden)
- Pelas dores deste mundo (Portuguese – For the Troubles and the Sufferings of the World)
- Pilgrim’s Song (Russian – Pilgrim’s Song)
- Que acompaña a nuestro pueblo (Spanish – Who accompanies our people)
- Sag Vreneli, Sag Vreneli (German – Sag Vreneli, Sag Vreneli)
- Sandmännchen (German – The Little Sandman)
- So nimm denn meine Hände (German – Take thou my hand, O Father)
- Sois la Semilla (Spanish – You Are the Seed)
- Suse, liebe Suse (German – Susy, Little Susy)
- Takwaba Uwabanga Yesu! (Bemba – There’s No One Like Jesus!)
- Te Deum laudamus (Latin – We Praise Thee, O God)
- Te lucis ante terminum (Latin – To you before the close of day)
- Toembaï (Hebrew – Toembaï)
- Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle (French – Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle)
- Veni, Sancte Spiritus, Reple tuorum (Latin – Come, Holy Ghost, in Love)
- Wach auf, du Geist der ersten Zeugen (German – Awake, thou Spirit of the watchmen)
- Wir glauben all in einem Gott (German – We All Believe in One True God)
- Τήν ημέραν διελθών (Greek – The day is past and over)
- Των ίερων άθλόφορων (Greek – Let us now our voices raise)
- Эй, ухнем! (Russian – Volga Boat Song)
- צום גלי גלי (Hebrew – Zum Goli Goli)
- 真主上帝造天地 (Chinese (Traditional) – God Created Heaven and Earth)
- 馬槽の中に (Japanese – In a Lowly Manger Born)