Index of Tunes
This is a list of the song tunes and melodies that have been indexed at See also the related indexes of texts and medleys.
- Abba (A. N. K.)
- Abba, Father, Let Me Be (David Bilbrough)
- Abbott / Vacant Chair (George F. Root)
- A Beautiful World (Annette W. Dickman)
- A Believer’s Prayer (Sally DeFord)
- Abendglocken (Franz Abt)
- Abends (Herbert S. Oakeley)
- Aberystwyth (Joseph Parry)
- Abide with Me; ’Tis Eventide (Lorraine Starks)
- Abide Ye in the Liberty (Robert P. Manookin)
- Abiding Peace (C. Marianne Johnson Fisher)
- A Blessed People (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- A Bluebird Song (Annie Rowe Beck)
- Above the Brightness of the Sun (Sally DeFord)
- Abram (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Abram ¿Porqué Te Vas Lejos? (Homero R. Perera)
- A Brand New Year
- Abre las ventanas
- Absalon fili mihi (Josquin Després)
- Abschied / Seasons (Felix Mendelssohn)
- A Bunch of Golden Keys (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Acacia (George Careless)
- A Calisthenic March (Henry E. Giles)
- A Call and Answer (Richard S. Horne)
- A Call I Hear (Peter Breinholt)
- A Calm and Gentle Quiet (John L. Morgan)
- A Candle’s Light (Aaron Edson)
- A Carol to the King (Sally DeFord; Katherine Wright)
- Accept the Tribute of Our Hearts (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Accompagnato (1 Corinthians 15:51–52); Air (1 Corinthians 15:52–53) (George Frideric Handel)
- Accompagnato (Haggai 2:6–7; Malachi 3:1) (George Frideric Handel)
- Accompagnato (Isaiah 40:1–3) (George Frideric Handel)
- Accompagnato (Isaiah 60:2–3) (George Frideric Handel)
- Accompagnato (Psalm 22:8) (George Frideric Handel)
- Accompagnato (Psalm 69:21); Air (Lamentations 1:12); Accompagnato (Isaiah 53:8); Air (Psalm 16:10) (George Frideric Handel)
- A Change of Heart (Michael F. Moody)
- A Change of Heart (Wanda Lindstrom)
- A Child Like Me (Nylea L. Butler-Moore)
- A Child’s Hymn (Robert A. Schumann)
- A child’s merriest Christmas (Willy Reske)
- A Child’s Prayer (Janice Kapp Perry)
- A Child’s Prayer (John Wyatt)
- A Child Was Born (Scott Dorton)
- A Choir’s Prayer (Larry R. Beebe)
- A Christmas Cantata (Moiselle Renstrom)
- A Circle of Sisters (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- A Cradle in Bethlehem (Larry Stock; Alfred Bryan)
- Across the Plains of Eternity (Dennis L. Crockett)
- “Act for Themselves” Suite (Sam Cardon)
- Adagio Cantabile (From the Sonata Pathetique—Opus 13) (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Adagio from First Sonata (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Ada (J. Heink)
- Adam-ondi-Ahman (Michael M. Vance)
- A Daughter of My Heavenly Father (Joyce M. Jensen)
- A desirable neighbor (B. F. Jenkins)
- Adeste fideles / Portuguese Hymn (John F. Wade)
- Adieu (George Careless)
- Adieu to the City
- Adina (George Careless)
- A Distant Serenade (Michael McLean)
- A Distant Shore (Samuel H. Bradshaw)
- Adoption (John S. Lewis)
- Adora (J. S. Bramwell)
- Adoration (Evan Stephens)
- Adoration of the Magi (Miklós Rózsa)
- A Dream (J. L. Battman)
- A Drop of Blood (Aaron Edson)
- Advance Australia Fair (Peter Dodds McCormick)
- Advent (John Rippon)
- Adventstid (Carl-Bertil Agnestig)
- Aeolian (Alexander Schreiner)
- Aerey, Aerey, Ierey-O (Anon.)
- A Family Is Forever (Gwen Moore Cundick)
- Affection (Evan Stephens)
- A Flower Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- A Folk Dance (Folk tune)
- After All I Can Do (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Afternoon Greeting Song (Erma T. Pratt)
- After the Ball (Charles K. Harris)
- After Tribulations Come the Blessings (Merrill Jenson)
- Aftonen (Hugo Alfvén)
- A Fun Song (Otis Carrington)
- A Gaelic Blessing (John Rutter)
- Again the Day of Holy Rest (G. Franklin Eddings)
- Again the Voice of Christ is Heard (Gregory V. Bean)
- Again We Meet around the Board (Joseph Ballantyne)
- A Gift of Love (Jenny W. Francis)
- A Girl’s Garden (Randall Thompson)
- A Glad Song (Moiselle Renstrom)
- A Glass of Sweet Dixie Wine (Back to Dear St. George Again) (Utah folk song)
- Agnes (Evan Stephens)
- Agnes (Henry A. Tuckett)
- A Golden Gleaner Girl (Jane Thompson)
- A Great and Marvelous Work Is Ours (Diane Tuiofu)
- A Great Work (Nik Day)
- A Hallowe’en Surprise (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- A Happy Band of Children (Edwin F. Parry)
- A Happy Family (Moiselle Renstrom)
- A Happy Greeting to All (Anon.)
- A Happy Helper (Moiselle Renstrom)
- A Happy Home (Mignon Astle)
- A happy new year (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Ah, Bleak and Chill the Wintry Wind (Alfred Burt)
- A Heaven on Earth (Sally DeFord)
- A Helper, Kind and Good (Mildred Adair Stagg)
- A Heritage of Faith (Rachel Mecham Goates)
- A Higher Spiritual Mind (Arlene L. Buffington)
- A Highway Shall The Lord Prepare (Arlene L. Buffington)
- A House of Glory (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Ah Ta Ka Ta Nu Va (Eskimo song)
- A Hundred Thousand Strong (Beatrice F. Stevens)
- Ah! vous dirai-je, maman / Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Traditional French tune)
- Ai Hu (Swee-Hong Lim)
- Ain’t No Sunshine (Bill Withers)
- Air (1 Corinthians 15:54) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air from Orpheus (Christoph W. von Gluck)
- Air (Isaiah 40:11; Matthew 11:28–29) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Isaiah 40:4) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Isaiah 53:3; Isaiah 50:6) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Isaiah 9:2) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Job 19:25–26; 1 Corinthians 15:20) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Malachi 3:2) (George Frideric Handel)
- Airplane (Jennie C. Neal)
- Air (Psalm 2:1–2) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Psalm 68:18) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Romans 10:15) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Romans 8:31, 33–34) (George Frideric Handel)
- Air (Zechariah 9:9–10) (George Frideric Handel)
- A Jolly Song
- A Kiss (German folk song)
- Ako ay May Lobo (Traditional)
- Alabad a Jehová (Selmy Kaiser de Sousa Elbert)
- Alabad el nombre de Jehová (Plácido Koyoc Yam)
- Alabaré
- ¡Alabemos, alabemos! (María Antonieta Torres)
- Alabemos al Señor (Barbara C. Mink)
- Alabemos al Señor (Homero R. Perera)
- A Lamp unto Your Feet (Roger C. Hoffman)
- Albion (Evan Stephens)
- A Legacy of Faith (Merrill Jenson)
- Alégrate (Federico J. Pagura)
- ¡Aleluya, Aleluya! (Bolivian folk song)
- Alex (Edward P. Kimball)
- Alford (John B. Dykes)
- Alfred
- Alice (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Alicia (Joseph J. Daynes)
- A Light for My Savior (Tami J. Creamer)
- A Light Set on a Hill (Charlotte Ducos)
- A Light That’s Pure (Daniel Carter)
- A Light to the World (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- A Light Within (William Joseph)
- Alisa (W. Herbert Klopfer)
- A Little at a Time (Nonie N. Sorensen)
- A Little Seed (Jeanni Gould)
- A Little Soldier (Moiselle Renstrom)
- A Little While (Ira David Sankey)
- A Living God
- All About You (Kenneth Cope)
- Allá en el monte Horeb
- Alla har brått, ingen har tid (Egil Hovland)
- Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr (Nikolaus Decius)
- Allein Gott (Nikolaus Decius)
- Alle Jahre wieder (Christian H. Rinck)
- Alleluia
- Alleluia (adapted from “Canon in D”) (Johann Pachelbel)
- Alleluia, Amen (Randall Thompson)
- Alleluia (Anon.)
- Alleluia (David A. Zabriskie)
- Alleluia (For All the Saints) (Kenneth Cope; Ralph Vaughan Williams; Vanja Y. Watkins; Leroy J. Robertson; German hymn)
- Alleluia (Giulio Caccini)
- Alleluia (Jeanni Gould)
- Alleluia (Jerry Sinclair)
- Alleluia (Kenneth Cope)
- Alleluia (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Alleluia (Ralph Manuel)
- Alleluia (Randall Thompson)
- Alles, was atmet (Hella Heizmann)
- All for Jesus (John Stainer)
- All Great Men (Dustin Christensen; Russ Dixon)
- All hail, immortal day! (Edwin F. Parry)
- All Hail the Glorious Day
- All Hail the Glorious Day (John E. Tullidge)
- All hail this glorious day (Charles J. Thomas)
- All hail to Christ our risen Lord (Nora Hogan)
- Allí Está Jesús (Pablo D. Sosa)
- All I Have to Give (Tyra Orgill)
- All I’ll Ever Be (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- All I Need to Know (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- All Is Well
- All Is Well / Winter Quarters (English folk song)
- All I want is sociability (Anon.)
- All Join We Now Together (Marcus L. Smith)
- All Kinds of Room in My Heart (Clive Romney; Ron Simpson)
- All My Days
- All My Heart (Kimberly Knighton; Nik Day)
- All Night, All Day (African-American spiritual)
- All on a Silent Night (Becki Slagle Mayo; Franz Gruber)
- All Saints (Geistriches Gesangbuch, Darmstadt, 1698)
- All That I Can Be (April Meservy)
- All That Was Given (Brett Raymond)
- All the birds have come again (Joseph Ballantyne)
- All the Way (Robert Lowry)
- All Things Are Thine (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- All Things Beautiful (William Powell)
- All Things Bright and Beautiful
- All Things Bright and Beautiful (Frank Ford)
- All Things Bright and Beautiful (John Rutter)
- All Things Come of Thee (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- All Things Do Witness (Tammy Simister Robinson)
- All Things Testify of Jesus (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- All Through the Night (Traditional Welsh)
- All Thy Children Shall Be Taught of the Lord (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- All Times, All Things, All Places (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- All together again (George F. Root)
- All-wise and Heavenly Father (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Allysha (Larry E. Johnson)
- Alma (Lynn R. Shurtleff)
- Alma Mater Hymn (Roy A. Cheville)
- Alman (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Almighty Father (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Almighty God
- Almighty God of Our Fathers (Will James)
- Almost Home (Michele Baer)
- Aloha (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Aloha Oe (Queen Liliuokalani)
- Alone and Angry (Ed Pratt)
- Alone (Nathan Waite)
- Along the Covenant Path (Jocelyn Parker Parmer)
- Alouette (French-Canadian folk song)
- A Love Unfeigned (Daniel Carter)
- Alpha (William C. Clive)
- Alpine (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Already a Butterfly (Cherie Call)
- Als Kinder von Zion die Stimme erhebt (Walter E. Brady)
- Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt
- Altid frejdig (Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse)
- A Lullaby (Franz Schubert)
- A Lullaby (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Alunelu (Romanian folk dance)
- Alverden kalder det væmmeligt (Andreas Nielsen)
- Always Friends (Michael McLean; John Batdorf)
- Always (Nik Day)
- Always Remember Him (Jenny Phillips)
- Always True! (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- A Manger Filled With Love (Sally DeFord)
- Amar: Es Entregarse (Mexican folk song)
- A Marvelous Work (Alexander Schreiner)
- A Marvelous Work (Lynn S. Lund)
- A May Song
- Amazing Things (Julie de Azevedo; Tom Hopkins)
- Amboy (Lowell Mason)
- America for me (Willy Reske)
- America, Land of the Restoration (George W. Warren; Samuel A. Ward)
- American Prophet Theme (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- America Rocks (Janice Kapp Perry)
- A Merry Life (Luigi Denza)
- A Message of Love (Lange)
- Am I a Soldier of the Cross?
- A Mighty Change of Heart (Cherie Call)
- A Mighty Wave (Rebecca de Paula)
- A Mind of My Own (Cherie Call)
- A Miracle Is Born (Raymond D. Cook)
- A Missionary Song (Ebenezer Beesley)
- A Missionary’s Prayer (Janice Kapp Perry)
- A Missionary’s Prayer (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- A Mob Destroys the Printing Press (Merrill Jenson)
- Amor, amor
- A More Excellent Way (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- A More Excellent Way (Verda Mae Christensen)
- A Mormon Boy (Evan Stephens)
- A Mormon Boy Scout (Ardean W. Watts)
- A morning song (Edvard Grieg)
- A Mother’s Christmas Prayer (Anna Morgan Oaks)
- A Mother’s Eyes Reflect the Love of Heaven (Stephen M. Jones)
- Amphion (James P. Olsen)
- An American Rainbow (Janice Kapp Perry)
- An Angel Came (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- An Angel Came to Joseph Smith (A. Laurence Lyon)
- An angel came to Joseph Smith (Alexander Schreiner)
- An Angel Came to Mary
- An angel from on high
- An Angel from on High
- An Angel from on High (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- An Angel with the Trump of God (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Anchor of My Soul (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Anchors Aweigh (Charles A. Zimmermann)
- Ancient of Days / Father of Lights (J. Albert Jeffery)
- Andante (Franz Schubert)
- Andante (J. L. Battman)
- Andante (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- Andante (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Andante (Myles B. Foster)
- Andante (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Andantino (Franz Schubert)
- Andantino (Robert A. Schumann)
- And are we yet alive
- And He Shall Rise (Ross Farnworth)
- And His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful (Sally DeFord)
- Andi Guðs sveif áður fyrr (J. P. E. Hartmann)
- And I’ll Sleep (April Meservy)
- And Mary Pondered (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- And Now, My Sons (Heather D. Zurcher)
- Andover / Blight not the present (James R. Murray)
- Andrea (Kenneth Cope)
- And the Father Will Dance (Mark Hayes)
- And the Glory of the Lord (George Frideric Handel)
- And the Kingdom (Merrill Bradshaw)
- And Then Shall Your Light Break Forth (Felix Mendelssohn)
- And Then The Rains Came (Arlene L. Buffington)
- …And Waiting (Brad Hull; Matt Lopez; Jeannine Lasky; Michael Dowdle)
- And We Go (Don Stirling; Sam Cardon; Peter Breinholt)
- And Yet, I Still Believe (Amy Webb)
- An Easter Song (Evan Stephens)
- An Era Such As Never Known (Arlene L. Buffington)
- An Evening Prayer (Charles H. Gabriel)
- An Evening Song (Russian folk song)
- A New Beginning (K. Newell Dayley)
- A New Commandment I Give unto You (Crawford Gates)
- A New Day (Brett Raymond)
- A New Heart
- A New Star Shines Tonight (Orlan Cahoon)
- Angel-guarded book (Minnie I. Hodapp)
- Angels’ Carol (John Rutter)
- Angel’s Cry (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Angels Over Me (Yahosh Bonner)
- Angels Round About (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Angels Singing Glad Hosannas (Hans Henry Petersen)
- Angel’s Story / Watermouth (Arthur H. Mann)
- Angels’ Touch (Jeanni Gould)
- Angel Whisperings (Charles J. Thomas)
- Angry Words! Oh, Let Them Never (Horatio R. Palmer)
- An Hour Before The Dawn (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Animation (Ebenezer Beesley)
- An Instrument in Thy Hands (Sharlee Mullins Glenn)
- An Irish Melody (Irish melody)
- Ann (Evan Stephens)
- Annie Darling (Czech folk song)
- Annie Laurie (Alicia Ann Scott)
- An Ode To The Morning (Arlene L. Buffington)
- An Old-Fashioned Christmas (Joyce O. Evans)
- An Old Song (Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky)
- Another Day (Staci Peters; Tyler Castleton)
- Another Witness
- Anselm (Evan A. Fry)
- Answers (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- Anthem of Praise (Sally DeFord)
- Anthem to America (Rebecca Davis)
- Antigua (Wells)
- Antioch (George Frideric Handel)
- Anvil Chorus (Giuseppe Verdi)
- Anxiously Engaged (Tyler Castleton; Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- Any Other Boy (Brett Raymond)
- Anything Impossible (Alex Boyé)
- Anytime, Anywhere (Angie Killian)
- A parade (Annabel)
- A Pilot Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- A Pioneering Heart (Janice Kapp Perry)
- A Pioneer Song (Anon.)
- A Place in His Arms (Sally DeFord)
- A Place of Peace (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Apoya a Tu Hermano (María Antonieta Torres)
- Appleton (William Boyce)
- A Prayer Away (Alex Boyé)
- A Prayer (Charles J. Engar)
- A Prayer (Édouard Batiste)
- A Prayer for Peace (Peggy Milligan Moffit)
- A Prayer for Zion
- A Prayer (J. L. Battman)
- A Prayer (Moiselle Renstrom)
- A Prayer Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- A Prayer Song (Robert P. Manookin)
- A Prayer (William Frederick Hanson)
- A precious gift (Nora Hogan)
- A Precious Jewel (Ella Barker)
- A pretty little mother bird (Alexander Schreiner)
- A Prophet Lives Today (Clive Romney)
- ¿A Quién He de Enviar? (Néstor O. Míguez; Juan A. Gattinoni)
- A Quiet Prayer (Nancy Hanson)
- A Quiet Revelation (Arlene L. Buffington)
- A rabbit (Nora Hogan)
- Arabella (Ebenezer Beesley)
- A Ram Sam Sam (Moroccan folk song)
- Arbor Morning, Bright and Fair (Evan Stephens)
- Are You Sleeping? (French folk song)
- Ar hyd y nos (Welsh melody)
- Arietta (Edvard Grieg)
- A Ring on My Finger (Joleen G. Meredith)
- Arion (Evan Stephens)
- Arise and Shine Forth (Jenny Phillips)
- Arise and Shine Forth (Michael McLean)
- Arise and Shine Forth (Sally DeFord)
- Arise and Shine (Russ Dixon; Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Arise and Sing This Christmas Morn (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Arise And Weep No More (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Arise From The Dust (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Arise, My Soul, Arise (Lowell Mason)
- Arise, My Soul Arise (Michael M. Vance)
- Arise (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- Arise, O Glorious Zion (Albert Buckwell)
- Arise, O Glorious Zion (Hans Henry Petersen)
- Arise, shine, for thy light is come (George J. Elvey)
- Arise, Shine, Thy Light Is Come (Camille Saint-Saens)
- Arise to the Mountain (Anon.)
- Arise Ye Saints (Charles J. Thomas)
- A river song (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Arizona (George Careless)
- Arizona (Maurice Blumenthal)
- Arken (Anon.)
- Arlington (Thomas A. Arne)
- Around the Campfire (Oscar A. Kirkham)
- Around these emblems bowed (Frank W. Asper)
- Around the Throne of God
- Arrayed in Light (Evan Stephens)
- Arrival (Jon Schmidt)
- As a Child of God (Janice Kapp Perry)
- A Sacramental Song (Moiselle Renstrom)
- A Sacrament Song (Moiselle Renstrom)
- As a Little Child (Carl Maria von Weber)
- Asante Mungu Wangu
- A Savior Is Born / A star in the sky (Nik Day)
- As Babe on Mother Breast (George Careless)
- As bees build hives (Verda Mae Christensen)
- A Season for Courage (Tyler Castleton; John McVey; Staci Peters)
- As Evening Falls (R. Paul Thompson)
- As Families in the Latter Days (S. Gordon Jessop)
- As God Is Joy (Randall Pratt)
- Ashburton (Robert Jackson)
- Ash Grove (Welsh folk song)
- Ashland (Keith Landis)
- As I Am (Jerry Williams; Michael McLean)
- As I Eat the Broken Bread (D. Evan Davis)
- A Single Heart (Jeanni Gould)
- A Sinless Man (Janice Kapp Perry)
- As I Search the Holy Scriptures / Keep the Commandments (Medley) (C. Marianne Johnson Fisher; Barbara A. McConochie)
- A Sister’s Prayer (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Ask, and Ye Shall Receive (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- Ask in Faith (Jeanni Gould)
- Ask in Faith (Sara Lyn Baril)
- Ask of God (Nik Day)
- A Smile
- A Smile Is like the Sunshine (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- A Smile Is like the Sunshine (William M. Foxley)
- As Mothers, As Daughters of Heavenly Father (Janice Kapp Perry)
- A Song for Christmas (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- A Song is a Prayer (Andrea Richardson)
- A Song Is Heard (Rhea B. Allen)
- A song is ringing (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- A Song of Easter
- A song of home (Ebenezer Beesley)
- A Song of Joy (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- A Song of Praise (Jenna B. Mosley)
- A Song of Praise (Norman Gage; Darwin Wolford)
- As pants the hart (A. C. Smyth)
- A Special Gift Is Kindness (Sharon Steed)
- A Spring Song (Elda May Curtis)
- Assam (Traditional Indian tune)
- Assembly
- Assembly / Paraclete (English melody)
- As Sisters in Zion / Turn Your Hearts / Families Can Be Together Forever (Janice Kapp Perry; Gaylen Hatton; Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Assurance (Henry E. Giles)
- Assurance (Phoebe P. Knapp)
- As Swiftly My Days Go Out On the Wing (Rock of my Refuge) (Anon.)
- As swiftly my hours pass by (John M. Chamberlain)
- Astăzi S-a născut Hristos (Traditional Romanian carol)
- A Step Towards Forever
- As the Bridegroom to His Chosen (John Rutter)
- As the Earth Brings Forth Her Bud (Charles Whitney Coombs)
- As the Rose (Emery G. Epperson)
- As the Youth in Wonder Gazed (Evan Stephens)
- As Though I Had Been There (Annette W. Dickman)
- Astonishing Events (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- As torrents in summer (Edward Elgar)
- A Story (George A. Veazie)
- A Stranger Star O’er Bethlehem (Edwin F. Parry)
- A Stranger Star That Came From Far (Evan Stephens)
- A Sunday School Call (John M. Chamberlain)
- A Sunday School Hymn (John M. Chamberlain)
- As We Hold Our Banners High (W. O. Robinson)
- A Swiss Walking Song (Swiss folk song)
- As with Gladness (Daniel Carter)
- At Closing Time (Burnette Thompson)
- At Conference Time (Steven Kapp Perry)
- A Teacher’s Prayer (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- At Easter Time (B. L. W.)
- A Temple in Hawaii (Orson Clark)
- A Temple of the Lord (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- A Te, Signor (Old Italian melody)
- At Grandma’s and Grandpa’s House (Newell Kay Brown)
- A Time for Us (Nino Rota)
- A time of beginning (Verda Mae Christensen)
- A Ti, mi Señor Jesucristo (Luis Silva)
- A Tiny Sunbeam (A. T. Henson)
- Atlantic (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Atonement (George Careless)
- At Peace (Moiselle Renstrom)
- A Tree Grows Straight (May Todd)
- At Sacrament Time (When the Quiet Music Plays) (Harry A. Dean)
- Attention
- At the Fair (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- At the Heart of It (Bianca Merkley)
- At Thy Feet We Humbly Bow (Back; Monney)
- At Twelve O’clock (Katherine Davis)
- Au clair de la lune (Traditional French tune)
- Auf de schwäbsche Eisebahne
- Auf, ihr Kinder (Karl Gottlieb Hering)
- Auf, nun auf! (Joachim Neander)
- Auld Lang Syne (Traditional folk song)
- Aura Lea (George R. Poulton)
- Aurelia (Samuel S. Wesley)
- Aus der Tiefe rufe ich zu dir (Oskar Gottlieb Blarr)
- Austin (John Longhurst)
- Austria (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Automobile (Jennie C. Neal)
- Autumn (Clara W. McMaster)
- Autumn Day
- Autumn (Evan Stephens)
- Autumn (François Hyppolyte Barthélémon)
- Autumn is here (Patricia Quebe)
- Autumn Leaves (Charles J. Engar)
- Autumn leaves (Dorothy S. Andersen)
- Autumn Leaves (Frances K. Taylor)
- Autumn Winds (Russian song)
- Autumn Winds (William Luton Wood)
- Autumn Winds (William Luton Wood)
- A valentine for Grandma (Juliette Graves Adams)
- A Valentine Surprise (Wilma Boyle Bunker)
- Avant de quitter ces lieux (Charles Gounod)
- Ave Maria (Giulio Caccini)
- Ave Maria (Johann Sebastian Bach; Charles Gounod)
- Ave Maris Stella (Edvard Grieg)
- Avenge (Sam Cardon)
- A Very Happy Birthday (Beth B. Marchant)
- A Vessel of Light (Diane Tuiofu)
- Ave Verum (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- A Vision On The Mountain (Arlene L. Buffington)
- A Voice In The Wilderness (Arlene L. Buffington)
- A Voice Whispers from the Earth (Kevin R. Olson)
- Awake and Arise! (Kevin G. Pace)
- Awake and Arise (Michelle Willis)
- Awake and sing the song
- Awake, for the Night Is Coming (Lowell Mason)
- Awake, Great Nation (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Awake, My Sons, Awake (Lane E. Johnson)
- Awake, My Soul (Alfred Beirly)
- Awake My Soul (Ari Miller)
- Awake, my soul—awake, my soul (Evan Stephens)
- Awakening (Margaret C. Richards)
- Awake, o ye people (James P. Olsen)
- Awake! O Ye People, the Savior is Coming (Samuel B. Mitton)
- Awake, ye saints of God, awake! (Henry A. Tuckett)
- A Walk on a Pleasant Day (Dorothy P. Boggs)
- Away in a Manger
- Away in a Manger (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Away in a Manger Medley (William J. Kirkpatrick; Charles H. Gabriel; James R. Murray)
- Away with our fears (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Away with our fears (Isaac Fox)
- A welcome to May (Lillie M. Jordan)
- A Wise Old Bird Is Mr. Owl
- A Woman’s Heart (Janice Kapp Perry)
- A Woman’s Heart (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- A Woman’s Prayer (Charlene A. Newell)
- A Wonderful Feeling of Love (Harold R. Laycock)
- Ay, ay, ay, ay
- A Yielding Heart (Diane B. Morley)
- A Young Boy Named Joseph (S. Dean Wakefield)
- A Young Boy Prayed (Janice Kapp Perry)
- A Young Man Prepared (Daniel Carter)
- A Young Woman of Virtue (Annette W. Dickman)
- Azalia (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Azmon (Carl G. Gläser)
- Azuba (English melody)
- Baba Yetu (Christopher Tin)
- Babe of Bethlehem (Nels Woodruff Christiansen; Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen)
- Baby Bye, Here’s a Fly (J. M. F. Snodgrass)
- Baby Corn (Levi C. Parker)
- Baby in a Manger (Sally DeFord)
- Baby Jesus in a Manger
- Babylon / Long Ago (Thomas H. Bayly)
- Baby, What You Goin' to Be? (Natalie W. Sleeth)
- Back in His Arms Again (Kenneth Cope; Greg Simpson)
- Back to You (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Baguala de la Muerte (Homero R. Perera)
- Bahay Kubo (Traditional)
- Baka kaka (Alice Tegnér)
- Bald prangt, den Morgen zu verkünden (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Ballad of a Moonchild (Emma Huntington)
- Ballad of the Mountain Meadows Massacre (Utah folk song)
- Ball Game (H. B. Dana)
- Ballo (John E. Tullidge)
- Balm in Gilead (Southern folk song)
- Banuwa (Liberian folk song)
- Baptism (Crawford Gates)
- Baptism (Frances K. Taylor)
- Baptism (Newel Kay Brown)
- Baptized in Water (Barbara C. Mink)
- Barbara (Robert P. Manookin)
- Barcarolle / Belle nuit, ô nuit d’amour (Jacques Offenbach)
- Barcarolle (Daniel Auber)
- Barn Jesus i en krybbe lå (Niels W. Gade)
- Barrow (Joseph G. Fones)
- Bate vântul frunzele (Romanian children’s folk song)
- Battishill (Jonathan Battishill)
- Battle Cry of Freedom (George F. Root)
- Battle Cry (Scott Krippayne; Tyler Castleton)
- Battle Hymn / John Brown’s Body (Anon.)
- Battle sequence from “The Whole Armour of God” (Merrill Jenson)
- Bavaria (Alexander Schreiner)
- Beach Spring (The Sacred Harp, 1844)
- Beacon in the Night (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Be a Friend (Carol Graff Gunn)
- Be a honey (Verda Mae Christensen)
- Beautiful Are Thy Towers, O Zion (Luther O. Emerson)
- Beautiful (Cherie Call)
- Beautiful Dreamer (Stephen C. Foster)
- Beautiful Heart (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Beautiful Home (Horatio R. Palmer)
- Beautiful Isle of the Sea (J. R. Thomas)
- Beautiful Kahana (Charles E. King)
- Beautiful May (K. E. Fordham)
- Beautiful Mountain Home (A. C. Smyth)
- Beautiful Nauvoo (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Beautiful Savior / A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Kenneth Cope; Silesian folk song; Martin Luther)
- Beautiful Star (James Sayles)
- Beautiful to Him (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Beautiful Valley of Eden (William F. Sherwin)
- Beautiful Water (Alma Hardy)
- Beautiful You (Audrey Bandley)
- Beautiful Zion for Me (J. R. Thomas)
- Beautiful Zion (T. J. Cook)
- Beauty Everywhere (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Beauty for Ashes (Anna M. Molgard)
- Beauty For Ashes (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Beaver (Alfred M. Durham)
- Be Believing
- Be Believing (Rhea B. Allen)
- Because God Loves Me (Joleen G. Meredith)
- Because He Lives (Sally DeFord)
- Because He Lives (Tyler Castleton)
- Because He Lives (William J. Gaither)
- Because He Loves Us (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Because He Spoke to Me (Sally DeFord)
- Because I Am a Child of God (Michael F. Moody)
- Because I Believe (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Because I Have Been Given Much (Kenneth Cope; Phillip Landgrave; Nederlandtsche gedenck-clanck; Frans Heijdemann)
- Because It’s Spring (Faye Glover Petersen)
- Because of Faith (Diane Tuiofu)
- Because of Him, I Live Again (Suzanne Ostler Shippen)
- Because of Him (Kevin Hardy Wells)
- Because of You, the World’s a Part of Me (Tami J. Creamer)
- Because (Shawna Belt Edwards)
- Because the Lord Loves Me (Carol R. Flock)
- Because We’re Mormons (Stephen C. Foster)
- Bedford
- Beecher (John Zundel)
- Bee Hive Joys (Alfred M. Durham)
- Bee Hive Round (Anon.)
- Befiehl du deine Wege (Johannes Gijsbertus Bastiaans)
- Before I Take the Sacrament (Gladys Ericksen Seely)
- Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head (Tom Edward Clark)
- Before You Make a Promise (Anon.)
- Be Happy! (J. Lincoln Hall)
- Behind You All the Way (Kenneth Cope)
- Behold a Host Arrayed in White (Edvard Grieg)
- Behold a Star Appeareth (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Behold God the Lord (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Behold, I Am a Disciple of Jesus (David A. Zabriskie)
- Behold Me Standing at the Door (Phoebe P. Knapp)
- Behold, My Joy Is Full (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Behold, the Field Is White (Gregory Duffin)
- Behold, the Glorious Light (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Behold, the Great Redeemer Comes (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Behold the Great Redeemer Die (Fen Frehner)
- Behold the Great Redeemer Die (Katherine Wright)
- Behold! the Harvest Wide Extends (Evan Stephens)
- Behold the Lamb of God (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Behold the Lamb of God (Lowell Mason)
- Behold the Lily (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Behold, the Mountain of the Lord (Richard F. Harper)
- Behold the Mount of Olives rend! (Evan Stephens)
- Behold the Savior Comes (Greatoret)
- Behold, the Tabernacle of God (William Harris)
- Behold the Wounds (David R. Naylor)
- Behold, This Is the Way (Robert Cundick)
- Behold Thy Handmaiden (James Prigmore)
- Behold Thy Servant, Lord (Darwin Wolford; Caroline E. Sheridan Norton)
- Behold Thy Sons and Daughters, Lord (William Gardiner)
- Behold Your Little Ones (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Be Honest with the Lord (George H. Durham)
- Be in Time (S. S. Turley)
- Be in Time (Thomas Power)
- Be It unto Me (Carys Anne Irwin)
- Be Kind to One Another (Mildred Adair Stagg)
- Belief (Nik Day)
- Believe in God (Alaina Larsen)
- Believe Me, If All Those Endearing Young Charms (Irish air)
- Believe the Savior (Diane Tuiofu)
- Belisle March (Anon.)
- Belle (Gerrit de Jong Jr.)
- Bell (Henry H. Russell)
- Bellienall
- Bells of Aberdovey (Welsh folk song)
- Bells of Freedom (Anon.)
- Belmont (Sacred Melodies, William Gardiner, 1812)
- Beloved (Anna M. Molgard; Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Beloved (Connor Austin; Luz Ysabelle Cuevas; Nik Day)
- Beloved Emma (Kenneth Cope)
- Belsize Square (Louita Clothier)
- Bendediction (David Barrus)
- Bendemeer’s Stream (Irish folk melody)
- Beneath the Forms of Outward Rite (Barbara C. Mink)
- Beneath the Throne of Heaven (Sam Cardon)
- Beneath this Sacred Roof (B. Cecil Gates)
- Benediction (Evan Stephens)
- Benediction (Jennie C. Neal)
- Benediction (Mack Wilberg)
- Benediction (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Benediction (Robert P. Manookin)
- Benediction (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Benevento (Samuel Webbe)
- Be Not Afraid
- Be Not Afraid (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Be Not Troubled (Kayla Spurlock)
- Be Not Troubled (Kurt Bestor)
- Benson (John S. Lewis)
- Be Of Good Cheer (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Be Polite (Daniel Hooley)
- Be Pure in Heart (T. Martin Towne)
- Bereavement (George Careless)
- Bereden väg för Herran (German folk tune)
- Bernard (Hugh W. Dougall)
- Bernhard Severin Ingemann (Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse)
- Bessie Fair (Richard S. Horne)
- Best Days of Our Lives (Dustin Christensen; Russ Dixon)
- Be Still and Know That I Am God (Diane Tuiofu)
- Be Still and Know That I Am God (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Be Still My Soul (Connie Stauffer)
- Be Still, My Soul (Michelle Willis)
- Be Still, My Soul (Morgan J. Busch)
- Be Still (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Best of Me (Greg Simpson)
- Be Strong and of Good Courage (MarLaine Gledhill Layton)
- Be Strong (Anon.)
- Be Strong: I Know Who I Am
- Be Strong with Me (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Betelehemu (Michael Babatunda Olantunji)
- Beten ist’s, was Gott gefällt (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Bethany (Lowell Mason)
- Be the Change
- Bethlehem
- Bethlehem / Fink (Gottfried W. Fink)
- Bethlehem (George Careless)
- Bethlehem (Lloyd Larson)
- Bethlehem Morning (Morris Chapman)
- Bethlehem’s Song of Triumph (Alfred M. Durham)
- Be Thou Humble (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- Be Thou Humble / More Holiness Give Me (Medley) (Grietje Terburg Rowley; Philip P. Bliss)
- Be Thou My Guide
- Be Thou Strong (Ann Kapp Andersen)
- Be Thou Strong (Mark Newman)
- Be Thrifty (Beatrice F. Stevens)
- Betrayal (Kenneth Cope)
- Be true to thyself (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Better Life (Nik Day; Helga Camín)
- Better Man (Tarekebi Beinbein)
- Better Off (Aubree Liz)
- Beulah (Arthur Hanson)
- Beverly (Charles Richard Anders)
- Bevor die Sonne sinkt (Christa Weiß; Kurt Rommel)
- Bewahre uns, Gott (Anders Ruuth)
- Beware a Fiend in Angel Form (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Beyond the Promises of Time (K. Newell Dayley)
- Beyond the Sunset (Blanche Kerr Brock)
- Beyond The Tears (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Bicester / Eva (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Bienaventurado el Hombre (Redman Elbert Jr.)
- Bienaventurados los Perfectos de Camino (Selmy Kaiser de Sousa Elbert)
- Bigger Than My Body (John Mayer)
- Big or Small (Nik Day; Branson Merchant; Maisy Merchant)
- Big Parade (Janice O. Betts)
- Billy Boy (Anon.)
- Bind Us Together (Bob Gillman)
- Bird Day Song (Frances K. Taylor)
- Birds in the Tree (Marjorie Castleton Kjar)
- Birds Move Their Wings (Richard B. Watkins)
- Birmingham (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Birthday March Song (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- Birthday Pennies (Joanne Bushman Doxey)
- Birthday Song (Faye Glover Petersen)
- Birthday Song (Frances K. Taylor)
- Birthday song (Ruth Stirling)
- Birthday Time (Carol Orr Lehman)
- Birthright (Kenneth Cope)
- Bis hierher hat uns Gott gebracht (Peter Sohr)
- Bishop (John E. Tullidge)
- Bishop (Joseph P. Holbrook)
- Black Balloon (John Rzeznik)
- Black Hills Waltz/Rattlesnake (Utah folk song)
- Blaenhafren (Welsh melody)
- Blaenwern (William P. Rowlands)
- Blazer Song (Carolyn B. Shumway)
- Blazers’ Song (Nels Woodruff Christiansen; Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen)
- Blessed America (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Blessed are the Dead (Evan Stephens)
- Blessed Are the Men Who Fear Him (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Blessed Are the People (A. C. Smyth)
- Blessed Are They That Have the Faith (Anthony C. Lund)
- Blessed Be His Name (Tyler Castleton)
- Blessed Be the Lord (Charles Gounod)
- Blessed Be the Lord God of Israel (Charles Whitney Coombs)
- Blessed Hour of Prayer (W. Howard Doane)
- Blessed Jesu, Fount of Mercy (Antonin Dvorak)
- Blessed Sabbath Day (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Blessing (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Blessing (Katie Moran Bart)
- Blessings (Edwin O. Excell)
- Blessings (Laura Mixon Story)
- Blessings (Nik Day; Brandon Harms)
- Bless the Children (George Careless)
- Bless This House (May H. Brahe)
- Bless This Land (Michael F. Moody)
- Bless Us Now (Beryle J. Immer)
- Blest are the children who delight (Thomas McIntyre)
- Bliebe in Gottes Frieden (Willy Reske)
- Blomstre som en rosengård
- Blossom by blossom (Joyce O. Evans)
- Blott en dag (Oscar Ahnfelt)
- Blow Gently, Ye Wild Winds (Old Scotch air)
- Blowing Candles Out (Jennie C. Neal)
- Blow, Ye Winds Westerly (Folk song)
- Blue Bells of Scotland (Scotch air)
- Bluebird
- Bluebird Cheer
- Blue Mountain (Fred W. Keller)
- Blues Riff (Jon Schmidt)
- Boating Song
- Body Image (Madilyn Paige)
- Bóg się rodzi (Traditional)
- Bohemian Folk Song (Bohemian folk song)
- Bonner (Carey Bonner)
- Book of Life
- Book of Mormon Prophets (Jenny W. Francis)
- Book of Mormon Stories (Elizabeth Fetzer Bates)
- Book of Mormon Videos Soundtrack (Alan Williams)
- Boring Holes (Jennie C. Neal)
- Born Again (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Born a Winner (Lex de Azevedo)
- Born for This Day? (Clive Romney; Randy Kartchner; Kenneth Cope)
- Born Is the Light of the World (Sally DeFord)
- Born of Water, Born of Spirit (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Born Still in the Arms of God (Michael R. Hicks)
- Born to Wear a Crown (Sally DeFord)
- Boston (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Bouncing-Ball Skip
- Bound for the Promised Land (Traditional)
- Bound in winter’s icy fetters (Evan Stephens)
- Bountiful (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Bountiful Sacrament Hymn (Barbara W. Cramer)
- Boylston (Lowell Mason)
- Boys and Girls Like You (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Brace Me Up (Lex de Azevedo)
- Bradbury (William B. Bradbury)
- Bradford / I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (George Frideric Handel)
- Bradford (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Bramwell (Roger L. Miller)
- Brand New (Daysha Lassiter)
- Bread of Life (Jeanni Gould)
- Bread of Life (William F. Sherwin)
- Break Forth in Joy (Sally DeFord)
- Break Forth into Joy (Joseph Barnby)
- Break Not the Sabbath Day (Robert B. Baird)
- Breathe in Me (Wayne Kirkpatrick)
- Breath of Heaven (Chris Eaton; Amy Grant)
- Bred dina vida vingar / Holy Wings (Swedish melody)
- Brentford
- Brethren, We Have Met to Worship (William Moore)
- Brich mit den Hungrigen dein Brot (Peter Janssens)
- Brigham, Brigham Young (Utah folk song)
- Brigham (Evan Stephens)
- Brigham Lays the Cornerstone (Arlen L. Card)
- Brigham Young (Evan Stephens)
- Brigham Young’s Funeral March (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Brighter
- Brightest and best of the sons of the morning (A. C. Smyth)
- Bright (James M. Dungan)
- Brightness (Edwin F. Parry)
- Bring Forth My Zion (K. Newell Dayley)
- Bring Forth the Kingdom (Marty Haugen)
- Bring, Heavy Heart, Your Grief to Me (Anthony C. Lund)
- Bring Him Home (Alain Boublil; Claude-Michel Schönberg)
- Bring the Wagon Home, John (Anon.)
- Bring uns zu dir, Herr (Willy Reske)
- Bring Us Rest (Eleace Monet Zachary)
- Bring You Home (Nik Day; Kendra Lowe)
- Brisk Walk (Jennie C. Neal)
- British Pageant Soundtrack (David T. Warner; Pageant music committee)
- Broken Hearts (Greg Simpson; Kenneth Cope)
- Broken Hearts Like Mine (Cherie Call)
- Broken (Kenneth Cope; Eliza Cope)
- Broken (Nadia Khristean)
- Brookfield (Thomas B. Southgate)
- Brother Brigham Says (Nonie N. Sorensen)
- Brother, Come and Dance with Me (Engelbert Humperdinck)
- Brother James’ Air (James Leith Macbeth Bain)
- Brothers (Kenneth Cope)
- Brothers, Sing On (Edvard Grieg)
- Brownies and Witches (J. Wolverton)
- Brrrlak! (Marie Daulne)
- Bruce (Darwin Wolford)
- Bryant (Evan Stephens)
- Brylee Amen (Barbara Sherer)
- Bryn Calfaria (William Owen)
- Bueno es alabarte, oh Jehová
- Build an Ark (Marianne P. Wilcock)
- Builder Boys (Matilda Watts Cahoon)
- Building a Temple (Louise F. Grant)
- Building on a Legacy of Faith (Betsy Lee Bailey)
- Build Your Brothers (Marvin Payne)
- Built on the Rock of Christ (Dale S. Cox)
- Bunessan (Gaelic melody)
- Burden of Babylon
- Burn in Me (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Burton (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Burying the Foundation (Arlen L. Card)
- Bury Me Not (George N. Allen)
- Busca a Cristo (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Buscad Primeramente el Reino de Dios (Philip W. Blycker)
- Busy People (Polish folk song)
- But for a Small Moment (Kenneth Cope)
- Buttercup (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Butterfly Dance (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- BWV Anh. 114 (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- By and By (Charles A. Tindley)
- By Gracious Powers (Otto Abel)
- By the Golden Sun (Anon.)
