Hymns and Sacred Songs for Children
Hymns and Sacred Songs, Designed for the Use of the Children of the Latter-day Saints
Hymns and Sacred Songs for Children,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Deseret Sunday School Union.
Only known edition.
199 songs.
- Archive Viewer: 51485
- Flake-Draper Number: 1626 (Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930)
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: BX 8685.25 .A1ah 1888; M 2129 .H942 1888 Miniscore
- Church History Library: M285.23 H996 1888; M285.23 H996 1888 no. 2
- N/A
Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
We meet again in Sabbath School
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
2. |
This day we come before Thee Lord
Words: Edward Hanham Music: N/A (words only)
3. |
Gladly meeting, kindly greeting
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
4. |
Hark! the Sabbath bells are ringing
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: N/A (words only)
5. |
Sweet Sabbath day, all hail to thee
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
6. |
Never be late to the Sunday school class
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
7. |
O, come on a bright Sabbath morning
Words: John M. Chamberlain Music: N/A (words only)
8. |
Children, haste to Sunday school
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
9. |
Come rally round the Sunday school
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
10. |
Haste to the Sunday school
Words: William G. Bickley Music: N/A (words only)
11. |
Sabbath morning comes with gladness
Words: James Gallaher Music: N/A (words only)
12. |
Welcome happy Sunday
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
13. |
When the rosy light of morning
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: N/A (words only)
14. |
Come let us one and all
Words: Andrew Dalrymple Music: N/A (words only)
15. |
With hearts prepared, with one accord
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
16. |
Throughout these mountains, Father, we
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: N/A (words only)
17. |
With cheerful hearts and voices sweet
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: N/A (words only)
18. |
With merry, tuneful voices, sweet praises let us sing
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: N/A (words only)
19. |
Thanks for the Sabbath school, hail to the day
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
20. |
There’s a theme for the old and the young
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
21. |
Ere you left your room this morning
Words: Mary A. Pepper Kidder Music: N/A (words only)
22. |
Go when the morning shineth
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
23. |
Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer
Words: William W. Walford Music: N/A (words only)
24. |
Kind and Heav’nly Father, from Thy holy dwelling
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
25. |
Lord, accept our true devotion
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: N/A (words only)
26. |
Come, children, let us join and sing
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: N/A (words only)
27. |
Come, dear children, join and sing
Words: Annie Smith Music: N/A (words only)
28. |
Children gladly join and sing
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
29. |
Children of the Saints of Zion
Words: Gus M. Clarke Music: N/A (words only)
30. |
A happy band of children
Words: A. Parsons Music: N/A (words only)
31. |
To Thee, our heavenly Father
Words: A. N. K. Music: N/A (words only)
32. |
God of our fathers, we come unto Thee
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: N/A (words only)
33. |
Father, Thy children to Thee now raise
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
34. |
We are children of the kingdom
Words: Edward Hanham Music: N/A (words only)
35. |
Come ye children of the Lord
Words: James H. Wallis Music: N/A (words only)
36. |
O Lord, accept our songs of praise
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: N/A (words only)
37. |
O, thou Rock of our salvation
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
38. |
Lord, in whom our fathers trust
Words: James Dunn Music: N/A (words only)
39. |
Dearest children, God is near you
Words: Charles L. Walker Music: N/A (words only)
40. |
Nearer, dear Savior, to Thee
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
41. |
When shall we meet Thee, dear Savior above?
Words: Edwin F. Parry Music: N/A (words only)
42. |
When called to the throne of your Lord
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
43. |
We’re marching on to glory
Words: John M. Chamberlain Music: N/A (words only)
44. |
In that bright and holy city
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
45. |
The day-dawn is breaking
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
46. |
Let Saints rejoice, the night is past
Words: J. H. Ward Music: N/A (words only)
47. |
Oh how lovely was the morning!
