Transformations for Organ
Transformations for Organ: Easy additions to create simple preludes and postludes
Transformations for Organ,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Only known edition.
38 songs.
Book © 2010 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
- Archive Viewer: 67140
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: M 2129 .H968 2010 vol.2; BX 8685.2 .A1 2010 vol.2
- N/A
Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1a. |
High on the Mountain Top
Words: N/A Music: Ebenezer Beesley Instrumental
1b. |
The Spirit of God
Words: N/A Music: English melody Instrumental
2a. |
Redeemer of Israel
Words: N/A Music: Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, Wyeth, 1813; Freeman Lewis Instrumental
2b. |
Joseph Smith’s First Prayer
Words: N/A Music: Sylvanus Billings Pond Instrumental
3. |
We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
Words: N/A Music: Caroline E. Sheridan Norton Instrumental
4. |
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Words: N/A Music: English folk song Instrumental
5. |
Praise to the Man
Words: N/A Music: Scottish folk song Instrumental
6a. |
Come, Ye Children of the Lord
Words: N/A Music: Spanish melody Instrumental
6b. |
How Firm a Foundation
Words: N/A Music: Anon.; John Ellis Instrumental
7. |
Did You Think to Pray?
Words: N/A Music: William O. Perkins Instrumental
8. |
I Need Thee Every Hour
Words: N/A Music: Robert Lowry Instrumental
9. |
Sweet Is the Work
Words: N/A Music: John J. McClellan Instrumental
10. |
God Be with You Till We Meet Again
Words: N/A Music: William G. Tomer Instrumental
11. |
God Our Father, Hear Us Pray
Words: N/A Music: Louis M. Gottschalk Instrumental
12a. |
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Words: N/A Music: Lewis D. Edwards Instrumental
12b. |
In Humility, Our Savior
Words: N/A Music: Rowland H. Prichard Instrumental
13a. |
O God, the Eternal Father
Words: N/A Music: Felix Mendelssohn Instrumental
13b. |
We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name
Words: N/A Music: Joseph Coslett Instrumental
14a. |
Behold the Great Redeemer Die
Words: N/A Music: George Careless Instrumental
14b. |
Silent Night
Words: N/A Music: Franz Gruber Instrumental
15. |
I Stand All Amazed
Words: N/A Music: Charles H. Gabriel Instrumental
16. |
There Is a Green Hill Far Away
Words: N/A Music: John H. Gower Instrumental
17. |
How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Words: N/A Music: Thomas McIntyre Instrumental
18. |
Jesus, Once of Humble Birth
Words: N/A Music: Giacomo Meyerbeer; English Chorister Instrumental
19a. |
He Is Risen
Words: N/A Music: Joachim Neander Instrumental
19b. |
Christ the Lord is Risen Today
Words: N/A Music: Lyra Davidica, 1708; Henry Carey Instrumental
20a. |
Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains
Words: N/A Music: John Menzies Macfarlane Instrumental
20b. |
Do What is Right
Words: N/A Music: George Kiallmark Sr. Instrumental
21a. |
Count Your Blessings
Words: N/A Music: Edwin O. Excell Instrumental
21b. |
Let Us All Press On
Words: N/A Music: Evan Stephens Instrumental
22. |
O Say, What Is Truth?
Words: N/A Music: Ellen Knowles Melling Instrumental
23. |
I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go
Words: N/A Music: Carrie E. Rounsefell Instrumental
24. |
O My Father
Words: N/A Music: James McGranahan Instrumental
25. |
Love at Home
Words: N/A Music: John Hugh McNaughton Instrumental
26. |
I Am a Child of God
Words: N/A Music: Mildred Tanner Pettit Instrumental
27. |
I Know My Father Lives
Words: N/A Music: Reid N. Nibley Instrumental
28. |
Teach Me to Walk in the Light
Words: N/A Music: Clara W. McMaster Instrumental
29. |
With Humble Heart
Words: N/A Music: Thomas L. Durham Instrumental
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