- By the Power of His Word (Scott Strong)
- By the River (Jeannine Lasky; Rachelle Call)
- By the Stream’s Clear Waters (George Minns)
- By the Waters of Babylon (Philip James)
- By the Waters of Minnetonka (Thurlow Lieurance)
- By the Waters of Mormon (Janice Kapp Perry)
- By Thy Mercy (Edward J. Hopkins)
- By Two and Two (John V. Pearson)
- Cache (Alfred M. Durham)
- Caldwell
- Caleb (James P. Olsen)
- Caledonia (John Hugh McNaughton)
- Caledonia (John Hugh McNaughton)
- Called to Build a Temple (Merrill Jenson)
- Called to Serve (Adam Geibel)
- Calling Today (George C. Stebbins)
- Calling You (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Call Me (C. Austin Miles)
- Call of a Lifetime (Wayne Burton)
- Call on Me (Kenneth Cope)
- Calm Is the Night (Kevin B. Snow)
- Calvary
- Calvary (George Careless)
- Camacuá (Pablo D. Sosa)
- Camptown Races (Stephen C. Foster)
- Can a Little Child like Me? (William K. Bassford)
- Candle in the Dark (Jerry Williams; Patricia Youkstetter)
- Candlelight
- Candlelight Carol (John Rutter)
- Cannon (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Canoe Round (Margaret Embers McGee)
- Canonbury (Robert A. Schumann)
- Canon d’anniversaire (Anon.)
- Canon de Navidad (Rubén Carámbula)
- Canon in D (Johann Pachelbel)
- Canta conmigo (Alvaro Michelin Salomón)
- Cantad, Cantad, el Día Llegó (Campamento Villa Ventana, 1975)
- Cantaré a mi Señor
- Cantemos Nueva Canción (Homero R. Perera)
- Canten Todos ¡Cristo Vive! (Barbara C. Mink)
- Can These Bones Live? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Canticle of Thanksgiving (John Rutter)
- Canticle of the Nativity (Rob Millett)
- Cantique de Noël (Adolphe Adam)
- Cantique suisse (A. Zwyssig)
- Canto de Alegría
- Can You Feel So Now? (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Cape Cod Girls (Sea shanty)
- Captain of My Soul (Afterglow)
- Carillon
- Carillon de Westmister (Louis Vierne)
- Carillon-Sorte
- Carlisle (Charles Lockhart)
- Carmarthen
- Carmarthen (Evan Stephens)
- Carol (Barbara C. Mink)
- Carol for Advent (Don Besig)
- Carol for Christmas Morning (Laurie Williams Sowby)
- Caroline (Alfred M. Durham)
- Carol of the Bells / Shchedryk (Ukrainian folk chant; Mykola Leontovych)
- Carol of the Birds (Martin Shaw)
- Carol of the Drum (Katherine Kennicott Davis)
- Carol (Richard S. Willis)
- Carol to a King (Julie Larsen)
- Carried by Love (David Lantz III)
- Carry Me Back to Old Virginny (James A. Bland)
- Carry Me Back To The Lands Of My Fathers (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Carry Me (Nik Day)
- Carry Me Through (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Carson’s Song (Monica Scott)
- Carter (Edmund S. Carter)
- Carthage (George Careless)
- Cassel (Johannes Thommen)
- Cast Thy Bread Upon the Waters (Frank A. Simpkins)
- Cast Thy Burden on the Lord (Orlando Gibbons)
- Cast Your Burden on the Lord (Sally DeFord)
- Căsuţa din pădure (Romanian children’s song)
- Catch the Sunshine! (George F. Root)
- Cecil (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Celebrate His Love (Jeanni Gould)
- Celebrate! (Jeanni Gould)
- Celebrate (Nik Day)
- Celebrate the Mormon Pioneers (Randall W. Boothe; Ron Simpson)
- Celebrating the Light (Michael McLean)
- Celebration
- Celebration (Kenneth L. McLaughlin)
- Celebration of Nations
- Celebration of Nations (Kurt Bestor)
- Celestia (Lynn R. Carson)
- C’est aujourd’hui (Douglas D. Barnes)
- Chains (David Osmond; Aaron Edson)
- Champs-Élysées (Jason Lyle Black)
- Change (Nik Day; Camry Pula)
- Change Your Heart (Nik Day)
- Chanson Triste (Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky)
- Charitas (John B. Dykes)
- Charity (George Careless)
- Charity, Never Failing (Annette W. Dickman)
- Chatterley (John Menzies Macfarlane)
- Chautauqua (William F. Sherwin)
- Checking On Me (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Cheer Up (German folk song)
- Chegada a Hora
- Cheltenham (Anon.)
- Chereponi (Ghanaian folk song)
- Cherubim Song (Dmitri Bortniansky)
- Cheshunt College (Joseph Barnby)
- Chester (William Billings)
- Child from Heaven
- Childhood’s Years
- Child in a Manger (Katherine Wright)
- Child of God (African-American spiritual)
- Child of God (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Child of Grace (Roger C. Hoffman; Melanie M. Hoffman)
- Child of Heaven (Jeanni Gould)
- Child of Light (Michele Sadler)
- Child of Light (Mindy Gledhill)
- Children All Over the World (Beth Groberg Stratton)
- Children (Catherine S. Hardy)
- Children, do you Love Each Other? (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Children, Gladly Join and Sing (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Children of the Saints of Zion (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Children of the Wind (Charles Strouse)
- Children’s Day (Walter G. Tyler)
- Children’s Devotional Hymn (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Children’s Hymn of Praise (Anon.)
- Children’s Morning Song (Anon.)
- Children’s Piece (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Children’s Praise (George F. Rosche)
- Children’s Songbook Medley (Marvin Goldstein)
- Child’s Hymn (Anon.)
- Child’s Play (BYU Vocal Point)
- Chimes (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Chimes of Dunkirk (French tune)
- China (B. Cuzens)
- Ching-a-Ring Chaw (Aaron Copland)
- Chíu, Chíu, Chíu (Chilean folk song)
- Choices (Marilyn Collard)
- Choose Connection (Jonathan Wing)
- Choose Him Again (Shawna Belt Edwards)
- Choose Joy (Tyler Castleton; Scott Krippayne)
- Choose Something Like a Star (Randall Thompson)
- Choose That Good Part (Eda V. Ashby; Alice W. Johnson)
- Choose the Right Way (Clara W. McMaster)
- Choose to Believe (Jenny N. Richards)
- Choose to Believe (Jesse Ellsworth)
- Choose to Stay (Nik Day; Lee Gibbons; Justin Garvin)
- Choose Ye this Day (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Choose You This Day (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Choosing Faith (Tami J. Creamer; Alyssa Chambers; Jessica Fenenbock)
- Choosing (Michael F. Moody)
- Chorale (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Choral-Prelude on Slane
- Chorister (J. Fawcett)
- Choristers of Light (Katherine K. Davis)
- Chorus (1 Corinthians 15:21–22) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (1 Corinthians 15:57) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus from Christ on the Mount of Olives (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Chorus (Hebrews 1:6) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Isaiah 40:5) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Isaiah 53:4–5) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Isaiah 53:5) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Isaiah 53:6) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Isaiah 9:6) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (John 1:29) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Luke 2:14) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Malachi 3:3) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Matthew 11:30) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Psalm 22:9) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Psalm 2:3) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Psalm 24:7–10) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Psalm 68:11) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Revelation 19:6; Revelation 11:15; Revelation 19:16) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Revelation 5:12–13) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chorus (Romans 10:18) (George Frideric Handel)
- Chosen One (Dianne Williams McKee)
- Christ and His Little Ones (Evan Stephens)
- Christ Arose (Robert Lowry)
- Christ Came unto His Other Sheep (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Christ Can Heal the Broken Hearted (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Christe, du Lamm Gottes (Willy Reske)
- Christ Hath a Garden (Gerald Near)
- Christian’s Goodnight (Ira David Sankey)
- Christ is Born (Sally DeFord)
- Christ Is Born, the Joyful Story (Evan Stephens)
- Christ Is Risen (Fanny Snow Knowlton)
- Christ Is the Savior (Kevin B. Snow)
- Christ Knows I’m Kneeling (Christina Bishop)
- Christmas
- Christmas Alleluia (Sharon A. Bagley)
- Christmas Allelu (Linda Hartman)
- Christmas Babe (Frances K. Taylor)
- Christmas Bells (A. Laurence Lyon)
- Christmas bells are ringing clear (Anon.)
- Christmas Bells Are Ringing (Robert P. Manookin)
- Christmas Bells (Olive Woodman)
- Christmas Carol (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Christmas Carol (Willy Reske)
- Christmas Carol (Willy Reske)
- Christmas Chimes (Abbie Rees Madsen)
- Christmas (Clara W. McMaster)
- Christmas Comes Again (James C. Kasen)
- Christmas Comes Again (James C. Kasen)
- Christmas Cradle Song (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Christmas dawn (Abbie Rees Madsen)
- Christmas Day (Jenny W. Francis)
- Christmas Eve (Bernice Randall Angelico)
- Christmas Eve (Jenna B. Mosley)
- Christmas Eve (Myles B. Foster)
- Christmas (George Frideric Handel)
- Christmas Gifts
- Christmas in Your Heart (Charles E. Davis)
- Christmas Is Coming (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Christmas Lullaby (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Christmas Medley
- Christmas morning (Swedish folk tune)
- Christmas Night (Meyer-Leavitt)
- Christmas Night (Mildred J. Hill)
- Christmas Night (Willy Reske)
- Christmas Playlet (Grace Madsen Pratt)
- Christmas Song (Karl P. Harrington)
- Christmas Time Is Here (Richard C. Ferre; Tia M. Rix)
- Christmas time is music time (Johanna V. Sharnborg)
- Christ Our King Is Risen This Day (Andrew Moore)
- Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Kevin G. Pace)
- Christ the Lord (Nik Day)
- Christus ist auferstanden (Kölner Gesangbuch)
- Cielito Lindo (Spanish folk song)
- Cin-can cvrgudan (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Cindy (American folk song)
- Circle of Friendship (Murray Boren)
- Circle of Life (Elton John)
- Circle of Our Love (Lex de Azevedo)
- Circle the Wagons Around, Saints (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy)
- Clama a Mí (Philip W. Blycker)
- Clap, Clap, Hurrah
- Clara (Thelma L. Silsby)
- Claremont (English tune)
- Clarinet Song (Old French song)
- Clay in His Hands (Jenny Jordan Frogley)
- Clayton (Anon.)
- Cleaning Song (Alice R. Baldwin)
- Cleansing Fountain (Early American melody)
- Clear, Cold Water
- Clifford (Alexander Schreiner)
- Climb Ev’ry Mountain (Richard Rodgers)
- Climbing the Ladder (Jennie C. Neal)
- Clocks and Watches (Koehler)
- Clonmel (Irish melody)
- Close as a Quiet Prayer (Sally DeFord)
- Close Enough to Touch (Linda Kinghorn Leavitt; Kenneth Cope)
- Closer (Nik Day; Kyle Thorn)
- Close to Thee (Silas J. Vail)
- Closing Hymn (Hugh W. Dougall)
- Closing Prayer (Frances K. Taylor)
- Clothe Us in Your Spirit (Sandra L. Webb-Johnsen)
- Color Birds (John J. McClellan)
- Color of Truth (Greg Simpson; Michael Dowdle)
- Columbia / Red White and Blue / Penrose (Thomas E. Williams; Thomas A. Becket Sr.)
- Columbia’s Fairest Star (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Combined themes from “Parables” (Arlen L. Card)
- Come, All, unto the Temple (Brett Stewart)
- Come All Who Love the Lord (Brent N. Jorgensen)
- Come All Ye Saints and Sing His Praise (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- Come, All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth (Betsy Lee Bailey)
- Come All Ye That Thirst (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Come All Ye Unclean (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Come and Belong (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- Come and Enjoy Life (German folk song)
- Come and Play (Michele Baer)
- Come and Rejoice
- Come and See (Brian D. Petersen)
- Come and See! (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Come and Sit with Us (Betsy Lee Bailey)
- Come and Worship (Ira B. Wilson)
- Come As You Are (Alex Dantas; Connor Austin; Luz Ysabelle Cuevas; Nik Day)
- Come Before Winter (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Come Celebrate Christmas (Charles E. Davis)
- Come, children, join with me and sing (Ann Fellows)
- Come, Children, Let Us Join and Sing (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Come, Come Away
- Come, Come, My Brother, Wake! Awake! (Evan Stephens)
- Come, Come unto Him (Michael F. Moody)
- Come, Come unto Me (Ken Dosso)
- Come, Dear Children, Join and Sing (Charles J. Thomas)
- Come, Dearest Lord (George Careless)
- Come, Deliver Us (David A. Zabriskie)
- Come, Follow (John Hilton)
- Come, Follow Me (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Come, Follow Me / Lord, I Would Follow Thee (John Nicholson; K. Newell Dayley)
- Come, Follow Me (T. Chemain Evans)
- Come, Follow That Star (Don Besig)
- Come Forth, O Children (Rebecca Woodworth Hainsworth)
- Come Forward and Pay Up Your Tithings (Utah folk song)
- Come, Hail the Cause of Zion’s Youth (Willy Reske)
- Come, Hold Your Torches High (Larry W. Bastian)
- Come, Holy Spirit, Come (Vicky Vaughan Adkins)
- Come Home, Father (Henry C. Work)
- Come Home (Michael F. Moody)
- Come In (Randall Thompson)
- Come in, you’re late
- Come (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Come, Join Our Celebration (Samuel B. Marsh)
- Come, join with me to sing and praise
- Come, Join with me to Sing and Praise (Robert B. Baird)
- Come, Labor On (Alexander Schreiner)
- Come, Lasses and Lads (English air)
- Come Lassies and Lads (English folk song)
- Come, Lay His Books and Papers By (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Come, Learn of the Meek and Lowly (Hubert P. Main)
- Come (Leslie Fatai)
- Come, Let’s Make Our Voices Ring (Anon.)
- Come Let Us Be Gay (Spanish folk song)
- Come, Let Us One and All (L. Schofield)
- Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
- Come Listen to the Savior’s Voice (Sally DeFord)
- Come, little leaves (Old tune)
- Come, Lord Jesus (David A. Zabriskie)
- Come, Lord Jesus (Sally DeFord)
- Come, My Friend (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Come now, Little Children (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Come Now, You Hungry (Colleen Fulmer; Rufino Zaragoza)
- Come, O Holy Spirit, Come (Josiah Olunowo Ositelu)
- Come On Over (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Come, Rally in the Sunday School (John S. Lewis)
- Come, Said Jesus (Old tune)
- Come, Saints, and Sing a Joyful Song (B. Cecil Gates)
- Come See the Light (Jason Barney)
- Come, Serve the Lord (Darwin Wolford)
- Come Take a Little Hand (Robert F. Brunner)
- Come, Thou Afflicted (Katherine D. Knecht)
- Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Alfred J. Gentry)
- Come to Bethlehem (Michael F. Moody)
- Come to Healthland (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Come to Jesus (Chris Rice)
- Come to Jesus (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- Come to Jesus (Paul Alan Root)
- Come to Know (Don Stirling; Sam Cardon)
- Come to Me (Luther O. Emerson)
- Come to Me (Samuel H. Bradshaw)
- Come to Me, Will Ye Come (Evan Stephens)
- Come to My Garden (Lucy Simon)
- Come to the Mountain (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Come to the Mountain of the Lord (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Come to the Savior (George F. Root)
- Come to the Savior (Jeanni Gould)
- Come to the Temple (Michael F. Moody)
- Come to the Well (Nik Day)
- Come unto Christ / 2014 Youth Theme Song (Nik Day)
- Come Unto Christ (Carol R. Flock)
- Come Unto Christ (Clive M. Killpack)
- Come Unto Christ (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Come unto Christ (Rachel P. Mohlman; Anna M. Molgard)
- Come Unto Christ (Sally DeFord)
- Come unto Christ, the Holy One of Israel (Daniel Carter)
- Come unto Him (Daniel Carter)
- Come unto Him (Sam Cardon)
- Come Unto Jesus (Katherine Wright)
- Come Unto Jesus (Madilyn Paige)
- Come unto Me
- Come unto Me and Be Ye Saved (Ann Kapp Andersen)
- Come Unto Me (Anna M. Molgard; Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Come Unto Me (Nickole Canfield)
- Come with Me to Primary (Patricia C. Maughan)
- Come with Tuneful Voices (Samuel McBurney)
- Come Worship the Living Lord! (Sharon A. Bagley)
- Come You, Here, Laddie (Czech folk song)
- Comfort (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Coming Again (Frederick Messick)
- Coming Home (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Comin’ Through the Rye (Scotch folk song)
- Communion (Charles W. Fry)
- Communion (George Careless)
- Communion “Let Us Break Bread Together”
- Communion (Lyman Brackett)
- Communion Prayers (Jan Kraybill; John Glaser)
- Como el Ciervo al Agua Va (Alejandro Mejía)
- ¿Cómo Pagarle al Señor? (Juan Luís García)
- Compassion (George Careless)
- Completing the Interior (Arlen L. Card)
- Comrades in the M. I. A. (Gene Bergstrom)
- Confidence (George Careless)
- Confirmation (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Confirmation (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Conquer (Amy Hirschi)
- Consecration (Carrie E. Rounsefell)
- Consecration (Hawaiian melody)
- Consecration (Tami N. Petersen)
- Consider the Lilies (Roger C. Hoffman)
- Consider the Lillies (Evan Stephens)
- Consolation (Barbara C. Mink)
- Consolation / Consolator (Samuel Webbe)
- Consolation (George Careless)
- Consolation: I Am a Child of God (A. Laurence Lyon; Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Consolation (Orson Pratt Huish)
- Consolator (Matilda L. Bradshaw)
- Constant (Evan Stephens)
- Contrast (American melody; Maria de Fleury)
- Contrition (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Cooling (Alonzo J. Abbey)
- Copying Mother (Floy A. Rossman)
- Coronae (William H. Monk)
- Coronation (Oliver Holden)
- Cortège (Darius Milhaud)
- Cottonwood Lane (Doug Walker; Sherry Marks Walker)
- Could I Hold the Baby? (Rachel Mecham Goates)
- Count Me In (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- Count on Me to Care (Michael McLean)
- Count on the Prophet
- Country Gardens (English folk song)
- Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep (Irving Berlin)
- Courage (Evan Stephens)
- Courage (George Careless)
- Courageously (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Courage to Stand Strong (Russ Dixon)
- Covenant (Herrnhut, ca. 1735)
- Covenant (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Covenants Are Promises (Martin L. Green)
- Coventry Carol (English carol)
- Covered Wagons (Richard Randolph)
- Cowper (Evan Stephens)
- Cracks in the Foundation (Arlen L. Card)
- Cradle Me (Sue Krupa)
- Cradle Song (Alberto Randegger)
- Cradle Song (Émile Sauret)
- Cradle Song (M. Hauser)
- Cradle Song (Robert A. Schumann)
- Cradle Song (William J. Kirkpatrick)
- Craig (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Cranham / Cranham (Gustav Holst)
- Create an Atmosphere (A. Laurence Lyon)
- Creation (Evan Stephens)
- Creation (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Creation Medley (Conrad Kocher; German hymn; Ralph Vaughan Williams)
- Criaturas del Reino (Barbara C. Mink)
- Criaturas del Reino (Barbara C. Mink)
- Crimond (Jessie Seymour Irvine)
- Cristo en Belén nació (Plácido Koyoc Yam)
- Cristo Es la Peña (Puerto Rican tune)
- Cristo Es la Respuesta a Tu Pena (Maxine C. Wight)
- Cristo está a las puertas (Eusebio Yam)
- Cristo está aquí
- ¡Cristo Vive! (Antonio Auza P.)
- ¡Cristo Vive, Cristo Vive! (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Crocodile Song (Traditional)
- Crossing The Line (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Crossing the Plains (Merrill Jenson)
- Crossing the Prairie (Folk song)
- Cross of Jesus (John Stainer)
- Crossroads Of Life (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Crown Him with Many Crowns (Godfrey Thring)
- Crown of the Lovely Junetide (R. Frank Lehman)
- Crown the Conquerors Homeward Coming (B. Cecil Gates)
- Crucifer (Sydney Hugo Nicholson)
- Crucifixion (William B. Boomer)
- Crusaders’ Hymn (Silesian folk song; Schlesiche Volkslieder, 1842)
- Crystallize (Lindsey Stirling)
- CTR (Heather L. Sturges; Marlene Summers Merkling)
- Cuando Cantas Alabanzas (Rubén Landeros)
- Cuando el sol en el mundo no alumbrará (Vicente Poot P.)
- Cumberland Reel (John Charles White)
- Cumorah (John E. Tullidge)
- Cumorah Processional (Crawford Gates)
- Cum Sancto Spiritu (Gioachino Rossini)
- Curiosity (B. F. Jenkins)
- Cushman (Herbert B. Turner)
- Cwm Rhondda (John Hughes)
- Cпасение coдeлaл (Pavel Tchesnokov)
- Daar is uit ’s werelds duist’re wolken (Johannes Gijsbertus Bastiaans)
- Daar juicht een toon (Henri Abraham César Malan)
- Daddy Aren’t You Glad (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Daddy, I’m a Mormon (Anon.)
- Daddy’s Homecoming (Frances K. Taylor)
- Daddy’s Nose (Lex de Azevedo)
- Dad, You’re Awsome! (Lynette Garner)
- Daghang Baki (Anon.)
- Daisy Bell (Frank Dean)
- Dalston (Aaron Williams)
- Damper Song
- Damper Song (Anon.)
- Dance a Cachuca, Fandango, Bolero (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Dance and Sing
- Dance (Jennie C. Neal)
- Dance, My Dolly (Edna Malin Tanner)
- Dance of Discovery
- Dance of the Popcorn Balls (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Dance Petite
- Dancer (Norman W. Smith)
- Danish Greeting (Danish tune)
- Danish Tune (Danish tune)
- Dank sei dir, Gott der Freude (16th century)
- Dank sei dir, Vater, für das ew’ge Leben (Johann Crüger)
- Danmark, dejligst Vang og Vænge (Paul Edvard Rasmussen)
- Danmark, mit Fædreland (Henrik Rung)
- Danos Tu Luz (Juan Antonio Espinosa)
- Dansa Brasileira (Camargo Guarnieri)
- Dans nos obscurités (Jacques Berthier)
- Dare to Do Right (E. B. Ferguson)
- Dare to Do Right (William B. Bradbury)
- Dare to Stand Alone (Nik Day)
- Dark Clouds (Kenneth Cope)
- Dark the Battle Clouds Are Closing (Samuel B. Mitton)
- Darling Mother (Willy Reske)
- Darwall (John Darwall)
- Darwall’s 148th (John Darwall)
- Dashing Away with the Smoothing Iron (English folk song)
- Dass du mich einstimmen lässt (Gnadenthal Community)
- Das Volk des Herrn
- Das walte Gott, der helfen kann (Justin Heinrich Knecht)
- Daughter, Arise (Randy Kartchner; Vickey Pahnke Taylor; Julie de Azevedo; Kenneth Cope)
- Daughter in My Kingdom (Marcia B. Davis)
- Daughter of a King (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Daughter of a King (Lana Osmun)
- Daughter of a King (Matt Mylroie)
- Daughter of God (Jeanni Gould)
- Daughter of Light (Nik Day)
- Daughter of Zion (Thomas Clark)
- Daughters in His Kingdom (Michelle Soderberg)
- Daughters in His Kingdom (Tami J. Creamer)
- Daughters of God (Nik Day)
- Daughters (Randy Kartchner; Vickey Pahnke Taylor; Julie de Azevedo; Kenneth Cope)
- Daughters (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Davenport (Orson Pratt Huish)
- David and Eliza (Merrill Jenson)
- David Finds the Gospel (Merrill Jenson)
- David (John E. Tullidge)
- David’s Lamentation (William Billings)
- David’s Theme (Merrill Jenson)
- Dawn (John Craven)
- Daybreak (Ron Simpson; Ed Pratt)
- Daynes (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Day of Delight (Ron Simpson)
- Day of Sacrament (Frank W. Asper)
- Day of Tears (Lynda Johnson; Kenneth Cope)
- Days Gone By (Doug Walker)
- Days Never to Be Forgotten (Brett Raymond)
- Days of ’49 (Utah folk song)
- Days of My Youth (Scott Krippayne; Russ Dixon)
- Days of Spring (Anon.)
- Dayton (Edmund S. Lorenz)
- Deacon’s Song (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Dead! and their mission done (Evan Stephens)
- Dearest Mother, I Love You (Vernon J. LeeMaster)
- Dear Little Stranger (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (Barbara C. Mink)
- Dear Mother (Jenna B. Mosley)
- Dear Mother Mine (Levi C. Parker)
- Dear Old M. A. C. (Walter Smith)
- Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd (Sherrie Manwill Boren)
- Death gathers up thick clouds of gloom (George Careless)
- Death Shall Not Destroy My Comfort (Traditional)
- Decatur (Scottish melody; Saints’ Harmony, 1889)
- December (Charlene A. Newell)
- Decide (April Meservy)
- Deck the Halls (Old Welsh air)
- De Colores
- Dedicación (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Dedicare (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Dedication (Evan Stephens)
- Dedication (Willy Reske)
- Deep Love (Stephen M. Jones)
- Deep River (Southern folk song)
- De herdertjes lagen bij nachte (Dutch carol)
- Deilige Sund (Anon.)
- Deines Kinds Gebet erhöre (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Dein Wort, o Herr, ist milder Tau
- Dejlig er den himmel blå (J. G. Meidell)
- De la misma iglesia
- Deliverance Broke The Dawn (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Deliverance From Time To Time (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Deliverance (Giacomo Meyerbeer; English Chorister)
- Deliver the Child (Sam Cardon)
- Demetrius Wade (Andrea Christensen Brett)
- Den blomstertid nu kommer (Swedish folk song)
- Dennis (Hans Georg Nägeli)
- Den signede dag med fryd vi ser (Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse)
- Den store mester kommer (J. P. E. Hartmann)
- Denton (Newel Kay Brown)
- Den yndigste rose er funden
- Der er et yndigt land (Hans Ernst Krøyer)
- Der Glaube fehlt
- Der Gottesdienst soll fröhlich sein (Martin Gotthard Schneider)
- Der Herr ist freundlich (Hannelore Hardan)
- Der Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt (Hans Georg Nägeli)
- Der Herr segne dich und behüte dich (Ulrich Gohl)
- Der Mond ist aufgegangen (Johann Abraham Peter Schulz)
- Derry Ding Ding Dason (English round)
- Der sterbende Erlöser (Willy Reske)
- Descending The Stairs (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Deseret, Deseret! ’Tis the Home of the Free (Evan Stephens)
- Deseret (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Desire (George Careless)
- Destiny (Dennis L. Crockett)
- De Tal Manera Amó Dios al Mundo (Barbara C. Mink)
- De Tar (Calvin Hampton)
- Det lyser i stille grender (Lars Søraas)
- Detroit (Supplement to Kentucky Harmony, 1820)
- De uil zat in de olme (Dutch round)
- Deus Tuorum Militum / Grenoble (Grenoble Antiphoner, 1753)
- Deux petites mains (Anon.)
- Devotion (Evan Stephens)
- Devotion (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Devotion (Pietro Mascagni)
- De ziua ta, mămico (Romanian children’s song)
- Diademata (George J. Elvey)
- Diadem (James Ellor)
- Día Llegará (María Antonieta Torres)
- Dialogue of the Wind and the Sea (Claude Debussy)
- Diamond (Nik Day)
- Dickory, Dickory, Dock (Traditional English song)
- Dicsőség (Hungarian Christmas carol)
- Did Jesus Really Live Again? (Royce Campbell Twitchell)
- Did Not Our Hearts Burn? (David A. Zabriskie)
- Didn’t It Shine (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Didn’t We Love Him? (Lex de Azevedo)
- Did They Know? (Todd McCabe)
- Did You Know (BeBe Winans; Manuel Seal Jr.)
- Did You See Him in the Garden? (Lynn S. Lund)
- Did You See How the Snowflakes (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Die Allmacht (Franz Schubert)
- Die Himmel rühmen des Ewigen Ehre (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Die Hirten auf dem Felde (Austrian carol)
- Die Kirche Jesu Christi (Willy Reske)
- Die Musici (German folk song)
- Die Sach ist dein, Herr Jesus Christ (Johann Michael Haydn)
- Die schönste Zeit, die liebste Zeit (Johann Friedrich Reichardt)
- Dies est lætitiæ (Anon.)
- Die Sonne geht auf (Hans-Martin Rauch)
- Die Tugend wird (Johann Anastasius Freylinghausen)
- Diezmo y las ofrendas (Vicente Poot P.)
- Dimick
- Dinga, Dinga, Doodle (Folk song)
- Ding-Dong, Merrily on High! (Jehan Tabourot)
- Din klara sol går åter opp (Johann Georg Christian Störl)
- ¡Dios Eterno! en Tu Presencia (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Dios, Hazme Instrumento
- Dios Viviente (Norwegian folk tune)
- Disciple of Christ (Nik Day)
- Disciple’s Prayer (Dale S. Cox)
- Distant Bells (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- Distant Land (John Rutter)
- Distracted (Tyler Castleton; John McVey; Staci Peters)
- Divine (Nik Day)
- Divinity (Sylvanus Billings Pond)
- Divinum mysterium (Plainsong, 13th century)
- Dix (Conrad Kocher)
- Dixie (Anon.)
- Dixie Land (Daniel D. Emmett)
- Djetešce nam se rodilo (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Do As I’m Doing (Folk style)
- Doch der Herr vergisst der Seinen nicht (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Do Duddle
- Doe Kemmerer’s Favorite (Utah folk song)
- Does He Remember? (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Does the Journey Seem Long? (Craig S. Petrie)
- Does the Journey Seem Long? (Rebekah H. Jennings)
- Dogie Song (Cowboy song)
- Do His Will (David A. Zabriskie)
- Do Likewise, My Friend (Michael Webb; Dan Truman)
- Dominus regit me (John B. Dykes)
- Dona Nobis Pacem (Traditional)
- Doncaster (Samuel S. Wesley)
- Don Jolley Waltz (Utah folk song)
- Donkey Riding (Sea shanty)
- Do Not Find Me Sleeping (Pamela Martin)
- Do Not Forsake Me, Lord (Orson Pratt Huish)
- Do Not Hurt God’s Presence, Children (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Don’t Envy the Boy (Joleen G. Meredith)
- Don’t Ever Forget to Pray (Elizabeth Ricks)
- Don’t Ever Stop (Michael Webb; Dan Truman)
- Don’t Give Up (Anon.)
- Don’t Go Away and Leave Me (Anon.)
- Don’t It Make You Want to Go Home (J. South)
- Don’t Kill the Birds (Anon.)
- Don’t Leave Me Now, Lord! (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Don’t Let Anybody Take Your Crown (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Don’t Stop the Music
- Don’t Worry (H. H. Peterson)
- Don’t You Marry the Mormon Boys (Folk song)
- Dorcas (Evan Stephens)
- Do, ré, mi, la perdrix (Anon.)
- Dos Mil Soldados Jóvenes (Gerald Jerling LeBaron)
- Do They Pray for Me (John Harrison Tenney)
- Doubt Not (Nik Day)
- Douglass (John J. McClellan)
- D’où viens-tu, bergère? (French Canadian carol)
- Dove of Peace (Southern Harmony, 1835)
- Doves
- Down at the Cross (J. H. Stockton)
- Downham (Ly Huntingdon)
- Down in Mobile (American folk song)
- Down in the Lower Land (German folk song)
- Down in the Valley (Western folk song)
- Downright, Upright (Anon.)
- Down the shadowed lane (Peruvian folk song)
- Down to the River to Pray (Traditional)
- Down Where the Watermelons Grow (Anon.)
- Doxologia (Pablo D. Sosa)
- Do You Have Room? (Shawna Belt Edwards)
- Do You Hear It?
- Do You Hear What I Hear? (Gloria Shayne Baker)
- Do You Know I’m Here? (Debbie Birch)
- Do You Know? (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Do You Know Your Savior? (Stephanie T. DeGraw)
- Do Your Duty (K. Newell Dayley)
- Draw Near (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Draw Near (Stephen P. Schank)
- Draw Near Unto Me
- Dream Big (Ryan Shupe)
- Dresden Amen (John Stainer)
- Dresden Amen (Richard Wagner)
- Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes (Old English melody)
- Drip Drop (BYU Vocal Point)
- Dr. Maeser’s Favorite March
- Drop by Drop (Kurt Bestor)
- Dry Bones (African-American spiritual)
- Duane Street (George Coles)
- Duane Street/Hancock (George Coles; Ebenezer Beesley)
- Du bist gegenwärtig (G. Tersteegen)
- Du bist meine Freude (Hannelore Hardan)
- Du, du, liegst mir im Herzen (German folk song)
- Duet (1 Corinthians 15:55–56) (George Frideric Handel)
- Du gamla, du fria (Swedish folk song)
- Du har to øyne (Kåre Grøttum)
- Du hast mich, Herr, zu dir gerufen (Otmar Schulz)
- Du hast uns deine Welt geschenkt (Detlev Jöcker)
- Du hast uns, Herr, gerufen (Kurt Rommel)
- Du kannst nicht tiefer fallen (Hans Georg Bertram)
- Duke of York (English folk song)
- Duke Street (John C. Hatton)
- Dulce Espíritu (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Dulcimer / New Salem / Davis / Meditation / Beloved (Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, Wyeth, 1813; Freeman Lewis)
- Du lille solskinn (Alice Tegnér)
- Duncannon (William J. Kirkpatrick)
- Dundee (Scottish Psalter, 1615)
- Dust (Nik Day)
- Dutch Couples
- Duty to God (Wayne Burton)
- Duvall (Linda Duvall)
- Dvorani neba (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Dwell Thou in Me (Marrian Wood Chaplin)
- Dyreng (G. William Richards)
- Dzisiaj w Betlejem (Anon.)
- Each campfire lights anew (Traditional)
- Each Sunday Morning (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- Early to Bed and Early to Rise (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Earth and All Stars (David N. Johnson)
- Earth’s Fairest Flowers (C. Harold Lowden)
- East Acklam (Francis Jackson)
- Easter Bell Carol (Elinor F. Davies)
- Easter Day (George Finlinson)
- Easterday (Willy Reske)
- Easter Hosanna (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Easter Hymn (Lyra Davidica, 1708; Henry Carey)
- Easter Morning (William J. C. Thiel)
- Easter Morn (Robert Cundick)
- Easter Song (Frances K. Taylor)
- Easter Song (Nora Hogan)
- East Horndon (Traditional English tune)
- East Liverpool (Will L. Thompson)
- Ebenezer (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Ebenezer (Thomas J. Williams)
- Echo Canyon (James Kirkham)
- Echo (Sam Cardon)
- Eden Above (W. W. Whitney)
- Eden (J. S. Bramwell)
- Eden’s Garden (Kenneth Cope)
- Edgar (A. Laurence Lyon)
- Edgecombe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Edgeware (J. I. Cobbin)
- Edifica la iglesia
- Edna (Edna H. Coray Dwyer)
- Edwards (Franklyn S. Weddle; Evan A. Fry)
- Edwinston
- E’en So, Lord Jesus (Paul O. Manz)
- Eight Years Old (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Ein Engel (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Ein’ feste Burg (Martin Luther)
- Ein jeder trage die Last des andern (Manfred Siebald)
- Ein Kind ist angekommen (Kurt Rommel)
- Ein Mädchen oder Weibchen (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Ein Schifflein
- Eins ist not, ach, Herr dies eine (Adam Krieger; Joachim Neander)
- Eisenach (Johann Hermann Schein)
- Elbing (Peter Sohren)
- El Cielo Canta Alegría (Pablo D. Sosa)
- El cuarto Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El décimo Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El decimotercer Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El desembre congelat (Catalonian carol)
- El duodécimo Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El gran Dios blanco (Los Hermanos de los Andes)
- El Hombre Sensato (Irene S. de Alvarez)
- Elijah (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Elinore (Frank W. Asper)
- Elizabethtown (George Kingsley)
- Eliza (Evan Stephens)
- Eliza (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Eliza’s Faith Is Restored (Merrill Jenson)
- Eliza’s Faith (Merrill Jenson)
- El Joven Lamanita (Viola T. Haws)
- Ellacombe (Gesangbuch der Herzogl, Wirtembergischen Katholischen Hofkapelle, 1784)
- Ellers (Edward J. Hopkins)
- Ellesdie (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Elliot (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- El Mundo Está Sufriendo (María Antonieta Torres)
- El noveno Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El octavo Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El primer Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El principio y el fin (Vicente Poot P.)
- El quinto Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El segundo Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El Sembrador (Betty Sainz Rodriguez)
- El Señor dijo a mi Señor (Vicente Poot P.)
- El Señor Es Mi Fuerza (Juan Antonio Espinoza)
- El séptimo Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El sexto Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Elsie (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Elsinore (James P. Olsen)
- El Son de la Negra (Blas Galindo)
- Elsworth (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- El tercer Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- El tren (Venezuelan folk song)
- El undécimo Artículo de Fe (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Elyria (Luigi Cherubini)
- Emanuel, Revelación de Dios (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Embark (Nik Day)
- Emerald (Mark H. Forscutt)
- Emerson (Carolee Curtis Green)
- Emery (Henry Emery)
- Emily (Arlen L. Card)
- Emmaline (Joseph Coslett)
- Emmanuel (Carl C. N. Balle)
- Emma’s Theme (Brett Raymond)
- Emperor’s Hymn (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Empty (Cherie Call)
- Empty (Nik Day; Otavio Tobias)
- Encircle Him (Sam Cardon)
- Encuentro (Waldesian song)
- Endowed with Power (Sam Cardon)
- En el hogar (Maxine C. Wight)
- En esta reunión Cristo está
- Enfants de tous pays (Enrico Macias; Pascal-René Blanc)
- Engelberg (Charles Villiers Stanford)
- Enkeli ohjaa (P. J. Hannikainen)
- En Medio de la Vida (Antonio Auza P.)
- Enoch (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Enough (Madilyn Paige)
- Enséñame, Oh Jehová, el Camino (Selmy Kaiser de Sousa Elbert)
- Ensign (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Ensign to the Nations
- Enthroned Upon the Verdure-Covered Hills (Evan Stephens)
- Entr’acte (Savior of the World) (David A. Zabriskie)
- Entre le bœuf et l’âne gris (Folk song)
- En vänlig grönskas rika dräkt (Waldemar Åhlén)
- Ephraim (Harry A. Dean)
- Epilogue (Kurt Bestor)
- Epiphany Hymn (Joseph F. Thrupp)
- Eran Cien Ovejas (Juan Romero)
- Erase Me (Scott Foster)
- Erastus
- Ere Long the Veil Will Rend in Twain (Lowell Mason)
- Erev Shel Shoshanim (Yosef Hadar)
- Ere zij God (Franz Albert Schultz)
- Erhalt uns Herr bei deinem Wort
- Erie / Converse (Charles C. Converse)
- Er is een Heer (Traditional)
- Er ist das Brot, er ist der Wein (Joachim Schwarz)
- Ermuntert euch, ihr Frommen
- Ernan (Lowell Mason)
- Es Bendito el Rey (Barbara C. Mink)
- Es Burebüebli mahn i nid (Swiss folk song)
- Es geht ohne Gott in die Dunkelheit (Manfred Siebald)
- Es imposible vivir sin Dios (Vicente Poot P.)
- Es ist ein Ros (German carol; Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesäng, Cologne 1599)
- Es ist noch Raum (Dora Rappard)
- Es lag in Nacht und Graus die Erde (Hans Georg Nägeli)
- Es la Vida de Mi Alma (Latin American song)
- Especially for Me (Nonie N. Sorensen)
- Es Señor, es Señor
- Es sungen die Engel (Willy Reske)
- Establish a House of Prayer (Melba C. Perry)
- Este Capullo de Rosa (Barbara C. Mink)
- Este es el día (Pablo D. Sosa)
- Este gozo no va a salir
- Esther (Evan Stephens)
- Esther’s Theme
- Estrellita del Sur (Traditional)
- Es war eine Finsternis (Willy Reske)
- Et barn er født i Betlehem (A. P. Berggreen)
- Etendeni Lami (Bridgett Mbonambi; Ndumiso Manana; Langelilihle Mbonambi)
- Eternal Life (Crawford Gates)
- Eternal Life (Olive Dungan)
- Eternal Marriage (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Eternal (Nik Day; Oba Bonner)
- Eternal Things (Ann Kapp Andersen)
- Eternity (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Ethelyn (John S. Lewis)
- Ett barn är fött (Middle Ages melody)
- Etude, Op. 10, No. 12 (Frederic Chopin)
- Eucharistic Hymn (J. Sebastian B. Hodges)
- Eudora (G. Homer Durham)
- Eurcharist (Evan Stephens)
- Euridyce, Here I Seek Thee (Christoph W. von Gluck)
- Evalina Dear (Anon.)
- Evan (Evan Stephens)
- Evan (William H. Havergal)
- Even as I Am (Annette W. Dickman)
- Evening Prayer (Carl Maria von Weber)
- Evening prayer (David Austin Shand)
- Evening Prayer (Robert B. Baird)
- Evening Shades
- Evensong Service Setting in C (Thomas Hardaway)
- Eventide (William H. Monk)
- Even When You’re Broken (Scott Krippayne; Russ Dixon)
- Ever Lead Me (Norman W. Smith)
- Everybody Needs a Friend (Michael Webb)
- Every Breath (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Every Little Movement (Karl Hoschna)
- Every Long Mile (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Every Man for Himself (Kenneth Cope)
- Every Moment (Jesse Butterworth; Regie Hamm; Joy Williams)
- Every Mountain (Nik Day)
- Everyone Loves a Feast
- Everyone That Thirsteth (Christian Asplund)
- Every Season (Nichole Nordeman)
- Every Soul That Takes the Journey
- Every Star Is Different (K. Newell Dayley)
- Every Step Along the Way (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Every Sunday Morning (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Everything to Win (Michael Webb)
- Every Time I Feel the Spirit (Traditional)
- Every Time I Read (Katherine Wright)
- Every Word (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Evidence (Tyler Castleton)
- Ewing (Alexander Ewing)
- Example 10
- Example 11
- Example 12
- Example 13
- Example 14
- Example 19
- Example 2
- Example 20
- Example 23
- Example 24
- Example 25
- Example 3
- Example 31
- Example 32
- Example 33
- Example 38
- Example 39
- Example 4
- Example 40
- Example 44
- Example 49
- Example 5
- Example 50
- Example 51
- Example 55
- Example 56
- Example 6
- Example 60
- Example 61
- Example 62
- Example 63
- Example 64
- Example 7
- Example 8
- Example 9
- Examples of the Believers
- Except I Shall See (David A. Zabriskie)
- Expectation / Revelation (A. P. Berggreen)
- Experiment Upon the Word (Annette W. Dickman)
- Explorer Hiking Song (Anon.)