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
48. |
Tradition and error in battle array
Words: William Powell Music: N/A (words only)
49. |
Hope of Israel, Zion’s army
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
50. |
Let us all press on in the work of the Lord
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
51. |
’Tis sweet to mingle voices
Words: Andrew Dalrymple Music: N/A (words only)
52. |
Let the Holy Spirit’s promptings
Words: Edwin F. Parry Music: N/A (words only)
53. |
As swiftly my days go out on the wing
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
54. |
When dark’ning clouds the skies o’ercast
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
55. |
When dark and drear the skies appear
Words: Emily H. Woodmansee Music: N/A (words only)
56. |
Beautiful mountains, valleys fair
Words: William Powell Music: N/A (words only)
57. |
Beautiful Zion, built above
Words: George Gill Music: N/A (words only)
58. |
In our lovely Deseret
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
59. |
As children of Zion our voices we’ll raise
Words: Henry Maiben Music: N/A (words only)
60. |
In the chambers of the mountains
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only)
61. |
Blest are the children who delight
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
62. |
Let us all be good and kind
Words: John Edwards Music: N/A (words only)
63. |
We’re heirs unto the priesthood
Words: John Nicholson Music: N/A (words only)
64. |
To Nephi, seer of olden time
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
65. |
We want to see the temple
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
66. |
That the Lord will provide
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
67. |
We’ll bless our God for daily bread
Words: Hannah T. King Music: N/A (words only)
68. |
When Jesus shall come in His glory
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
69. |
The kings of the earth have desired this day
Song credits not available
70. |
If in the days of Abraham
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only)
71. |
Hear the voice of the angels! ’tis echoed on earth
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: N/A (words only)
72. |
The happy time is nigh at hand
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
73. |
Truth is mighty and will win
Words: S. C. Watson Music: N/A (words only)
74. |
Father and God our lives inspire
Words: J. C. Music: N/A (words only)
75. |
Kind and loving Father
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
76. |
In the work of the Lord there is pleasure to gain
Words: William Powell Music: N/A (words only)
77. |
We’re a num’rous band throughout Utah’s fair land
Words: John Burrows Music: N/A (words only)
78. |
O, holy words of truth and love
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
79. |
Thy people when oppressed, O Lord
Words: John Lyon Music: N/A (words only)
80. |
O Lord, protect our leaders true
Words: Edwin F. Parry Music: N/A (words only)
81. |
’Tis sweet to sing the matchless love
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
82. |
In remembrance of Thy suffering
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
83. |
While of these emblems we partake
Words: John Nicholson Music: N/A (words only)
84. |
For our devotions Father, we
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: N/A (words only)
85. |
Little ones, the Savior loves you
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only)
86. |
Come, children, join with me and sing
Words: J. Furniss Music: N/A (words only)
87. |
’Tis Sabbath day, and Sabbath school
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: N/A (words only)
88. |
Little children, love the Savior
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only)
89. |
I’ll strive while young to tune my voice
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
90. |
Children, do you love each other?
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
91. |
We are the children of the Saints
Words: John Nicholson Music: N/A (words only)
92. |
There is a precious jewel
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
93. |
We are the bees of Deseret
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
94. |
Come along, come along, is the call that will win
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
95. |
Gently now, angry brow
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
96. |
Welcome to our Union meeting
Words: G. M. Music: N/A (words only)
97. |
The tide of time is ebbing low
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
98. |
O Lord accept our Jubilee
Words: Samuel L. Evans Music: N/A (words only)
99. |
We once more meet on this glad day
Words: Charles J. Thomas Music: N/A (words only)
100. |
With hearts sincere, we now meet here
Words: J. K. Hall Music: N/A (words only)
101. |
This day, O Lord, we celebrate
Words: Elizabeth Brooks Music: N/A (words only)
102. |
Old and young are here assembled
Words: Elizabeth F. Lindsey Thomas Music: N/A (words only)
103. |
Accept the tribute of our hearts
Words: E. H. Goddard Music: N/A (words only)
104. |
All hail my Sabbath schoolmates upon this festive day
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
105. |
O, what songs of the heart
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
106. |
Let us oft speak kind words to each other
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
107. |
Let us treat each other kindly
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only)
108. |
While passing through this earthly life
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only)
109. |
At home or abroad, or while climbing the steep
Words: Moses Thatcher Music: N/A (words only)
110. |
Since life is full of toil and care
Words: James H. Wallis Music: N/A (words only)
111. |
How soon youth’s flower of beauty fades
Song credits not available
112. |
We are watchers, earnest watchers
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: N/A (words only)
113. |
Should the changes of life, like the tide’s ebb and flow
Words: John Lyon Music: N/A (words only)
114. |
Improve the shining moments
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: N/A (words only)
115. |
To-day while the sun shines, work with a will
Words: Luella Clark Music: N/A (words only)
116. |
We are sowing, daily sowing
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
117. |
The opening buds of spring time
Words: A. P. Welshman Music: N/A (words only)
118. |
Verdant spring and rosy summer
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
119. |
There is beauty in the merry, merry spring time
Song credits not available
120. |
Merry, merry children, sweetly sing
Words: Charles W. Stayner Music: N/A (words only)
121. |
Beautiful mountain home
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
122. |
O happy homes among the hills
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
123. |
Our mountain home so dear
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only)
124. |
Grand and noble, nature’s bulwarks
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only)
125. |
My blessed, glorious home of peace
Words: F. Weight Music: N/A (words only)
126. |
Thy pleasant vales, dear Utah
Words: S. C. Watson Music: N/A (words only)
127. |
We hail thee, lovely Deseret
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: N/A (words only)
128. |
O lovely, lovely Deseret
Words: S. C. Watson Music: N/A (words only)
129. |
They may sing of their shady, fragrant bowers
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
130. |
The youth of each land for their father-land stand
Words: J. H. Ward Music: N/A (words only)
131. |
Hail to the night when erst on Judah’s plain
Words: Joseph H. Ward Music: N/A (words only)
132. |
They were an exile band
Words: Joseph H. Ward Music: N/A (words only)
133. |
O, if for me the cup you fill
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
134. |
To Thee, O God, we now appeal
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only)
135. |
Thou shalt have none other gods but Me
Words: Isaac Watts Music: N/A (words only)
136. |
I thank Thee, dear Father in heaven above
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
137. |
O Father, look upon us
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
138. |
I’ll serve the Lord while I am young
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
139. |
Open the door for the children
Words: Mary A. Pepper Kidder Music: N/A (words only)
140. |
Trust the children! Never doubt them
Song credits not available
141. |
Shout aloud the Jubilee, let it sound o’er land and sea
Song credits not available
142. |
Whatever our station, in all that we do
Words: T. G. Chattle Music: N/A (words only)
143. |
Praise ye the Lord! all ye moorlands and mountains
Song credits not available
144. |
It is not in the noisy street that happiness is found
Words: A. A. Reams Music: N/A (words only)
145. |
Oh, we love to sing of Zion
Words: Isaac B. Nash Music: N/A (words only)
146. |
Let our hearts be always cheerful
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: N/A (words only)
147. |
Will you come and join our army?