- Explorer Hiking Song (Oscar A. Kirkham)
- Explorers’ Song
- Exsultate, jubilate (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Exsultate Justi (John Williams)
- Extermination Order (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Eye of the Storm (Gale Hollaway; Vaughn Johnson)
- Eyra (A. M. Fox)
- Ezra (George Careless)
- Faces (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- Face to Face (Grant Colfax Tullar)
- Face to Face (Kenneth Cope)
- Fader, du har skabt mig (Kanon) (Anon.)
- Fader i Himlen (Carl-Johan Grabe)
- Fader vor på himlens trone
- Fahret ein die Erntewagen
- Fairies’ and Elves’ March (Geneva B. Rampton)
- Fair Lisa (Welsh folk song)
- Fair Maid (Erin Patterson)
- Fairy Fiddles (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Faith
- Faith (Ben Olsen)
- Faith (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Faith Endures
- Faithful
- Faithful (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Faithfulness (William M. Runyan)
- Faithful (Sam Cardon; Brian Blosil; Don Stirling)
- Faith (George Careless)
- Faith in Every Footstep (K. Newell Dayley)
- Faith in You (Nik Day)
- Faith (Michael F. Moody)
- Faith / Pioneer Children Were Quick to Obey / To Be a Pioneer / Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked (Michael F. Moody; Lynn R. Shurtleff; Ruth Muir Gardner; Elizabeth Fetzer Bates)
- Faith (Susan L. Purves)
- Faith to Carry On (Don Besig)
- Fakahā ʻe he ʻOtua (Tēvita Tuliakiono)
- Fakaʻofa Kiate Au (Pita Vī)
- Fallen (Sam Cardon)
- Falling Down (Jeremy Christensen)
- Falling Rain (Pitter Patter) (Marian Cornwall)
- Falling Snow (Lois Lunt Metz)
- Familiar (Greg Simpson; Jim Funk)
- Families
- Families (Sam Cardon)
- Family
- Family History—I Am Doing It (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- Family History Is the Story of Me (Nathan Howe)
- Family History Medley
- Family Home Evening Song (Paul Melendez)
- Family Night (Carol Graff Gunn)
- Family Night Is Fun (Robert P. Manookin)
- Family Prayer (DeVota Mifflin Peterson)
- Fanfare for the Common Man (Aaron Copland)
- Far Away (Brady Parks)
- Far Away (Maria Lindsay Bliss)
- Farewell (Anon.)
- Farewell, Dear Friends and Brethren (George Careless)
- Farewell, Deer Flowers
- Farewell, My Kind and Faithful Friend (W. E. Peterson)
- Farewell, Old England! (Evan Stephens)
- Farewell, our friends and brethren (A. C. Smyth)
- Farewell to Nauvoo (Liz Davis)
- Farm news (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Far-West
- Fast Freight to Helper (Greek Dance) (Utah folk song)
- Fasting (Annette W. Dickman)
- Fasting (James B. Welch)
- Fasting Prayer (Betty Ann Wells)
- Father and First of Friends! (Evan Stephens)
- Father, As I Kneel to Pray (David R. Naylor)
- Father Be My Guide (Mikiko O’Bannon)
- Father, Bless Our Sacred Homes (Darwin Wolford)
- Father dear to Thee we pray (Leila C. Ashton)
- Father Do You Hear Me? (Lindy Kerby)
- Father God, I Wonder (Ian Smale)
- Father in Heaven Hears Me Pray (Jenny W. Francis)
- Father in Heaven, We Do Believe (Frank W. Asper)
- Father, I Place into Your Hands (Jenny Hewer)
- Father, I Thank Thee (Ann Kapp Andersen)
- Father, I Will Reverent Be (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Father, Lead Me Gently with Thy Love (Julie Lofgren Wolford)
- Father! Lead Me Out of Darkness (Evan Stephens)
- Father let Thy blessings at parting be upon us (Evan Stephens)
- Father of All (Alexander Schreiner)
- Father of Life and Light (Evan Stephens)
- Father’s and Mother’s Care (Hans Georg Nägeli)
- Father’s Blessing (Jason Lyle Black)
- Fathers (Joyce M. Jensen)
- Father, Thou Who Carest (Mildred J. Hill)
- Father to Son (Todd McCabe; Jeannine Lasky)
- Father Up Above (Gladys Ericksen Seely)
- Father, We Pray (Heather D. Zurcher)
- Father, We Thank Thee for the Night (Daniel Batchellor)
- Father, We Thank Thee for the Night (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- Father, We Thank Thee for the Night (Richard B. Watkins)
- Father, We Thank Thee (Matilda Watts Cahoon)
- Father, We Will Quiet Be (Juliette Graves Adams)
- Father, We Worship Thee (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Fearless Heart (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Fear Not (Anna M. Molgard; Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Fear Not Little Flock (Kelly Coleman)
- Fear Not (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Fear Not (Nik Day)
- February (Lillie M. Jordan)
- Federal Street (Henry K. Oliver)
- Feed My Sheep (David Bolton)
- Feed My Sheep (Jeanni Gould)
- Feed My Sheep (Ron Simpson)
- Feed Thy Sheep (David A. Zabriskie)
- Feeling of Forever (Lex de Azevedo)
- Feel the Fire (Julie de Azevedo; Tyler Castleton)
- Felicity (Evan Stephens)
- Feliz Cumpleaños (Maurine Benson Ozment)
- Fellowship (Norman W. Smith)
- Ferguson (George Kingsley)
- Fertile Soil (Michael Webb; Dan Truman)
- Festal Song (William H. Walter)
- Festival (John E. Tullidge)
- Festival Toccata on St. Anne
- Fidelity / Callestr (Anon.; John Ellis)
- Fielding (George D. Pyper)
- Fielding (Larry E. Johnson)
- Fiesta de Navidad (Plácido Koyoc Yam)
- Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might (John Garnder)
- Fill My Soul (Rob Gardner)
- Fill the World with Love (Frank J. Myers; Jerry Williams; Gary Baker)
- Fill the World with Love (Leslie Bricusse)
- Finally Home (Natalie Grant; Cindy Morgan; Mark Ford Hammond)
- Find Our Cousins (Ross Boothe)
- Find the Power
- Find Your Wings (Mark R. Harris; Tony W. Wood)
- Finlandia (Jean Sibelius)
- Finns det leksaker i himmelriket? (Carl-Bertil Agnestig)
- Finsley (T. Healy)
- Fire of God
- Firm in the Faith (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Firm in the Faith (Kurt Bestor)
- Firm in the Faith (Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- Firm in the Fire (Sam Cardon)
- Firstborn (Cori Connors; Kenneth Cope)
- First Christmas in America (Thomas Callister)
- First Light: Main Theme (Brett Raymond)
- First Snow (Kurt Bestor)
- Fisher, Fisher (A. Carlos Gomes)
- Fishes At Play (Mildred J. Hill)
- Fit for His Kingdom (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Flag of My Heart (Frances K. Taylor)
- Flamenco Highlights (Traditional)
- Flee To Zion, Children, Flee (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Flora (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Flowers and Children
- Flower’s Lullaby (Thuringian folk song)
- Flowers (Nels Woodruff Christiansen; Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen)
- Fly, Soar, Believe (Matt Mylroie)
- Focus on You (Verda Mae Christensen)
- Follow His Light (Karen Anderson Stephens)
- Follow His Way (Dennis L. Crockett)
- Following God (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Following God Thru The Wilderness (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Follow Me (Joshua D. Yordy)
- Follow Me (Linda Chapman; Bonnie Heidenreich)
- Follow My Leader (Alice C. Fletcher)
- Follow On!
- Follow (Stephen Nelson; Garon Brett; Ashley Hess; Emily Belle Freeman; Chase Walker; Grace Freeman)
- Follow the Leader March (Geneva B. Rampton)
- Follow the Light (Don Stirling; Sam Cardon; Tyler Castleton)
- Follow the Prophet (Duane E. Hiatt)
- Folofola Mai ʻa Sīsū (Tēvita Tuliakiono)
- Foolish or Wise (Kathie L. Gakle McArthur; Kenneth Cope)
- Footprints in the Sand (Barbara Tanner; Randy Thorderson)
- Footsteps (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Footsteps (Nik Day)
- For All Who Seek the Lord (Daniel Carter)
- For Beauty (N. Lorenzo Mitchell )
- For Bread and Breath of Life (Daniel Carter)
- For Coey (Monica Scott; Sarah Arnesen)
- For de sårede (Thorvald Lammers)
- Forest Green (English melody)
- Forever
- Forever for Me (Aaron Edson)
- Forever My Friend (Lex de Azevedo)
- Forever with You (Emily Bea)
- For Everyone Born (Brian Mann)
- Forget (Nik Day)
- Forgiveness (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Forgive (Nik Day)
- Forgive Them
- For Health and Strength (Anon.)
- For He Shall Give His Angels to Watch Over Thee (Felix Mendelssohn)
- For I Am Called by Thy Name (Crawford Gates)
- For I Have Seen the Lord (Lynn S. Lund)
- For Jesus Loved Me (Michel Piehi)
- For Me Alone (Sally DeFord)
- For Me (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- For Our Day (Sam Cardon)
- For Our Devotions, Father (Joseph G. Fones)
- Forsake Me Not (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Forsaken (Thomas Koschat)
- For Such a Time as This (Rhea B. Allen)
- For Such a Time as This (Sally DeFord)
- For the Beauty of the Earth (John Rutter)
- For the Beauty of the Earth (Michael F. Moody)
- For the Love of a Woman (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- For the Strength of Youth
- For the Strength of Youth (John V. Pearson)
- For This I Pray (Frances K. Taylor)
- For Thy Bounteous Blessings (Traditional melody)
- For Time and Eternity (Marjorie Wood Remington)
- Fortitude (James P. Olsen)
- Fortress of Faith (Nathan Howe)
- For unto Us a Child is Born (George Frideric Handel)
- For unto us a child is born (Joseph G. Fones)
- For Victory (Frank W. Asper)
- Forward, Mi-kan-wee’s (Alfred M. Durham)
- Forward with Faith (Roger C. Hoffman; Jon Schmidt)
- For You, For Me (Randy Thorderson)
- For You (Hilary Weeks)
- Foundation (American melody)
- Founding Zion (Kenneth Cope)
- Found Me (Garon Brett; Nik Day)
- Fountain Green (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Four Chaplains on the Sea of Glory (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Four-fold Amen (Avanell D. Hancock)
- Fourfold Amen (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Fourfold Amen (Ola Gunsolley Savage)
- Fowler / Prophet (Caroline E. Sheridan Norton)
- Fragile (Nik Day; Anna Richey)
- Frances (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Francom (Clay Christiansen)
- Freckles (Maddie Wilson)
- Free
- Free (Clive Romney)
- Free (Connor Austin)
- Freedom hope (Elizabeth Fetzer Bates)
- Freedom (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Freedom’s Song (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Freedom Waves Her Joyous Pinions (Edwin F. Parry)
- Freedom Waves Her Joyous Pinions (Samuel B. Mitton)
- Freely, Freely (Carol Owens)
- Free My Soul (Nik Day)
- Free to Choose (Ron Simpson)
- Freiburg (Leipsig)
- Fresh from Heaven (Tamara Howell)
- Freyberg (Christian F. Witt)
- Friede wie ein Strom (Willy Reske)
- Friends
- Friends (Anon.)
- Friends Are Fun (Glenn Gordon)
- Friendship (Evan Stephens)
- Friendship (John Nielson)
- Friends Stick Together (Kenneth Cope)
- Friskt mot, Guds folk (Olaf H. Vogeler)
- Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen (Johann Crüger)
- From Bethlehem to Calvary (Dorothy G. Killpack)
- From Cumorah’s Hill (Steven Kapp Perry)
- From Every Ancient Burial Site (Arlene L. Buffington)
- From Father’s Arms to Mother’s Arms (Janice Kapp Perry)
- From Father to Son
- From God’s Arms to My Arms to Yours (Michael McLean)
- From Miss To Mrs. (Rhea B. Allen)
- From My Heart to Yours (Michael McLean)
- From Steeple To Steeple (Arlene L. Buffington)
- From Swaddling Wrap to Crimson Robe (Gaylene E. Anderson)
- From the Foundation of the World (Kenneth Cope)
- From The House Of My Friends (Arlene L. Buffington)
- From The Innermost Prison (Arlene L. Buffington)
- From The Pit Up To The Mountain (Arlene L. Buffington)
- From the regions of glory
- From the Sidelines (Lex de Azevedo)
- From This Moment (Lange; Robert John; Shania Twain)
- From You I Receive (Anon.)
- Fugue in C Major (“Jig”) (Dietrich Buxtehude)
- Fugue in C major (Johan Sebastian Bach)
- Fugue in D Minor (Antonio Vivaldi)
- Fulness of Time (Greg Simpson)
- Funny Bunny (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Fun to Do (Cecilia Johns)
- Für Elise (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Gabriel (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Gabriel (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Gabriel’s Message (Basque carol; Edgar Pettman)
- Gailey (Alexander Schreiner)
- Galilee (Wade N. Stephens)
- Galilee (William H. Jude)
- Gallop (Jennie C. Neal)
- Garden (Jeremiah Ingalls)
- Garden of Paradise (Sallie Hume Douglas)
- Gardner (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Gates of Zion Suite
- Gather
- Gathering at Kirtland (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Gathering (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Gather Me (Amy Geis; Michael Van Wagoner)
- Gather Them into the Fold
- Gather to the Light (Garrett Breeze)
- Gather to Zion (J. F. Williams)
- Gather Up the Sunbeams (George Careless)
- Gather Up the Sunbeams (J. M. F. Snodgrass)
- Gather Us In (Marty Haugen)
- Gaudete (Erica Kyree Glenn)
- Gavotte
- Gavotte (Serge Prokofieff)
- Gaynotes Song (Faye Glover Petersen)
- Gdy się Chrystus rodzi (Michał M. Mioduszewski)
- Gebet (Willy Reske)
- Geh’ aus, mein Herz, und suche Freud (Nathan Söderblom)
- Geheiligt werde dein Name (Willy Reske)
- Geist der Wahrheit, Geist der Liebe (Franz Schubert)
- Geloof, gij bron van machtig werken (J. P. Jongkees)
- General Grant’s March (E. Mack)
- Genesis (Marvin Goldstein)
- Geneva (John P. Cole)
- Gen’rous Savior, Who Hast Bought Us (Betty Ann Wells)
- Gentle Annie (Stephen C. Foster)
- Gentle Jesus (Martin Shaw)
- Gentle Jesus (Michael F. Moody)
- Gentle Jesus, Pure and Fair (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Gentle (Michael McLean)
- Gentle Touch (Jeanni Gould)
- Gentle Way (Robert Cundick)
- Gentle Words (Ida H. White)
- Gently (Debbie Birch)
- Gently Raise the Sacred Strain (George Careless)
- Georgia (George Frideric Handel)
- German Folk Dance (German folk dance)
- German Song (Himmel)
- German students’ song (Franz Abt)
- Germany / Gardiner (Sacred Melodies, William Gardiner, 1815)
- Geslison (Mark Geslison)
- Gestern durfte ich erfahren (Hannelore Hardan)
- Gesù bambino (Pietro Yon)
- Get Acquainted Game
- Gethsemane (George Careless)
- Gethsemane (Kenneth Cope)
- Gethsemane (Melanie M. Hoffman)
- Gethsemane (Sally DeFord)
- Get the Gold/Chase (Brett Raymond)
- Get to Zion (Adam Fink; RJ Rouse)
- Già il sole dal Gange (Alessandro Scarlatti)
- Gib uns Frieden jeden Tag (Rüdeger Lüders)
- Gift of Our Lives (Russ Dixon)
- Gifts (Cherie Call)
- Gifts (Jeanni Gould)
- Give a Gift (Lillian Jones)
- Give a Little Bit (Michael McLean)
- Give Away (Nik Day)
- Give It All to Him (Tel Dyer)
- Give Me a Home in the Heart of the Mountains (Hugh W. Dougall)
- Give Me the Joy of Living (W. Howard Doane)
- Give Me Understanding, Lord (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Give Me Your Right Hand (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor (Irving Berlin)
- Give of Your Best to the Master (Charlotte A. Barnard)
- “Give,” Said the Little Stream (William B. Bradbury)
- Give the Gift (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Give unto the Meek (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Give Us Room That We May Dwell (William N. B. Shepherd)
- Giving Thanks (Robert P. Manookin)
- Giving the life (Evan Stephens)
- Giv mig ej glans, ej guld, ej prakt (Jean Sibelius)
- Gladly Meeting
- Gladly Meeting (Evan Stephens)
- Gladness (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Gladness (Philip P. Bliss)
- Glad och god (Swedish German round)
- Glad Song (French folk song)
- Glad Tidings from Cumorah (Douglas L. Ipson)
- Gladys (Harry A. Dean)
- Gläns över sjö och strand (Alice Tegnér)
- Glasgow (Robert B. Baird)
- Glaube gibt Löwenmark (Willy Reske)
- Glaube nur (Willy Reske)
- Gleaner Girls and M Men (Emery G. Epperson)
- Gloaming (Annie F. Harrison)
- Gloria Deo
- Gloria (Heather Enke)
- Gloria in Excelsis (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Gloria / Iris (French carol)
- Gloria (John J. McClellan)
- Gloria siempre al Señor Jesucristo (Vicente Poot P.)
- Gloria (Suzanne Ostler Shippen)
- Gloria y Honor Dad
- Glorieklokken No. 50 (George Frideric Handel)
- Glorious Everlasting (M. Thomas Cousins)
- Glorious (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Glorious Things
- Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken (James S. Hanecy)
- Glory (A. Radiger)
- Glory Be to God in the Highest (Evan Stephens)
- “Glory Be to God,” the Angels Sang (Evan Stephens)
- Glory Forever (Gaetano Braga)
- Glory (Jeanni Gould)
- Glory! (Rimsky-Korsakoff; Nikolai)
- Glory to God (George Frideric Handel)
- Glory to God in the Highest (Brent Jorgensen)
- Glory to God in the Highest (David A. Zabriskie)
- Glory to God in the Highest (Sergei Rachmaninoff)
- Glory to Thee, my God, this night
- Glory to Thee, my God, this Night (Robert B. Baird)
- Glory to the Newborn King (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Glücklich führte uns bisher (Lowell Mason)
- Go and Do (Nik Day)
- Go Bring Them In (Don Stirling; Nancy Hanson; Sam Cardon)
- God Be Merciful (George Careless)
- God be merciful unto us and bless us (Henry Farmer)
- God Be with You / Deus vobiscum (William G. Tomer)
- God Bless America (Irving Berlin)
- God Bless and Guard Our Mountain Home (Evan Stephens)
- God Bless Our Homes and Families (Janice Kapp Perry)
- God Bless Our Mountain Home (Evan Stephens)
- God Bless the Prince of Wales (Henry Brinley Richards)
- God bless you, dear Mother! (Willy Reske)
- God Brought Us Thru (Arlene L. Buffington)
- God Cares (W. Stillman Martin)
- God Created Us (Steve Siler; Dwight Liles; Mandie Pinto)
- Goddard (Henry H. Russell)
- God Defend New Zealand (John Joseph Woods)
- God Did Provide Himself a Lamb (Anna Morgan Oaks)
- God Gave Me Dear America (Carolyn R. Freeman)
- God Gave Us Our Earth (Reid N. Nibley)
- God Hath Sent His Son This Day (Jan Underwood Pinborough)
- God is Ever Good (Anon.)
- God Is Leading By His Spirit (Arlene L. Buffington)
- God Is Love (Edmund S. Carter)
- God Is Love (Joseph G. Fones)
- God Is Love (Morgan J. Busch)
- God Is Love (Sione Tuʻikolongahau)
- God is near (Jennie C. Neal)
- God Is Our Refuge (Dudley Buck)
- God Is Watching Over All (Franz Schubert)
- God Is Wisdom, Love (Robert Roesch)
- God Knows
- God Loved Us, So He Sent His Son (Edward P. Kimball)
- God loves all His children (Michael F. Moody)
- Godly Sorrow (Sam Cardon)
- God Made My Mountain Strong (Arlene L. Buffington)
- God Made Us All (James M. McLaughlin)
- God Make My Life a Little Light (Jónas Tómasson)
- God Make My Life (Hollis Dann)
- God Moves in a Mysterious Way (John J. McClellan)
- God of Grace and God of Glory
- God of Israel (Evan Stephens)
- God of My Fathers! Friend of Humankind! (Evan Stephens)
- God of Our Fathers, Known of Old (Isaac B. Woodbury)
- God, Our Father, Hear Us Pray (George H. Durham)
- God Our Father Made the Night (Anon.)
- Go Down Moses (Traditional)
- God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen (English carol)
- God’s Christmas Gift (Sharalen J. Benson)
- God’s Creatures (Jennie C. Neal)
- God Sent Manna (Arlene L. Buffington)
- God Shall Wipe All Tears Away (Antonio L. Haskell)
- God’s Love (Grace Wilbur Conant)
- God’s Love (Joseph Barnby)
- God’s Love (Leora Martin)
- God’s Love (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- God So Loved the World (Carl F. Nygard Jr.)
- God So Loved the World (Jeremy Christensen; Kyle Wesley)
- God So Loved the World (John Goss)
- God So Loved the World (John Stainer)
- God So Loved the World (Michael F. Moody)
- God So Loved the World (Rebecca H. Martin)
- God’s Still On His Throne (Arlene L. Buffington)
- God’s Touch (Arlene L. Buffington)
- God’s Word (Arlene L. Buffington)
- God’s Work (Mildred J. Hill)
- God Tells the Animals, “Come” (Karen S. Taylor)
- God Will Restore (Arlene L. Buffington)
- God Will Take Care of You (Ira D. Sankey)
- God Within God Around (Randall Pratt)
- Go Forth into the World in Peace
- Go Forth (Sandra L. Webb-Johnsen)
- Goin’ Home (Kenneth Cope)
- Go in Peace
- Go in Peace (Vickey Pahnke Taylor; Randy Kartchner; Kenneth Cope)
- Gold and Green (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- Gold and Tinsel (E. B. Ferguson)
- Golden Gleaner’s Prayer (Gwen McConkie; James W. McConkie)
- Golden Gleaner Theme Song (Judith W. Parker)
- Golden Sabbath School Song (Joseph G. Fones)
- Goliath of Gath (Alice E. Workman)
- Gondolieri (Ethelbert Nevin)
- Gone to bed is the setting sun (Anne H. Chapin)
- Good Afternoon, Dear Little Friend (Folk song)
- Good-by (Caletta Bertrand)
- Good-bye (I’ll See You on Tuesday) (Anon.)
- Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye (Sea chantey)
- Good Bye, My Lover, Good-Bye (T. H. Allen)
- Good-bye, now, to you (Frances K. Taylor)
- Goodbye, Old Paint (Anon.)
- Good-by Greetings (Jennie C. Neal)
- Good Day (Nik Day)
- Good Fellows (Anon.)
- Good Friends (Nik Day)
- Good Health Song (F. R. Carolyn)
- Good King Wenceslas / Tempus adest floridum (Traditional Finnish)
- Good Morning
- Good Morning (German folk tune)
- Good Morning, God! (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Good Morning Mr. Zip (Robert Lloyd)
- Good-Morning Song (Florence Page)
- Good Morning to All (Mildred J. Hill)
- Good Morning to the Glad New Day (Caro A. Dugan)
- Good Night, and Peace Be with You (Anon.)
- Good Night (Evan Stephens)
- Good Night (German folk song)
- Good-night, good-night as stars glimmer bright (Swiss round)
- Good-Night, Ladies (Edwin Pearce Christy)
- Good Night (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Goodnight, My Angel (Billy Joel)
- Good Tidings (Joseph G. Fones)
- Good Tidings (Thomas Jarman)
- Good to Be Alive (Nik Day; Regan Rindlisbacher)
- Good Work for Me to Do (Cherie Call)
- Go On a Mission (Patricia Kelsey Graham)
- Gordon (Adoniram J. Gordon)
- Gordon B. Hinckley—Constant As the North Star (Cheryl Boyer Hansen)
- Goshen / O Jesus, the Giver (Ralph Bradshaw)
- Gospel (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Gospel Light (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Gospel Restoration (Henry R. Bishop)
- Gospel Teachings Guard Our Footsteps (Alexander Schreiner)
- Got a Dime in My Pocket (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Go Tell It on the Mountain (Southern folk song)
- Gotha (Justin Heinrich Knecht)
- Go the Second Mile (Ruth Muir Gardner)
- Gotta Believe (Aaron Edson)
- Gott, der du alles Leben schufst (16th century)
- Gott gab uns Atem, damit wir leben (Fritz Baltruweit)
- Gott ist mein Hort (Johann Heinrich Egli)
- Gott, unser Festtag ist gekommen (Johann Balthasar König)
- Gottvertrauen
- Go Well and Safely (Zulu parting song)
- Go When the Morning Shineth (Evan Stephens)
- Go with Me (Kenneth Cope)
- Go Ye Forward (James Stanard)
- Go Ye into All the World (Stephen P. Schank)
- Go Ye into Every Nation (Darwin Wolford)
- Grace Church (Ignaz J. Pleyel)
- Grace: Daily Assistance (Kurt Bestor)
- Grace (David Tolk)
- Grace Is Amazing (Cherie Call)
- Grace (James P. Olsen)
- Grace (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Graceland College (Warren K. McElwain)
- Grace: The Bicycle (Kurt Bestor)
- Gracias por Cada Arco Iris (Barbara C. Mink)
- Gracias te doy
- Gracias Te Doy, Señor (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Graduation Song (Clara W. McMaster)
- Grandfather’s Clock (Henry C. Work)
- Grandfather sits by the old fireside (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Grandma (Robert F. Brunner)
- Grandma’s Love (Coleen Hamilton)
- Grandmother (Nonie N. Sorensen)
- Grandmother’s Old-Fashioned Garden (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Grandpa and Grandma Are Going Away on a Mission (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Grandpa (The Gibbons)
- Grant (Joleen G. Meredith)
- Grantsville (Evan Stephens)
- Grant Us Peace, O, Lord (Evan Stephens)
- Granville Pace (Lot Alexander)
- Grateful (Dixie Linn Choque)
- Grateful for the Rain (Garon Brett; Nik Day)
- Grateful in All Things (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Gratefulness (Mary A. Bradford)
- Gratias tibi ego (Jonathan Willcocks)
- Gratitude (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Gratitude (Joseph G. Fones)
- Gratitude (Paul Cardall)
- Gratitude (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Gray (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Greater Love (Kenneth Cope)
- Greater Miracles (Hilary Weeks; Doug Pincock)
- Great Expectations (Steven Curtis Chapman)
- Great Is Our God
- Great Is Our God (Joan Sprague)
- Great is the Lord (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Great Is the Lord (Tucker)
- Great Light of the World (Bebo Norman)
- Great Shepherd of the sheep (E. B. Ferguson)
- Great Spirit, Listen to the Red Man’s Wail! (Evan Stephens)
- Green Sleeves (Elizabeth Root)
- Greensleeves (English folk song, 16th century)
- Greenville / Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
- Greenwood Ridge (Daniel Charles Damon)
- Greeting
- Greeting and Farewell (Peter W. Dykema)
- Greeting (George Careless)
- Greeting Hymn (Norman W. Smith)
- Greeting (Jennie C. Neal)
- Greeting Song (Frances K. Taylor)
- Grief (Charles J. Thomas)
- Großer Gott, du Herrlicher dort oben (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Großer Gott, wir loben dich (Lüneburg)
- Growing Young (Rich Mullins; David A. Strassner)
- Growth (Marian Cornwall)
- Guard and Guide Us
- Guard Him, Joseph (Sally DeFord)
- Guardians of Virtue
- Gud har skapat allting (Erhard Wikfeldt)
- Gud signe vårt dyre fedreland (Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse)
- Guess what! (Caletta Bertrand)
- Guide (Marcus M. Wells)
- Guide Me, O My Savior (Arthur B. Phillips)
- Guide Me to Thee (Rebekah H. Jennings)
- Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah (Andrew Moore)
- Gustaf’s Skoal (Swedish tune)
- Gute Nacht, du liebe Welt! (Walter E. Brady)
- Gwenthlyn (Robert B. Baird)
- Gypsy Love Song (Victor Herbert)
- Hablad con Ternura (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Had I Been a Child (Darwin Wolford)
- Hail, Columbia! (Philip Phile)
- Hail, Cumorah! Silent Wonder (Hugh W. Dougall)
- Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Hail Joyous Day (Evan Stephens)
- Hail Poetry (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Hail! Primary (John Nielson)
- Hail Prophet Joseph (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Hail to the Brightness
- Hail to the Prophet Who Pointed the Way (Henry E. Giles)
- Hajej, nynej, Jezisku (Czech carol)
- Haleluha! Pelo Tsa Rona (South African hymn)
- Halleluiah Sing! (Darwin Wolford)
- Halleluja! Gott zu loben (Johann Georg Bässler)
- Hallelujah, Amen (George Frideric Handel)
- Hallelujah, Bless His Name (James McGranahan)
- Hallelujah Chorus (George Frideric Handel)
- Hallelujah (David Barrus)
- Hallelujah, Hallelujah (Czech carol)
- Hallelujah (JoAnna Burton)
- Hallelujah (Justin Williams; Ryan Innes; Russ Dixon)
- Hallelujah (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Hallelujah (Marvin Goldstein)
- Hallelujahs (Chris Rice)
- Hallelujah to the Father (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Hallowed Be His Name
- Halloween (Janice O. Betts)
- Halloween (Rinda Rowley Wilson)
- Halloween Tree (Joanne Bushman Doxey)
- Halte zu mir, guter Gott (Ludger Edelkötter)
- Hamburg (Gregorian chant; Lowell Mason)
- Hancock (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Hand Game Song (Natalie Curtis)
- Hand in Hand (Julie de Azevedo; Lex de Azevedo; James Marsden)
- Hand in Hand Together (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Hands That Rock the World (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Hankey (William G. Fischer)
- Hannah (Evan Stephens)
- Hanover (William Croft)
- Han skal leve (Traditional Danish song)
- Hanson Place / Beautiful River (Robert Lowry)
- Happily Ever After (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Happy are the Days of Childhood (Edwin F. Parry)
- Happy birthday, happy birthday
- Happy Birthday Song (Norma G. Jacobsen)
- Happy Children (Dorothy Brown)
- Happy Children (George F. Root)
- Happy Children (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Happy Children’s Day (C. Harold Lowden)
- Happy Day (Edward F. Rimbault)
- Happy Days (Anon.)
- Happy Easter (Lillie M. Jordan)
- Happy Family (Blanch D. Sundberg)
- Happy, Happy Birthday (Mildred E. Millett)
- Happy Home Builders (Mirla Greenwood Thayne)
- Happy Hours (Stephen C. Foster)
- Happy Larks (DeVota Mifflin Peterson)
- Happy New Year! (Grace Wilbur Conant)
- Happy New Year (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Happy New Year (Traditional melody)
- Happy New Year (Wilma Boyle Bunker)
- Happy People (American folk song)
- Happy Song / Ducks in the Pond (Czech folk song)
- Happy Song (Mary Rose Jack)
- Happy the Souls Who First Believed (Evan Stephens)
- Happy Zion (Isaac B. Woodbury)
- Hard Times, Come Again No More (Stephen C. Foster)
- Hard to Doubt (Dustin Christensen)
- Har hånd du lagt på Herrens plov (Johann Schop; Joseph Glæser)
- Hark, Hark! Angelic Minstrels Sing (B. Cecil Gates)
- Hark! Hark! the Lark! (Franz Schubert)
- Hark! How the Gospel Songs (Evan Stephens)
- Hark, I Hear a Voice (Anon.)
- Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal (Southern folk hymn)
- Hark! Listen to the Gentle Strain (B. Cecil Gates)
- Hark! Listen to the Gentle Strain (W. E. Peterson)
- Hark! Listen to the Trumpeters (George F. Root)
- Hark! Listen to the Trumpeters (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Hark! the Children Sweetly Sing (Anon.)
- Hark! The Evening Hymn Is Stealing (Russian air)
- Hark! The Pretty Birds are Singing (Anon.)
- Hark to the Classmates’ Song (H. G. Whitney)
- Harmony Greeting (Anon.)
- Harmony (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Harold (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Harre, Meine Seele (Henri Abraham César Malan)
- Harris (Thoro Harris)
- Hartford (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Harts (Benjamin Milgrove)
- Harvest
- Harvest (George Careless)
- Harvest Home
- Harvest Home
- Harvest home, harvest home (Evan Stephens)
- Harvey’s Chant (William B. Bradbury)
- Har vi sten i våre hender (Knut Løken)
- Harwell (Lowell Mason)
- Haste to the Sunday School (William G. Bickley)
- Haste to the Wedding (English jig)
- Hatt i di, hatt i di (Austrian folk song)
- Haugan (Robert P. Manookin)
- Haun’s Mill Massacre (Merrill Jenson)
- Have a Very Happy Birthday! (Michael F. Moody)
- Have a Very Merry Christmas! (Michael F. Moody; Michael Joseph)
- Have a visit with your friend (Clara W. McMaster)
- Have Faith, Have Courage (Phill Swapp)
- Have I Done Any Good? (Lisa M. Keawekane)
- Have Ye Not Known? (Randall Thompson)
- Have You Counted the Cost? (Arthur J. Hodge)
- Have You Felt to Sing? (Alice W. Johnson)
- Have You Heard About The Morning (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Have You Heard the Story of Harry? (Anon.)
- Hawaiʻi Ponoʻī (Henri Berger)
- Hawaiian Boat Song (Hawaiian folk song)
- Hawarden (Samuel S. Wesley)
- Haydn (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Hay momentos
- Hay paz
- Hazel Dell (George F. Root)
- Hazel (Edward P. Kimball)
- ¿Haz sentido su llamado del cielo? (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Healed by His Love (Samuel H. Bradshaw)
- Healer (Nik Day)
- Healing Grace (Annette W. Dickman)
- Healing Water (Nik Day; Feli Ika)
- Heal Our Land (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Health Fairies
- Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise (Moravian folk tune)
- Hear and Hearken (Lynn S. Lund)
- Hear dem bells (D. S. McCosh)
- Hear Him (B. Cecil Gates)
- Hear Him (Libby Knapp)
- Hear Him (Marlene D. Bartlett)
- Hear Him (Nik Day)
- Hear Him (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- Hear It from You (Nik Day; Mitch Bandley)
- Hear Me
- Hear My Praise (Kenneth Cope)
- Hear My Prayer (Kay Hicks Ward)
- He Arose in Triumph (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Hear Our Prayer
- Hear Our Prayer (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Hear Our Prayer, Oh Lord (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Hear Our Prayer, Oh Lord (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Hear Our Prayer, O Lord (George Whelpton)
- Hear, O Ye Heavens (Alfred M. Durham)
- Hear The Call Across The Water (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Hear the Raindrops (William M. Foxley)
- Hear the Trumpets (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Heartland (Kurt Bestor)
- Heart of Worship (Matt Redman)
- Hearts and Homes (George Careless)
- Hearts That Understand (Lynn S. Lund)
- Heart Strains
- Hear Us Heavenly Father (Ralph A. Sheffield Jr.)
- Heave Ho (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- Heaven, Come
- Heaven Help the Children (Steve James)
- Heavenly Dove (Joel Blomquist)
- Heavenly Father (Anon.)
- Heavenly Father (Beryle J. Immer)
- Heavenly Father! (Franz Schubert)
- Heavenly Father, Now I Pray (Alvin A. Beesley)
- Heavenly Father we would worship (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Heavenly Father, While I Pray (Becky-Lee Hill Reynolds)
- Heavenly Home (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Heavenly Treasure (John Edwards)
- Heavenly Visitation (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Heaven’s Fire (Steven Kapp Perry)
- Heaven’s Fountain (Greg Simpson)
- Heaven’s Words of Love (A. C. Smyth)
- Heav’n, Heav’n (Southern folk song)
- Hebe deine Augen auf zu den Bergen (Felix Mendelssohn)
- He Believes in You (Nik Day)
- Heber (Ebenezer Beesley)
- He Blessed Them (Frances K. Taylor)
- Hebron (Lowell Mason)
- He Brought Me Light (Janice Kapp Perry)
- He Came for Me (Hilary Weeks)
- He Came for Us (Tom Edward Clark)
- He Carries Me (Marta Johns)
- He Changed My Life Completely (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He Died That We Might Live Again (Charlene A. Newell)
- He Gave His Life for Me (Lex de Azevedo)
- He Has Risen
- He Has Sent My Spirit Peace (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He Hears Me (Hilary Weeks)
- He Hears Your Heart (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- He Held His Arms And I Ran In (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Heidenröslein (Franz Schubert)
- Heidenröslein (Franz Schubert)
- Heigh Ho! (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Heiland, geef een avondzegen (Anon.)
- Heilige Stille (Willy Reske)
- He Is Born (Aaron Edson)
- He Is (Hilary Weeks)
- He Is Mighty (Jeanni Gould)
- He Is My All (Sally DeFord)
- He Is Near Me (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- He Is Not Here (Crawford Gates)
- He Is Not Here, for He Is Risen (Steven Kapp Perry)
- He Is Our Guide (Rebecca Woodworth Hainsworth)
- He Is Risen (Kurt Bestor)
- He Is Risen (Ross Farnworth)
- He Is There (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- He Is There (Nathan Howe)
- He Is There (Nik Day; Tanner Linford)
- He Is the Way (Jenny Phillips)
- He Is (Wayne Burton; Tyler Castleton)
- Hej, Dziny, Dziny, Dom (Slovak folk song)
- He Keeps Me Singing (Luther B. Bridgers)
- He Knew
- He Knows His Lambs (Diane Tuiofu)
- He Knows Me Better (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- He Knows (Michael R. Hicks)
- Helaman’s Sons (Edwin F. Parry)
- He Leadeth Me (William B. Bradley)
- Helene (Robert P. Manookin)
- Helen (Silas J. Vail)
- He Lives (Alfred H. Ackley)
- He Lives (Kenny G)
- He Lives (Lewis D. Edwards)
- He’ll Answer Back (Dustin Christensen; Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- He’ll Be There (Connor Austin)
- He’ll Make You Whole (Merrill Jenson)
- He’ll Never Let You Go (Nik Day)
- Hello, Friends! (Wilma Boyle Bunker)
- Hello Song (Maurine Benson Ozment)
- Hello Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Hello song (Ruth H. Chadwick)
- He’ll Take Care Of Me (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He Loves Me (Katherine Nelson)
- He Loves You Enough (Nik Day)
- Helping Mother (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Helping Mother (V. Earle Copes)
- Help Me, Dear Father (Frances K. Taylor)
- Help me to be good (Ella F. Bentley)
- Help My Unbelief (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Help Us, Lord, to Do Thy Will (Peggy Milligan Moffit)
- Help Us, O God, to Understand (D. Evan Davis)
- He Met Her on the Stairs (Anon.)
- He Moves Mountains in Me (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Hendon (Henri Abraham César Malan)
- He Planted Me Deep (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Herald (Hans Henry Petersen)
- Heraldic Trumpets (David A. Zabriskie)
- Herald Trumpeters (Crawford Gates)
- Herana Hera (Nepali melody)
- Herders, Hij is geboren (De gheestelijcken leeuwercker; Gerardina Debaene)
- Here Am I (Kamie Jacobs Bolen)
- Here Am I, Send Me (Aaron Edson)
- Here Am I (Tyler Castleton; Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- Here He Placed Me, Here I’ll Stay (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Here I Am Again (Adam Turley; Ysabelle Cuevas)
- Here I Am, Lord (Daniel L. Schutte)
- Here I Am (Randy Thorderson)
- He Reigns (Albert Simpson Reitz)
- He Reigns (Nik Day)
- Here Is Hope (Rob Gardner)
- Her er vi (Anon.)
- Here to Be (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Here We Come A Caroling (English carol)
- Here We Come (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Here with cheerful strains we welcome (Joseph G. Fones)
- Her Garden (Tammy Simister Robinson)
- Hermana (A. Laurence Lyon)
- Hermano, Canta Conmigo (Irene S. de Alvarez)
- Hermas (Frances R. Havergal)
- Hermoso Lucero (Mexican melody)
- Heroes of the Scriptures (Lynn R. Shurtleff)
- Herre, forlat mig ei (Olaf H. Vogeler)
- Herren är min herde (Carl-Bertil Agnestig)
- Herre, vi samles (Olaf H. Vogeler)
- Herr, gib mir Mut zum Brückenbauen (Paul Gerhard Walter)
- Herr, gib uns deinen Segen (Italian folk song)
- Herr Gott, du bist von Ewigkeit (Martin Luther; Joseph Klug)
- Herr, laß mich doch gewissenhaft (Peter Sohr)
- Herr, nur du! (Willy Reske)
- Herr, Wie du Willst (Matthäus Greitter)
- Herr, wie du willst, so schick’s mit mir
- Herz und Herz vereint zusammen (Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf)
- He’s All The World To Me (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He’s Born (Aaron Edson)
- He’s Coming (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He Sent His Son (Michael F. Moody)
- He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands (African-American spiritual)
- He Shall Feed His Flock (John Ness Beck)
- He Shines On Me (John Fluker; Kelly Eisenhour)
- He Showed Me How (Stephanie Smith Mabey; David Archuleta)
- He Sits Upon The Circle Of The Earth (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He’s Just a Friend / Dear John (Lex de Azevedo)
- He Smiles at Me (Junior Bonner)
- He’s My Rock (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Hesperus / Quebec (Henry Baker)
- He’s Safe – Jesus Saved Him (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He’s Taken My Blindness (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He Still Chose Me (Connor Austin; Luz Ysabelle Cuevas; Nik Day)
- He’s Worthy (Baptist spiritual)
- He Taught Us to Love (Nik Day; Jacob Hawkes)
- He Teaches Us to Give (Merrill Jenson)
- He That Hath Clean Hands (J. A. Parks; A. W. “Mickey” Hart)
- He Took My Sins Away (Margaret J. Harris)
- He Touched Them with His Hands (Holly Hamilton Miller)
- Heut’ ist der Tag des Herrn (Konradin Kreutzer)
- He Was Always Right (Arlen L. Card)
- He, Watching Over Israel (Felix Mendelssohn)
- He Whispers Courage (Julie de Azevedo)
- He Will Find You (Wayne Burton)
- He Will Heal Us (Jennifer P. Zabel)
- He Will Hide Me In His Pavilion (Arlene L. Buffington)
- He Will (Hilary Weeks; Doug Pincock)
- He Will Never Change (Nik Day)
- He Will Not Fail You (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Hey, Ho, Away We Go (Freur)
- Hickory Sticks (Katie Davis)
- Hicks (Arthur H. Mills)
- Hidden in My Heart (Arnold Stringham)
- Hidden Treasures (James P. Olsen)
- Hide (Nik Day)
- Hiding in Thee (Ira D. Sankey)
- Hiding Place (Michael Ledner)
- Higher (Amber Lynn Stoppel)
- High, Low (Theresa Armitage)
- Highs and Lows (Nik Day)
- High Stepping Horses
- Hi Ho the Merrio (Anon.)
- Hiking Song (English hiking song)
- Hiking Song (J. A. Spencer)
- Hills (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Him, and Him Alone
- Himmel und Erde
- Himno Nacional Argentino (Blas Parera)
- Hinckley (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Hinges (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- Hino à Bandeira Nacional (Francisco Braga)
- Hino Nacional Brasileiro (Francisco Manuel da Silva)
- His Daughter (Michelle Soderberg)
- His Design (Dennis L. Crockett)
- His Eye Is on the Sparrow / I Need Thee Every Hour (Charles H. Gabriel; Robert Lowry)
- His Hands (Kenneth Cope)
- His Holy Name (Libby Knapp)
- His Kindness in Me (Nik Day)
- His Little Ones (Frances K. Taylor)
- His Love for Me (James Marsden)
- His Love (Jake Rau)
- His Love (Tyler Castleton)
- His Love Will Bring You Home (Jeanni Gould)
- His Love Will Lead You Home (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- His Name Is Love
- His Name (Nik Day)
- His Promise (Clara W. McMaster)
- His Redeeming Love (Brent Jorgensen)
- His Sheep (Judith Roberts Spragg)
- His Still, Small Voice (Timothy B. Wilson)
- His Voice as the Sound (Traditional)
- His Work and His Glory (Daniel Carter)
- His Work (Nik Day; Myshaan Komene)
- Hoch Hinaus (Fabiana Lauf)
- Hoe-Down from “Rodeo” (Aaron Copland)
- Hoe leidt dit kindeke (Dutch carol)
- Ho! Every Sleeper Waken (Anon.)
- Höga Nord (Anon.)
- Ho! Ho! Ho! Magic! (Clara W. McMaster)
- Hold Fast
- Holding (Bri Ray)
- Holding Hands Around the World (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Holding You (Melody Fern Jackman)
- Hold On (Dustin Christensen; Russ Dixon)
- Hold On (Greg Simpson)
- Hold On, I Am Coming (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Hold On (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Hold On (Marsha Norman; Lucy Simon)
- Hold On, the Light Will Come (Michael McLean)
- Hold On, the Light Will Come / You’re Not Alone (Michael McLean)
- Hold On Tight (Kenneth Cope)
- Hold On to Life
- Hold On to Me (Nik Day)
- Hold Our Torches High (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Hold the Fort (Philip P. Bliss)
- Hold to the Rod
- Hold Your Light Up
- Holiness Becometh the House of the Lord (Evan Stephens)
- Holiness / Longstaff (George C. Stebbins)
- Hollingside (John B. Dykes)
- Holy Father (Kenneth Cope)
- Holy Ground
- Holy, Holy, Holy (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Holy, Holy, Holy (Charles Gounod)
- Holy Infant Born This Day (Raymond D. Cook)
- Holy Jesus (Marlene D. Bartlett)
- Holy Manna (William Moore; Columbian Harmony, 1825)
- Holy Places (Katherine Wright)
- Holy Savior in the Manger (Raymond D. Cook)
- Holy Spirit, Truth Divine (R. Walker Robson)
- Holy Temples Ever Rising (Robert P. Manookin)
- Home
- Home Again (Marshall S. Pike)
- Home (Amy Foster-Gillies; Michael Bublé; Alan Chang)
- Home and Family Medley
- Home and Heart (Happy Medium)
- Home (Anon.)
- Home at Last, Safe at Last (Brett Raymond)
- Home Builders’ Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Home-Coming Day (Matilda Watts Cahoon)
- Home (Evan Stephens)
- Home I’ll Be (Rita MacNeil)
- Home Is a Place of Peace (Jaremy J. Hoopes)
- Home (K. Newell Dayley)
- Homeland (Evan Stephens)
- Homeless (Michael McLean)
- Home of the Brave (Firefly)
- Home on the Range (Western folk song)
- Home’s Bright Love (Lynn R. Shurtleff)
- Home (Shannon Sanders; Marc Broussard; Marshall N. Altman; Ted Broussard; Andrew Ramsey)
- Home to Me (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Homeward Bound (Marta Keen)
- Home (William B. Bradbury)
- Home (Ye Who Would Brave the Bounding Billow) (Edwin F. Parry)
- Honest and Truthfully Yours (Murray Boren; K. Newell Dayley)
- Honest (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Honor and Fame (Evan Stephens)
- Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Hope (George Careless)
- Hope (Kayla Spurlock)
- Hope Was Born (Clive Romney)
- Hop (for Bunny or Robin)
- Hopping Song
- Hoppity (Edna Evans Johnson)
- Horace (Evan Stephens)
- Horch, was kommt von draußen’ rein (German folk song)
- Höret die Stimme des Profeten! (Willy Reske)
- Hør, hvor juleklokken ringer (John W. Johnson)
- Horsley (William Horsley)
- Hortense (Hortense Beauharnais)
- Hosanna! Blessed is He that comes (Christian Gregor)
- Hosannah Anthem (Evan Stephens)
- Hosannah! (Evan Stephens)
- Hosannah (George Careless)
- Hosanna (Jules Granier)
- Hosanna (Rita S. Robinson)
- Hosanna, Thy Savior Hath Come (Rob Gardner)
- Hosanna to My Lord (Emma Rae Mohlman)
- Ho, Sheep (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Hosianna (Georg J. Vogler)
- Housekeeper’s March (Alice R. Baldwin)
- House of Faith (Jeanni Gould)
- House of Faith (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- How Beauteous Are Their Feet (James Stanard)
- How Beautiful upon the Mountains (F. Flaxington Harker)
- How Beautiful upon the Mountains! (John E. Tullidge)
- How Beautiful upon the Mountains (Robert Cundick)
- How Bright Is the Day (Traditional)
- How Can I Keep from Singing (Robert Lowry)
- How Could I Have Known (Kenneth Cope)
- How Dear to God Are Little Children (Carol Baker Black)
- How Do You Do (Anon.)
- How Do You Do? (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- How Do You Move a Mountain (Amber Anderson)
- How d’ya do
- Howd’y (Anon.)
- How D’Ye Do, My Partner
- How Excellent Thy Name (Howard Hanson)
- How firm a foundation
- How Firm a Foundation (Ross Farnworth)
- How Fleet the Precious Moments Roll (Anon.)
- How Great Shall Be Your Joy (Janice Kapp Perry)
- How Great the Goodness of Our God (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- How Great Thou Art/Clair de Lune (Josh Wright; Swedish folk melody; Claude Debussy)
- How Is a Boy to Know? (Brett Raymond)
- How Is It Done (Nik Day)
- How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place (Mack Wilberg)
- How Much Is It Worth? (K. Newell Dayley)
- How Often in Sweet Meditation (George Careless)
- How Often, in Sweet Meditation (Roger C. Hoffman)
- How Pleasant to Mingle Together (Edward P. Kimball)
- How Pleased and Blest Was I (George Careless)
- How Shall I Live? (Marjorie Castleton Kjar)
- How the Light from Zion’s Mountain
- How Will the Saints Rejoice to Tell (Evan Stephens)
- How Will They Know? (Natalie W. Sleeth)
- How You Live (Cindy Morgan)
- Hoy Venimos, Como Hermanos (Barbara C. Mink)
- Hoy Yo Te He Visto, Señor (Alvaro Michelin Salomon)
- Hudson (George Careless)
- Hudson (Ralph E. Hudson)
- Humble Way (Lex de Azevedo)
- Humility
- Humility (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Humming Chorus (Giacomo Puccini)
- Humoresque (Antonin Dvorak)
- Hum Your Favorite Hymn (K. Newell Dayley)
- Hungarian Rhapsody (Franz Liszt)
- Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (Franz Liszt)
- Hunger
- Hurrah for Israel (Barry Gibbons)
- Hurrah for the Flag (Mary H. Howliston)
- Hurricane (Kenneth Cope; Celia Crane)
- Hurricanes (Cherie Call)
- Hurry Home, Son (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Hursley (Katholisches Gesangbuch, Vienna, c. 1774)
- Hurst (Frances H. Booth)
- Hush! Be Every Sound Subdued (George Careless)
- Hushed Was the Evening Hymn (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Hush, Little Baby (American lullaby)
- Hush, Sweet Baby (Kevin G. Pace)
- Hvem skabte stjernerne (Anon.)
- Hvorfra kommer du
- Hyfrydol (Rowland H. Prichard)
- Hymne du centenaire (J. Welch)
- Hymn (Kurt Bestor)
- Hymn of Joy (Sharlee Mullins Glenn; Erica Kyree Glenn)
- Hymn of Peace (Daniel Carter)
- Hymn of Praise (Franz Schubert)
- Hymn of Praise (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Hymn of Praise (Mack Wilberg)
- Hymn of Praise (William J. Graves)
- Hymn of Thanks (Dorothy S. Andersen)
- Hymn of the Nations (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Hymn to Joy / Ode to Joy (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Hymn to Liberty (Arthur Farwell)
- Hymn to the Fallen (John Williams)
- ʻAngelo ne ne fakaha (Sōsaia Mataele)
- ʻE ʻOtua ko e Tamai (Sione Tuʻikolongahau)
- ʻOka ui ʻa e ʻEiki (Sione Tuʻikolongahau)
- ʻOku Fafangu Mai ʻa e Ongoongoleleí (Sione Tuʻikolongahau)
- ʻOku tau fakataha ke fakamanatu (Tēvita Tuliakiono)
- I Alone, I Alone (Czech folk song)
- I Am a Child of God / Teach Me to Walk in the Light / Keep the Commandments (Mildred Tanner Pettit; Clara W. McMaster; Barbara A. McConochie)
- I Am a Daughter of God (Brent N. Jorgensen)
- I Am a Daughter of God (Linda Chapman; Bonnie Heidenreich)
- I Am a Mormon Missionary (Herbert S. Auerbach; A. C. Lund)
- I Am a Son of God (Nik Day)
- I Am Divine (Carmen Rasmusen Herbert)
- I Am Enough (Stephanie Smith Mabey; Nik Day)
- I Am Glad for Many Things (Moiselle Renstrom)
- I Am Happy Today for the Sunshine (Nels Woodruff Christiansen; Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen)
- I Am Here (Junior Bonner)
- I Am His Daughter (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- I Am Jesus Christ (Sally DeFord)
- I Am like a Star (Patricia Kelsey Graham)
- I Am My Heavenly Father’s Child (Edward Trimble)
- I Am That I Am (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I Am the Resurrection and the Life—Requiem aeternam (Mack Wilberg)
- I Am Thine, O Lord (W. Howard Doane)
- I Am Your Brother (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I Asked (Andrew Moore)
- I Ask in Faith (Angie Killian)
- I Believe (Christen Cooper)
- I Believe (Guy Richey Gibbons; Felicia Starks; Barry Gibbons)
- I Believe in Being Honest (Lyall J. Gardner)
- I Believe in Christ (Rhea B. Allen)
- I Believe in Families / Love at Home (Jeanni Gould)
- I Believe in Jesus Christ (Johann Sebastian Bach; Charles Gounod)
- I Believe in Jesus (Matthew J. Neeley)
- I Believe (Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne; Tyler Castleton)
- I Believe That Jesus Loves Me (Larry Pearson; Marie Pearson Tarbet)
- I Bring You Glad Tidings (Charles Whitney Coombs)
- I Can Be a Modern-Day Pioneer (Barbara A. McConochie)
- I Can Be That Light (Sara Cenatiempo)
- I Can Do All Things (Nik Day)
- I Can Do All Things (Nik Day; Tanner Townsend)
- I Can Hear My Savior Calling (John S. Norris)
- I Can Only Imagine (Bart Millard)
- I Can Pray (Karrol Corey)
- I Can See Her Face (K. Newell Dayley)
- I Can See Thee, O My Saviour! (Evan Stephens)
- I Can’t Deny It (Brett Raymond)
- I Can’t Do Everything (Michael McLean)
- Ich Dank dir Schon (Michael Praetorius)
- Ich harrete des Herrn (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Ich lobe meinen Gott (Christoph Lehmann)
- I Choose Him (Staci Peters)
- I Choose You (Alyson Day; Nik Day)
- Ich ruf zu dir, Herr Jesu Christ (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- I Come to Him (Sally DeFord)
- I Come to the Water (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Cry (Barry Gibbons)
- I Cry the Day I Take the Tree Down (Michael McLean)
- I Dare To Be His Soldier (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- I Decide (Dustin Christensen)
- Ide maca oko tebe (Anon.)
- Ide por Todo o Mundo (Horatio R. Palmer)
- I’d Like to Feel This Way Again (Ron Simpson)
- I Don’t Feel It Anymore (Brett Raymond)
- I Do Remember Thee (Edwin F. Parry)
- If a Body Finds a Lesson (Anon.)
- I Face the World (Daniel Carter)
- If Any Man Lack Wisdom (Evan Stephens)
- If Any of You Lack Wisdom (Craig S. Petrie)
- If Any of You Lack Wisdom (Marlene D. Bartlett)
- If Christ Should Speak to Me (Jenny W. Francis)
- I Feel at Peace (Daniel Carter)
- I Feel Heaven Here (Catherine Papworth; Todd Schwartzman; Russ Dixon)
- I Feel Like I’m on My Journey Home (Traditional)
- I Feel My Savior’s Love (K. Newell Dayley)
- I Feel My Savior’s Love / Where Love Is (K. Newell Dayley; Joanne Bushman Doxey; Marjorie Castleton Kjar)
- I Feel Peace (Suzanne Ostler Shippen)
- I Feel the Answer (Sam Cardon)
- I Feel the Spirit (Matthew J. Neeley)
- If Ever I See (Anon.)
- If I Could Please Thee, Lord, Today (Arlene L. Buffington)
- If I Got My Ticket, Can I Ride? (African-American spiritual)
- If I Had Been in Bethlehem (Sally DeFord)
- If I Listen with My Heart (Sally DeFord)
- I Find Faith (Hilary Weeks)
- If It Could Be (Charles Frederick Stayner)
- If I Were a Shepherd (Stephanie K. Adams)
- I Fold My Arms (Alexander Schreiner)
- I Fold My Arms and Bow My Head (Alexander Schreiner)
- If Only
- If Only (Orrin Hatch; Peter McCann)
- If Only You Believe in Yourself (Michael McLean)
- If the Savior Stood Beside Me (Sally DeFord)
- If the Savior Stood Beside Me / Teach Me to Walk in the Light (Sally DeFord; Clara W. McMaster)
- If the Way be Full of Trial, Weary Not (John R. Sweney)
- If They Tell You
- If This Child Were Born Today (Berta Poorman; Sonja Poorman)
- If Thou Had Been Here (Vickey Pahnke Taylor; Kenneth Cope; Randy Kartchner)
- If Thou Lovest Me (Kevin B. Snow)
- If We Could See Beyond Today (T. H. M.)
- If We Forget Ourselves (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- If We Hold A Little Longer (Arlene L. Buffington)
- If We Knew (Betty Ann Wells)
- If We Love Him (Nik Day)
- If with All Your Hearts (Felix Mendelssohn)
- If Ye Be Willing (Arlene L. Buffington)
- If Ye Love Me (Thomas Tallis)
- If Ye Seek Me (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- If You Believe (Nik Day)
- If You Love ’Em, Tell ’Em (Sonja Eddings Brown)
- If You Love Me (Jeanni Gould)
- If You Really Loved Me (Ken Foster)
- If You’re Happy (Anon.)
- If Your Eye Be Single (Brent N. Jorgensen)
- If You Try
- If You Would Labor In Zion (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I Gave My Life for Thee (Philip P. Bliss)
- I Glory in My Jesus (Michael F. Moody)
- I Glory in My Jesus (Sally DeFord)
- I Go to Him in Prayer (Marlene D. Bartlett)
- I Have a Family Tree (Darwin Wolford)
- I Have a Garden (Old French melody)
- I Have a Little Song to Sing (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- I Have a Savior (Randy Kartchner; Ryan Maag)
- I Have Faith (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Have It, Why Not Share It (Dennis L. Crockett)
- I Have Not Seen, Yet I Believe (Sally DeFord)
- I Have Read (Otis F. Presbrey)
- I Have Two Ears (A. Laurence Lyon)
- I have two feet (Nanna Roundy)
- I Have Two Little Hands (William Frederick Hanson)
- I Have Work Enough to Do (Morgan J. Busch)
- I Have You (Emma Lounsbury)
- I Hear a Knock (Jeanni Gould)
- I Heard Him Come
- I Heard Him Come (Jeff Goodrich)
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Heather D. Zurcher)
- I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (Wallace S. Taylor)
- I Heard the Prophet Speak (Michael F. Moody)
- I Heard the Prophet Speak Today (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Hear His Voice (Nik Day; Nefi Hernández)
- I Help Mother with the Dishes (Faith Chambers Wilson)
- I Hope They Call Me on a Mission (Newel Kay Brown)
- Ihr Augen weint (Christoph Peter)
- Ihr Kinderlein, kommet (Johann A. P. Schultz)
- I Just Knew (Cherie Call; Tyler Castleton)
- I Knew My Father Knew (Sally DeFord)
- I Know He Is There (Michele Baer)
- I Know He Lives (Shiree Sandall)
- I Know He Lives (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- I Know He’s There
- I Know (Hilary Weeks)
- I Know in My Heart (Jeff Herrera)
- I Know It Was the Blood (Traditional)
- I Know My Father Loves Me (Sally DeFord)
- I Know That Jesus Lives (Lynn S. Lund)
- I Know That Jesus Loves Me (Tami N. Petersen)
- I Know That My Redeemer Lives (Marlene D. Bartlett)
- I Know That My Redeemer Liveth (James H. Fillmore)
- I Know That My Savior Loves Me (Tami J. Creamer)
- I Know the Prophets (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Ik vouw mijn handen Heer (Opwekking)
- Ila (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- I Left It There (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Il est né (French carol)
- I Like Mondays (April Meservy)
- I Like My Birthdays (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- I Like to Listen to the Prophet (Ruth B. Gatrell)
- I Like to Sing (Mexican folk tune)
- I like to take a horse and buggy (Anon.)
- I Lived in Heaven (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- I Live for Those Who Love Me (George Careless)
- Il laboura le jardin (Douglas D. Barnes)
- I’ll be a Little “Mormon” (John Detton)
- I’ll Be All Smiles Tonight (T. B. Ranson)
- I’ll Be (Greg Simpson; Jim Funk)
- I’ll Be On Time (Moiselle Renstrom)
- I’ll Be Your Friend (Kenneth Jones)
- I’ll Build You a Rainbow (R. Scott Strong)
- I’ll Find You My Friend (Linda Kinghorn Leavitt)
- I’ll Follow Christ (Rebecca Woodworth Hainsworth)
- I’ll Follow Him in Faith (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I’ll Follow Jesus Christ (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- I’ll Give God Forever (David A. Zabriskie)
- I’ll Hold to God’s Plan (Sherrie Manwill Boren)
- I’ll Keep His Commandments (Larry R. Beebe)
- I’ll Make the World Brighter (Michael F. Moody)
- I’ll Never Forget (Nik Day)
- I’ll Pay My Tithing to the Lord (William M. Foxley)
- I’ll Praise My Maker (Bowman)
- I’ll Say No (Rebecca Smith Adams)
- I’ll Serve the Lord While I Am Young (Alexander Schreiner)
- I’ll Serve the Lord While I Am Young (Thomas McIntyre)
- I’ll Stand for Truth (Linda Chapman; Bonnie Heidenreich)
- I’ll Stand On That (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I’ll Stand Tall (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I’ll Strive While Young to Tune My Voice (Alfred Peterson)
- I’ll Trust in the Lord (Lynn S. Lund)
- I’ll Try My Best (Andrew Moore)
- I’ll Turn to Him (Monica Scott)
- I’ll Walk with Him in White (Nathan Howe)
- I’ll Walk with You (Reid N. Nibley)
- I Long to Breathe the Mountain Air (Evan Stephens)
- I Love My Heavenly Father (Moiselle Renstrom)
- I Love Thee (Christian Harmony, Jeremiah Ingalls, 1805)
- I Love Thee, Heavenly Father
- I Love Thee, Utah Dear (Evan Stephens)
- I Love the Lord (Linda H. Walker)
- I Love the Mountains (Anon.)
- I Love to Hear the Story (Hans Henry Petersen)
- I Love to Learn of Jesus Christ (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Love to Pray (Moiselle Renstrom)
- I Love to Pray (Willy Reske)
- I Love to See the Temple (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Love to Walk with Jesus (Charles F. Weigle)
- I love to wander in the mountains (Ann Boyle)
- I Love You California (Abraham Franklin Frankenstein)
- I Love You, Lord (Laurie Klein)
- I Love You, Mother (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Iltalaulu (Mikael Nyberg)
- Imagine Me a Mother (Jeanni Gould)
- I’m a little bunny (J. Noall)
- I’m a mean old witch with a hat! (Carolee Curtis Green)
- I’m a Mormon (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- I’m a Pilgrim, I’m a Stranger (Hans Henry Petersen)
- I’m a Pilgrim (J. B. Herbert)
- I’m a Pioneer Too (Michael F. Moody)
- I Marvel at the Miracle (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I’m Changed (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- I’m Following My Savior (Marlene D. Bartlett)
- I’m Glad I’m Me (Ron Simpson)
- I’m Glad That God Chose Me to Be Your Son (Deanna Edwards)
- I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing (Ruth Benson Lehenbauer)
- I’m Going Home
- I’m Going to Follow Jesus Christ Today (Steven Tomer)
- I’m goin’ to leave Ol’ Texas now (Traditional)
- I’m Goin’ to Pray for This Land (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me (African-American spiritual)
- I’m His (Kimberly Knighton)
- I’m Just a Little Handcart (Lisa Arrington)
- I’m Learning the Ways of Jesus (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Immanuel, Immanuel (Sally DeFord)
- Immanuel (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Im Märzen der Bauer (Traditional)
- Immer muss ich wieder lesen (Sicilian tune)
- I’m not too young for God to see (Alvin A. Beesley)
- Impromptu (Franz Schubert)
- I’m Taking My Harp From The Green Willow Tree (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I’m Thankful to Be Me (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I’m Trying to Be like Jesus (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I’m waiting for Daddy (Thelma J. Harrison)
- In a High and Lonely Hillside (Francis Acland)
- In allen meinen Taten
- In allen Stürmen dieses Lebens (Paul Reske)
- In Ancient Times (W. E. Peterson)
- In an Upper Room (Robert P. Manookin)
- In a Sacred Garden Place (Tammy Simister Robinson)
- In a Stable (Kenneth Jones)
- In a Thousand Ways (Jean Barnes)
- In Babilone (Dutch melody)
- In Bethlehem (Toni Tietjen)
- Incarnation (John Rippon)
- Incarnation (Larry E. Johnson)
- In Church (Marian Cornwall)
- In Days of Old (Jenny W. Francis)
- Indian Baby Song
- Indian Hunter (Anon.)
- Indian (Marian Cornwall)
- Indian Student’s Lament
- In dir ist Freude (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- In Dreams (Howard Shore)
- In dulci jubilo (German melody, 14th century)
- I Need Him (Nik Day)
- I Need My Heavenly Father (Judith W. Parker)
- I Need Thee Every Hour / Lead, Kindly Light (Kenneth Cope; Robert Lowry; John B. Dykes)
- I Need the Every Hour / I Stand All Amazed (Medley) (Robert Lowry; Charles H. Gabriel)
- I Need Your Strength (Nik Day; Myshaan Komene)
- In Emmenthal (Swiss folk song)
- I Never Dreamed (Michele Baer)
- I Never Saw A Moor (Gaylen Hatton)
- I Never Stand Alone (Steven Kapp Perry)
- Infant Jesus, Holy Babe (Robert P. Manookin)
- Inflammatus (Gioachino Rossini)
- In Gethsemane (Esther Megargel)
- In Gottes Namen fang ich an (Johann Crüger)
- In Heavenly Love Abiding (Alfred Beirly)
- In Him We Live (Sally DeFord)
- In His Arms
- In His Embrace (Karleen Watt; Derek Hinckley)
- In His Footsteps (Linda Chapman; Bonnie Heidenreich)
- In His Holy Name (Rebecca Smith Adams)
- In His Light (Clive M. Killpack)
- In His Own Time (Clive Romney; Ron Simpson)
- In His Tender Care (Mary E. Morrow)
- In jener letzten der Nächte (Wilhelm Irmer)
- In Loving Memory of Our Lord (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- In memory of the sacrifice (Willy Reske)
- In My Father’s House Are Many Mansions (James G. MacDermid)
- In My Garden (Mary Root Kern)
- In My Life, Lord (Bob Kilpatrick)
- Innsbruck (Heinrich Isaac)
- In Our Redeemer’s Name (Evan Stephens)
- In Perfect Faith (Margaret C. Richards)
- In Quiet Grove (Janice Kapp Perry)
- In Quietude (Darwin Wolford)
- In Rank and File (Gustav Lange)
- In Remembrance (Buryl Red)
- In Remembrance of Thy Suffering (Willy Reske)
- In Reverence (Thelma Johnson Ryser)
- Inside (Jeannine Lasky; Todd McCabe; Jim Funk; Barry Gibbons)
- Inside Out (Nik Day; Aaliyah Rose)
- In Some Quiet Moment (Clive Romney)
- Inspiration
- Instant Mash (Joe Jackson)
- In stiller Nacht (Johannes Brahms)
- Integer Vitae / Flemming (Friedrich F. Flemming)
- Interlude 100 (Anon.)
- Interlude 101 (Anon.)
- Interlude 102 (Anon.)
- Interlude 103 (Anon.)
- Interlude 104 (Anon.)
- Interlude 105 (Anon.)
- Interlude 106 (Anon.)
- Interlude 107 (Anon.)
- Interlude 108 (Anon.)
- Interlude 109 (Anon.)
- Interlude 10 (Anon.)
- Interlude 110 (Anon.)
- Interlude 111 (Anon.)
- Interlude 112 (Anon.)
- Interlude 113 (Anon.)
- Interlude 114 (Anon.)
- Interlude 115 (Anon.)
- Interlude 116 (Anon.)
- Interlude 117 (Anon.)
- Interlude 118 (Anon.)
- Interlude 119 (Anon.)
- Interlude 11 (Anon.)
- Interlude 120 (Anon.)
- Interlude 121 (Anon.)
- Interlude 122 (Anon.)
- Interlude 123 (Anon.)
- Interlude 124 (Anon.)
- Interlude 125 (Anon.)
- Interlude 126 (Anon.)
- Interlude 127 (Anon.)
- Interlude 128 (Anon.)
- Interlude 129 (Anon.)
- Interlude 12 (Anon.)
- Interlude 130 (Anon.)
- Interlude 131 (Anon.)
- Interlude 132 (Anon.)
- Interlude 133 (Anon.)
- Interlude 134 (Anon.)
- Interlude 135 (Anon.)
- Interlude 136 (Anon.)
- Interlude 137 (Anon.)
- Interlude 138 (Anon.)
- Interlude 139 (Anon.)
- Interlude 13 (Anon.)
- Interlude 140 (Anon.)
- Interlude 141 (Anon.)
- Interlude 142 (Anon.)
- Interlude 143 (Anon.)
- Interlude 144 (Anon.)
- Interlude 145 (Anon.)
- Interlude 146 (Anon.)
- Interlude 147 (Anon.)
- Interlude 148 (Anon.)
- Interlude 149 (Anon.)
- Interlude 14 (Anon.)
- Interlude 150 (Anon.)
- Interlude 151 (Anon.)
- Interlude 152 (Anon.)
- Interlude 153 (Anon.)
- Interlude 154 (Anon.)
- Interlude 155 (Anon.)
- Interlude 156 (Anon.)
- Interlude 157 (Anon.)
- Interlude 158 (Anon.)
- Interlude 159 (Anon.)
- Interlude 15 (Anon.)
- Interlude 160 (Anon.)
- Interlude 161 (Anon.)
- Interlude 162 (Anon.)
- Interlude 163 (Anon.)
- Interlude 164 (Anon.)
- Interlude 165 (Anon.)
- Interlude 166 (Anon.)
- Interlude 167 (Anon.)
- Interlude 168 (Anon.)
- Interlude 169 (Anon.)
- Interlude 16 (Anon.)
- Interlude 170 (Anon.)
- Interlude 171 (Anon.)
- Interlude 172 (Anon.)
- Interlude 173 (Anon.)
- Interlude 174 (Anon.)
- Interlude 175 (Anon.)
- Interlude 176 (Anon.)
- Interlude 177 (Anon.)
- Interlude 178 (Anon.)
- Interlude 179 (Anon.)
- Interlude 17 (Anon.)
- Interlude 180 (Anon.)
- Interlude 181 (Anon.)
- Interlude 182 (Anon.)
- Interlude 183 (Anon.)
- Interlude 184 (Anon.)
- Interlude 185 (Anon.)
- Interlude 186 (Anon.)
- Interlude 187 (Anon.)
- Interlude 188 (Anon.)
- Interlude 189 (Anon.)
- Interlude 18 (Anon.)
- Interlude 190 (Anon.)
- Interlude 191 (Anon.)
- Interlude 192 (Anon.)
- Interlude 193 (Anon.)
- Interlude 194 (Anon.)
- Interlude 195 (Anon.)
- Interlude 196 (Anon.)
- Interlude 197 (Anon.)
- Interlude 198 (Anon.)
- Interlude 199 (Anon.)
- Interlude 19 (Anon.)
- Interlude 1 (Anon.)
- Interlude 200 (Anon.)
- Interlude 201 (Anon.)
- Interlude 202 (Anon.)
- Interlude 203 (Anon.)
- Interlude 204 (Anon.)
- Interlude 205 (Anon.)
- Interlude 206 (Anon.)
- Interlude 207 (Anon.)
- Interlude 208 (Anon.)
- Interlude 209 (Anon.)
- Interlude 20 (Anon.)
- Interlude 210 (Anon.)
- Interlude 211 (Anon.)
- Interlude 212 (Anon.)
- Interlude 213 (Anon.)
- Interlude 214 (Anon.)
- Interlude 215 (Anon.)
- Interlude 216 (Anon.)
- Interlude 217 (Anon.)
- Interlude 218 (Anon.)
- Interlude 219 (Anon.)
- Interlude 21 (Anon.)
- Interlude 220 (Anon.)
- Interlude 221 (Anon.)
- Interlude 222 (Anon.)
- Interlude 223 (Anon.)
- Interlude 224 (Anon.)
- Interlude 225 (Anon.)
- Interlude 226 (Anon.)
- Interlude 227 (Anon.)
- Interlude 228 (Anon.)
- Interlude 229 (Anon.)
- Interlude 22 (Anon.)
- Interlude 230 (Anon.)
- Interlude 231 (Anon.)
- Interlude 232 (Anon.)
- Interlude 233 (Anon.)
- Interlude 234 (Anon.)
- Interlude 235 (Anon.)
- Interlude 236 (Gerrit de Jong Jr.)
- Interlude 237 (Anon.)
- Interlude 238 (Anon.)
- Interlude 239 (Anon.)
- Interlude 23 (Anon.)
- Interlude 240 (Anon.)
- Interlude 241 (Anon.)
- Interlude 242 (Anon.)
- Interlude 243 (Anon.)
- Interlude 244 (Anon.)
- Interlude 24 (Anon.)
- Interlude 25 (Anon.)
- Interlude 26 (Anon.)
- Interlude 27 (Anon.)
- Interlude 28 (Anon.)
- Interlude 29 (Anon.)
- Interlude 2 (Anon.)
- Interlude 30 (Anon.)
- Interlude 31 (Anon.)
- Interlude 32 (Anon.)
- Interlude 33 (Anon.)
- Interlude 34 (Anon.)
- Interlude 35 (Anon.)
- Interlude 36 (Anon.)
- Interlude 37 (Anon.)
- Interlude 38 (Anon.)
- Interlude 39 (Anon.)
- Interlude 3 (Anon.)
- Interlude 40 (Anon.)
- Interlude 41 (Anon.)
- Interlude 42 (Anon.)
- Interlude 43 (Anon.)
- Interlude 44 (Anon.)
- Interlude 45 (Anon.)
- Interlude 46 (Anon.)
- Interlude 47 (Anon.)
- Interlude 48 (Anon.)
- Interlude 49 (Anon.)
- Interlude 4 (Anon.)
- Interlude 50 (Anon.)
- Interlude 51 (Anon.)
- Interlude 52 (Anon.)
- Interlude 53 (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Interlude 54 (Anon.)
- Interlude 55 (George H. Durham)
- Interlude 56 (Anon.)
- Interlude 57 (Anon.)
- Interlude 58 (Roy M. Darley)
- Interlude 59 (Anon.)
- Interlude 5 (Anon.)
- Interlude 60 (Anon.)
- Interlude 61 (Anon.)
- Interlude 62 (Anon.)
- Interlude 63 (Anon.)
- Interlude 64 (Anon.)
- Interlude 65 (Anon.)
- Interlude 66 (Anon.)
- Interlude 67 (Anon.)
- Interlude 68 (Anon.)
- Interlude 69 (Anon.)
- Interlude 6 (Anon.)
- Interlude 70 (Anon.)
- Interlude 71 (Anon.)
- Interlude 72 (Melvin W. Dunn)
- Interlude 73 (Anon.)
- Interlude 74 (Anon.)
- Interlude 75 (Anon.)
- Interlude 76 (Anon.)
- Interlude 77 (Anon.)
- Interlude 78 (Anon.)
- Interlude 79 (Anon.)
- Interlude 7 (Anon.)
- Interlude 80 (Anon.)
- Interlude 81 (Anon.)
- Interlude 82 (Anon.)
- Interlude 83 (Anon.)
- Interlude 84 (Anon.)
- Interlude 85 (Anon.)
- Interlude 86 (Anon.)
- Interlude 87 (Anon.)
- Interlude 88 (Anon.)
- Interlude 89 (Gerrit de Jong Jr.)
- Interlude 8 (Anon.)
- Interlude 90 (Anon.)
- Interlude 91 (Anon.)
- Interlude 92 (Anon.)
- Interlude 93 (Anon.)
- Interlude 94 (Anon.)
- Interlude 95 (Anon.)
- Interlude 96 (Anon.)
- Interlude 97 (Anon.)
- Interlude 98 (Anon.)
- Interlude 99 (Anon.)
- Interlude 9 (Anon.)
- Interlude (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- In That Bright and Holy City (Evan Stephens)
- In That Holy Place (Sally DeFord)
- In The Army Of The True And Living God (Arlene L. Buffington)
- In the Chambers of the Mountains (A. C. Smyth)
- In the Christian’s Home in Glory (William McDonald)
- In the Evening by the Moonlight (James A. Bland)
- In the Garden (C. Austin Miles)
- In the Garden (Delys W. Snyder)
- In the good old summertime (George Evans)
- In the Hollow of Thy Hand (Janice Kapp Perry)
- In the Leafy Treetops (Anon.)
- In the Learning of My Father (Craig Larson)
- In the Light (William B. Bradbury)
- In the Meadow (Anon.)
- In the Midst of the Awful Mormons (Utah folk song)
- In the Midst of You (Elane Roberts Palmer)
- In the Prophet’s Home (Arlen L. Card)
- In the Sacred Grove (Wayne Burton)
- In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree (Egbert Van Alstyne)
- In the Silence (Michael F. Moody)
- In the Silent Midnight Watches (George F. Root)
- In the Strength of the Lord (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- In the Strength of the Lord (Nina Harris)
- In the Time of Roses (Louise Reichardt)
- In This Very Room (Ron Harris; Carol Harris)
- In Thy Courts Above (Aaron Edson)
- In Thy Presence There’s Fullness of Joy (Mike Kerry)
- In Thy Temple Great Jehovah (Anthony C. Lund)
- Into My Heart (Harry D. Clarke)
- Into the Next World (Kenneth Cope)
- Introduce Me To My Friend (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Invincible (Cherie Call)
- Invitation (Anon.)
- Invitation (Samuel McBurney)
- Invocation (George Careless)
- Invocation (Old tune)
- Invocation to Harmony (Evan Stephens)
- Invocation (William G. Bickley)
- In Your Blessed Name
- In Your Hands (Wayne Burton)
- I Often Go Walking (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- I østen stiger solen op (Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse)
- I Pray in Faith (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Pray to My Heavenly Father (Gwen Boyer)
- I Promise to Make You Laugh (Merrill Jenson)
- Irby (Henry J. Gauntlett)
- Irchester (William Clayson)
- I Rely (Sam Cardon)
- I Remember Thee (Arlen L. Card)
- I Remember the Savior (Laurie Williams Sowby)
- Irene (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Irish Washerwoman (Irish jig)
- Irreplaceable (Madilyn Paige)
- Isaiah Says (Kenneth Jones)
- Isa Lei (Fijian folk song)
- Is Anyone Willing To Let Jesus In? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly (J. Clark)
- I Saw Many Things Today (Frances K. Taylor)
- I Saw The Wicked Flourish Like A Green Bay Tree (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I See the Savior Smiling (Rebecca Smith Adams)
- I Shall Love the Lord With All My Heart (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Shall Not Want (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- I Sing of Christ! (Diane Tuiofu)
- I Sing the Almighty Power of God
- I Sing the Greatness of Our God (Fred Bock)
- I Sing the Mighty Power of God (English melody)
- Is It Nothing To You? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Is My Heart Prepared to Hear the Words of Christ? (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Isn’t It Fun (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Israel (Evan Stephens)
- Israel, O Israel
- Israel, O Israel! (Katherine D. Knecht)
- Israel’s Sons With One Accord (Gioachino Rossini)
- Istanbul (Nat Simon)
- I Stand Prepared (Rebecca Smith Adams)
- I Stand With Jesus Christ (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Is There A City? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Is there anything that we can do? (Robert B. Baird)
- Is the Story True? (Evan Stephens)
- Is This the Messiah? (Charles Whitney Coombs)
- Is This the One? (Michael F. Moody)
- I Stop, I Look, I Listen (Italian folk song)
- I Surrender (Nik Day; Garon Brett; Alyson Day; Mitch Davis)
- Is Your Heart Prepared for a King? (Robert Lau)
- Is Your Mother Home, Molly Maloney? (Anon.)
- I Take the Bread (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Italian Hymn (Felice de Giardini)
- It Begins With You (Nik Day)
- I Testify of Jesus Christ (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Thank Thee, Dear Father (George Careless)
- I Thank Thee, Lord (Jenna B. Mosley)
- I Thank Thee, Lord (Nora Hogan)
- It Happens This Way (Roger C. Hoffman)
- I Think the World Is Glorious (Alexander Schreiner)
- I Think When I Read That Sweet Story (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- I think when I read that sweet story of old
- It Is Glorious (Marie Tarbet; Larry Pearson)
- It Is Not Death Though We Fade and Die (George Careless)
- It Is Too Wonderful! (Arlene L. Buffington)
- It Is with Christ (Rebecca Woodworth Hainsworth)
- It Passes All My Understanding (Cherie Call)
- I Trust Thee, Lord, Tho’ Long the Way and Dim (Henry Hooper)
- It’s About Time (James Prigmore)
- It’s a Good Start (Nik Day)
- It’s A Jubilee Morning (Arlene L. Buffington)
- It’s a Jungle out There (Clive Romney)
- It’s a long long way (Beth B. Marchant)
- It’s Alright (Renshaw)
- It’s A Strong Wind (Arlene L. Buffington)
- It’s Autumntime (Rita Mae Olsen)
- It’s Family Night (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- It’s Gonna Rain (B. Michael Gibbons; Barry Gibbons)
- It’s Joyful to Live the Gospel (Matthew J. Neeley)
- It’s Just Like His Great Love (Clarence B. Strouse)
- It’s Nice When Some Things Are Forgotten (Michael McLean; David Tinney)
- It’s Not About You (Nik Day; Davis Handley)
- It’s Not Heavy (Michael McLean; John Batdorf)
- It’s Not Hopeless (Nik Day)
- It’s Real (Michael McLean)
- It’s Spring (Erma W. Walker)
- It’s Still You
- It’s the Family (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- It’s Up to Me (Ron Simpson)
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- It Takes Two (Nonie N. Sorensen)
- It Was an April Day (Janice Kapp Perry)
- It Wasn’t Love Before (Michael McLean)
- It WIll Always Be America for Me (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I’ve Caught A Glimpse Of Canaan (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I’ve Got a Reason (Chris Morgan)
- I’ve Got to Believe (Jeanni Gould)
- I’ve Got to Find Out Who I Am (William J. Evans)
- I’ve Set My Path to Serve Thee (Kathleen Newton)
- I Wake Up in the Morning (Anon.)
- I Walk and Talk with Father (Danish Tune; Gladys Pitcher)
- I Walk by Faith (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked (Geoffrey O’Hara)
- I Wandered by the Brookside (R. Monckton Milnes)
- I Wandered Many Years (Czech folk song)
- I Want to Be a Deacon (Dorothy Finch Condry)
- I Want to Be a Missionary Now (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- I Want to Be a Mother (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- I Want to Be Baptized (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- I Want to Be Loved (Roger C. Hoffman)
- I Want to Be Ready for Zion (Annette W. Dickman)
- I Want to Be Ready (Traditional)
- I Want to Be Reverent (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- I Want to Change (Ron Simpson)
- I Want to Feel
- I Want to Give the Lord My Tenth (Lonnie Dobson Adams)
- I Want to Know (Jenessa Mylroie; Matt Mylroie)
- I Want to Live the Gospel (Roy M. Darley)
- I Want to Walk in the Savior’s Path (Ann Kapp Andersen)
- I Was Made (Michael Webb)
- I Watch You Sleeping (Mike Batt)
- I, Who Am Nothing (Arlene L. Buffington)
- I Wiggle (Lucille F. Wood)
- I Will Always Obey (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Will Anchor My Soul in Christ (Roger C. Hoffman)
- I Will Be Faithful (Barry Gibbons)
- I Will Be Faithful (Carl T. Bell; Charlene A. Newell)
- I Will Be Ready (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- I Will Be Valiant (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- I Will Be What I Believe (Blake Gillette)
- I Will Come unto Christ (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Will Do What Missionaries Do (Annette Whitney Wells)
- I Will Find My Own Sacred Grove (Angie Killian)
- I Will Follow God’s Plan (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- I Will Follow Him (Nik Day; Kalaya Arne)
- I Will Follow with Love (Wayne Burton)
- I Will Forgive (Sam Cardon)
- I Will Give Myself to Him (Russell T. Osguthorpe; Lola S. Osguthorpe)
- I Will Go and Do
- I Will Go and Do
- I Will Go and Do (Nik Day)
- I Will Go and Do (Tami J. Creamer)
- I Will Go (Grace Hegy)
- I Will Greatly Rejoice in the Lord (Charles Whitney Coombs)
- I Will Greatly Rejoice (Joseph Roff)
- I Will Heed the Word of God (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Will (Hilary Weeks)
- I Will Lead You (Clive Romney; Ron Simpson)
- I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (Leo Sowerby)
- I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes (Mack Wilberg)
- I Will Look unto the Lord in Every Thought (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- I Will Never Move (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- I Will (Nik Day)
- I Will Not Be Moved (Anna M. Molgard)
- I Will Not Be Still (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters; Greg Simpson)
- I Will Not Forget (Hilary Weeks; Steven Stewart)
- I Will Obey (Andrew Moore)
- I Will Remember Him (Michael Webb; Dan Truman; Clive Romney)
- I Will Say a Prayer (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Will Say a Prayer (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Will Seek the Lord (Arlen L. Card)
- I Will Shine (Janice Kapp Perry)
- I Will Shine (Shawna Belt Edwards)
- I Will Shine! (Tamra Braatz)
- I Will Sing a Lullaby (English folk song)
- I Will Stand as a Witness of Christ (Sally DeFord)
- I Will Try to Be Reverent (Wilma Boyle Bunker)
- I Will Walk with Jesus (Stephen P. Schank)
- I Wish (G. A. Grant-Schaefer)
- I Wish I Had a Windmill
- I wish I was an apple (American folk song)
- I wish I were a little sugar bun (American folk song)
- I Wish You Could Join Us (Arlen L. Card)
- I Wonder as I Wander (Appalachian folk hymn; John Jacob Niles)
- I Would Be True (Joseph Yates Peck)
- I Would Follow Thee (K. Newell Dayley)
- I Would See Jesus (L. P. Breedlove)
- I Would Walk Tall (Harry A. Dean)
- Jabučice crvena (Anon.)