Words: Fanny Church Music: N/A (words only)
148. |
What if a little ray of light
Song credits not available
149. |
Don’t think there is nothing for children to do
Words: Alfred Arthur Graley Music: N/A (words only)
150. |
Let strict obedience, children dear
Song credits not available
151. |
To paint the glories of the rising sun
Song credits not available
152. |
Love truth, love truth in all her bright array
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
153. |
Children, children, raise your voices
Words: William Willes Music: N/A (words only)
154. |
Come, let us be happy together
Words: William Fowler Music: N/A (words only)
155. |
Let Saints rejoice, the night is past
Words: J. H. Ward Music: N/A (words only)
156. |
Lord we ask Thee ere we part
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
157. |
Sing we now at parting
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
158. |
Dismiss us, O Lord, with Thy favor and smile
Song credits not available
159. |
Our lessons are over for this Sabbath morn
Song credits not available
160. |
Father, hear us while we pray
Song credits not available
161. |
When sinks the sun behind the clouds
Song credits not available
162. |
Good night, good night, good night
Words: Evan Stephens Music: N/A (words only)
163. |
We praise Thee, and thank Thee, our Father and God
Song credits not available
164. |
How great the wisdom and the love
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
165. |
As their flocks the shepherds tended
Words: John Menzies Macfarlane Music: N/A (words only)
166. |
With wond’ring awe
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
167. |
Oh! the vain glory and wild speculation
Song credits not available
168. |
Come, let us join with one accord
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only)
169. |
O our Father we invoke Thee
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only)
170. |
Hear us Heavenly Father while we humbly pray
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only)
171. |
Come let us sing a gladsome song
Words: Hannah Last Cornaby Music: N/A (words only)
172. |
Join with us in sweetest chord
Words: Frederick Christensen Music: N/A (words only)
173. |
Ye children of Zion come sing and rejoice
Words: Amos Clarke Music: N/A (words only)
174. |
Oh, how we love to sing the songs
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: N/A (words only)
175. |
Hark! listen to the music
Words: Elizabeth F. Lindsey Thomas Music: N/A (words only)
176. |
Praise to God, the great Creator
Words: John Fawcett Music: N/A (words only)
177. |
How vast the wisdom, love and power
Song credits not available
178. |
Lord, I would own Thy tender care
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only)
179. |
In the days we had no Sunday school, a long time ago
Words: N. Music: N/A (words only)
180. |
Who riseth like the light enrolled
Words: Augusta Joyce Crocheron Music: N/A (words only)
181. |
Who’s on the Lord’s side? Who?
Words: Hannah Last Cornaby Music: N/A (words only)
182. |
We are marching on! We are marching on!
Words: Franklin L. Eiland Music: N/A (words only)
183. |
I’ll be a little “Mormon”
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only)
184. |
When little Samuel woke
Words: Jane Taylor Music: N/A (words only)
185. |
“Have we guardian angels in this world of ours?”
Song credits not available
186. |
If earth can be more lovely
Song credits not available
187. |
Faith, eternal, heavenly pow’r
Song credits not available
188. |
Truth will triumph! Never fear
Song credits not available
189. |
When duty’s finger points the way
Song credits not available
190. |
Nay, speak no ill, a kindly word
Words: Charles Swain Music: N/A (words only)
191. |
Let us cherish a love for the beauties of home
Words: Edwin F. Parry Music: N/A (words only)
192. |
Hark, hark, hark to the classmates’ song!
Words: H. G. Whitney Music: N/A (words only)
193. |
Come dear schoolmates, let us rally
Words: Richard S. Horne Music: N/A (words only)
194. |
Come join our celebration with hallowed songs of joy
Words: Samuel B. Marsh Music: N/A (words only)
195. |
Oft, when loved ones, called to leave us
Words: Charles W. Stayner Music: N/A (words only)
196. |
When a loved one is summoned by death to depart
Words: Ben May Music: N/A (words only)
197. |
Let the children come to Me
Song credits not available
198. |
’Twas on the Mount of Calvary
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only)
199. |
Proud? Yes, of our home in the mountains
Words: John S. Lewis Music: N/A (words only)
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