- Jack Frost and I (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Jacob (A. V. Millward)
- Jacob (B. Cecil Gates)
- Jacob’s Ladder (Southern folk song)
- Ja, dir allein! (Willy Reske)
- Jag gör så att blommorna blommar (Georg Riedel)
- Jag kan icke räkna dem alla (Albert Lindström)
- Jag lyfter ögat mot himmelen (Rudolf Lagi)
- James (Arthur H. Mills)
- James (Orson Pratt Huish)
- January Wind (Beth Milliken Joerger)
- Jaques (Ellen Knowles Melling)
- Jasper (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Java (Shoel)
- Ja, vi elsker dette landet (Rikard Nordraak)
- Jeanette and Jeannot (Charles W. Glover)
- Jeanette (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Jed (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Jedzie pociąg z daleka (Traditional)
- Jeg er i Herrens hender (Sigurd Lunde)
- Jeg fandt en sang på vejen (Mogens Jermiin Nissen)
- Jeg folder mine hender små (Henrik Tofte)
- Jeg gik mig ud om kvælden (Anon.)
- Jeg ser deg, o Guds Lam, å stå (Norwegian folk tune)
- Jehová está en su templo
- Jehová mi fortaleza (Felipe Uluác P.)
- Je marche avec Jésus (Wendell P. Loveless)
- Jensen (J. J. Keeler)
- Jert hus skal I bygge (J. P. E. Hartmann)
- Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt (Melchior Franck)
- Jerusalem (Hubert Parry)
- Jerusalem! my glorious home! (Lowell Mason)
- Jerusalem Ridge (Kenny Baker; Bill Monroe)
- Je sais que je suis tout petit (Douglas D. Barnes)
- Jesucristo Conoce Tus Problemas (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Jesu fred (Anon.)
- Jesu, großer Wunderstern (Johann Crüger)
- Jesu, meines Lebens Leben (Christoph Anton)
- Jesu Me Kanaka Waiwai (Polynesian folk song)
- Jesu, Priceless Treasure (Johann Crüger)
- Jesus! and shall it ever be
- Jesus and the Children (Frances K. Taylor)
- Jesus Bids Us Shine (A. C. Smyth)
- Jesus Bids Us Shine (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Jesus Blessed the Children (Alvin A. Beesley)
- Jesus Blessed the Children (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Jesús camina sobre el mar (Vicente Poot P.)
- Jesus Christ, Begotten Son of God (Sharalen J. Benson)
- Jesus, Christ, Begotten Son of God (Sharalen J. Benson)
- Jesus’ Church Has Been Restored (Michael F. Moody)
- Jesus, det eneste (Christian Sinding)
- Jesús es consuelo y paz (Felipe Uluác P.)
- Jesús está llamando (Plácido Koyoc Yam)
- Jesus för världen givit sitt liv (Fredrik A. Ekström)
- Jesus, Friend of Little Children (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Jesus Has Risen (Thelma Johnson Ryser)
- Jesus Holy (Kevin G. Pace)
- Jesus Holy Savior Tender (Pamela J. Johnson)
- Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken (S. L. Fish)
- Jesus Is Calling Today (Luther O. Emerson)
- Jesus Is Coming Soon (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Jesus Is My Friend (Deborah Mayhew)
- Jesus Is My Shepherd (Tammy Simister Robinson)
- Jesus Is My True Light (Matthew J. Neeley)
- Jesus Is Our Loving Friend (Alexander Schreiner)
- Jesus Is the Rock for You and Me (French worship chorus)
- Jesus Lay Sleeping (Joyce A. Brackpool)
- Jesus Loved the Little Children (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Jesus Loves Me and So He Blesses Me (Delys Waite Snyder)
- Jesus Loves Me (William B. Bradbury)
- Jesus Loving Savior Dear (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Jesus, Mighty King in Zion (Evan Stephens)
- Jesus, Mighty King in Zion (John Edwards)
- Jesus, My Consolation (Leora Martin)
- Jesus, My King (Elisabeth Verhagen)
- Jesus, My Savior (Brent N. Jorgensen)
- Jesus, My Savior (Spanish melody)
- Jesus, My Shepherd (Henri Cramer)
- Jesus, My Wonderful Friend (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Jesus, Name Above All Names (Naida Hearn)
- Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love (Everett Titcomb)
- Jesus Once Was a Little Child (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Jesus, Our Lord, We Adore Thee (Will James)
- Jesus, Our Loving Friend (Frances K. Taylor)
- Jesus, Our Savior (Sandra P. Nelson)
- Jesus Put This Song into Our Hearts (Graham Kendrick)
- Jesus (Randall Pratt)
- Jesus (Randall Pratt)
- Jesus, Remember Me (Jacques Berthier)
- Jesús reprende el mar (Vicente Poot P.)
- Jesus Said Love Everyone (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me (Heidi T. Christensen)
- Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me (Mary Hansen-Murdock)
- Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear us
- Jesus, tender Shepherd (James P. Olsen)
- Jesus, Thou Art Sweet and Mild (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Jesus, Unto Thee I Pray (Alvin A. Beesley)
- Jesús ven a mi hogar (Plácido Koyoc Yam)
- Jesús Venció la Muerte (Jaime Redín)
- Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam (Edwin O. Excell)
- Jesu, the Very Thought Is Sweet (Mack Wilberg)
- Jetra (Alejandro Zorzin)
- Jet Stream
- Jewels (George F. Root)
- Jingle Bells (James Lord Pierpont)
- Joel (Sally Ann Morris)
- John Johnson’s Army (Anon.)
- John Peel (Old air)
- Join the Children of the Lord (Frederick Christensen)
- Jolly Old Saint Nicholas / School Chimes (Traditional)
- Jonathan (George Frideric Handel)
- Jordan (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Joseph and Mary (William M. Foxley)
- Joseph, Did You See? (N. Douglas Huff; Julie A. Turnbow)
- Joseph (I Was Not His Father) (Michael McLean)
- Joseph (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Joseph (K. Newell Dayley)
- Joseph Prayed in Faith (Rebecca H. Martin)
- Joseph’s Legacy (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Joseph’s Lullaby (Ann Kapp Andersen)
- Joseph’s Lullaby (Gary L. Hoffman)
- Joseph Smith (Evan Stephens)
- Joseph Smith’s First Prayer (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Joseph’s Vision (Lynn S. Lund)
- Joseph the Man (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Joseph the Prophet, Martyred Saint and Seer (Evan Stephens)
- Joshua (Anon.)
- Jota (Traditional)
- Jouluna (Martti Turunen)
- Joulupukki (P. J. Hannikainen)
- Journey to the Past (Lynn Ahrens; Steven Flaherty)
- Joy Cometh In The Morning (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Joyfully Bound (Anna M. Molgard; Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Joyful Song (Chester G. Allen)
- Joyful Sound (Evan Stephens)
- Joy in My Journey (Emily Bea)
- Joy in the Journey (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters; Julie de Azevedo)
- Joy in the Morning (Natalie W. Sleeth)
- Joy! (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Joy (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Joy of Life (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- Joy Will Be My Reward (Merrill Jenson; Betsy Jenson)
- Juanita (Spanish folk song)
- Jubilate (Horatio Parker)
- Jubilee! Jubilee! (Evan Stephens)
- Judah (Anon.)
- Judas Maccabeus (George Frideric Handel)
- Judith (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Jugend geh’ voran (Walter E. Brady)
- Jugendzeit, schöne Zeit
- Julen har bragt velsignet bud (Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse)
- Julen har englelyd (A. P. Berggreen)
- Julie (Darwin Wolford)
- Julius (Willy Reske)
- Jump In! (Matt Mylroie)
- Jump Jim Crow (Thomas D. Rice)
- Jüngst (Traditional German melody)
- Junior-Explorer Pep Song (Mark H. Nichols)
- Junior Hiking Song (Angelyn W. Wadley)
- Junior Roses (Roland C. Parry)
- Juniors of M. I. A. (Mark H. Nichols)
- Junkanoo (Caribbean folk melody; Mary Louise Bringle)
- Just a Boy (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Just a Closer Walk with Thee (Traditional)
- Just a Feeling (Nik Day)
- Just a Moment in Eternity (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Just As I Am (Joseph Barnby)
- Just Before the Battle, Mother (George F. Root)
- Just Believe Him
- Just Friends (Ed Pratt)
- Just How I Am (Nik Day)
- Justice
- Justice and Mercy underscore from “The Mediator” (Merrill Jenson)
- Just Once A Year (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- Just One Little Light (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Just Why I Suffer Loss I Cannot Know (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Jutland Dance Song (Old Danish folk song)
- Kærlighed er lysets kilde (Ludvig M. Lindeman)
- Kanteleeni (Finnish folk tune)
- Kasadya Ning Taknaa (Vicente Rubi)
- Kas Dziedaja (Latvian folk melody)
- Kedron (Southern Harmony, William Walker, 1835)
- Keep Christmas with You (Sam Pottle)
- Keeper of the Flame (Julie de Azevedo)
- Keepers of His Light (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Keep Holdin’ On (Rich Gibbons; Barry Gibbons)
- Keeping Sheep (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- Keeping Step (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Keeping the Faith (Jeanni Gould)
- Keep in Time
- Keep Me in Motion (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Keep Me in Thy Way, O Lord (Ruth B. Gatrell)
- Keep My Fire Burning (Jenny Phillips)
- Keep singing, singing, singing (Rhea B. Allen)
- Keep Sorrow At The Gate (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Keep the Faith (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Keep the Home Fires Burning (Ivor Novello)
- Keep the Light that God Has Kindled (Evan Stephens)
- Kelly (Daniel Charles Damon)
- Kemper Hall (Anna J. Morse)
- Kenilworth (Frank W. Asper)
- Keokuk (William B. Bradbury)
- Ke Tau Tokanga Muʻa (ʻĪnoke Mataele)
- Kevin (Barbara C. Mink)
- Key (Charlene A. Newell)
- Keystone of Our Faith (Betsy Lee Bailey)
- Kimball (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Kimer, I klokker (Henrik Rung)
- Kind and Heavenly Father (Evan Stephens)
- Kindly Word (Anon.)
- Kindness (Anon.)
- Kindness Begins with Me (Clara W. McMaster)
- Kindness (William C. Clive)
- Kingdom Coming (Henry C. Work)
- Kingdom (V. Earle Copes)
- King of Glory (Israeli folk tune)
- King of Glory (J. A. Parks)
- King of Kings (Betsy Lee Bailey)
- King of Kings (Hebrew folk song)
- King of Light (Margaret Tueller)
- Kingsfold (English melody)
- Kings of Orient (John Henry Hopkins Jr.)
- Kirie eleison (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Kirtland
- Kirtland (Charles W. Fry)
- Kiša pada (Anon.)
- Kite Strings (Matt Mylroie)
- Kitty Music (Nora Hogan)
- Knockin’ on the Door (Greg Simpson)
- Know This, That Every Soul Is Free (Evan Stephens)
- Ko e fasi ʻo e tuʻi ʻo e ʻOtu Tonga (Carl Gustav Schmitt)
- Ko Hoku Tauhi ʻa Sihova (M. Māhanga)
- Kółko graniaste (Anon.)
- Kolob (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Kolob (Serban Nichifor)
- Kom, Heil’ge Geest, daal neder (Melchior Teschner)
- Kom, mai, du skjønne, milde (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Komm, Geist, vom Thron herab (Lowell Mason)
- Komm, Herr, segne uns (Dieter Trautwein)
- Komm, süßer Tod (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Komm, Tag des Herrn! (Willy Reske)
- Kommt und lasst uns Christus ehren (15th century tune)
- Kong Christian stod ved højen mast
- Koni Au I Ka Wai (David Kalākaua; Hawaiian folk song)
- Kookaburra (Marion Sinclair)
- Ko Sīsū ko e Maka-tulika (Sione Tuliakiono)
- Kotomaamme
- Krambambuli / Glendale (German folk song)
- Kremser (Dutch melody)
- Kriegsmarsch der Priester (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Krist stod op af døde (Leise; A. P. Berggreen)
- Krist stod op af døde (Ludvig M. Lindeman)
- ’k Stel mijn vertrouen (Tineke van Pagée)
- Kuʻu ipo i ka heʻe puʻe one (Miriam Likelike)
- Kumbaya (African-American spiritual)
- Kun helmin heijastaapi (Finnish folk song)
- Kyrie (Mack Wilberg)
- Kyrie, Mass in F (Giuseppe Concone)
- La antorcha (Shaun Barrowes)
- Laban (Lowell Mason)
- La Brabançonne (Hymne National Belge) (F. van Campenhout)
- La chanson des doigts (Anon.)
- La cigarra (Raymundo Pérez y Soto)
- La creación de Dios (Felipe Uluác P.)
- La Cucaracha (Mexican folk song)
- Lad ej dit hjerte tvivle
- Lady Spring (Churchill; Grindell)
- La Gente Pasa (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Lågorna är många (Olle Widestrand)
- Laiana (James McGranahan)
- La Luisella (Italian folk song)
- La malagueña (Elpidio Ramírez; Pedro Galindo)
- La Marseillaise (Anon.)
- Lamentation (John E. Tullidge)
- La Navidad Que Queremos (Alba Colombo; Mabel Colombo)
- Lancashire (Henry T. Smart)
- Landås (André Grétry)
- Landkjenning (Edvard Grieg)
- Land of Pleasure (Appalachian folk hymn)
- Land of Rest (American melody)
- Land of the Blest (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Land of the Free (John M. Chamberlain)
- Land Of The Living (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Långt bortom rymder vida (Julius Dahlöf)
- La obra ya empieza
- La Paloma (Sebastián Iradier)
- La petenera (Mexican Huapango song)
- la preghiera di Desdemona (Giuseppe Verdi)
- La Primavera (Antonio Vivaldi)
- Largo (George Frideric Handel)
- Largo, Symphony No. 9 (New World) / Goin’ Home (Antonin Dvorak)
- Lark Dance (Irene Christopherson)
- Lark Dance (Irene Christopherson)
- Lär mig att bedja av hjärtat (Carl-Bertil Agnestig)
- Las campanas
- Laß mich stille sein (Willy Reske)
- Laßt uns beginnen (Fritz B. Metzger)
- Laßt uns dem Nächsten unsre Liebe erweisen (Walter E. Brady)
- Lasst uns erfreuen (German hymn; Geistliche Kirchengesäng, Cologne, 1623)
- Lasst uns singen von der Gnade des Herrn (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Lasting Joy (B. Cecil Gates)
- Last Jerusalem Sunset (Michael R. Hicks)
- Last Time (Nik Day)
- La Tani (Traditional)
- Latter-day Prophets (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Lauda Anima (John Goss)
- Laudate Dominum (Jacques Berthier)
- Laudate Dominum (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Laudis Corona (William K. Bassford)
- Lau ʻEni ko e Tofiʻa (Robert Lowry)
- Lau pehe ʻe he tokolahi (Pita Vī)
- Laura (John S. Lewis)
- Laurel (Frank W. Asper)
- Lauterbacher Strumpflied (German folk song)
- La Vida es una Canción (Viola T. Haws)
- La Vida Puede Más (Alberto Callaci)
- La villanella / Bella Bimba (Traditional Italian song)
- Lavinia (Lavinia Careless)
- Lay Down The Weight, Son (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Lay It Down (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Lay It Down (Nik Day; Jonathan Meyers; Cera Pack)
- Lay It Down (Tyler Castleton; Russ Dixon)
- Lay Your Hands (Carey Landry)
- LDS Familiar Medley (Marvin Goldstein)
- LDS Hymn Medley (Marvin Goldstein)
- Leach (Buryl Red)
- Lead Me Home (Hilary Weeks)
- Lead Me, Savior (Frank M. Davis)
- Lead Me To The Waters (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Lead On, O King Eternal (Henry T. Smart)
- Leaning on the Everlasting Arms (Anthony J. Showalter)
- Lean on My Ample Arm (Katie Bastian)
- Learning for Myself (Kenneth Cope)
- Learning More of Love (Gwen Moore Cundick)
- Learn of Me (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Learn Wisdom in Thy Youth (Brent N. Jorgensen)
- Leave Better (Benton Paul)
- Leave It Like It Is (Cherie Call)
- ¿Le Conocéis? (Miguel Manzano)
- Le coq est mort (Folk song)
- Led by Faith (Randalin L. Hilton; Marsha Burdick)
- Led oss ved lyset, Gud (Otto Bruun)
- Left Foot Right Foot (Frances K. Taylor)
- Left right, left right
- Legacy (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Legacy of Harmony
- Legacy (Tyler Castleton; Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne; Tyler Norton)
- Lehi (A. M. Fox)
- Leicester (John M. Chamberlain)
- Leid mij, pelgrim (Alfred Beirly)
- Leise rieselt der Schnee (German folk song)
- Lend The Weary Ones A Song (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Lenox (Lewis Edson)
- Leone (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Leoni (Hebrew melody)
- Les ânes aiment les carottes (Belgian round)
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (Alice Goldthorpe)
- Les gars de la marine (Werner Richard Heymann)
- Leslie (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Le soir descend (Anon.)
- Les rameaux (Jean-Baptiste Faure)
- Let a Little Sunshine In
- Let All Men Praise the Lord (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Let Each Man Learn to Know Himself (Anon.)
- Let Earth’s Inhabitants Rejoice (Edward P. Kimball)
- Let Freedom Ring (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Let Go (Lance Kotter)
- Let Him Heal Your Heart (Tyler Castleton)
- Leti pčela malena (Anon.)
- Let It Begin (Tyler Castleton)
- Let It Come Quietly (Michael F. Moody)
- Let It Go (Michael McLean; John Batdorf)
- Let It Shine! (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Let It Shine (Greg Simpson; Barry Gibbons)
- Let little hands bring blossoms sweet (John J. McClellan)
- Let Me Call You Sweetheart (Leo Friedman)
- Let Me Fly (African-American spiritual)
- Let Me Help (Agness A. West)
- Let Me Soar (K. Newell Dayley)
- Let Mount Zion Rejoice (John B. Herbert)
- Let My Heart Be Pure (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Let Not Our Souls Forget (Daniel Carter)
- Let Peace Then Still the Strife (Mack Wilberg)
- Let’s Be Happy
- Let’s Be Kind to One Another (Evan Stephens)
- Let’s Build a Temple (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Let’s Go Riding (Myrl W. Hamilton)
- Letter from Heaven (Aaron Edson)
- Letter Theme
- Let the Glory of the Lord (Kyra Moon)
- Let the hills resound (Henry Brinley Richards)
- Let the Holy Spirit Guide (Edwin F. Parry)
- Let the Little Children Come (Jenny N. Richards)
- Let the Little Children Come (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Let the Mountains Shout for Joy (Evan Stephens)
- Let the Rest of the World Go By (J. Keirn Brennan; Ernest R. Ball)
- Let the River Run (Carly Simon)
- Let the Sunshine (Galt MacDermot; James Rado; Jerome Ragni)
- Let the Sunshine In (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Let the Words of My Mouth (Adolph Baumbach)
- Let the World Dance (Barbara Tanner; Julie de Azevedo; Lex de Azevedo)
- Let Those Who Would Be Saints Indeed (W. E. Peterson)
- Let Thy Heart Be Full of Thanks (Daniel Carter)
- Lettie (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Letting Go (Jennifer Griffiths Manges)
- Let Us All Be Good and Kind (John Edwards)
- Let us All Unite and Sing (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Let Us Awake (Meg Nielson)
- Let Us Break Bread (African-American spiritual)
- Let Us Endeavor (Anon.)
- Let Us Go to the House of the Lord (Fred A. Fillmore)
- Let Us Go Unto the Temple (Ruth B. Gatrell)
- Let us go walking together (Marie E. Gaudette)
- Let Us Light a Candle (Richard Shephard)
- Let Us Praise the Lord (Avanell D. Hancock)
- Let Us Prophecy with Harps (Paul D. Walker)
- Let Us Shake Off the Coals (Old melody)
- Let Us Sing of Our Salvation (Evan Stephens)
- Let Us Sing Together (Czech folk tune)
- Let Us Treat Each Other Kindly (John S. Lewis)
- Let Us With a Gladsome Mind (Arthur Shepherd)
- Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts (Joan Sowards)
- Let Zion in her beauty rise
- Let Zion’s Truth Roll Onward (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Levee Song (Anon.)
- Liahona, Compass True (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Lieber Vater halt mich fest (Jürgen Fliege; Wolfgang Wallrich)
- Lieblich sangen Morgensterne (Willy Reske)
- Life Eternal (Lex de Azevedo)
- Life is a loom (R. Paul Thompson)
- Life is Full of Toil and Care (Edwin F. Parry)
- Life Is O’erflowing with Beautiful Things (Thomas M. Croft)
- Life Let Us Cherish (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Life’s Mirror (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Life’s True Joy (W. Muller)
- Life Was Not Easy (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Lift Me, O My Savior (Judith Roberts Spragg)
- Lift Me Up, Lord Jesus (Nathan Howe)
- Lift Me Up with Your Light (Nik Day; Connor Austin)
- Lift Up Thy Voice in Singing (T. F. Steward)
- Lift Up Your Heads (George Frideric Handel)
- Lift up your heads, O ye gates (Samuel Coleridge-Taylor)
- Lift Up Your Praise in Parting Song (Evan Stephens)
- Lift Up Your Voice and Sing (Richard C. Berg)
- Lift Your Eyes (Nik Day; Noelle Bybee)
- Light
- Light and Shadow (James Stanley)
- Light and Truth (Sam Cardon)
- Light and truth the world are waking (Old Welsh melody)
- Light Divine (Evan Stephens)
- Light Divine (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Light Giver (Jenny Phillips)
- Lighthouse in the Night (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Lighting Candles (Jennie C. Neal)
- Light Keeper (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Light (Michael Babbitt; Thomas Clark)
- Light My Way (Nik Day)
- Light of a New Day
- Light of Mine (African American spiritual)
- Light of the World
- Light of the World (Nik Day)
- Light of the World (Paul Duncan; Paul Brendon Mabury; Lauren Daigle)
- Light of the World (Scott Krippayne; Russ Dixon)
- Light of the World (Stacie Ann Perkins)
- Light of the World (Staci Peters)
- Light on a Distant Hill (Michael McLean)
- Light on a Hill (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Lights and Marvels (Michael F. Moody)
- Light the Dark (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Light the Way (Connor Austin; Spencer Cunningham)
- Light the World (Sara Lyn Baril)
- Light the World with Love (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Light Will Rise (Scott Krippayne; Sarah Hart)
- Lihoma Song (Judith W. Parker)
- Like A Child (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Like a Child (Nik Day; Evelyn Detzany)
- Like a Lighthouse (Michael Webb)
- Like a Man (James F. Wright)
- Like a Tree (Jane Romney Crawford)
- Like Him (Nik Day)
- Like Jesus (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Liken the Scriptures (Shawna Belt Edwards)
- Like Sunlight Gleams Thy Grace, O Lord (David C. Macfarlane)
- Like the Sound of Many Waters (J. Frederic Voros Jr.)
- Like the Stars (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Like Unto Us (Dennis L. Crockett)
- Lilacs (Stefan Wolpe)
- Lilla’s a Lady (German air)
- Lillies and Roses (James P. Olsen)
- Lily Dale / Liberty (Henry S. Thompson)
- Lincoln Portrait (Aaron Copland)
- Linden Lea (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
- Lindsay (William Clayson)
- Line Upon Line (Lex de Azevedo)
- Line upon Line (Nita Dale Milner)
- Linstead (Jamaican folk melody)
- L’inverno l’e passato (Italian-Swiss folk song)
- Lion of Judah / Phelps (Henry Tucker)
- Lischer (Friedrich Schneider)
- Listening (Nik Day)
- Listen, Listen (Filling the Hunger) (Brett Raymond)
- Listen, Listen (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Listen (Nik Day)
- Listen to the Echo (Luigi Cherubini)
- Listen to the Mocking-Bird (Richard Milburn)
- Listen Well (Clive Romney; Ron Simpson)
- List to the Bells (Anon.)
- Litany (Franz Schubert)
- Little Angel (Jane Knudsen Poulsen)
- Little Annie Rooney (Michael Nolan)
- Little Baby (Traci Law)
- Little Bit of Hope
- Little Bits of Cloth (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Little Brook (Beth Milliken Joerger)
- Little Brother Vegetable (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Little Child (Elizabeth A. Wright)
- Little Children, Love the Savior (A. Preston)
- Little copper birthday pennies (Glenna Tate Holbrook)
- Little Drummer Boy (Katherine K. Davis)
- Little Fugue in G Minor (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Little Good Health Elves (Bertha Morris Parker)
- Little Jack Horner (Anon.)
- Little Jesus (Mark Newell; Charlene A. Newell)
- Little Knees Should Lowly Bend (A. C. Smyth)
- Little Lamb (Nina Harris)
- Little Lambs (Annie Edwards Watson)
- Little Lambs So White and Fair (B. L. W.)
- Little Lispers (J. Hosler)
- Little Liza Jane (Folk song)
- Little Marlborough (The Universal Psalmodist, Aaron William, 1763)
- Little One (Rebecca Woodworth Hainsworth)
- Little Ones Come, We Will Worship Together (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Little ones, the Savior loves you (John Detton)
- Little Pioneer Children (A. Laurence Lyon)
- Little Pioneer Children (Lynn R. Shurtleff)
- Little Prelude in G Major (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Little Purple Pansies (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Little Seeds Lie Fast Asleep (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Little Sir Echo (J. S. Fearis; Laura Rountree Smith)
- Little Songs (James P. Olsen)
- Little Stars (J. S. Fearis)
- Little Steps to Heaven (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Little Sunbeams (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Little Things (Anon.)
- Little Things (Mollie Shaffer)
- Little Things (Ross Boothe; Christian Hobbs)
- Little Tom Tinker (Anon.)
- Little Wheel (African-American spiritual)
- Little Wonder (Kevin G. Pace)
- Live by the Light of His Love (Betsy Lee Bailey)
- Live Forever (Nik Day)
- Live for Something
- Live in the Light (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Live It (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Live Life in a Sweet Key (Marie Manwaring Anderson)
- Live Like You Believe (Tyler Castleton; Jenny Phillips)
- Live (Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- Live Together in Love (Steven Kapp Perry)
- Live Up to Your Privilege (Brooke Snow)
- Live What I Know (Tyler Castleton)
- Live While I’m Alive
- Living for Jesus (C. Harold Lowden)
- Livingston (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Living the Legacy (Kenneth Cope; Julie de Azevedo)
- Living Water (Ben Olsen)
- Living Water, Bread of Life (Tammy Simister Robinson)
- Living Water (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- Living Water (Nik Day; Tyler Castleton)
- Livorno (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Liwanag ang Mundo (Daday Ducena Baluyot; Justine Baluyot)
- Llanfair / Bethel (Robert Williams)
- Lleva Tu Angustia al Consolador (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Lloyd (Cuthbert Howard)
- Lobe den Herren, o meine Seele (Christlich Seelen-Harfe, Ansbach, 1665)
- Lobe den Herren (Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665)
- Lobet und Praiset (Alsatian round)
- Lobt den Herrn! Das Sterngefilde
- Lobt froh den Herrn (Hans G. Nägeli)
- Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, all zugleich (Nikolaus Herman)
- Loch Lomond (Old Scotch air)
- Lo Desembre Congelat (Catalan carol)
- Lofsöngur (Sveinbjörn Sveinbjörnsson)
- Lois (Bryan J. Leech)
- Lo, My Shepherd Is Divine (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- London Bridge (Anon.)
- Londonderry Air (Irish folk tune)
- Lonely (Nik Day)
- Lonesome Roving Wolves (Folk song)
- Lonesome Valley (African-American spiritual)
- Long Ago (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Long Ago, Within a Garden (Daniel Carter)
- Long-Legged Sailor (Traditional)
- Long, Long Ago (Joyce M. Jensen)
- Long, Long Ago (Thomas H. Bayly)
- Long Long Trail (Anon.)
- Longwood (Daniel B. Towner)
- Looby Loo
- Look and Live (Greg Simpson; Jim Funk)
- Look at the Baby (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Look at the World (John Rutter)
- Look for the Beautiful (Franklin E. Belden)
- Look Inside (Dennis L. Crockett)
- Look, look, look (Leah Patt Rivenburg)
- Look on Him and Live (Sally DeFord)
- Look on Me This Day (David A. Zabriskie)
- Looks Like Change (April Meservy)
- Look to God and Live (Diane Tuiofu)
- Look to God and Live (Lynn S. Lund)
- Look to the Day (John Rutter)
- Look to the Light (Steve James)
- Look To The Right, Child (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Look to You (Nik Day)
- Look Unto Christ (Nik Day)
- Look Up (Melanie M. Hoffman; Roger C. Hoffman)
- Look Up (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- Lo, on the Water’s Brink We Stand (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Loose The Chains, Lord (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Lo Que Respira Alabe a Jehová
- Lord Bless Us as We Part (Maria A. Davis; Charles E. Davis)
- Lord, Dimiss Us with Thy Blessing (Tom Edward Clark)
- Lord, Dismiss Us (S.)
- Lord God and Holy Ghost (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Lord God of Majesty and Might (Harry A. Dean)
- Lord, If It Be Thy Will (Lynn S. Lund)
- Lord, I Love You
- Lord, in whom our fathers trust (L. Bowen)
- Lord, Is It I? (Jennette Jay Booth; Merrijane Rice)
- Lord, I Want to Be a Christian (American folk hymn)
- Lord, I Would Own Thy Tender Care
- Lord, I Would Own Thy Tender Care (Anon.)
- Lord Jesus Christ Has Paid the Price (Robert P. Manookin)
- Lord Jesus, I Long in Thy Presence to Live (Jonathan E. Spilman)
- Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Peace (John Rutter)
- Lord, make Thy mercy known (Wiliam O. Facer; Marcus Woolley)
- Lord of All Being, Throned Afar (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Lord of All (Betsy Lee Bailey)
- Lord of the Dance (Sydney Carter)
- Lord of the Hills (Montague Phillips)
- Lord, Thou Hast Searched
- Lord, We Ask Thee Ere We Part (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Lord, we come before thee now
- Lord, We Thank Thee (Orson Pratt Huish)
- Lord, When the Sense of Thy Sweet Grace (Mack Wilberg)
- Lord, Who Lovest Little Children
- Lo, Shepherds, Slumber Not (Czech carol)
- Los justos son de Cristo (Vicente Poot P.)
- Lost (Brett Raymond)
- Lo, There On Mount Zion (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Louise (Willy Reske)
- Louvan (Virgil C. Taylor)
- Love at Home (Fen Frehner)
- Love Casts Out Fear (Daniel Carter)
- Love Comes Back (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Love Enough (Michael F. Moody)
- Love Immortal (Evan Stephens)
- Love Is a Journey (Doug Walker)
- Love Is (Kenneth Cope)
- Love Is Little (Lisa Arrington)
- Love Is Little Reel (Katie Davis)
- Love Is Spoken Here (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Love Is Still There (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Love Is the Promise (John Batdorf; Michael McLean)
- Love Knows No Borders (Sally DeFord)
- Love Lights the Way
- Lovely Appear (Charles Gounod)
- Lovely Evening (Traditional German)
- Love One Another (Luacine Clark Fox)
- Love’s Old Sweet Song (J. L. Molloy)
- Love Song to Life (Lex de Azevedo)
- Love the Lord (Lincoln Brewster)
- Love Will Find You There (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Loving, Caring, and Sharing
- Loving Mother, Kind and True (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Loving Mother, Kind and True (William C. Clive)
- Loving One Another (Evan Stephens)
- Loving Savior (Kay Hicks Ward)
- Loving Shepherd (Louis M. Gottschalk)
- Lovin’ Life (Kenneth Cope)
- Lowell (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Lower Lights / Censure (Philip P. Bliss)
- Loyal to the Truth and the Right (Evan Stephens)
- Loyalty (Benjamin Franklin)
- Lucas (James Lucas)
- Lueget vo Bergen und Tal
- Luister naar het woord des Heren (Frans Heijdemann)
- Lullaby (Charles F. Carlson)
- Lullaby (Dean Madsen)
- Lullaby (Edward Jakobowski)
- Lullaby for Jesus (Michael F. Moody)
- Lullaby from Norway
- Lullaby (Iljinski)
- Lullaby (Johanna V. Sharnborg)
- Lullaby, Little One (Larry A. Allred)
- Lullaby (Margaret Clayton; Sheryl Martineau)
- Lullaby (Michael McLean)
- Lullaby (Now Go to Sleep) (Gerrit de Jong Jr.)
- Luther’s Hymn (Martin Luther)
- Lux Benigna (John B. Dykes)
- Lux fiat (Charles Gounod)
- Lwe, lwe (Haitian worship chorus)
- Lyman (George Careless)
- Lyngham (Thomas Jarman)
- Lynn (Harry A. Dean)
- Lyon (George Careless)
- Lyons (Joseph Martin Kraus)
- Mabune (Seigi Abe)
- Machet die Tore weit (Willy Reske)
- Mach uns rein (Willy Reske)
- Magdalen College (William Hayes)
- Maggie May (English folk song)
- Maggie (Reid N. Nibley)
- Maggie (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Magic shoes (Vivian Hammond)
- Maglinis Tayo (Traditional)
- Magnify the Difference in Me (Jean Kreuger Smith)
- Magtanim ay ’Di Biro (Traditional)
- Maidstone (Walter B. Gilbert)
- Maintenant nous voulons prier (Douglas D. Barnes)
- Main Title (Arlen L. Card)
- Majesty (Jack W. Hayford)
- Majesty (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Make a Joyful Noise (Anna Morgan)
- Make Me a Servant (Kelly Willard)
- Make Me Whole (Rob Gardner)
- Make New Friends (Anon.)
- Make Room for Him (Michael F. Moody)
- Make the Rafters Ring (Anon.)
- Make the World Brighter (Frank A. Simpkins)
- Make Time to Love (BeBe Winans)
- Make Us Holy (Jeanni Gould)
- Make Us One (Sally DeFord)
- Make You Whole (Merrill Jenson)
- Malachi (George Careless)
- Malagueña (Ernesto Lecuona)
- Male Quartet III (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Male Quartet II (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Male Quartet I (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Mamá Criso (Édgar Joffré)
- Mam chusteczkę haftowaną (Traditional)
- Manchester (William Clayson)
- Mandate voci di gioia all’Eterno (Tommaso G. Castro)
- Måne og sol (Egil Hovland)
- Man in the Sun (Kenneth Cope)
- Manoah (Gioachino Rossini)
- Man of Miracles (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Man the Boats (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Manti (A. C. Smyth)
- Mantle of Charity (Judith Roberts Spragg)
- Man to Man (Kenneth Cope)
- Mantos y Palmas (Rubén Ruíz Avila)
- Manwill (Sherrie Manwill Boren)
- Many Names of Jesus (Michael F. Moody)
- Marathon (T. H. Wallis)
- March (Alexander Tcherepnin)
- Marcheta (Victor Schertzinger)
- March—Folk Songs from Somerset (English folk song)
- March from Norma (Vincenzo Bellini)
- Marching along
- Marching Down the Trail (Nels Woodruff Christiansen; Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen)
- Marching Soldiers (Ralph L. Baldwin)
- Marching Through Georgia (Henry C. Work)
- Marching to Utah (All Are Talking of Utah) (John S. Davis)
- Marching to Zion (Robert Lowry)
- March (Jennie C. Neal)
- March of the Men of Harlech! (Welsh folk song)
- March (Symphony No. 1) (Johannes Brahms)
- March to Victory (Edward P. Kimball)
- March Wind (Lillie M. Jordan)
- Margaret (Alexander Schreiner)
- Marianina (Italian folk song)
- Marian (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Marie (Robert P. Manookin)
- Marion (Thomas L. Durham)
- Marks of My Path (April Meservy)
- Marlbrough s'en va-t-en guerre / For He’s a Jolly Good Fellow / The Bear Went Over the Mountain (French folk tune)
- Marnie (Harold Neal)
- Marriage for Eternity (K. Newell Dayley)
- Marsden (Crawford Gates)
- Martha (Evan Stephens)
- Martilyo (Anon.)
- Martyn (Simeon B. Marsh)
- Martyr / Scotland the Brave (Scottish folk song)
- Maryanne (Gaylen Hatton)
- Mary, Can I Hold Your Baby? (Roderick S. Bruner)
- Mary, Did You Know? (Buddy Greene)
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (Lowell Mason)
- Mary Holds Him (Nashville Tribute Band)
- Mary Let Me Hold Her Baby (Michael McLean)
- Mary’s Lullaby (Charlene A. Newell)
- Mary’s Lullaby (German folk tune)
- Mary’s Lullaby to the Infant King (German folk tune)
- Mary’s Lullaby (Wanda West Palmer)
- Mary, Sweet and Tender Maiden (James C. Kasen)
- Maryton (H. Percy Smith)
- Massachusetts (Katherine K. Davis)
- Måste ock av törnen vara (Per Ulrik Stenhammar)
- Masterpiece (Julie de Azevedo; Greg Simpson)
- Master, the Tempest Is Raging (Lianne K. W. Franklin)
- Master, the Tempest Is Raging (Linda Hartman)
- Master, the Tempest Is Raging (Lisa Powell)
- Master, Use Me (Elisha A. Hoffman)
- Maszerują dzieci drogą (Traditional)
- Match Made in Heaven (Michael McLean)
- Materna (Samuel A. Ward)
- Ma (Willy Reske)
- Maybe I’m A Dreamer (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Maybe I Will Be There (Janice Kapp Perry)
- May God Grant You a Blessing (Swahili folk hymn)
- May I Serve Thee (Tammy Simister Robinson)
- May My Children Walk in Truth (Wendy Brimhall; Dawn Brimhall)
- May My Life Reflect Thy Will (K. Newell Dayley)
- May Pole Dance
- May Sweet Peace and Joy from Heaven (Evan Stephens)
- May the Candle Guide My Vision (Anna M. Molgard; Rachel P. Mohlman)
- May the Grace of Christ, Our Savior (Alfred Beirly)
- May the Holy Spirit’s Fire (Evan Stephens)
- May the Lord Bless You and Keep You
- May the Lord Go With Us (Evan Stephens)
- May the Road Rise to Meet You (Jay Richards)
- May Thy Face of Shining Splendor (S. Gordon Jessop)
- McAfee (Cleland Boyd McAfee)
- McGee (Bob McGee)
- McKee (American melody)
- Mear (Anon.)
- Meditation Before Prayer (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- Meditation (George Careless)
- Meditation III (Marvin Goldstein)
- Meditation II (Marvin Goldstein)
- Meditation I (Marvin Goldstein)
- Meditation (John H. Gower)
- Méditation (Jules Massenet)
- Meditation (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Meekness (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Meet Me in a Holy Place (Denise M. Barbour)
- Meinen Jesus lass ich nicht (Christian Keimann)
- Meines Lebens beste Freude
- Mein Jesu, wie du willt (Carl Maria von Weber)
- Mejor que vida
- Melita (John B. Dykes)
- Melody (A. M. Fox)
- Melody in F (Anton Rubinstein)
- Melody (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Melrose (Frederick C. Maker)
- Memorial Hymn (Alma Hardy)
- Memories of Galilee (Horatio R. Palmer)
- Memories of Mother (Willy Reske)
- Memorium (George Careless)
- Memory (Ann Fellows)
- Memory Lane (Jake White)
- Mendelssohn (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Mendon (German melody)
- Mennyből az angyal (Hungarian Christmas carol)
- Men Of Courage (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Menuetto (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Menuetto from Don Giovanni (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Mercies (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Merciful (Nik Day)
- Merci pour tout (Douglas D. Barnes)
- Mercy / Gottschalk (Louis M. Gottschalk)
- Mercy (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Mercy’s Arms (Julie de Azevedo)
- Mercy (Tom Edward Clark)
- Meredith (Frank W. Asper)
- Merrial (Joseph Barnby)
- Merrie Miss Song (Ruth Muir Gardner)
- Merrily, Merrily! (English folk song)
- Merry Christmas (Frances K. Taylor)
- Merry Christmas (Giuseppe Verdi )
- Merry Christmas, Happy New Year (Charles E. Davis)
- Merry Christmas (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Merry Christmas To All (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Merry Little Snowflakes (Mildred J. Hill)
- Merry, Merry Children, Sweetly Sing (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Merry, Merry Christmas! (Mack Wilberg)
- Merton (William H. Monk)
- Message (H. Ernest Nichol)
- Messiah (Louis J. F. Hérold)
- Mfurahini, Haleluya (Tanzanian melody)
- MIA Let’s Sing (Margrit F. Lohner)
- M. I. A., We Hail Thee (W. O. Robinson)
- Michael (Charles J. Thomas)
- Middle East Medley II (Marvin Goldstein)
- Middle East Medley I (Marvin Goldstein)
- ’Mid the Stillness of the Night (Sally DeFord)
- Midway of Life, In Meditative Mood (Evan Stephens)
- Mike’s Theme (Brett Raymond)
- Miles’ Lane (William Shrubsole)
- Military March (Franz Schubert)
- Milkmaid’s Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Millennial Dawn (Samuel B. Mitton)
- Millennium (Charles J. Thomas)
- Millions Upon Millions
- Mine Are the Hungry (Wilbur E. Brumbaugh)
- Miniature Rondo (Daniel Gottlieb Turk)
- Minstrel (A. C. Smyth)
- Minuet in G major, WoO 10, No. 2 (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Minuet in G (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Miracle
- Miracle from Heaven (Kenneth Cope)
- Miracle (Nik Day)
- Miracles (Sally DeFord)
- Miraculous Nauvoo (Kenneth Cope)
- ¡Mirad Cuán Bueno! (Selmy Kaiser de Sousa Elbert)
- Mi Rey y mi Amigo (Vicente Mendoza)
- Mirrors (Randy Thorderson)
- Mir wird nichts mangeln (P. Schück)
- Mi smo djeca vesela (Anon.)
- Missionary
- Missionary Hymn (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Missionary Hymn (Lowell Mason)
- Missionary Hymn (Lowell Mason)
- Mission Impossible Theme (Lalo Schifrin)
- Mission (Mark H. Forscutt)
- Mistress Shady (Anon.)
- Mists of Darkness
- Mit deiner Glut entzünde mich (Joseph P. Holbrook)
- Mit Freuden zart (Bohemian Brethren’s Songbook)
- Mizerna, Cicha (Polish carol)
- Modern Pioneers (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Moders navn er en himmelsk lyd (Henrik Rung)
- Mögen sich die Wege (Günter Schwarze)
- Moki Canyon Lullaby (Michael R. Hicks)
- Molly Malone (Irish folk song)
- Momento nuevo (Ernesto Barros Cardoso; Darlene Schützer; Paulo R. Salles Garcia; Tércio Junker; Dea C. Affini; Eder Soares)
- Mon cœur est tranquille (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Montclair (William B. Bradbury)
- Monū ka ko ha Monū ne Tō (Sōsaia Mataele)
- Mood for Becky
- Moonlight and Roses (Edwin Henry Lemare)
- Moonlight Thoughts (Sidney Smith)
- Moore (Alexander Schreiner)
- Moorlough Shore (Traditional Irish ballad)
- More Alike Than Different (Greg Hansen)
- Morecambe (Frederick C. Atkinson)
- More (Kenneth Cope)
- More Like the Master (Charles H. Gabriel)
- More Love to Thee (W. Howard Doane)
- More of Less (April Meservy)
- More, Savior, Like Thee (Kenneth Cope; Orson Pratt Huish; Lowell Mason; Philip P. Bliss)
- More Than Enough (Shawna Belt Edwards; Rebecca Edwards Woolf)
- More Than Ever (Tyler Castleton; Doug Walker)
- More Than I Can Give (Laura Ashton)
- More Than Just a Man (Randy Thorderson; Julie de Azevedo)
- More Than Just a Story to Tell (R. Gilles Bokolo)
- More Than the Gold (Kenneth Cope; Greg Simpson)
- More Than the World (Mindy Gledhill)
- More Things Are Wrought by Prayer (Elinor Remick Warren)
- Morgan (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Morgenstund har guld i mund (Thomas Laub)
- Mormon Cowboy (Utah folk song)
- Mormon’s Lament (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Mormon (Thomas McIntyre)
- Morn Amid the Mountains
- Morning Comes Early (Slovakian folk song)
- Morning Gently Wakes (Evan Stephens)
- Morning, Noon, and Night (German folk song)
- Morning of Your Life (Prudy F. Gneiting)
- Morning Praise (Evan Stephens)
- Morning Prayer (Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky)
- Morning Prayer (Rachel Bastian)
- Morning Song
- Morning Song (Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, Wyeth, 1813)
- Morning Star (James P. Harding)
- Morning Thanksgiving (Let Us Join) (Evan Stephens)
- Moroni (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Mortals Awake! With Angels Join
- Mosiah (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Most Holy Spirit (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Mother and Father (Mabel E. Bray)
- Mother Dear (Kym B. Somma; Justine Frank)
- Mother Dear (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Mother Dear (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Mother dear (Willy Reske)
- Mother, every day I love you more (Willy Reske)
- Mother (George Careless)
- Mother, I love you (Gladys Ericksen Seely)
- Mother, I Love You (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- Mother I Love You (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Mother Is Praying (J. A. Parks)
- Mother (John J. McClellan)
- Mother (My Heart Is Full of Mother Dear) (Ida H. White)
- Mother of Mine (Willy Reske)
- Mother’s Day (Friedrich von Flotow)
- Mother’s Day (Hildred German Tope)
- Mother’s Valentine (Mathilde Duke)
- Mother, Tell Me the Story (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Mother, Tell Me the Story / Love Is Spoken Here (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Mother (Willy Reske)
- Mother, You Are There (Neil R. Harris)
- Mountain Air (Allen Hunt; Leonie Hunt)
- Mountain of the Lord (Arlen L. Card)
- Mountains to Climb (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- Mount Zion (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Mourner cease thy weeping (Evan Stephens)
- Mourning into Dancing (Tommy Walker)
- Mozart’s First Tune (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Mozart’s Twelfth Mass (Anon.)
- Mozart (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Mueller (James R. Murray)
- Mulberry Bush (English folk song)
- Munich (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Musical Adventures (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Musical fun for everyone
- Music for Sellinger’s Round
- Music for Swedish Singing Game
- Music for the Ostendaise Dance
- Music of the Pines (John M. Chamberlain)
- Music to “The Three Little Souls” (Jay Welch)
- Muß i’ denn (Swabian folk song)
- Mu süda, ärka üles (Folk hymn)
- Mutig, ihr Brüder, im Kampfe
- Mutterliebe (Paul Reske)
- My All Is Thine (Sally DeFord)
- My Bambina (Swiss folk song)
- My Baptism Promise (Nathan Howe)
- My Big Brother’s Going on a Mission (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- My Blessings (Janice Kapp Perry)
- My Bonnie (Charles E. Pratt)
- My Brother (Lynda Johnson)
- My Brother (Tammy Simister Robinson)
- My Bud in Heaven (Ebenezer Beesley)
- My Chains Are Gone (Chris Tomlin)
- My Christmas Testimony (Michael F. Moody)
- My Country Calls (Arlene L. Buffington)
- My Country (Newel Kay Brown)
- My Covenant Path (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- My Dad (Carol Graff Gunn)
- My Daddy (Moiselle Renstrom)
- My daily creed (Willy Reske)
- My Dixie Home (Traditional)
- My Easter Song (Moiselle Renstrom)
- My Eternal Family (Annette W. Dickman)
- My Evening Prayer (Darwin Wolford)
- My Family Tree (Peggy Milligan Moffit)
- My Father Dear (A. C. Smyth)
- My Father Does His Perfect Work (Arlene L. Buffington)
- My Father, for Another Night (A. C. Smyth)
- My Father Guides Me (Ruth B. Gatrell)
- My Father in Heaven (Tom Edward Clark)
- My Father Knows (Edwin O. Excell)
- My Father Knows (Laura E. Newell)
- My Father (Linda Chapman; Bonnie Heidenreich)
- My Father’s Care (Kevin R. Olson)
- My Father’s Love (David Len Allen)
- My Father’s Plan for Me (Clive Romney)
- My Father Taught Me (Michael F. Moody)
- My Flag, My Flag (Alexander Schreiner)
- My Friend (Clara W. McMaster)
- My Friend (Lucy May Green)
- My Future Home (Hans Henry Petersen)
- My Gift, My Offering (Sally DeFord)
- My God, My Portion, and My Love (Traditional)
- My God the Spring of All My Joys (A. R. Brinagle)
- My Grateful Spirit Sings (Sally DeFord)
- My Hands (Lucille F. Wood)
- My Hat (Neapolitan folk tune)
- My Heart Is Filled with Longing
- My Heart’s Choice (Alice Everett)
- My Heart, Your Bethlehem (David Gaines; Ruth Elaine Schram; Lewis H. Redner)
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me (Clara W. McMaster)
- My Heavenly Father Loves Me / For the Beauty of the Earth (Clara W. McMaster; Conrad Kocher)
- My Heavenly Father’s House (Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen)
- My Hero
- My Holy House (Don Stirling; Kurt Bestor)
- My House (Leonard Bernstein)
- My House (Tessie G. Post)
- My Joy Is Full (Sam Cardon)
- My Kindness Shall Not Depart from Thee (Rob Gardner)
- My Kitty Cat (Gladys Ericksen Seely)
- My Little Brother
- My Little Child (Afterglow)
- My Little Gray Home in the West (Hermann Löhr)
- My Lord Can (Arlene L. Buffington)
- My Lord, What a Morning! (Traditional)
- My Love for You Will Remain (Sizwe Zako)
- My Mirror
- My Mission (Kevin R. Olson)
- My mommy (Barbara Boyer Obray)
- My Morena Girl (Hey Joe)
- My Mother Dear (Becky-Lee Hill Reynolds)
- My Mother My Daughter (Janice Kapp Perry)
- My Mother’s Hands (Maurine Benson Ozment)
- My Mother’s Love (Janice Kapp Perry)
- My Mother’s Love (Jean Barnes)
- My Mother’s Love (John M. Chamberlain)
- My mother’s love (Willy Reske)
- My Mother (Viola T. Haws)
- My Music Page
- My Name Is Hope (Kirsten Millsap)
- My Object All Sublime (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- My Old Kentucky Home (Stephen C. Foster)
- My Once upon a Time (Marilyn Collard)
- My One Sure Anchor Is Christ (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- My Own Home (Anon.)
- My Own Sacred Grove (Angie Killian)
- My Peace I Leave With You (Rosemary Mead)
- My Place (Arlene L. Buffington)
- My Power to Choose (Nathan Howe)
- My Prayer (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- My Prayer (Philip P. Bliss)
- My Redeemer
- My Redeemer / Admonition (James McGranahan)
- My Redeemer Lives (B. Cecil Gates)
- Myrna (Skinner Chávez-Melo)
- Myrtle (Joseph J. Daynes)
- My Savior Can Heal My Soul (Robert Cowles)
- My Savior, My Friend (Makenna Webb)
- My Shepherd (Blaine J. Garner)
- My Shepherd (Nels Woodruff Christiansen; Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen)
- My Song in the Night (Traditional)
- My Son, My King (Melanie Davis)
- My Soul Delighteth in the Covenants of the Lord (Janice Kapp Perry)
- My Soul Hungered (Kurt Bestor)
- My Soul is Athirst (Evan Stephens)
- My Soul Must Render Thanks to God (David R. Naylor)
- My Story (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- My Teacher (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- My Testimony Grows (Lynn S. Lund)
- My Testimony Is Growing (Kathryn B. Decker)
- My Testimony (Kenneth Plain)
- My Testimony (Myriel Cluff Ashton)
- My Testimony’s Sacred (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- My Testimony (Suzanne Wilson)
- My Thanks Today (Nora Hogan)
- My Tithing Gives Me Happiness (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Nach deiner Wahrheit (Hannelore Hardan)
- Naʻe ʻAfioʻi pē ʻe Sīsū (Sione Tuʻikolongahau)
- Nailing Boards (Jennie C. Neal)
- Naisbitt
- Naomi (Hans Georg Nägeli)
- Naranja dulce (Traditional Mexican song)
- När det lider mot jul (Ruben Liljefors)
- Narodil se Kristus Pán (Czech folk tune)
- Narodi nam se (Traditional Croatian melody)
- När vi denna gången ämna (Anon.)
- Natalie
- National Anthem (UK) / America (Henry Carey; Thesaurus Musicus)
- National Anthem (USA) (John Stafford Smith)
- National Hymn (George W. Warren)
- Nativity Carol (John Rutter)
- Nature’s Brightest Dress (Charlene A. Newell)
- Nature’s Easter Story (Mildred J. Hill)
- Nature’s Goodnight (Mildred J. Hill)
- Nature’s Praise (Joseph G. Fones)
- Nauvoo Flourishes (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Nauvoo Pageant Soundtrack (David T. Warner; Pageant music committee)
- Neander (Joachim Neander)
- Neath Our Window (Bohemian folk song)
- Need (Robert Lowry)
- Ne Fai pē mei Kālevale (W. Howard Doane)
- Nella fantasia (Ennio Morricone)
- Nelson (Juan Luís García)
- Neongo hono faingataʻa ʻo mamani (H. Māhanga)
- Nephi (George Careless)
- Nephi’s Courage (Bill N. Hansen Jr.; Lisa T. Hansen)
- Nephite Lamentation (Thomas L. Durham)
- Nesem vám noviny / Carol of the Shepherds (Czech folk tune)
- Ne tala ʻe Sīsū e (Sōsaia Mataele)
- Ne tala ʻe Sīsū (H. Māhanga)
- Ne touchons pas aux petits nids (J. L. Battman)
- Nettleton (American folk tune)
- Neumeister (James McGranahan)
- Never a Better Hero (Kenneth Cope)
- Never Be Afraid (William B. Bradbury)
- Never Be Late (A. C. Smyth)
- Never Be the Same (Tyler Castleton)
- Never Ends (Nik Day)
- Never Never Land (Jule Styne)
- Never say “Fail” (S. C. Hanson)
- Never That Bad (Nik Day)
- New Britain / St. Mary’s; Gallaher; Symphony; Harmony Grove; Solon (American folk tune, 19th century)
- Newcastle Hornpipe (Utah folk song)
- New Day On The Mountain (Arlene L. Buffington)
- New Hope (A. C. Smyth)
- New Jerusalem (Amber LePrey Anderson)
- New Jerusalem / Let the River Run (Unknown; Carly Simon)
- New Life (Nik Day; Kawika Katoa)
- New Song (Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- New Year (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Next to Me (Nik Day)
- Niblet (Orson Pratt Huish)
- Nicaea (John B. Dykes)
- Nicodemo vino a Cristo (Vicente Poot P.)
- Night Herding Song (Liza Lehmann)
- Night Song (Anon.)
- Night Time (DeVota Mifflin Peterson)
- Nines (Evan Stephens)
- Ninety and Nine (Michael McLean)
- Ninety-Nine Miles from Home (Anon.)
- Noah’s Ark (Anon.)
- Noah’s Ark (Diane Andersen Beck)
- Noall (Frank W. Asper)
- No Apologies (Nik Day)
- No Basta Sólo una Mano (Irene S. de Alvarez)
- Nobody Knows the Trouble I’ve Seen (Southern folk song)
- Noch kann ich es nicht fassen (Hans Leo Hassler)
- Nocturne (Moiselle Renstrom)
- No Deposit, No Return (Kenneth Cope; Michael Webb; Vickey Pahnke Taylor)
- Noël nouvelet (French carol)
- Noël Suisse (French carol)
- Noe! Noe! (French carol)
- Nofo muʻa o ke vakai (Pita Vī)
- No Funeral Trains (Arlene L. Buffington)
- No Greater Work (Janice Kapp Perry)
- No Happier People (Janice Kapp Perry)
- No hay Dios tan grande como tú
- No Hay Que Llorar (Juan Romero)
- No livnar det i lundar (Ludvig M. Lindeman)
- No Matter What (Birdnbee)
- No me olvido de mi Dios (Vicente Poot P.)
- No More Love (Michael McLean)
- No Mountain High Enough (Charles Kirby)
- None Can Bring This Kingdom Down (Arlene L. Buffington)
- None Can Preach the Gospel Like the Mormons Do (Folk song)
- None Other Lamb (Craig Courtney)
- Non Nobis, Domine (Patrick Doyle)
- No Not Much (Robert Allen; Al Stillman)
- No One Like You (Adeliade Kaufusi)
- No, onkos tullut kesä? (Finnish folk tune)
- No Ordinary Man (Janice Kapp Perry)
- No Other Name But Jesus (Lynn S. Lund)
- No quiero volver al mundo a pecar (Vicente Poot P.)
- No Regrets (Tyler Castleton; Jenny Phillips)
- Norfolk Chimes
- Norman (Mark H. Forscutt)
- Norma (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Norse Air / No Other Plea / Landas (Norwegian folk melody)
- North Star (Greg Simpson; Julie de Azevedo)
- Norway (Norwegian air)
- No sabéis
- No Stranger (Adam Turley; Amy Geis)
- Not Dead, but Sleepeth (Charles A. White)
- No te tardes en venir (Vicente Poot P.)
- Not Going Under (April Meservy)
- Nothing Can Separate Us (Nik Day; Zac Love)
- Nothing There (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Not My Will (Julia M. Sorensen)
- Not Now, but in the Coming Years (Morgan J. Busch)
- Not of the World (Ron Simpson)
- Notre Dame Victory Song (Michael J. Shea)
- Not So Little (Nik Day)
- Not the Only One (Cherie Call)
- Not the Only One (Tyler Castleton; Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- Not Too Young for God to See (Anon.)
- Not Understood. We Move Along Asunder (Evan Stephens)
- Not While I’m Around (Stephen Sondheim)
- Nous avons vu les pas de notre Dieu (Jo Akepsimas)
- Nous les petits (Douglas D. Barnes)
- Now a Calm and Peaceful Sleep (Anon.)
- Now All the Woods Are Waking (M. V. E.)
- Now hand in hand a merry band (Anon.)
- Now I Can See (Dan Truman; Jeannine Lasky)
- Now Is the Hour (Albert Saunders)
- “Now,” is the Voice that Nature Breathes (George Careless)
- Now Is Your Season (Kristi Sherwood; Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Now let us rejoice
- Now My Dear Companions (Augustus P. Blase)
- Now Shout (Gerald Kemner)
- Now Sing to Our God (Jack Ergo)
- Now the Banner of Zion is Raised (C. Becker)
- Now the Day Is Over (Prayer for the Night) (Anon.; George H. Loud)
- Now We Sing Thy Praise (Paul Tschesnokoff)
- Nu er jord og himmel stille (C. M. Bellmann)
- Nu falmer skoven (J. H. Nebelong)
- Ñukanchik Jawa-Pachapi Tiak Tayta (Roy E. Howard)
- Nu lukker sig mit oeje (P. C. Crossing)
- Nun danket alle Gott (Johann Crüger)
- Nun steht in Laub und Blüte (Johann Steuerlein)
- Nur mit Jesu will ich Pilger wandern (Johann Peter Schück)
- Nu tändas tusen juleljus (Emmy Köhler)
- Nu titte til hinanden (Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse)
- Nu vågne alle Guds fugle små (Christoph Ernst Friedrich Weyse)
- Nu zijt wellekome (Paradijs der Gheestelijcke en Kerkelijcke Lofsangen)
- Nyt seisahdun mä seimelles
- Oaken Bucket / Dawning (George Kiallmark Sr.)
- Oak Grove (Almon D. Hougas)
- Oakley (George Careless)
- Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow
- O, Awake My Slumbering Minstrel
- O Awake! My Slumbering Minstrel (Evan Stephens)
- O Awake! My Slumbering Minstrel (William B. Bradbury)
- O Balmy Mountain Air! (Evan Stephens)
- Obedience (G. A. Grant-Schaefer)
- Obedience (George Careless)
- Obedience (Marian Petersen)
- Obedience (Randy Thorderson)
- O Be Joyful (Leonard Stanley Glarum)
- Obey God’s Word (Frances K. Taylor)
- O Blessed Communion (Evan Stephens)
- O Bliss of the Purified (William B. Bradbury)
- Obreros Somos en Tu Viña (Rubén Landeros)
- O Bright, Smiling Morning (Evan Stephens)
- O Brother Man (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Ô Canada (Calixa Lavallée)
- Ocean Wave (Henry H. Russell)
- O ce veste minunată! (Traditional Romanian carol)
- O Come, All Ye Faithful (Martin Shaw)
- O, Come All Ye Saints (Henry E. Giles)
- O Come, Children, Come
- O come, let us seek God (Willy Reske)
- O Come, let us sing unto the Lord (Elihu S. Rice)
- O Come to the Jubilee (Charles J. Thomas)
- O dass ich tausend Zungen hätte (Johann Balthasar König)
- Ode for Joseph (Bradshaw)
- O dei, del mio fato crudele (Christoph W. Gluck)
- O der schöne Maienmond (Friedrich Kuhlau)
- Ode to Utah (Alfred M. Durham)
- O Dio, Tu che mi dai (Old folk song)
- O Divine Redeemer (Charles Gounod)
- O du Lamm Gottes (Dora Rappard)
- O du Liebe meiner Liebe (Johannes Thommen)
- O du lieber Augustin (Old tune)
- Odun De (Nigerian folk song)
- O, Father, Look Upon Us (James P. Olsen)
- O, Father, Look Upon Us (Robert B. Baird)
- Offering (George Careless)
- Offertory (John Ness Beck)
- Officers’ Song (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Of One Heart (Anna M. Molgard; Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Of One Heart (Kenneth Cope)
- Of One Heart (Steve James; Vickey Pahnke Taylor)
- O give me back my Prophet dear (Evan Stephens)
- O God, Our Help (B. Cecil Gates)
- O God, Our Help in Ages Past
- O God, We Thank Thee for Thy Love (Christopher S. Johnson)
- O Gott, du frommer Gott
- O Gott, wir sind versammelt hier (Norwegian folk song; William J. Kirkpatrick)
- O grosser Gott (Gesang und Notenbuch, Stuttgart, 1744)
- O Happy Home! O Blest Abode (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Oh, Beautiful Zion (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Oh, Blest Was the Day When the Prophet and Seer (Evan Stephens)
- Oh, Boys, Carry Me ’Long (Stephen C. Foster)
- Oh, Charlie Is My Darling (Scotch folk song)
- Oh Come, Thou Blessed Messiah (Sally DeFord)
- Oh, Cuán Venturosos (Latin American tune)
- Oh! Dear! What Can the Matter Be? (English folk song)
- O Herr der Herren (Georg Neumark)
- O Herr, nimm unsre Schuld (Hans-Georg Lotz)
- Oh, Gone Is Happiness (Czech folk song)
- Oh, Happy is the Man (John J. McClellan)
- Oh Hark! A Glorious Sound Is Heard (B. Cecil Gates)
- Oh, holy Christmas morning (Anon.)
- Oh, How Blest Will Be That Day! (Edwin F. Parry)
- Oh, How I Love Jesus
- Oh, How Resplendent (Carolee Curtis Green)
- Oh, how we love to sing the songs (Robert B. Baird)
- Oh, How We Love to Stand (Olga Carlson Brown)
- Oh, I Had Such a Pretty Dream, Mamma (John S. Lewis)
- Oh, Israel (Greg Simpson)
- Oh, It’s Nice to Get Up in the Morning (Anon.)
- Oh, I went to Peter’s flowing spring (Austrian folk song)
- Oh Jesús, Niñito (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Oh Jesús, oh Jesús (Javier Bardales)
- Oh, Lord! Around Thine Altar Now (Barbara C. Mink)
- Oh Lord, I Would Hear Thy Word (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Oh, May My Heart Be True (Franklin D. Ashdown)
- Oh, My Darling Clementine (Percy Montrose)
- Oh My Soul (In Your Hands)
- O How I Love Jesus
- Oh Praise Now the Lord (Ruth Gibbons Stoneman)
- Oh, Say Can You See It? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Oh, Señor, Hoy Regreso a Tu Redil (María Antonieta Torres)
- Oh, Sheep of Israel, Pause and Behold (Theodore E. Curtis)
- Oh, Sing of Redemption from Conflict and Sword (Anthony C. Lund)
- Oh, Sisters (Hal Cannon)
- Oh, Spring is here again (Mildred E. Millett)
- Oh! Susanna (Stephen C. Foster)
- Oh That I Were an Angel (Wanda West Palmer)
- Oh, That My Soul (B. Cecil Gates)
- Oh, the Bee Hive Girls Are Hiking (Anon.)
- Oh, We Are Volunteers (George F. Root)
- Oh! We Can Play (George F. Root)
- Oh, What Do You Do in the Summertime? (Dorothy S. Andersen)
- Oh! When I Was a Farmer
- Oh, Where Are My Children? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Oh, Who Will Build the Church Now? (Kenyan worship chorus)
- Oh Zion, Dear, How Joyful! (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Oi Herra, Henkes valo suo
- Oi Herra, jos mä matkamies maan (Mikael Nyberg)
- Oi kuningasten Kuningas (Frans Petter Krank)
- O, It’s Joy to be a Junior Girl (Roland C. Parry)
- O’ Jerusalem (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- O Jesulein süß (German melody; Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Ó, Jesús, bróðir besti (A. P. Berggreen)
- O Jesus, the Giver (Jonathan E. Spilman)
- O Jesus, the giver of all we enjoy (Hans Henry Petersen)
- O Jesus, the Giver (Philip P. Bliss)
- Oj pastiri, čudo novo (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Oj pastiri, čujte novi glas (Traditional Croatian melody)
- O’Kelley (Eleanor O’Kelley )
- O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig (Nikolaus Decius)
- Old and young are here assembled (Charles J. Thomas)
- Old Ark’s A-Moverin’ (African-American spiritual)
- Old Black Joe (Stephen C. Foster)
- Old Bowery
- Old Chisholm Trail (Western folk song)
- Old Dan Tucker (Folk song)
- Old Eyes (Kenneth Cope)
- Old Folks at Home (Suwannee River) (Stephen C. Foster)
- Old German Minnelied (Old German song)
- Old Glory (Alfred M. Durham)
- Old Gray Mare (Anon.)
- Old Hans/Frolie Hohsy (Utah folk song)
- Old Hundred and Fourth (Whole Book of Psalms, Thomas Ravenscroft, 1621)
- Old Hundred Thirty-fourth (Genevan Psalter, 1551)
- Old Hundredth (Louis Bourgeois; Genevan Psalter, 1551)
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm (Thomas d’Urfey)
- Old Sweet Story (J. A. Parks)
- Old Things Are Done Away (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Old Time Religion (Traditional)
- Old Trafford (A. C. Smyth)
- Olen Luojani pikku varpunen (Ilmari Krohn)
- O Let Us Go unto the House of the Lord (Jenna B. Mosley)
- O Light of Life (Mack Wilberg)
- O Little Town of Bethlehem (Michelle Willis)
- Olive’s Brow (William B. Bradbury)
- Olivet (Lowell Mason)
- O Lord, Accept Our Jubilee (Charles J. Thomas)
- O Lord God (Paul Chesnokov)
- O Lord, I will praise Thee, Lord (Evan Stephens)
- O Lord Most Holy (César Franck)
- O Lord My God (Kenneth Cope)
- O Lord, My Redeemer (Jeff Goodrich)
- O Lord, Who Gave Thy Life for Me (Alice W. Johnson)
- O Love Divine (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Olwen / Poverty (Welsh carol)
- Olympic Stories
- O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee (Kevin R. Olson)
- Omega (John E. Tullidge)
- O mein Jesu, ich muss sterben (Geistliche Volkslieder, 1850)
- O Me! O My! (Anon.)
- Omni Die (Gesangbuch, Corner, 1631)
- Ompa (Anon.)
- O music, sweet music (Lowell Mason)
- O My Father (Charles J. Thomas)
- O My Father (Evan Stephens)
- O My Father (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- O My Father (Stephen C. Foster)
- On a Golden Springtime (Crawford Gates)
- On a Starlit Night (Jill Gallina)
- On a Still and Starry Night (Sally DeFord)
- O Nata Lux (Mack Wilberg)
- On Bended Knee (Kevin R. Olson)
- Once a Farmer and His Wife (Welsh folk song)
- Once I Lived in Cottonwood (Folk song)
- Once More We Come Before Our God (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Once There Was a Snowman (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Once Upon a Time (Dan Truman)
- Ondi-Ahman (Kenneth Cope)
- One Bright Star (Tom Edward Clark)
- One by One (Larry Pearson; Marie Pearson)
- One by One (Nathan D. Garlick)
- One by One (Nik Day; Jake Garvin)
- One by One (Paul Cardall)
- One by One (Sally DeFord)
- One by One (Sam Cardon)
- One Clear Night (Shauna Hart; Rebekah H. Jennings; Tamara Whitmer)
- One Day at a Time (Dustin Christensen; Tyler Castleton)
- One Day (Matt Mylroie)
- One Day (Nathan Waite)
- One December, Bright and Clear (Catalonian carol)
- O, Nederland! Let op u saeck (Dutch folk song)
- One Fleeting Hour (Dorothy Lee)
- One Heart in the Right Place (Michael McLean)
- One Heart, One Mind (Roger C. Hoffman)
- One Hope, One Heart (Jeanni Gould)
- One Hour with Jesus (John L. Morgan)
- One Hundred Years (Evan Stephens)
- One in a Million! (Michael F. Moody)
- One in Charity (Rachel Mecham Goates)
- One Last Cry (McKnight; Barnes; Barnes)
- One Last Look (Kenneth Cope)
- One Last Pruning (Arlene L. Buffington)
- One More Day (Nik Day)
- One More Year Has Gone (Anon.)
- One Night in Bethlehem (Joyce O. Evans)
- One Of A City And Two Of A Family (Arlene L. Buffington)
- One Prayer Away (Nik Day; Russ Dixon)
- One Sacred Moment (Boyd A. Waite)
- One Soul (Nik Day)
- One Special Star (Janie Smith Nebeker)
- One Star (Cherie Call)
- One Step At A Time (Arlene L. Buffington)
- One Step at a Time (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- One Sweetly Solemn Thought (R. S. Ambrose)
- One Thing to Lose (Greg Simpson)
- One True Hope (Nik Day)
- One, Two Three (A. C. Smyth)
- One Voice (Matthew Pittman)
- One Voice (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- On Lovely Susquehanna’s Banks (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Only a Boy Named David (Arthur Arnott)
- Only a Little While (Hans Henry Petersen)
- Only a Prayer Away (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Only Dreamers See (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Only God Can Save Us Now (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Only This Morning (Jeanni Gould)
- Only You (Nik Day; Micah Rindlisbacher)
- On My Honor (Harry Bartelt)
- O Noble Mother Pioneer (Evan Stephens)
- O No, John! (Anon.)
- On, One and All (John R. Sweney)
- On One Spring Day (Merrill Bradshaw)
- On Springfield Mountain (American folk song)
- On that holy night (Erma H. Crompton)
- On the Banks of Allan Water (English folk song)
- On the Bend of the River (Frances Winton Champ)
- On the Cross of Calvary
- On the Way to California (Folk song)
- On This Holy Easter Morning (Peggy Milligan Moffit)
- On top of old Smoky (American folk song)
- Onward Ye Peoples! (Jean Sibelius)
- Op al den ting, som Gud har gjort (Bohemian melody)
- Op dog, Zion, ser du ej (J. P. E. Hartmann)
- Open My Eyes, That I May See (Clara H. Scott)
- Open the Gates of the Temple (Phoebe P. Knapp)
- Open Thou Mine Eyes (John Rutter)
- Open Up Your Eyes
- Open your eyes (Rita S. Robinson)
- O Perfect Love (Joseph Barnby)
- Opposition (Kenneth L. Hicken)
- Ora Labora (T. Tertius Noble)
- Orchestra (Estonian song)
- O Reapers of Life’s Harvest (Isaac B. Woodbury)
- Oregon State Song (Henry Bernard Murtagh)
- O Render Thanks (Johannes Brahms)
- O Rest in the Lord (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Ortonville (Thomas Hastings)
- O sanctissima (Sicilian folk tune; Tattersall’s Psalmody, 1794)
- Os anunciamos la paz
- O Savior Thou Who Healed the Sick (Kaimi Wenger)
- O Shenandoah (American folk song)
- O Signore, dal tetto natio (Giuseppe Verdi)
- Os Patinhos (Anon.)
- O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright (Jolley)
- O Star Divine! When Dusk Lies On the Land (Henry Hooper)
- O Store Gud (Tradititonal Swedish folk tune)
- O Sweet Simplicity and Trust (Evan Stephens)
- O Tannenbaum / Lauriger Horatius / Maryland, My Maryland (Traditional folk song)
- O That I Were an Angel (Jay Richards)
- Other Sheep Have I (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- O Thou, at Whose Almighty Word (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- O Thou Who Lovest Innocence (B. Cecil Gates)
- O tu lieto (Sicilian folk song)
- Our banner (Edwin F. Parry)
- Our Beautiful Home (Hans Henry Petersen)
- Our Bishop (Robert P. Manookin)
- Our Blessings (Julianne Schreiner)
- Our Boys Will Shine (American folk song)
- Our Brave Boys and Girls (Richard S. Horne)
- Our Chapel Is a Sacred Place (Darwin Wolford)
- Our Children (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Our Christmas Story Tree (Michael F. Moody)
- Our Door Is Always Open (French folk tune)
- Our Duty to God (Boyd A. Waite)
- Our Eternal Home (B. Cecil Gates)
- Our Family Place (Matthew J. Neeley)
- Our Father and Our God (Douglas L. Ipson)
- Our Father in Heaven (Alvin A. Beesley)
- Our Father In Heaven (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Our Father in Heaven (Robert B. Baird)
- Our Father in Heaven, Thy Praises We Sing (Beatrice F. Stevens)
- Our Father’s Plan (Sam Cardon)
- Our Father who art in heaven
- Our Flag (Old tune)
- Our Friendly Bishop (Derryl R. Herring)
- Our God Is a God of Love (Robert Cundick)
- Our God shall be glorified (Charles J. Thomas)
- Our God, We Raise to Thee (Edward P. Kimball)
- Our Great Primary (Milton Thomas)
- Our Heaven Is Our Home (Dennis L. Crockett)
- Our Heavenly Father, we will sing (James P. Olsen)
- Our Home’s Like a Temple (Matthew J. Neeley)
- Our House Becomes a Home (Kathryn B. Decker)
- Our Jack’s Come Home To-Day (W. J. Devers)
- Our King (Alfred Beirly)
- Our King (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Our Little Class in Primary (Mary Rose Jack; E. H.)
- Our Loving Savior Dear (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Our Mountain Home of Freedom (James H. Hood)
- Our Nation’s Glory (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Our new national song (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Our Pledge (Jane Romney Crawford)
- Our Prayer (D. Evan Davis)
- Our Prayer (Luacine Clark Fox)
- Our Primary Colors (Marzelle Mangum)
- Our Prophet Hero (Matilda Watts Cahoon)
- Our Savior Holy (Fen Frehner)
- Our Savior in Gethsemane (Hyrum A. Mead Jr.)
- Our Savior King (Ever Thou Hast Borne Our Sorrows) (B. Cecil Gates)
- Our Savior’s Atonement (Ruth D. Ellis)
- Our Savior’s Love / My Heavenly Father Loves Me (Crawford Gates; Clara W. McMaster)
- Our Seminary Prayer (Anon.)
- Our Sweetest Hymns (C. Harold Lowden)
- Our Time to Shine (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Our Work and Our Wealth (George Careless)
- Our Work and Our Wealth (Old tune)
- Our Work and Our Wealth (Robert Volkman)
- Out of Silence, Majesty (Nathan Howe)
- Out of Small Things (Peggy Milligan Moffit)
- Out Of The Cities (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Out of the Deep (John Rutter)
- Out Where the West Begins (Estelle Philleo)
- Overboard (Graham Brown; Wayland Holyfield; Verlon Thompson)
- Overcome (Michael Webb)
- Over Mine (Ben Olsen; Nik Day)
- Over My Head (Baptist spiritual)
- Over the Rainbow (Harold Arlen)
- Over the Rainbow (Karin Asbrand)
- Over the river and through the woods (Anon.)
- Overthrow of Gog and Magog (Evan Stephens)
- Overture
- Overture (Merrill Jenson)
- Overture to Egmont (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Overture to The Marriage of Figaro (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Overview of Church History (Sam Cardon)
- O Waly Waly (English folk tune)
- O, What Can Little Hands do (Henry E. Button)
- O, wie lieblich ists
- O Wondrous Mercy! Wondrous Love! (Evan Stephens)
- O Worship the Lord (John Porter)
- O, Ye Tears (Franz Abt)
- O Ye That Embark
- O Youth Be Strong! (George H. Durham)
- O Zion Blest (Lane M. Cheney)
- O Zion, When I Think of Thee (John J. McClellan)
- Pack Up Your Troubles (Felix Powell)
- Paddy Fahy’s Jig (Paddy Fahy)
- Paderborn (Paderborn Gesangbuch, 1765)
- Padre mío y Dios eterno (Vicente Poot P.)
- Pagaremos (Latin American tune)
- Painting the House (Jennie C. Neal)
- Pajaro Choui (Traditional)
- Pakitong-kitong (Traditional)
- Palaces and Temples (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Palestrina (Giovanni P. da Palestrina)
- Palmer
- Pål sine høner (Norwegian folk song)
- Panis Angelicus (César Franck)
- Paper Dream (Lex de Azevedo)
- Paper Moon (Harold Arlen)
- Parade of Nations (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Paradise (Daniel Auber)
- Paraphrase on the First Noel (Martin L. Green)
- Parental Love (Tzu Huang)
- Paris (Evan Stephens)
- Paris Lullaby (Camille Nelson)
- Parker (Alexander Schreiner)
- Park Street (Frederick M. A. Venua)
- Parley (Alexander Schreiner)
- Parley (Evan Stephens)
- Parowan (Alfred M. Durham)
- Parting (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Parting Hymn (Robert Lowry)
- Parting Song (Milton Thomas)
- Part of Me (Barbara Tanner; Julie de Azevedo; Lex de Azevedo)
- Passing By (Edward Purcell)
- Passing Over The Perils (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Passion Chorale / Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen (Hans Leo Hassler)
- Passionsgesang (Willy Reske)
- Pass It On (James McGranahan)
- Pass It On (Kurt F. Kaiser)
- Pass It On (Sam Cardon)
- Pass Me Not (W. Howard Doane)
- Pastoral Symphony (George Frideric Handel)
- Pastores Venid (Spanish carol)
- Pásztorok, Pásztorok (Hungarian Christmas carol)
- Patience (George Careless)
- Patmos (William H. Havergal)
- Pato, Patito (Panama folk song)
- Patriotic Song (Anon.)
- Patten
- Paul (Lyall J. Gardner)
- Pavane (Gabriel Fauré)
- Pax Tecum (George T. Caldbeck)
- Pax vobiscum (William E. Butler)
- Payson (John J. McClellan)
- Payson (William Clayson)
- Payson (William Clayson)
- Paz (Jewish melody)
- Peace (Barbara A. McConochie)
- Peace, Be Still (Horatio R. Palmer)
- Peace, Be Still (Kenneth Cope; Horatio R. Palmer; Jean Sibelius; Swedish folk melody)
- Peace From Above (Katie Bastian)
- Peaceful Zion (James H. Hood)
- Peace (George Careless)
- Peace (Guy Richey Gibbons; Barry Gibbons)
- Peace I ask of thee, O River (Viola Wood)
- Peace I Leave with You
- Peace I Leave With You (J. Varley Roberts)
- Peace in Christ (Nik Day)
- Peace Is a Feeling (Clive Romney)
- Peace (Jeanni Gould)
- Peace Like a River (African-American spiritual)
- Peace Like a River (African-American spiritual)
- Peace On Earth (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Peace on Earth (Peggy Lee; Sonny Burke)
- Peace on Earth to Me (Cherie Call)
- Peace, Peace, Be Still (Katherine Wright)
- Peace, Peace, Peace (Sally DeFord)
- Peace (The Revivalist, 1869)
- Peace with a Lion (David Lindes)
- Pean
- Peggy O’Neal (Harry Pease; Edward G. Nelson; Gilbert Dodge)
- Penitence (Randall Pratt)
- Penitence (Spencer Lane)
- Penitentia (Edward Dearle)
- Penny Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- People to People / When the Morning Comes (William J. Reynolds; Charles A. Tindley)
- People to People (William J. Reynolds)
- Perdón Señor (Homero R. Perera)
- Perfect Day (Carrie Jacobs-Bond)
- Perfect Love (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Perfectly (Nathan Howe)
- Personent Hodie (Piae Cantiones, 1582)
- Peru (James Leach)
- Peter (James P. Olsen)
- Peter Piper (Anon.)
- Peter’s Witness (David A. Zabriskie)
- Petite Ballad
- Petition (Orson Pratt Jr.)
- Phelps (Old tune)
- Phelp’s Redemption (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Phoebe’s Passing (Arlen L. Card)
- Photographs (Cherie Call)
- Piano Impromptu (Steve Kay)
- Piano Sonata No. 16 in C major (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Picardy (Traditional French carol)
- Picking the Dirt Loose (Jennie C. Neal)
- Picture a Christmas (Patricia Kelsey Graham)
- Pictures Of Life (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Piedra Angular (Elizabeth Fetzer Bates)
- Pie Jesu (Gabriel Fauré)
- Pie Jesus (Webber; Andrew Lloyd)
- Piety (Joseph G. Fones)
- Piko nei te matenga (Traditional Maori hymn)
- Pilgerspruch (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Pilgrims’ Chorus (Giuseppe Verdi)
- Pilgrims’ Chorus (Richard Wagner)
- Pilgrim’s Hymn (Stephen Paulus)
- Pilgrims’ Hymn (Stephen Paulus)
- Pilgrims of Peace
- Pilgrim Song (American folk song)
- Pilgrim’s Song (Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky)
- Pillar of Fire (Kenneth Cope)
- Pillar of Light (Nik Day)
- Pilot (John Edgar Gould)
- Pioneer Children (Darwin Wolford)
- Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked (Elizabeth Fetzer Bates)
- Pioneer Children Were Quick to Obey (Lynn R. Shurtleff)
- Pioneer Lullaby (David A. Zabriskie)
- Pioneer Medley (Marvin Goldstein)
- Pioneer Ode (Evan Stephens)
- Pioneers Courageous (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Pioneers of the Heart (Randall W. Boothe; Ron Simpson)
- Pittsfield (Henry R. Mills)
- Place of Healing (Michael R. Hicks)
- Placing Beams (Jennie C. Neal)
- Plain and Precious Truth (Kirstina Rasmussen)
- Planing the Boards (Jennie C. Neal)
- Plant a Garden (Sally DeFord)
- Plant a Seed in Your Heart (Steven Kapp Perry)
- Planting Rice (Filipino folk song)
- Pleasant Grove (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Please the Lord (Frances K. Taylor)
- Pledging Our All (Inez Robinson Preece)
- Pleyel’s Hymn (Ignaz J. Pleyel)
- Poem for Flute and Orchestra (Charles T. Griffes)
- Poet and Peasant (Franz von Suppé)
- Polka (Matilda Watts Cahoon)
- Polly Oliver (Traditional air)
- Polly-Wolly-Doodle (Anon.)
- Pon aceite en mi lámpara, Señor
- Ponder All These Things (Lynn Watkins; Wendy Jensen)
- Ponder the Path of Thy Feet (Joan Sowards)
- Poor Mary Ann (Anon.)
- Popcorn Popping (Georgia W. Bello)
- Pop Goes the Weasel (English folk song)
- Porque Hay un Mundo (Homero R. Perera)
- Possible With Him (Nik Day)
- Postlude (Crawford Gates)
- Postman’s Coming (Clara W. McMaster)
- Power Beyond My Own
- Power in Purity (Greg Simpson; Barry Gibbons; Jim Funk)
- Power in the Blood (Lewis E. Jones)
- Power of Heaven (Sam Cardon)
- Power of His Grace (Kevin R. Olson)
- Praeludium
- Praeludium und Fuge
- Praise (Alec Rowley)
- Praise (Anon.)
- Praise Be to God
- Praise God the Father (Alexander Schreiner)
- Praise (Hans Henry Petersen)
- Praise (Hugh W. Dougall)
- Praise (Joseph G. Fones)
- Praise (Lowell M. Durham)
- Praise (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Praise the Lord (Israeli song)
- Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem (John Henry Maunder)
- Praise the Lord (Paul T. Barte)
- Praise the Lord! Ye Heavens Adore Him (Stephen M. Jones)
- Praise the Man (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Praise the Name of the Lord (Sergei Rachmaninoff)
- Praise Thy Holy Name (Wayne Burton)
- Praise to the Lamb (Ryan Lee Kemp)
- Praise to Zion’s King (Brent N. Jorgensen)
- Praise Triumphant (Brady R. Allred)
- Praise Ye the Father (Adam Geibel)
- Praise Ye the Lord (César Franck)
- Praise Ye the Lord (Lowell Mason)
- Praise Ye the Lord of Hosts (Camille Saint-Saëns)
- Praise Ye the Mighty God (Giuseppe Concone)
- Pratt (Evan Stephens)
- Prayer
- Prayer (Dennis L. Crockett)
- Prayer (Engelbert Humperdinck)
- Prayer (Evan Stephens)
- Prayer from der Freischutz (Carl Maria von Weber)
- Prayer from “Hansel and Gretel” (Engelbert Humperdinck)
- Prayer (George Careless)
- Prayer (Harry Bonner Jr.)
- Prayer Is the Soul’s Sincere Desire (Sally DeFord)
- Prayer of a Child (Charles E. Jones)
- Prayer of Faith (Wayne Burton; Tyler Castleton)
- Prayer of Gratitude (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- Prayer Song (Henry Hooper)
- Prayer Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Prayer Will Change the Night to Day (Clark L. Edwards)
- Prayer (Willy Reske)
- Precious (Horatio R. Palmer)
- Precious Lord (George N. Allen)
- Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer (Brett Stewart)
- Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer (Katherine Wright)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1927 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1928 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1930 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1936 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1937 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1938 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1939 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1940 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1942 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for April 1943 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1926 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1927 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1928 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1929 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1930 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1931 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1932 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1933 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1937 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1941 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for August 1942 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for December (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for December (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for December (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for December (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for December (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for February 1930 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for February 1933 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for February 1941 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for February 1942 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January 1928 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January 1930 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January 1933 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January 1935 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January 1938 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January 1942 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January 1943 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January and February 1949 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for January and February 1949 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July 1927 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July 1928 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July 1930 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July 1931 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July 1933 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July 1936 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July and August 1948 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July and August 1948 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July and August 1949 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July and August 1949 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for July (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for June 1928 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for June 1930 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for June 1931 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for June 1936 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for June 1939 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for June (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for March 1928 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for March 1930 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for March 1932 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for March 1933 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for March 1941 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for March and April 1948 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for March and April 1948 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for May 1928 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for May 1930 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for May 1932 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for May 1934 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for May 1937 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for May 1938 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for May 1941 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November and December 1948 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November and December 1948 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for November (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October 1940 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October 1941 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for October (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for Sept and October 1948 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for Sept and October 1948 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for September 1940 (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for September (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for September (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for September (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for September (Willy Reske)
- Prelude and Postlude for September (Willy Reske)
- Prelude in A (Frédéric Chopin)
- Prelude in F (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Prelude (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Prelude No. 1 (George Rosenkrans)
- Prelude No. 1 in C major (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Prelude No. 1 in E minor (Heitor Villa-Lobos)
- Prelude No. 2 (George Rosenkrans)
- Prelude on Rhosymedre
- Prelude Op. 28 No. 20 in C minor (Frederic Chopin)
- Prelude (Opus 28, No. 6) (Frédéric Chopin)
- Prelude (Opus 28, No. 7) (Frédéric Chopin)
- Prelude (Seldon N. Heaps)
- Prelude to L’Arlesienne Suite No. 1 (Georges Bizet)
- Preparation for the Trek (Merrill Jenson)
- Preparation (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Prepare The Way (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Prepare to Meet the Lord
- Prepare Us for the Sacrament (A. Hamer Reiser Jr.)
- President Woodruff’s Funeral March (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Press Forward (Beckee Davis)
- Press Forward (Nik Day)
- Presto from Piano Concerto in G Major (Maurice Ravel)
- Preston (John S. Lewis)
- Pretty Saro (English folk song)
- Priceless (Nik Day; Dylan Manzanares)
- Price Tag Rag (Ken Foster)
- Priestertums-Hymne (Willy Reske)
- Priesthood Hands (Elizabeth Osborn)
- Priesthood Men
- Priesthood of God (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Primary Day (Claudia S. Dunyon)
- Primary Hymn
- Primary Is (Marjorie Castleton Kjar)
- Primary March Song (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Primary Penny Song (Irene Christopherson)
- Primary Song (Anon.)
- Primary Song (Leora Martin)
- Primary Song Medley (Clara W. McMaster; Reid N. Nibley)
- Primary Song Medley (Janice Kapp Perry; Michael F. Moody)
- Primary Song Medley (K. Newell Dayley; Silesian folk song)
- Primary Song Medley (Willy Reske; George Careless)
- Priorities
- Processional (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Proclamation (Charles J. Thomas)
- “Prodigal Running” (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Prologue (American Prophet) (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Prologue (By the Hand of Mormon) (Sam Cardon)
- Prologue (Kurt Bestor)
- Promise (George Careless)
- Promises I Keep (Cherie Call)
- Promises (Marilyn Collard)
- Promises (Nathan Howe)
- Promises (R. Kelso Carter)
- Prophets Then and Now (Kenneth Jones)
- Prospect of Heaven / Adam (Anon.)
- Protection (Gioachino Rossini)
- Proudly as the Eagle (Louis Spohr)
- Proud? Yes, of Our Home in the Mountains (John S. Lewis)
- Prove Me (Hilary Weeks)
- Providence (George Careless)
- Providence (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Przybieżeli do Betlejem (Anon.)
- Psalm 113 (Kyung Shin Yang)
- Psalm 149 (Robert P. Manookin)
- Psalm 86 (Carl F. Nygard Jr.)
- Psalm of Joy (Merrill Jenson)
- Psalm of Praise (Kay Hicks Ward)
- Psaume 150 (Cesar Franck)
- Puebla
- Puer natus in Betlehem (Danish melody)
- Pullin’ Together (Lex de Azevedo)
- Pure as Prayer (Jeanni Gould)
- Puritan (Mary E. Browne Arkwright)
- Purity (Old tune)
- Push the Business On
- Pussy in the Well (English folk song)
- Pussy Song
- Put Me in My Little Bed (Charles A. White)
- Putnam’s Camp, Redding, Connecticut (Charles Ives)
- Put Your Hand over Your Heart (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Quand je suis dans Ta maison (Douglas D. Barnes)
- Quand Maman fait la vaisselle (Douglas D. Barnes)
- Quebec (J. Paddon)
- ¡Qué bonito es!
- ¡Qué bonito es Cristo! (Luther de la Garza)
- ¡Qué bueno eres Jesús! (Felipe Uluác P.)
- Quédate, Señor
- ¡Qué Dulce Sería! (Luther de la Garza)
- Queen of the May (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Queer Pussies (Johan Christian Gebauer)
- Quelle est cette odeur agréable (French carol)
- Queremos Cantar (Norah Buyers)
- Quest for Excellence (Shauna Hart)
- Quest (K. Newell Dayley)
- Quickly I’ll Obey (Russian folk tune)
- ¿Quién es ese?
- ¿Quién Puede Comprender la Mente de Dios? (Carmelia de la Paz)
- ¿Quién Removerá? (Pablo D. Sosa)
- Quiero Alabarte con Ríos de Alabanza (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Quiero cantar una linda canción
- Quietly I Enter (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Quietly I Fold My Arms (Marilyn N. Sharp)
- Quiet Song (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Quiet Sounds (Hal K. Campbell)
- Quiet Time (Marian Cornwall)
- Quietude (William C. Clive)
- Quincy (Evan Stephens)
- Rachel (John S. Lewis)
- Raduj se, o, Betleme (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Radujte se narodi (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Raggle (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Railroad Yard
- Railway to Heaven (Charles Davis Tillman)
- Rainbow Song (Faye Glover Petersen)
- Rain Is Falling All Around (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Rainstorms & Calypso Rings (April Meservy)
- Raise a Song of Gladness (Jacques Berthier)
- Raise Your Hands
- Rally (George Careless)
- Rally Song (William Frederick Hanson)
- Randolph (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
- Rapture (George Careless)
- Raquelita (Juan Luis García)
- Rathbun (Ithamar Conkey)
- Raymond (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Reaching (Carolyn Arends)
- Reaching Out (Nik Day)
- Reach Out (Charles F. Brown)
- Read Me a Memory (Jay Richards)
- Read the Book of Mormon and Pray (Teresa Barlow)
- Real Man (Nik Day; Russ Dixon)
- Real Talk (Jenn Blosil)
- Real to Me (Tyler Castleton)
- Rebecca (Frank W. Asper)
- Recessional (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Recitative (Hebrews 1:6) (George Frideric Handel)
- Recitative (Isaiah 35:5–6) (George Frideric Handel)
- Recitative (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23); Air (Isaiah 40:9; Isaiah 60:1); Chorus (Isaiah 40:9) (George Frideric Handel)
- Recitative (Luke 2:8); Accompagnato (Luke 2:9); Recitative (Luke 2:10–11); Accompagnato (Luke 2:13) (George Frideric Handel)
- Recitative (Psalm 2:4); Air (Psalm 2:9) (George Frideric Handel)
- Redeemed (William J. Kirkpatrick)
- Redeemer (George Careless)
- Redeemer of Israel / Sing Praise to Him (Kenneth Cope; Freeman Lewis; Bohemian Brethren’s Songbook)
- Redemption (George Careless)
- Red River Valley (N. E. Pearson)
- Reference for tuning guitars
- Reflection (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Reflections of Eternity (Melissa Spencer; Cynthia R. Pyne)
- Refuge (Joseph P. Holbrook)
- Regardez, la terre est belle (Douglas D. Barnes)
- Regent Square (Henry T. Smart)
- Regwal (Leland B. Sateren)
- Rejoice! (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Rejoice! (Tamra Braatz)
- Rejoice, the King Is Born! (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Rejoice, the Lord Is King (Malcolm Archer)
- Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart (Arthur H. Messiter)
- Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days (Frank W. Asper)
- Rejoice Ye, The Day Will Soon Come (Christine L. Jones)
- Rejoicing (George F. Root)
- Relaxing
- Reliance (George Careless)
- Relief (George Careless)
- Religions Revival (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Remember
- Remembered No More (Dennis L. Crockett)
- Remembering Benjamin Franklin (Elizabeth Fetzer Bates)
- Remember (Maleia Robinson)
- Remember Me (Kay Hicks Ward)
- Remember Me (Kristen Anderson-Lopez; Robert Lopez)
- Remember the Journey: Sampler (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Remember the Promise (Jim Funk; Greg Simpson)
- Remember the Sabbath Day (Clara W. McMaster)
- Remember thy Creator (Frances R. Havergal)
- Remember (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Remember your name
- Remember Your Prayers (Edwin F. Parry)
- Remembrance (Evan Stephens)
- Remembrance (Thomas S. Maley)
- Remove Every Stumbling Block (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Renewed (Richard K. Carlson)
- Repentance (Annette W. Dickman)
- Repentance (Maurine Benson Ozment)
- Repentance (Robert P. Manookin)
- Repenting Is Turning (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Repentir (Charles Gounod)
- Repent Ye Gentiles All (George H. Durham)
- Repose (George Careless)
- Requiem aeternam (Mack Wilberg)
- Rescue Me
- Rescue Me (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Rescue (Stephen A. Reynolds)
- Resignation (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Resignation / Hopewell (American folk tune)
- Resonet in Laudibus (German carol)
- Restez ici (Eleace Monet Zachary)
- Rest (Frederick C. Maker)
- Rest (George Careless)
- Rest (Nik Day)
- Restoration (George Careless)
- Rest thee my own (Evan Stephens)
- Resurrection (Dale S. Cox)
- Resurrection (Evan Stephens)
- Resurrection Hymn (Nathan Howe)
- Resurrection (Thomas S. Maley)
- Resurrection (Wade N. Stephens)
- Retreat (Thomas Hastings)
- Return to Virtue (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Return with Honor (Randy Kartchner; Kenneth Cope; Michael Webb; Vickey Pahnke Taylor)
- Reuben and Rachel (William Gooch)
- Reunidos o Dispersos (Antonio Auza P.)
- Reunion (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Reveille
- Revelation
- Revelation (Evan Stephens)
- Revelation (Evan Stephens)
- Reverence Is a Feeling (Elizabeth Ricks)
- Reverence Is Love (Maggie Olauson)
- Reverence (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- Reverence Medley (Wilma Boyle Bunker; Alexander Schreiner; Richard W. Smith)
- Reverence (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Reverence (William C. Clive)
- Reverently and Meekly Now (Shelley Hannig)
- Reverently, Quietly (Clara W. McMaster)
- Reverie (Frederick Scotson Clark)
- Reverie (J. L. Battman)
- Reverie (R. F. Raymond)
- Revival (Kurt Bestor)
- Revive (Aubrey Toone)
- Revive Us Again (John J. Husband)
- Rhodes (Anon.)
- Rhosymedre (John David Edwards)
- Rhythm Jam (Randall Pratt; Carey Pratt)
- Ribbon Dance
- Richard (Robert P. Manookin)
- Richmond (Aza B. Everett)
- Richmond Beach (A. Royce Eckhardt)
- Richmond (Thomas Haweis)
- Rig-A-Jig (Anon.)
- Right Here (Nik Day)
- Right Here Waiting (BeBe Winans)
- Right Now (Peter Breinholt; Rebecca Breinholt)
- Right Where I Belong (Nik Day)
- Right Where You Are (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Rimington (Francis Duckworth)
- Ring Out the Bells (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Ring Out, Wild Bells (Anon.)
- Ring the Bells of Heaven (George F. Root)
- Ring the Bell, Watchman (Henry C. Work)
- Rio de la plata (Traditional Latin American)
- Rio Grande (Sailors’ chantey)
- Rise and Shine (Wayne Burton)
- Rise Up, Oh Daughters of Zion (Janice Kapp Perry)
- RIse Up, Ye Saints, Rejoice! (George J. Elvey)
- Rivals Theme
- River of Tears (Cherie Call)
- Road Less Traveled (Kurt Bestor)
- Road to Jericho (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Roaming in the Gloaming (Harry Lauder)
- Robert II (Robert P. Manookin)
- Robin Ddiog (Welsh folk song)
- Robin Redbreast (Friedrich Kücken)
- Rock-a-Bye Baby (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Rock-a My Soul in the Bosom of Abraham (Traditional)
- Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep (Joseph P. Knight)
- Rocking Chair Lullaby (Steven Kapp Perry)
- Rockingham (Edward Miller)
- Rocking Horse (Marian Cornwall)
- Rock of Ages (Brett Stewart)
- Rolling Home
- Roll Your Hands (Old tune)
- Roman Drill (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Roman Soldiers (David A. Zabriskie)
- Romney (Jane Romney Crawford)
- Room Enough for Him (Jenny Phillips)
- Room for Jesus (Charlie C. Williams)
- Room in the Inn (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Rooms (Kamie Jacobs Bolen)
- Root Hog or Die (Folk song)
- Rosa, let us be dancing (Dutch folk song)
- Rose Ann (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Roselie (Danish folk song)
- Roses (James F. Wright)
- Round We Go (Kenneth Cope)
- Rowing (Evan Stephens)
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat (Anon.)
- Roxie (George Careless)
- Royal Army (Adam Geibel)
- Royal Oak (English melody)
- Rubber Duckie (Jeff Moss)
- Rug Rag Dance (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Ruhe ist das beste Gut (Louise Reichardt)
- Run, Children, Run (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Run Till You Reach The Mountain Top (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Russell (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Russian Melody (Russian melody)
- Russian Round (Russian folk song)
- Ruth (A. C. Smyth)
- Rutherford (Chrétien Urhan)
- Sabbath Bell (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Sabbath Day (George Careless)
- Sabbath Morning Comes With Gladness (John S. Lewis)
- Sabbath Morning (Jenny Phillips)
- Sabbath Prayer (Dale S. Cox)
- Sacramental Hymn (Joseph G. Fones)
- Sacramental Music for June (Willy Reske)
- Sacramental Music for May and June (Willy Reske)
- Sacramental Song (Frances K. Taylor)
- Sacrament (George Careless)
- Sacrament Hymn (Evan Stephens)
- Sacrament Hymn Medley (George Careless; Thomas McIntyre)
- Sacrament Offering (Kenneth Cope)
- Sacrament Song (Florence S. Allen)
- Sacrament (Tom Edward Clark)
- Sacred Emblems of His Suffering (K. Newell Dayley)
- Sacred Names of Jesus (Richard Elliott)
- Sacred Promises (Jeanni Gould)
- Sacred Rest (John B. Birkbeck)
- Sacred Spots (Wade N. Stephens)
- Sacred the Place of Prayer and Song (Evan Stephens)
- Sacred Truths I Know (Matthew J. Neeley)
- Sadila sam bosiljak (Anon.)
- Sadness (George Careless)
- Sæt dig et mål (Kaj Jørgensen)
- Safe Harbor (Michael F. Moody)
- Safe Harbors (Michael McLean)
- Safe in a Stable (Michael F. Moody)
- Safe Inside (Peter Breinholt)
- Safe in the arms of Jesus (W. Howard Doane)
- Safety (A. C. Smyth)
- Safety Song (Lillie M. Jordan)
- Safe Within His Keep (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Sag ja zu Gottes Wegen (Siegfried Rams; Eckart zur Nieden)
- Sag Vreneli, Sag Vreneli (Swiss folk song)
- Sailing (James Frederick Swift)
- Sailing On (Lex de Azevedo)
- Sailin’ Home (Michael Webb)
- Saintly Praise (Saints’ Hymnal, 1933)
- Saints Bound for Heaven (Traditional)
- Saints (Rachel Bastian)
- Så kom den tid, vi længtes mod (Anon.)
- Sakura (Japanese folk song)
- Salamis (Greek air)
- Salem (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Salem (Southern Harmony, 1854)
- Salford New (A. C. Smyth)
- Salt Lake City Blues (Sam McGee; Kirk McGee)
- Salu (Franklyn S. Weddle; Evan A. Fry)
- Salutation (George Careless)
- Salvationist (William S. Hays)
- Salvation (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Samen in de naam van Jezus (Charles A. E. Groot)
- Samoa (George Careless)
- Sampung mga Daliri (Traditional)
- Samson (George Frideric Handel)
- Samuel Tells of the Baby Jesus (Grietje Terburg Rowley)
- Samuel the Lamanite (Mabel Jones Gabbott)
- Sanctify Your Soul (Lynn S. Lund)
- Sanctity (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) (Franz Schubert)
- Sanctus (John Rutter)
- Sandmännchen (Dutch folk song)
- Sandon (Charles H. Purday)
- Sanford (Anon.)
- Santa Lucia (Neapolitan boat song)
- Santo (Argentine folk song)
- Sarah (Joseph H. Dean)
- Sarah (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Sardis (Ludwig van Beethoven)
- Sarum (Joseph Barnby)
- Satúrame, Señor
- Saturday (Rita S. Robinson)
- Saturday’s Warrior (Lex de Azevedo)
- Saturn (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Saul (Samuel McBurney)
- Saunders (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Savage (Ola Gunsolley Savage)
- Savior of My Soul (Connor Austin; Luz Ysabelle Cuevas; Nik Day)
- Savior, Redeemer of My Soul (Evan Stephens)
- Savior, Redeemer of My Soul (Rob Gardner)
- Saviour, Again to Thy Dear Name We Raise (Edward J. Hopkins)
- Sawing Boards (Jennie C. Neal)
- Say Yes (Ross Boothe)
- Say Ye to the Righteous (Randall Thompson)
- Scatter Seeds of Kindness (Anon.)
- Scatter Sunshine (Tami N. Petersen)
- Scene Change to Bethlehem (David A. Zabriskie)
- Scene Change to Shepherd’s Hill (David A. Zabriskie)
- Schäfers Sonntagslied (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Schenk’ uns Gehorsam zu deinem Gebot (Walter E. Brady)
- Scherzo (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele (Johann Crüger)
- Schöner Herbst (Grace Wilbur Conant)
- School Thy Feelings (Evan Stephens)
- School Thy Feelings (George Careless)
- Schop (Johann Schop)
- Schoritz-Rugin (Ernst Moritz Arndt)
- Schottische (Swedish tune)
- Schumann (Anon.; Cantica Laudis)
- Schumann (Robert A. Schumann)
- Schwing dich auf zu deinem Gott
- Scotland’s Burning (Scotch folk song)
- Scottish Spring (Scottish folk song; Vocal Point)
- Scouting Fun (George Oliver)
- Scouting We Will Go (Oscar A. Kirkham)
- Scripture Power (Clive Romney)
- Scrubbing Song (Alice R. Baldwin)
- Seagull Call
- Seagull Class Song (Laura E. Kinghorn)
- Sean gratos los dichos (Philip W. Blycker)
- Search Me, O God (Maori melody)
- Search, Ponder, and Pray (Carol Baker Black)
- Search the Scriptures
- Seasons Change
- Second To God (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Second Wind
- See, amid the Winter's Snow (John Goss)
- Seeds of Kindness (M. L. Bartlett)
- Seeds of Truth (Kevin R. Olson)
- Seeds of Truth (Kevin R. Olson)
- Seeing Nellie Home (John Fletcher)
- See It in Everyone (Dustin Christensen)
- Seek and Ye Shall Find (Evan Stephens)
- Seek Him That Maketh the Seven Stars (James H. Rogers)
- Seeking What’s Good (Ejay Mulitalo; Anon.)
- Seek the Christ (Kayla Spurlock)
- Seek the Lord
- Seek the Lord Early (Joanne Bushman Doxey)
- Seek This Jesus (Rachel P. Mohlman; Anna M. Molgard)
- Seek Ye First (Karen Lafferty)
- Seele, dein Heiland ist frei (Rudolf Scheuermann)
- Seelenbräutigam (Adam Drese)
- See Now Who Is Coming Here (Danish folk song)
- See the Light (Jason Barton; Scott Krippayne)
- See them led (Evan Stephens)
- See What Love (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Seeyahnah (American Indian song)
- See You in the Morning
- See You On the Other Side (Shaun Barrowes)
- See You There (Julie de Azevedo; Lex de Azevedo)
- Seht, das Brot, das wir hier teilen (Rolf Schweizer)
- Sei gnädig unserm Vaterland (Philipp Emanuel Bach)
- Selah (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Selborne (Edward L. White)
- Selig seid ihr (Peter Janssens)
- Selig sind, die da Leid tragen (Johannes Brahms)
- Selva Negra (Traditional)
- Sembraré la simiente preciosa (George C. Stebbins)
- Seminary (Phillip Landgrave)
- Se mot vest hvor solen daler (Theo. M. Samuelsen)
- Señal (David Lindes)
- Send Forth Thy Spirit (Joseph Schuetky)
- Send Hunters And Fishers (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Send Me (Nik Day)
- Send Me (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Send the Light (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Señor, Ayúdanos a Dar (Alvaro Michelin Salomon)
- Señor de señores (Vicente Poot P.)
- Señor, ¿Quién entrará?
- Sent from God (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Sentimos la Presencia del Señor (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Se olvidan de su Dios (Vicente Poot P.)
- Serenata (Johann Michael Haydn)
- Serenity / Dayspring (Cornelius Bryan)
- Serenity (George Careless)
- Serenity (William V. Wallace)
- Serious Reflection (Brett Raymond)
- Serve
- Serve the Lord (Nik Day)
- Service Song (Frances K. Taylor)
- Serving with Strength (Staci Peters)
- Set Her Free (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Setting the Table (Alice R. Baldwin)
- Seven Alleluias (Michael F. Moody)
- Sevenfold Amen (John Stainer)
- Seven Steps (Norwegian tune)
- Sextette from Lucia (Gaetano Donizetti)
- Seymour (Carl Maria von Weber)
- Shadows Are Gathering as Round the Board (Evan Stephens)
- Shadows (Doug Bush)
- Shadows (Lowell M. Durham)
- Shadrach (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Shall We Meet? (Elihu S. Rice)
- Shalom chaverim (Israeli song)
- Share It WIth You (Clive Romney; Ron Simpson)
- Share the Gospel (Peggy Milligan Moffit)
- Share the Joy (Michael McLean)
- Sharing (Ronald V. Stone)
- Sharing the Gospel (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Sharing the Light (Bryce Neubert)
- Sharing With Others (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Shatter Me (Lindsey Stirling)
- She (Cherie Call)
- She Doesn’t Know (Michael McLean)
- Shed Thy Light (F. Bianchi)
- Sheep May Safely Graze (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Sheffield / Children / Tramp, Tramp, Tramp (George F. Root)
- She’ll be coming ’round the mountain (Anon.)
- Shenandoah (American folk song)
- Shepherd’s Pipe Carol (John Rutter)
- Shepherds, Shake Off Your Drowsy Sleep (Besançon carol)
- Shepherd, Tell Us (French-Canadian folk song)
- Shepherd (William J. Kirkpatrick)
- She Sees a Diamond (Michael McLean)
- She Sleeps in the Valley (Horatio R. Palmer)
- Shine
- Shine (Cesar Lemos; Jason Deere; Craig Poole)
- Shine for Me Again, Star of Bethlehem (Daniel Carter)
- Shine, Jesus, Shine (Graham Kendrick)
- Shine, Little Star (Clara W. McMaster)
- Shine On (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Shine on Me (Julie de Azevedo; Greg Simpson)
- Shine On (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Shine the Light
- Shine (William Joseph)
- Shining Star (Maurice White; Philip James Bailey; Lorenzo Russell Dunn)
- Shining Star (RaeAnn Rasmussen)
- Ship of Dreams (Lowell Alexander)
- Ships of Dust (Marvin Payne)
- Shoo fly, don’t bother me (T. Brigham Bishop)
- Short’nin Bread (Southern folk song)
- Should the Savior Ask, Do You Love Me? (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Should You Feel Inclined to Censure (George H. Durham)
- Shout for Joy (Beverly Hansen)
- Shout the Glad Tidings (Charles Avison)
- Shout the Tidings of Salvation (William B. Bradbury)
- Shout to the Lord (Darlene Zschech)
- Shout Ye Hosanna (Evan Stephens)
- Shoveling the Dirt (Jennie C. Neal)
- Show a Little Respect (Annette W. Dickman)
- Showalter (Anthony J. Showalter)
- Show Him (Aaron Edson)
- Show Me My Vine And My Fig Tree (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Show Them (Nik Day; Maddie Wilson)
- Si alguno tiene sed (Vicente Poot P.)
- Siberia (German melody; Sylvanus Billings Pond)
- Sicilienne, Op. 78 (Gabriel Fauré)
- Side by Side (Jenny Phillips)
- Si Dios Es por Nosotros (Philip W. Blycker)
- Siegfried Idyl (Richard Wagner)
- Siehe, es ist die elfte Stunde
- Si el Espíritu de Dios se mueve en mí
- Siempre oigo su voz (Vicente Poot P.)
- Sign Your Name (Terence Trent D’Arby)
- Siʻoku Kāinga ke Mou Tokanga (Pita Vī)
- Silent Night / Still, Still, Still (Franz Gruber; Austrian carol)
- Silent (Nik Day; Grayson O’Very)
- Silver and gold have I none (Max V. Exner)
- Silver Hill (Frederick C. Maker)
- Silver Lining (Stephanie Smith Mabey; Nik Day)
- Silver Threads Among the Gold (Hart Pease Danks)
- Simon of Cyrene (Daniel Blomberg)
- Simple Deeds (Matt Mylroie)
- Simple Gifts (Joseph Brackett)
- Simple Joy (Anna M. Molgard)
- Simple Pleasures (Linda E. Hart)
- Simple Praise (Craig Courtney)
- Sinclair (John Menzies Macfarlane)
- Sine Nomine (Ralph Vaughan Williams)
- Sinfony (George Frideric Handel)
- Sing a Glad Noel (Mary Lynn Lightfoot)
- Sing Alleluia (Robyn Price)
- Sing and Be Joyful (Jenny W. Francis)
- Sing and Pray (William H. Foster)
- Sing a New Song (Dale G. Rider)
- Sing a New Song (Kenneth Cope)
- Sing a Song (Ingrid Sawatzki Gordon)
- Sing for Jesus (Philip Phillips)
- Sing, Glad Heart (Florence Jepperson Madsen)
- Sing Glory! (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Sing Hallelujah! (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Sing Hallelujah to the Lord (Linda Stassen-Benjamin)
- Singing (English folk song)
- Singing On The Mountain (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Singing School (Traditional round)
- Sing Joy!
- Sing Me a Song (Joyce M. Jensen)
- Sing Me The Songs Of Zion, Saints (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Sing mit mir ein Halleluja (Thomas Eger)
- Sing Noel! (Ross Farnworth)
- Sing of Christmas (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Sing of His Mighty Love (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Sing (Peter W. Dykema)
- Sing Praise (Robert A. Schumann)
- Sing Praises (Leonard Stanley Glarum)
- Sing Praise to God (R. Paul Thompson)
- Sing! Sing Hosanna! (Judith Roberts Spragg)
- Sing, Sing, Sing (Louis Prima)
- Sing, sing together (Anon.)
- Sing Sweetly (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- Singt das Lied der Freude über Gott (Dieter Hechtenberg)
- Sing Thanks and Be Glad! (Nita Dale Milner)
- Sing the Wondrous Story (Evan Stephens)
- Singt, ihr heil’gen Himmelschöre (Willy Reske)
- Sing unto God (George Frideric Handel)
- Sing unto the Lord (Joyce M. Jensen)
- Sing We Now In Loftier Vein (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Sing We Now Most Joyful Lays (Jonathan Whitcomb)
- Sing with Joy (Brett Raymond)
- Sing with Joy (John J. Thomas)
- Sing Your Way Home (Traditional song)
- Sinnuh, Please Don’t Let Dis Harves’ Pass (American folk song)
- Sir Roger de Coverly (Old English tune)
- Sisterhood (Bonnie Goodliffe)
- Sisters in Christ (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Sisters of the Past (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- Sisters, Rejoice (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Sīsū ē Naʻá Ne Paki (Mētui Tuaʻone)
- Si tous les gars du monde (Georges Van Parys)
- Siunaa ja varjele meitä (Taneli Kuusisto)
- Sixfold Amen (Herbert Six)
- Si Yo No Tengo Amor (Barbara C. Mink)
- Skating Song
- Skating Song (Churchill; Grindell)
- Skating song (Dorothy S. Andersen)
- Skip (Jennie C. Neal)
- Skipping Song
- Skip to My Lou (Anon.)
- Slagelse (Hans Henry Petersen)
- Slane (Irish melody)
- Sleep, Baby Sleep (Anon.)
- Sleep, Holy Child
- Sleeping Seed (William G. Oglevee)
- Sleep Little Baby Sleep (Annie Edwards Watson)
- Sleep, Little Jesus (Michael F. Moody)
- Sleigh Ride (Kenneth Cope)
- Slover (Oliver Houston Jr.)
- Slow Walk (Jennie C. Neal)
- Slumber (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Slumber Song (Franz Schubert)
- Small and Simple (Jennette Jay Booth)
- Small Sins (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Small Things (Nik Day)
- Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
- Smiles (Helen S. Leavitt)
- Smiles (Lee S. Roberts)
- Smiling
- Smith (Edwin F. Parry)
- Snowfairies’ Song (Lillie Dunford Mecham)
- Snowflake Dance
- Snowflakes (Frances K. Taylor)
- Snowflakes (John E. West)
- Soaring Over Canaan (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Soft and Pure (Raymond D. Cook)
- Soft / Loud (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning (Marcus L. Smith)
- Softly Falls the Evening Light (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Soi kunniaksi Luojan (Jean Sibelius)
- So jemand spricht, ich liebe Gott (Johann Hermann Schein)
- Søk hen til Gud (Asgjerd N. Gran)
- Solamente Cristo Trae Alegría (Hermes A. Bardales)
- Sol (C. Kaurin)
- Soldau (Gesangbuch, Wittenberg, 1524)
- Soldier Boy, Soldier Boy
- Soldier, Soldier (Utah folk song)
- Solemn Melody
- Solemn Melody (H. Walford Davies)
- Solen er slukket
- Solid Ground (Nik Day)
- Solitude (George Careless)
- Solnedgang (Johan Gottfried Conradi)
- Solomon (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Solomon Levi (Anon.)
- Somebody’s Baby, Somebody’s Son (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Someday He Will Come (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Someday I’ll Fly (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Someday I Will Be a Man (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Some Folks (Stephen C. Foster)
- Somehow She Stays (Lowell Alexander; Cheryl Rogers)
- Someone Else (Michael McLean)
- Someone He Can Count On (Nik Day; Bailey Lawson)
- Someone Is Listening (Afterglow; Joel McCausland; Kevin Peay)
- Someone Needs Your Star (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Someone’s in the kitchen with Dinah (J. H. Cave)
- Some Sweet Day (W. Howard Doane)
- Something Different (Nik Day)
- Something Divine (Brooke White)
- Something for Jesus (Robert Lowry)
- Sometime (Robert Volkman)
- Sometimes He Lets It Rain (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Sometimes I Pray (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Sometime We’ll Understand (Aaron Waite)
- Sometime We’ll Understand (James McGranahan)
- Somewhere a Baby Sleeps (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Somewhere in Life (Ron Simpson)
- Somewhere There’s Somebody Waiting (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Somewhere the Sun Is Shining (J. S. Fearis)
- Som forårssolen morgenrød (Emil Hartmann)
- Sommerfuglen (Swedish melody)
- Somos gotas en el mismo mar
- Somos ovejas perdidas (Plácido Koyoc Yam)
- Sonata No. 1 in G minor (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Sonata No. 3, 2nd movement, in C major (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Sonata (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Song 13 (Orlando Gibbons)
- Song for My Daughter (Jeanni Gould)
- Song for Seagulls (Irene Christopherson)
- Song for the River (Roger C. Hoffman)
- Song of a Thousand Years (Henry C. Work)
- Song of Home Work (Old folk song)
- Song of Joy (Roland C. Parry)
- Song of Praise (B. Cecil Gates)
- Song of praise (Gaetano Donizetti)
- Song of Prayer (Frances K. Taylor)
- Song of Salvation (張 婷鈞 (Ting Chang))
- Song of Testimony (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Song of the Day (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Song of the Heart (Jeanni Gould)
- Song of the Islands (Charles E. King)
- Song of the Lark (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Song of the Rain Drops (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Song of the Redeemed (Evan Stephens)
- Song of the Teepee (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Song of Triumph (Evan Stephens)
- Song of Triumph (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Songs My Mother Taught Me (Antonin Dvorak)
- Songs of Joy (Pamela K. Robison)
- Song to the Morning (B. Cecil Gates)
- Song Without Words (Felix Mendelssohn)
- So nimm denn meine Hände (Friedrich Silcher)
- Sonne der Gerechtigkeit (Bohemian Brethren’s Songbook)
- Sonne der Liebe steige hernieder (Ernst Wiemer)
- Sons and Daughters of God (Matthew J. Neeley)
- Sons of Heavenly Father (Katherine Wright)
- Sons of Zion (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Soul, Heart and Mind (Greg Simpson)
- Sound of Pipes (Renaissance melody)
- Sous le dome epais (Léo Delibes)
- South Dakota (Aspartame Sunshine)
- Soy Mayordomo de Todos los Bienes (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Spanish Hymn / Ascription / Spanish Chant / Madrid (Spanish melody)
- Sparrow (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Speak to Me Gently (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Speak to Me Kindly (Evan Stephens)
- Speak to Me (Nik Day)
- Speak Truth, O Oracle, Whate’er Thy Tongue! (Evan Stephens)
- Speaky, Spiky Spoky (Anon.)
- Spencer (A. C. Smyth)
- Spes (Thomas Brown)
- Spider-Man Theme (Paul F. Webster; J. Robert Harris)
- Spiellied zum Gottesdienst
- Spinning Song (Carl Reinecke)
- Spirit of Heaven (Henry E. Giles)
- Spirit of the Living God (Daniel Iverson)
- Spiritual Robes
- Splendor (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Spring (B. Cecil Gates)
- Spring Dance (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Spring (Danny Heslop)
- Spring (Evan Stephens)
- Spring is Around (Dorothy S. Andersen)
- Spring Is Here (German song)
- Spring is Here (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Spring of the Year (Joanne M. Parker)
- Spring’s Arrival (German folk song)
- Spring Song (Ellen H. Thomas)
- Spring Song (Frances K. Taylor)
- Spring Song (Frédéric Chopin)
- Springtime Is Coming (Alsatian folk tune)
- Springtime (Jason Lyle Black)
- Springtime Rain (Burnette Thompson)
- Springtime (Swedish folk melody)
- Springtime (Willy Reske)
- Springville (Evan Stephens)
- Staffan var en stalledräng (Traditional Swedish)
- St. Agnes (John B. Dykes)
- Stairway to Lasting Joy (Robert Cundick)
- St. Alphege (Henry J. Gauntlett)
- Standard
- Stand as a Witness (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Stand as a Witness (Marcia B. Davis)
- Stand for God (Katherine Nelson; Lathum Nelson)
- Stand for the Right (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Standing Tall Again (Aaron Edson)
- Stand in Holy Places (Clara W. McMaster)
- Stand in Holy Places (Greg Simpson; Erin Shepherd)
- Stand in Holy Places (Julie Acor Clegg)
- Stand in the Light (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- St. Andrew (Joseph Barnby)
- Stand (Ross Boothe)
- Stand (Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- Stand Up and Be Counted (Connie Gonitzke)
- Stand Up and Praise the Lord
- Stand Up (Marjorie Castleton Kjar)
- St. Anne (William Croft; Supplement to the New Version, 1708)
- Star Bright (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- Star in the East (Appalachian folk hymn; R. Herron)
- Star in the East (J. M. Lowrie)
- Starlight and Song (M. Audentia Anderson)
- Stars of the Summer Night (Isaac B. Woodbury)
- Star Song (Clara W. McMaster)
- Starting Again, Again (Cherie Call)
- Start with a Smile (Clive Romney; Ron Simpson)
- Stary niedźwiedź (Folk song)
- St. Asaph (William S. Bambridge)
- Stay (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Stay on Your Knees (James Marsden)
- Stay Out of Deep Water (Kenneth Cope)
- Stay Thou with me (Evan Stephens)
- Stay With Me, Lord Jesus, Stay (Sally DeFord)
- Stay with Me (Michael McLean)
- St. Brendan’s (Peter Scholtes)
- St. Catherine (Henri F. Hemy; James G. Walton)
- St. Cecilia (Leighton G. Hayne)
- St. Christopher (Frederick C. Maker)
- St. Clement (Clement Scholefield)
- St. Columba (Irish melody)
- St. Crispin (George J. Elvey)
- St. Denio (Welsh hymn)
- Steadfast
- Steadfast and Immovable (James C. Kasen)
- Steadfast in You (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Steady and Sure (Barry Gibbons; B. Michael Gibbons)
- Steady On (Grant Cunningham; Matt Huesmann)
- Steal Away to Jesus (Wallace Willis; African-American spiritual)
- St. Edmund (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Stehe auf und wandle (Willy Reske)
- Stella (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Stepping in the Light (William J. Kirkpatrick)
- Sterling (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- Stern, auf den ich schaue (Minna Koch)
- Stern über Bethlehem (Alfred Hans Zoller)
- St. George and the Drag-on (Folk song)
- St. George (Joseph J. Daynes)
- St. George’s Windsor (George J. Elvey)
- St. George Temple Builders’ Song (Charles L. Walker)
- St. Gertrude (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- St. Giles (John Montgomerie Bell)
- St. Helens (Philip Doddridge)
- St. Hilda (Justin Heinrich Knecht)
- St. Hylda (William E. Butler)
- Sticks and Stones (Jordan Turner; Nik Day; Rob Michelson)
- Still and Quiet Moments (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- Still Believe (Hilary Weeks)
- Stille Nacht (Franz Gruber)
- Still My Servant, Still My Friend (Brett Raymond)
- Still Small Voice (Cherie Call)
- Still Small Voice (Nik Day; Russ Dixon)
- Still, Still, Still (Austrian carol)
- Still, Still with Thee (Harry Shelley)
- Still, Still with Thee (Robert A. Schumann)
- Stitch by Stitch (Annette W. Dickman)
- St. John (Evan Stephens)
- St. Louis (Lewis H. Redner)
- St. Magnus (Jeremiah Clarke)
- St. Margaret (Albert L. Peace)
- St. Martin’s (William Tansur)
- St. Matthew (William Croft)
- Stockbridge (William O. Perkins)
- Stones in the River (Doug Walker; Sherry Marks Walker)
- Stone Work (Arlen L. Card)
- Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (Randall Thompson)
- Stories of Jesus (Frederic A. Challinor)
- Stout-Hearted Men (Sigmund Romberg)
- Stowey (English melody)
- St. Peter (Alexander R. Reinagle)
- St. Petersburg (Dmitri Bortniansky)
- Stracathro (Christian Vespers, Charles Hutcheson, Glasgow, 1832)
- Strangers No More (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Strength and Stay (John B. Dykes)
- Strength Beyond My Own (Steven Kapp Perry)
- Strength (George Careless)
- Strength Sufficient for the Day (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Stretch Out Your Hand to Me, Dear Lord (Lois Helseth)
- Strong and Courageous (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Stronger (Nik Day)
- Stronger Than the Storm (Jenny Phillips)
- Strong (Nik Day; McKenna Hixson)
- St. Theodulph (Melchior Teschner)
- St. Theresa (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- St. Thomas (Aaron Williams)
- Study
- Study the Scriptures (Kristin H. Cornilles)
- Stutikaro (Oriya song)
- Stuttgart (Christian F. Witt)
- Style All the While
- Style All the While (Anon.)
- Sufriste en la cruz (Vicente Poot P.)
- Su misión es salvar a las almas (Martha Ninfa Encalada Torres)
- Summer Camp Song (Roland C. Parry)
- Summer Dance (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Summer Days (Nina B. Hartford)
- Summer (Evan Stephens)
- Summer Is A Coming In (English folk song)
- Summer of Fair Weather (Lex de Azevedo)
- Summer Portrait (Kurt Bestor)
- Summer Song (George Rosenkrans)
- Summertime (George Gershwin)
- Summer Time (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Sunbeams (Howard K. Carl)
- Sundance (Kurt Bestor)
- Sunday School Jubilee (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Sunday School March (Willy Reske)
- Sunday School Opening Hymn (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Sunday Will Come (Rebekah H. Jennings)
- Sunday (Yorana Arthur; Hemi Arthur)
- Sunny Bank (English folk song)
- Sunrise, Sunset (Jerry Bock)
- Sun’s Gonna Rise (Tyler Castleton; Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- Sunshine and Rain (Charles H. Gabriel)
- Sunshine (John R. Sweney)
- Sunshine Medley (Walkin’ on Sunshine; Ain’t No Sunshine; Let the Sunshine) (Kimberley Rew; Bill Withers; Galt MacDermot; James Rado; Jerome Ragni)
- Sunshine Song (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- Sunshowers (Kurt Bestor)
- Sun Sunshine (Madelyn Hosch)
- Suo Gân (Welsh lullaby)
- Super Mario (Mario Overworld; Underworld; Waterworld; Star Theme; Mission Impossible Theme; Shining Star) (Koji Kondo; Lalo Schifrin; Maurice White; Philip James Bailey; Lorenzo Russell Dunn)
- Super Mario Themes (Koji Kondo)
- Superstition (Stevie Wonder)
- Supplication (Darwin Wolford)
- Supplication (George Careless)
- Supplication Hymn (Henry Emery)
- Supplication (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Supplication (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Supplication (Samuel B. Mitton)
- Supplication (T. Chemain Evans)
- Suppose (J. B. Wekerlin)
- Surprise (Jane M. Marshall)
- Surrender (Winfield S. Weeden)
- Susan (William Clayson)
- Süßer die Glocken nie klingen (Thuringian folk song)
- Süßester Heiland (J. M. Biermann)
- Sussex Carol (Traditional English carol)
- Susy, Little Susy (Engelbert Humperdinck)
- Sutherland (William B. Bradbury)
- Sveriges flagga (Hugo Alfvén)
- Swabia (J. M. Spiess)
- Swansea (Joseph Parry)
- Swedish Folk Song (Swedish folk song)
- Swedish Ring Dance
- Sweet Above All That Is Sweet (Michael F. Moody)
- Sweet Adeline (Harry Armstrong)
- Sweet Afton (Jonathan E. Spilman)
- Sweet and Low (Joseph Barnby)
- Sweet Belle Mahone (John Hugh McNaughton)
- Sweet Bunch of Daisies (Anita Owen)
- Sweet By-and-By (Joseph P. Webster)
- Sweet Days of Pleasure (Evan Stephens)
- Sweet Genevieve (Henry Tucker)
- Sweetheart (Chu-Hong)
- Sweet Home (Henry R. Bishop)
- Sweet hour of prayer (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Sweet Hour (William B. Bradbury)
- Sweet Is the Breath of Morning Air (Evan Stephens)
- Sweet Is the Feeling (Lex de Azevedo)
- Sweet Is the Hour When Thus We Meet (Evan Stephens)
- Sweet Is the Peace the Gospel Brings (Charles J. Thomas)
- Sweet Is the Work
- Sweet is the work among children (George Careless)
- Sweet Is the Work (James Loynes)
- Sweet Is the Work (Judith Roberts Spragg)
- Sweet Is the Work (Samuel B. Mitton)
- Sweet Is Thy Mercy (Joseph Barnby)
- Sweet Jesus (Gary Chapman)
- Sweet Little Jesus Boy (Robert MacGimsey)
- Sweetly Sings the Donkey
- Sweet Mercy
- Sweet Peace (English folk song)
- Sweet Rest (William B. Bradbury)
- Sweet Sabbath Day (Robert Lowry)
- Sweet Sabbath School (Anon.)
- Sweet Sabbath School (J. Parsons)
- Sweet Story (George Careless)
- Sweet Story (Greek melody)
- Sweet Summer Hours (Joseph Leybach)
- Sweet Tender Flower (John Stainer)
- Swell the Full Chorus (George Frideric Handel)
- Swinging along the open road (Gladys Jacobs)
- Swinging ’Neath the Old Apple Tree (Oren R. Barrows)
- Swinging, swaying (Thais T. Williams)
- Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (African-American spiritual)
- Swing Song (Beth Milliken Joerger)
- Swing Song (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- Sylvia’s Hymn (Daniel Carter)
- Symphony No. 40 in G Minor (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Tack, min Gud, för vad som varit (George C. Stebbins)
- Tahiti (Tahitian folk song)
- Take Courage, Saints (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Take Courage, Saints (Frank W. Asper)
- Take It Home (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Take Me Home To Old Mount Zion (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Take Me There (Julie de Azevedo)
- Take My Hand (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Take My Hand (Michelle McConkey)
- Take My Life and Let It Be (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Take On Me (Pal Waaktaar; Magne Furuholmen; Morten Harket)
- Take Some Time To Pray (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Take the Path (Randall Pratt)
- Take Time to Be Holy (Tami J. Creamer)
- Take Up Your Bed Now And Run (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Taking It Home with Me (Vickey Pahnke Taylor; Steve James)
- Takin’ It All with Me (B. Michael Gibbons; Barry Gibbons)
- Tallis’ Canon (Thomas Tallis)
- Tamar (George M. Monroe)
- Tambourin (Jean-Philippe Rameau)
- Tancie (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Tandy (F. Phillip Tandy)
- Tannhäuser Overture (Richard Wagner)
- Taps (Daniel Butterfield)
- Tarantara, Tarantara (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Tarry with me, O my Saviour (Samuel A. Baldwin)
- Taste The Grass On The Summit (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Taylor (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Teach a Child (Steven Kapp Perry)
- Teacher, Do You Love Me? (Michael F. Moody)
- Teach Me about the Temple (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- Teach Me God (Ron Klusmeier)
- Teach Me the Music
- Teach Me Thy Way (Andrew Moore)
- Tears Flowing Fast (Kenneth Cope)
- Teasdale (John E. Tullidge)
- Teče, teče bistra voda (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Teeth (Aubree Liz)
- Te Exaltaré, Mi Dios, Mi Rey (Casiodoro Cárdenas)
- Tell It Again (Rigdon M. McIntosh)
- Tell Me
- Tell Me About Heaven (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Tell Me, Dear Lord (C. Harold Lowden)
- Tell Me Why (Anon.)
- Temple (Evan Stephens)
- Tenderly Lead Thou Me On (Norman W. Smith)
- Tenderly Wipe the Bitter Tear (Evan Stephens)
- Tender Mercies of the Lord (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Tender Mercies of the Lord (Kevin R. Olson)
- Tender Mercies (Shane Jackman)
- Tender Mercy (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Tender with the Truth (Scott Krippayne; Steve Siler)
- Tender Years (Kenneth Cope)
- Tenemos Esperanza (Homero R. Perera)
- Tengo Sed de las Aguas de Vida (Pedro Landeros)
- Ten Little Fingers (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Ten Little Indians / Michael Finnegan (Irish folk tune)
- Ten Thousand Reasons (Matt Redman; Jonas Myrin)
- Terra Beata (English melody)
- Testify to Love (Paul Field; Henk Pool; Ralph van Manen; Robert Riekerk)
- Testimony of Christ (Kevin G. Pace)
- Testimony (T. Chemain Evans)
- Testimony (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Thankful Evermore We Be (Mark Weston)
- Thankful (Shawna Belt Edwards)
- Thank Goodness for Christmas (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Thank Goodness for Grandmas (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Thanking God! (Martha Wonn)
- Thanks Be to God (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Thanks Be to God (Stanley Dickson)
- Thanks for Daily Blessings (Mildred J. Hill)
- Thanks For Everything
- Thanksgiving Hymn (Frances K. Taylor)
- Thanksgiving Medley (Marvin Goldstein)
- Thanksgiving Prayer (Leora Martin)
- Thanksgiving Response (A. B. Ponsonby)
- Thanksgiving Song (Jesse L. Smith Gaynor)
- Thanksgiving Song (Rock E. Oakeson)
- Thanksgiving (Wade N. Stephens)
- Thanks to Our Father (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- Thanks to Thee (Darwin Wolford; Norman Carl Ahern Jr.)
- Thank Thee, Father (F. Remsen)
- Thank Thee for Everything (Wilford A. Beesley Jr.)
- Thank You for Being My Friend (Melanie M. Hoffman)
- Thank You (Hilary Weeks; Tyler Castleton)
- Thank You I Will Always Say (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Thank You, Nephi (Lynn S. Lund)
- That Beautiful Land (Alfred Beirly)
- That Brightest Dawn (Daniel Carter)
- Thatcher (Joseph J. Daynes)
- That Christmas Night (Brett A. Zumsteg)
- That First Christmas Day (Lane E. Johnson)
- That Girl in Your Hands (Aaron Edson)
- That Is My Mother (Becky-Lee Hill Reynolds)
- That Night in the Stable (Janice Kapp Perry)
- That’s How I’ll Be (Nik Day; Kylee Shaffer; Malorie Ward)
- That Silent Night (Rebecca H. Martin)
- That’s Why (Scott Krippayne; Tyler Castleton; Russ Dixon)
- That’s You and That’s Me (Clive Romney; Ron Simpson; Sam Cardon)
- That the Lord Will Provide (Evan Stephens)
- That We May Know (Dennis L. Crockett)
- Thaxted / Jupiter (Gustav Holst)
- The Accident (Arlen L. Card)
- The Airplane
- The American Hymn (Matthias Keller)
- The Angel Message (Henry R. Mills)
- The Angel Moroni Is Coming Again (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Angels Sing (Fen Frehner)
- The Answer’s Not in Washington (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Appeal for a Clear Sky, Song No. 1
- The Appeal for a Clear Sky, Song No. 2
- The Armor of God (Jennette Jay Booth)
- The Armor of God (Kate McSweeney)
- The Army of the Living God (C. Austin Miles)
- The Army of the Living God (C. Austin Miles)
- The Baby Jesus (Jo Marie Borgeson Bray)
- The Baby Softly Stills (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Band
- The Band Played On (Charles B. Ward)
- The Battle of Jericho (Southern folk song)
- The Beatitudes (Richard K. Avery; Donald S. Marsh)
- The Beatitudes: The Meek (Edward Howe Jr.)
- The Beatitudes: The Merciful (Edward Howe Jr.)
- The Beatitudes: The Peacemakers (Edward Howe Jr.)
- The Beatitudes: The Poor in Spirit (Edward Howe Jr.)
- The Beatitudes: The Pure in Heart (Edward Howe Jr.)
- The Beatitudes: They That Are Persecuted (Edward Howe Jr.)
- The Beatitudes: They That Hunger and Thirst (Edward Howe Jr.)
- The Beatitudes: They That Mourn (Edward Howe Jr.)
- The Bees of Deseret (Evan Stephens)
- The Bell Is Ringing (Traditional)
- The Bells of New Year (Lillie M. Jordan)
- The Best is Not Too Good for Me (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- The Best Year Ever
- The Big East (Leroy J. Robertson)
- The Billy Goat (William M. Foxley)
- The Birdie’s Song (Mabel Frost)
- The Bird’s Song (Ruth Maynard)
- The Bluebirds (Otis Carrington)
- The Body of Christ (Nik Day; Christian Affleck)
- The Book of Mormon Has Come Forth (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Book of Mormon (Reginald Beales)
- The Book of Mormon Teaches Me (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Book of Mormon Tells of Christ (Nathan Howe)
- The Books of the Book of Mormon (Czech tune)
- The Bossy Cow (Gladys Ericksen Seely)
- The Boys of Sanpete County (The Green River Song) (Utah folk song)
- The Bread Is Being Broken (Becky-Lee Hill Reynolds)
- The Bread Reminds Me (Clive Romney)
- The Breaking Waves Dashed High (Evan Stephens)
- The Broom (Osbourne McConathy)
- The Building of a Ship (Crawford Gates)
- The Building of Far West (Merrill Jenson)
- The Burning of Abinadi (Crawford Gates)
- The Busy Bee (Alvin A. Beesley)
- The Busy Bee (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- The Caissons Go Rolling Along (Edmund L. Gruber)
- The Calling (Melva Wheelwright)
- The Call (James F. Wright)
- The Call (Jane Romney Crawford)
- The Call of Love (C. Austin Miles)
- The Call to Benevolence (Luacine Clark Fox)
- The Calm (Nik Day)
- The Captain (Karolyn Kay Danielson)
- The Carpenter (Jennifer P. Zabel)
- The Carpenter’s Boy (Aimee Nolte)
- The Carpenter’s Son (Kenneth Cope)
- The Carrousel
- The Cattle On A Thousand Hills (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Chalet Girl’s Sunday (Norwegian folk song)
- The Challenge (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- The Chapel Doors (Dorothy Little Read)
- The Child I Am (Brett Raymond)
- The children are praying for me (James S. Hanecy)
- The Children of the Saints
- The Children’s Friend (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- The Children’s Hosanna (J. S. Fearis)
- The Christmas Symbol (Martin L. Green)
- The Christmas Tree (Frederick Schilling)
- The Christmas Tree (Myles Birket Foster)
- The Church in the Wildwood (William S. Pitts)
- The Church of Jesus Christ (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Church’s One Foundation (Sam Wesley)
- The City of David (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- The Clarion Call (Alexander Schreiner)
- The Clarion Call (Larry W. Bastian)
- The Clock (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- The Cloud-Cap’t Towers (R. J. S. Stevens)
- The Coming Day (Ebenezer Beesley)
- The Commandments (Charlene A. Newell)
- The Crane Dance
- The Cuckoo (English folk song)
- The Curtain of Night (Western folk song)
- The Dancers (Paul Lacôme)
- The Dawn Is Near (Charlotte Elliott)
- The Dawn of Perfection (Daniel Carter)
- The Day He Found Me (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Day I Lost My Heart (Michael McLean)
- The Day Is Past and Gone (Evan Stephens)
- The Day of Harvest (Sharalen J. Benson)
- The Day of Redemption, So Near Is at Hand (Edward P. Kimball)
- The Dayspring Is Born (T. Chemain Evans)
- The Day The Savior Came (Ann L. Bailey)
- The Day Walked In (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Deaf Woman’s Courtship (Anon.)
- The Dearest Names (Frances K. Taylor)
- The Dearest Spot on Earth (W. T. Wrighton)
- The deed is done (Evan Stephens)
- The Deliverance Song (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Desert Bloomed (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Dismal Swamp
- The Dublin Jig
- The Dying Californian (Folk song)
- The Dying Nun (Louie Brewster)
- The Eagle’s Flight (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Echoes of Eternity (Merrill Jenson)
- The Eighth Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Eleventh Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Empty Tomb (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- The Ending Of The Sorrow (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Evening Train (Ebenezer Beesley)
- The Everlasting Friend (Hans Henry Petersen)
- The Example of Christ (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- The Fall (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Family Is of God (Matthew J. Neeley)
- The Family (Richard Clinger)
- The Family Tree (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- The Farmer in the Dell
- The Father’s Care (Grace Wilbur Conant)
- The Festal Days (Adam Geibel)
- The Fifth Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Fight Is On (Lelia Naylor Morris)
- The Final Flight (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Final Trek (Merrill Jenson)
- The Fire of the Covenant (Shawna Belt Edwards)
- The First Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The First Bouquet (Eleanor Smith)
- The First Christmas (Darwin Wolford)
- The First Christmas (Margaret Bradford Morton)
- The First Christmas Night (Moiselle Renstrom)
- The First Morning (Kurt Bestor)
- The First Noel (English carol; Christmas Carols, W. Sandys, 1833)
- The First Vision (Frances K. Taylor)
- The First Vision (Nathan Howe)
- The Fishermen (Vincenzo Gabussi)
- The Flowers Still Bloom (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Flowers That Bloom in the Spring (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- The Fourth Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Frogs (Folk song)
- The Galway Piper (Irish folk song)
- The Garden (Bobby McFerrin)
- The Garden Of The Lord (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Gathered Saints (Evan Stephens)
- The Giants (Jesse L. Smith Gaynor)
- The Gift He Gave (Wayne Burton)
- The Gift (Kathleen Holyoak)
- The Gift (Lynn R. Shurtleff)
- The Gift of the Holy Ghost (Annette W. Dickman)
- The Gift We Could Not Give Each Other (Michael McLean)
- The Girl I Am (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- The Glorious Day
- The Glorious Gospel Light Has Shown (Leroy J. Robertson)
- The Golden Plates (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- The Golden Rule (Anon.)
- The Golden Rule (Jane Randall)
- The Good Shepherd (Old song)
- The Gospel Message (Spring Song) (Felix Mendelssohn)
- The Gospel News (Pioneer folk song)
- The Gospel of Our Lord (Christian S. Draper)
- The Gospel’s Sound (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Grave Is No Longer A Prison (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The great and glorious gospel light
- The Great Apostasy (Sam Cardon)
- The Greatest Among Us (Sally DeFord)
- The Greatest Gift
- The Greatest Gift of God (George H. Durham)
- The Greatest Gift (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- The Greatest of All (Ralph B. Woodward)
- The Greatest Thing (Mark D. Pendergrass)
- The Greatest Work (Christy Hinkson)
- The Great Physician (John H. Stockton)
- The Guide Song (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- The Gushing Rill (Evan Stephens)
- The Hands That First Held Mary’s Child (Dan Forrest)
- The Happy Plowman (Swedish folk song)
- The Happy Song
- The Harper’s Song (Elsie A. Merriman)
- The Heart and a Willing Mind (Sam Cardon)
- The Heart Garden (Frances K. Taylor)
- The Hearts of the Children (Arlen L. Card)
- The Hearts of the Children (Patricia Kelsey Graham)
- The Heavens Are Open (Nina Harris)
- The Heavens are Telling (Franz Joseph Haydn)
- The Heavens Ring (Evan Stephens)
- The herdsman is merry (German-Swiss folk song)
- The High Priest Of Heaven Is Calling, “Come In!” (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Holly and the Ivy (Traditional English carol)
- The Holy City (Stephen Adams)
- The Holy Ghost (Delys W. Snyder)
- The Holy Ghost (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- The Holy Ghost Will Tell Me (Andrew Moore)
- The Holy Temple (Joseph J. Daynes)
- The Homecoming Song (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Honey Gatherer’s Song (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- The Horsemen of Israel Are Riding Again (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The House of the Lord (Olan Stephenson)
- The House of Youth (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- The Humble Heart (Thomas Hammond)
- The Impossible Dream (Mitch Leigh)
- The Incarnation (Ebenezer Beesley)
- The Influential Circle (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Instruments (Willy Geister)
- The Invitation (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Jolly Switzer (Swiss folk tune)
- The Journey
- The Journey (Jeanni Gould)
- The Journey Was Easy (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Joy and the Song (Horatio R. Palmer)
- The Junior Girls (Alfred M. Durham)
- The Keeper of Galilee (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- The Keys of Heaven (Anon.)
- The Kingdom on Earth (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- The King of Kings (Karen Shumway Johnson)
- The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Alfred Beirly)
- The King of Love My Shepherd Is (Michael F. Moody)
- The Labor Commences (Arlen L. Card)
- The Lamb (John Tavener)
- The Lamb of God (Tom Edward Clark)
- The Land of Happy Hearts (Irene Christopherson )
- The Land of Love
- The Last Rose of Summer (Irish air)
- The Last Words of David (Randall Thompson)
- The Latter Day Theme (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Light He Gives (Merrill Jenson)
- The Light (Michelle Tumes)
- The Light of Hope (Staci Peters)
- The Light of Moonbeams (Frances K. Taylor)
- The Light of the World Is Jesus (Philip P. Bliss)
- The Light Within (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Lily and the Bee (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- The Lily of the Valley (American spiritual)
- The Linden Tree (Franz Schubert)
- The Little Brown Leaf (Joseph Ballantyne)
- The Little Elf (Edna Evans Johnson)
- The Little New Year (Alvin A. Beesley)
- The Little Pony
- The Little Princess (Anon.)
- The little rabbit
- The Little Tenth (Frances K. Taylor)
- The Little Things I Do (Lon Madsen)
- The Living Christ (Wayne Burton)
- Thelma March (John M. Chamberlain)
- The Lord Bless You and Keep You (John Rutter)
- The Lord Bless You and Keep You (Peter C. Lutkin)
- The Lord Gave Me a Temple (Darwin Wolford)
- The Lord hath Brought again Zion (A. C. Smyth)
- The Lord hath brought again Zion (Arthur Shepherd)
- The Lord Imparted From Above (W. E. Peterson)
- The Lord Is My Light (Anna M. Molgard)
- The Lord Is My Light (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- The Lord Is My Light (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (David A. Zabriskie)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Fen Frehner)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Franz Schubert)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Howard Goodall)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (John Rutter)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Sally DeFord)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Sally DeFord)
- The Lord Is My Shepherd (Shelley Hannig)
- The Lord Is My Strength (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Lord my pasture
- The Lord My Pasture Will Prepare (Ross Farnworth)
- The Lord’s Day (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- The Lord’s Love (Sam Fleming)
- The Lord’s My Shepherd (David Grant)
- The Lord’s Plan of Salvation (George J. Master)
- The Lord’s Prayer (Albert Hay Malotte)
- The Lord’s Prayer (B. Cecil Gates)
- The Lord’s prayer (Gladys Rich)
- The Lord’s Prayer (Gregorian chant)
- The Lord’s Prayer (Leroy J. Robertson)
- The Lord’s Prayer (Paula S. Snow)
- The Lord’s Prayer (Richard S. Horne)
- The Lord’s Prayer (Vivian Layne)
- The Lord Victorious (Pietro Mascagni)
- The Lord Whom Ye Sought in Tears (B. Cecil Gates)
- The Lord Will Comfort Zion (George Careless)
- The Lord Will Lead With A Very High Hand (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Lord Will Watch over Me (Rebecca Smith Adams)
- The Lost Chord (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- The Lost Lamb (Daniel Carter)
- The Love of God (K. Newell Dayley)
- The Low-Backed Car (Old Irish air)
- The Maid of Monterey (J. H. Hewitt)
- The Maker’s Touch
- The Man Behind the Scenes (Cherie Call)
- The Manger of Bethlehem (Cheryl P. Stone)
- The Man I’m Meant to Be (Russ Dixon; Dustin Christensen; Tyler Castleton)
- The Man on the Flying Trapeze (Gaston Lyle)
- The Mantle Passes (Arlen L. Card)
- The Maple Leaf For Ever (Alexander Muir)
- The Master Creator (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Master’s Voice (Sally DeFord)
- The May Queen (Hollis Dann)
- The May Queen (Lucy May Green)
- Theme 1 from “Stand As Witnesses” (Kurt Bestor)
- Theme 1 from “The Sacrament” (Arlen L. Card)
- Theme 2 from “Stand as Witnesses” (Kurt Bestor)
- Theme 2 from “The Sacrament” (Arlen L. Card)
- Theme 3 from “Stand As Witnesses” (Kurt Bestor)
- Theme 3 from “The Sacrament” (Arlen L. Card)
- Theme and underscore from “Becoming Children of Christ” (Arlen L. Card)
- Theme from “Firm in the Faith of Christ” (Kurt Bestor)
- Theme from “For Our Day” (Sam Cardon)
- Theme from “Joseph Smith—Prophet of the Restoration” (Sam Cardon)
- Theme from Light of the World
- Theme from “Long-Promised Day” (Sam Cardon)
- Theme from “Spiritual Crocodiles” (Merrill Jenson)
- Theme from “The Body Is a Temple” (Kurt Bestor)
- Theme from “The Law of the Harvest” (Sam Cardon)
- The Melody Within/The Curse (Kurt Bestor; Sam Cardon)
- The Merry Lark (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- The Merry Men of Robin Hood
- Themes from “God Has Delivered Me” (Sam Cardon)
- Themes from “I Will Prepare the Way” (Merrill Jenson)
- Themes from “The Just Shall Live by Faith” (Merrill Jenson)
- Themes from “The Olive Tree Allegory” (Kurt Bestor)
- Themes from “To This End Was I Born” (Kurt Bestor)
- The Message of Christmas Bells (Raymond Ellis)
- The Message of His Love (Adam Geibel)
- The Message of the Bells (Thelma J. Harrison)
- The M. I. A. Explorers (Gerhard Schulz)
- The Mighty Priesthood of God (Stephen L. Brannen)
- The Millennial Reign
- The Ministry of Alma (Crawford Gates)
- The Ministry of Greatest Worth (Sharalen J. Benson)
- The Minstrel Boy (Irish folk song)
- The Minuet (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- The Miracle (Merrill Bradshaw)
- The Miracle (Shawna Belt Edwards)
- The Moment You Stand (Ashley Hess)
- The Morning Breaks (Evan Stephens)
- The Morning Shone Bright When It Came (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Morning Trumpet (American folk hymn)
- The Most Beautiful Story That’s Ever Been Told (Sally DeFord)
- The Mother’s Plea (Our Father in Heaven) (Ida H. White)
- The Mountain of the Lord (Doug Walker)
- The Mountain of the Lord’s House (Evan Stephens)
- The Mountain of the Lord’s House (J. Spencer Cornwall)
- The Mountain’s So Lovely This Time Of The Year (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Then All The Earth Will Sing (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The National Wonder (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Nations Bow to Satan’s Thrall (Edward P. Kimball)
- The Nations Bow to Satan’s Thrall (Joseph J. Daynes)
- The Nativity (Brett Stewart)
- The Nativity Song (Patricia Kelsey Graham)
- The New Freedom Song (Evan Stephens)
- The New Jerusalem (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The New Pioneers (Rebecca Parkinson)
- The New Year
- The New Year Comes with Happiness (Alexander Schreiner)
- The Nightingale (English folk song)
- The Night Is Wearing Fast Away (Edward P. Kimball)
- The Ninth Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Then You Can Enter In (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Old Arm-Chair (Henry H. Russell)
- The Old Mill Wheels (Churchill)
- The Old Musician’s Harp (Folk song)
- The Old, Old Path (M. Audentia Anderson)
- The Old, Old Story (Sweeney)
- The Old Rugged Cross (George Bennard)
- The Old Rugged Cross (George Bennard)
- The old schoolhouse that stood on the side of the hill (Evan Stephens)
- The Old Woman and the Pedlar (English Air)
- The Olive Tree (Kurt Bestor; Don Stirling)
- The One and Only You (Michael McLean)
- The One (Audrey Bandley; Russ Dixon)
- The Only One (Nik Day)
- The Opening Buds of Springtime (Robert B. Baird)
- The Outcast (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Outcome Of The Battle (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Outside of You (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- The Oxcart (Anon.)
- The Paper Reeds by the Brooks (Randall Thompson)
- The Pasture (Randall Thompson)
- The Pathways of Peace (Nora Hess)
- The Pearl (Kenneth Cope)
- The Pilgrims Held a Feast (Clarence Butler)
- The Pilgrim’s Song of Hope (Édouard Batiste)
- The Pioneer (Evan Stephens)
- The Pioneers (Ebenezer Beesley)
- The Playtime Band (Alberta Powell Graham)
- The Power of His Love (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- The power of love (Edwin F. Parry)
- The Power of One (Stephanie Smith Mabey; Jeannine Lasky)
- The Power of Your Love (Geoff Bullock)
- The Prayer (David Foster; Carole Bayer Sager)
- The Prayer (David Foster; Carole Bayer Sager; Alberto Testa; Tony Renis)
- The Prayer that Never Fails (Jeanni Gould)
- The Priesthood Gift (Robert Cundick)
- The Priesthood (Hal K. Campbell)
- The Priesthood Is Restored (Hal K. Campbell)
- The Priesthood Now Is Restored (Daniel Carter)
- The Priesthood Power (Daniel Carter)
- The Priesthood Reigns on Earth (Mariann Richards)
- The Primary Song (A. J. Crocheron)
- The Prince of Peace (James Marsden; Barry Gibbons)
- The Prodigal (Sally DeFord)
- The Project Song (Lois Hale Pierson)
- The Promised Land (Southern revival hymn)
- The Promises of Baptism (Michael F. Moody)
- The Pronouncement (Scott Thompson)
- The Prophecy: A Day, a Night, and a Day (Crawford Gates)
- The Prophet Joseph (Sandra P. Nelson)
- The Prophet Lehi (Crawford Gates)
- The Prophet Lehi (Marvin K. Gardner)
- The Prophet Said to Plant a Garden (Mary Jane McAllister Davis)
- The Queer Old Man
- The Quest (Bohemian folk song)
- The Quiet, Solemn Hour (Evan Stephens)
- The Rabbit
- The Race (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The radiant morn hath passed away (H. H. Woodward)
- The Rain (Mary Rose Jack; E. H.)
- There Are Angels Hov’ring ’Round (Traditional spiritual)
- There Are Rules (David A. Zabriskie)
- There Are Who Deem Earth’s Hour of Durance (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- The Reflection of Thy Love (Martin L. Green)
- There Is a Gate (Silas J. Vail)
- There Is a Green Hill Far Away (Old melody)
- There Is a Green Hill Far Away (Sally DeFord)
- There is a Happy Land (Hindu melody)
- There is a hill (Anon.)
- There Is a Land Whose Sunny Vales (Orson Pratt Huish)
- There Is a Light (Jeanni Gould)
- There Is Faint Music (Dan Forrest)
- There Is Hope (Sam Cardon)
- There is love in my family tree (Janice Kapp Perry)
- There Is More (Jason Barton; Chad Coates; Dan Muckala)
- There Is No Place So Far Away (Chad Staten)
- There Is One (Hilary Weeks)
- There Is Room in My Father’s House (Joseph M. Martin)
- The Relief Society (John M. Chamberlain)
- There’s A God In Israel (Arlene L. Buffington)
- There’s a hole in my bucket (Anon.)
- There’s a Light in the Valley (Philip P. Bliss)
- There’s an Old, Old Path (Jeff Lindle)
- There’s Another Hill To Take (Arlene L. Buffington)
- There’s A Place (Arlene L. Buffington)
- There’s a Song in the Air (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- There’s a Train
- There Shall Be Showers of Blessing (James McGranahan)
- There’s music in the air (George F. Root)
- There’s No Guarantee (Kenneth Cope)
- There’s No Love to Me Like the Love of Jesus (Powell G. Fithian)
- There’s No One Now But You (Ron Simpson)
- There’s No Rainbow Can Shine Like Jesus (Arlene L. Buffington)
- There’s no such thing as a witch (Cora Nelson Sheffield; Ralph A. Sheffield)
- There’s Not Anything That Jesus Cannot Do (Arlene L. Buffington)
- There’s nothing like laughing (Anon.)
- There’s no time like Christmas (Joanne A’Dair)
- There’s Someone Singing
- There Stands a Little Man (Engelbert Humperdinck)
- The Restoration of Christ’s Kingdom (Crawford Gates)
- The Resurrected Christ Appears in Ancient America (Crawford Gates)
- The Resurrection and the Life
- The Return (Arlene L. Buffington)
- There Was a Man (Sam Cardon)
- There Was Starlight on the Hillside (Michael F. Moody)
- The Right Path (Kylie Hintze)
- The Right Place (Tyler Castleton; Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- The Right Track (Kenneth Cope; Randy Kartchner)
- The Risen Jesus in America (Robert P. Manookin)
- The Rising of the Lark (Welsh folk song)
- The Rising Sun (Judeth Keysor)
- The Rite of Spring (Igor Stravinsky)
- The River (German tune)
- The Road Home (1835 Southern Harmony; Stephen Paulus)
- The Road Not Taken (Randall Thompson)
- The Rock of Heaven (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Rock of Refuge (William G. Fischer)
- The Rocks Bowed Down (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Rose of Allendale (English folk song)
- The rose that all are praising
- The Sabbath Day (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- The Sabbath Day (Marcia B. Davis)
- The Sabbath Day (Nathan Howe)
- The Sabbath Sun Serenely Falls (George Careless)
- The Sacrament (Alexander Schreiner)
- The Sacrament (DeVota Mifflin Peterson)
- The Sacrament Is Ready (Vernon J. LeeMaster)
- The Sacrament (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Sacred Grove (Hal K. Campbell)
- The Safety Of My Father’s Arms (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Saints Retreat (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- The Savior at Jerusalem (Evan Stephens)
- The Savior at the Door (James H. Rosecrans)
- The Savior Leads Me Home (Evelyn Sharp Stanley)
- The Savior’s Touch (Kerrie Cross)
- The Scriptures Can Lead Me to Jesus (Clive Romney)
- The Scriptures Say (Reid N. Nibley)
- The Sea
- The Seagull Girls (Theodore E. Curtis)
- The Seagull (Matilda Watts Cahoon)
- The Seagulls and the Crickets (Folk song)
- The Search (Merrill Bradshaw)
- These Are the Days (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- The Sea (Sigismond Neukomm)
- The Sea So Great, Lord, My Boat So Small (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Seasons (Lillie Dunford Mecham)
- The Seasons of My Life (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Second Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Seed
- The Seed Will Grow (Roceil Low)
- The Seer (Kenneth Cope)
- These precious gems (Lorraine S. Wilkinson)
- The Servant King (Graham Kendrick)
- The Seventh Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Shades of Night Are Falling (Evan Stephens)
- The Shepherd and the Lamb (Sally DeFord)
- The Shepherd Calls (E. Lionel Brady)
- The Shepherd (Mack Wilberg)
- The Shepherd’s Carol (Daniel Carter)
- The Shoemaker (Danish tune)
- The Sign (Brent N. Jorgensen)
- The Silver, Gold and Precious Stones (Frank W. Asper)
- The Simple Faith (Gerrit de Jong Jr.)
- The Simple Truth (Jeanni Gould)
- The Sixth Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Slave (Anon.)
- The Smallest (J. P. Heye)
- The Snowman (R. T. Bjorkman)
- The Snow (Randall W. Boothe)
- The Soldier’s Farewell (Johanna Kinkel)
- The Solid Rocks Were Rent in Twain (W. E. Peterson)
- The Songbirds Are Singing (James H. Hood)
- The Song of the Righteous (Traditional)
- The Soul Would Have No Rainbow (Clive M. Killpack)
- The Spanish Cavalier (W. D. Hendrickson)
- The Sparrow’s Song (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Spirit And The Bride Say, “Come” (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Spirit of Christmas (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Spirit of God (Anon.)
- The Spirit of the Hive (Edna H. Coray Dwyer)
- The Spirit Speaks to Me
- The Standard Of Liberty (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Standard of Truth (Sherrie Manwill Boren)
- The Star of Bethlehem (Sally DeFord)
- The Station
- The Still Small Voice (Al Switzler)
- The Still Small Voice (Merrill Bradshaw)
- The Storehouse Of The Lord (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Story of His Love (C. C. Case)
- The Stradivarius Violin (Niccolò Paganini)
- The Stranger of Galilee (Lelia N. Morris)
- The Strength of a Pioneer (Mary Ann H. Erdmann)
- The Sunshine’s Message (Mildred J. Hill)
- The Swan Sings (Anon.)
- The Teacher’s Prayer (Anon.)
- The Telephone (Randall Thompson)
- The Temple by the River (Marie Manwaring Anderson)
- The Temple Is A Sacred Place (Robert Whitmore)
- The Temple (Lynn R. Shurtleff)
- The Temple of the Lord (Rachel Mecham Goates)
- The Ten Commandments (A. C. Smyth)
- The Tenth Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Things I Do (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Things I Know (Doug Walker)
- The Third Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Thirteenth Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Three Captains (French folk song)
- The Three Kings (Traditional French)
- The time has come to say goodbye (Czech folk tune)
- The Time Is Come (Ivie Huish Jones)
- The Title of Liberty (Greg Hansen)
- The Touch of the Master’s Hand
- The Trailbuilders’ Hymn (Theodore E. Curtis)
- The Traveler (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Treasure (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Treasure (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- The Tree in the Wood (Anon.)
- The Tree of Life (Daniel Carter)
- The Trek to Winter Quarters (Merrill Jenson)
- The Trials of the Present Day (W. E. Peterson)
- The Triumph-Song (Carl F. Mueller)
- The Trout (Franz Schubert)
- The Trumpets Were Blowing This Morning Again (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Truth
- The Turtle
- The Twelfth Article of Faith (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Twelve Days of Christmas (Traditional English carol)
- The Twenty-third Psalm (Carol Frandsen)
- The Two Roses (Heinrich Werner)
- The Unanswered Question (Charles Ives)
- The Unknown Grave (David H. Smith)
- The Unknown (Nik Day; Sabrina Haskett)
- The Unveiling (Arlen L. Card)
- The Upper Room
- The Upward Path (Edward P. Kimball)
- The Utah Trail (Bob Palmer)
- The Valentine (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- The Valley of Peace (I. H. Meredith)
- The Valleys Are Green, Sir (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The View from Here (Doug Walker)
- The Violet (D. D. E. Jones)
- The Virtue of Gold (Jenessa Buttars)
- The Vision (Sam Abramson)
- The Visions of Christ (Crawford Gates)
- The Voice Of God (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Voice of God is Heard Again (Evan Stephens)
- The Voice of the Holy Spirit (Janine Belliston Ruff)
- The Voice of the Shepherd (Jenny Phillips)
- The Voice of the Shepherd (Lynn S. Lund)
- The Voice of the Spirit (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Voyage to Ancient America (Crawford Gates)
- The Waiting Time (Frank L. Armstrong)
- The Watchman (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Watchmen (Greg Simpson; Jon Fuller)
- The Water and the Bread (C. E. Ott)
- The Way He Speaks to Me (Larry Pearson; Marie Pearson)
- The Way Is Too Narrow (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Way (Michael Webb; J. Kocherhans; Randy Thorderson; Clive Romney)
- The Way to Become (Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- The Way to Bethlehem (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- The Way to Emmaus (Sam Cardon; Don Stirling; Nancy Hanson)
- The Way to Eternal Life (Sam Cardon)
- The Way to Heaven (Dorothy G. Killpack)
- The Way to London
- The West Wind (Robert Cundick)
- The “What If” Song (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- The Whole Armor of God (Sam Cardon)
- The Whole Wide World for Jesus (John Henry Maunder)
- The Wind Is a Lion (Crawford Gates)
- The Windmill Turns Around (Dutch folk tune)
- The Windows of Heaven (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- The Winds Of War (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Wise Bees (Alfred M. Tufts)
- The Wise Man and the Foolish Man (Southern folk song)
- The Womanho Call (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- The Wondrous Story (Traditional English carol; Don Besig)
- The Word of Wisdom (Frances K. Taylor)
- The Word of Wisdom (Janice Kapp Perry)
- The Work Cannot Be Halted (Merrill Jenson)
- The Work Continues (Brett Raymond)
- The Work We’re Called to Do (Beatrice F. Stevens)
- The World Is Full of Beauty (George Careless)
- The World Is So Big (K. Newell Dayley)
- The World Is So Lovely (Moiselle Renstrom)
- The World Was Waiting (Ann Kapp Andersen)
- The Worth of Souls
- The Wrestling Match (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- The Wrinkled Brow of Time (Samuel B. Mitton)
- The Written Word: A Golden Message (Crawford Gates)
- They All Came Running (Arlene L. Buffington)
- They Can’t Burn The Flag On Zion’s Mountain (Arlene L. Buffington)
- They Don’t Know (Oba Bonner)
- The Yellow Sheepskin (Welsh folk song)
- They Have All Gone Astray (Evan Stephens)
- They Have Passed Hence, But They’re Not Lost Forever (James B. Smith)
- They have taken away my Lord (John Stainer)
- They’ll Never Know
- They may sing of their shady, fragrant bowers (Evan Stephens)
- They Never Saw It Coming (Arlene L. Buffington)
- The Yoke (Diane Tuiofu)
- The Young Prince and the Young Princess (Nikolas Rimsky-Korsakov)
- The Young Robins (H. E. Cogswell)
- The Youth Battalion (Eric Malizia)
- They Say The Land Has Milk And Honey (Arlene L. Buffington)
- They Will Not Doubt Their Mothers Knew (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Things to Come
- Think a Sacred Song (Marlene Summers Merkling)
- Think Beautiful Things (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Think Not, When You Gather to Zion (W. E. Peterson)
- Think of Me (Mary Queen of Scots)
- Third Symphony (Aaron Copland)
- Thirty Days (Steven Kapp Perry)
- This Day Is a Good Day, Lord (J. Frederic Voros Jr.)
- This day, O Lord, we celebrate (Charles J. Thomas)
- This Day we Come Before Thee, Lord (Charles J. Thomas)
- This Day Will A Nation Be Born (Arlene L. Buffington)
- This Earth Shall Be a Blessed Place (Roger C. Hoffman)
- This earth was once a garden place
- This Great and Terrible Day (Sally DeFord)
- This Hope Will Never Die (Arlene L. Buffington)
- This Is Christmas (Michael F. Moody)
- This Is God’s House (William G. Oglevee)
- This Is Grace (Hilary Weeks; Tyler Castleton)
- This Is How I Know (Sally DeFord)
- This Is Jesus (Michelle Starke)
- This Is Mother, Kind and Tender (Anon.)
- This Is My Beloved Son (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- This Is My Beloved (Wendy Jensen)
- This Is the Christ (Michael F. Moody)
- This is the Lord’s House (Mary Clough)
- This Is the Place (Folk song)
- This Is the Place (Kurt Bestor; Sam Cardon)
- This Is Thy Day (Daryl O. Smith)
- This Journey Thru The Wilderness (Arlene L. Buffington)
- This Life (Nik Day; Nick Neel)
- This Monument of Faith (Jay Lawrence; David Taylor)
- This Old Man (English folk song)
- This Poor Man Cried (Arlene L. Buffington)
- This Season (Tyler Castleton; Nik Day)
- This Song (Julie de Azevedo; Lex de Azevedo)
- Thixo Onothando (Xhosa hymn)
- Thompson (Will L. Thompson)
- Thou Art Everywhere Before Us (Theodore E. Curtis)
- Thou Art My God (Timothy Max Johnson)
- Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne (Ira D. Sankey)
- Though the Darkest Night (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Thou Shalt Love the Lord Thy God (Angie Shutt; Sharee Judkins; Judy Moss; Kendra Booher; Shannon Sampson; Diane Andersen Beck)
- Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace (Charles Lee Williams)
- Three Blind Mice (Traditional English)
- Threefold Amen (Danish tune)
- Threefold Amen (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Threefold Amen (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Threefold Amen (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Threefold Amen (Oliver Houston Jr.)
- Threefold Amen (Traditional)
- Threefold Amen (W. Lawrence Curry)
- Thriller (Rod Temperton)
- Thro’ the Day Thy Love Has Spared Us (William V. Wallace)
- Through Another’s Eyes (Julie de Azevedo; Randy Thorderson)
- Through Christ Find Peace and Rest (Daniel Carter)
- Throughout the mountains (Joseph G. Fones)
- Through Your Eyes (James Hollister; Brett Raymond)
- Thru The Stormy Seasons (Arlene L. Buffington)
- THX / 20th Century Fox Fanfare (James Andy Moorer; Alfred Newman)
- THX Deep Note (James Andy Moorer)
- Thy Holy House (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Thy Holy Temple (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Thy People Trust in Thee, O Lord (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Thy Savior Yet (Stephen M. Jones)
- Thy way not mine Oh Lord (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Thy Will Be Done (A. H. D. Troyte)
- Thy will be done (J. R. Crandall)
- Thy Will Be Done (Nik Day; Kyle Vorkink)
- Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done (Alexander Schreiner)
- Thy Word Is a Lamp Unto My Feet (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Thy Word Is Like a Garden, Lord (E. Lester Thurman)
- Tick, the Clock Says (Frances K. Taylor)
- Tico-Tico no Fubá (Zequinha de Abreu)
- Tidings (James Walch)
- Tiliseb, tiliseb aisakell (Leonhard Virkhaus)
- Till We Meet Again (Richard A. Whiting)
- Till We Meet Again (Richard A. Whiting)
- Time
- Time and Season
- Time for Love
- Time (Guy Richey Gibbons; Barry Gibbons)
- Time That Is Left (Mark Shultz; James Isaac Elliott)
- Time to Sail On (Barbara Tanner; Lex de Azevedo)
- Tindrende stjerne (Laura Winther)
- Tin Soldiers and Pussy (Nina B. Hartford)
- Tiny Voice (Lexi Walker; Anjanette Mickelsen; Stephen Nelson)
- Tiona Nehenehe (Community of Christ)
- Tipperary (Jack Judge)
- Tired and Wriggly (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- Tiritomba (Neapolitan song)
- ’Tis Mother’s Day (George H. Durham)
- ’Tis Sabbath day (Joseph G. Fones)
- ’Tis Spring (Thelma Meyer)
- ’Tis Springtime (Süssmayer)
- ’Tis sweet to mingle voices where (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Titery-irie-aye (Pioneer folk song)
- Titi Toria (Maori folk song)
- Tit-Willow (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- To a Seagull (Eleanor B. Thomas)
- To a Wild Rose (Edward MacDowell)
- To Be a Pioneer (Ruth Muir Gardner)
- To Be Called His People (Illa Mae Richardson)
- To Become Like Him (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- To Be Like Him (Tami J. Creamer)
- To Bethlehem (Michael F. Moody)
- To Bring Them to Thee (Daniel Carter)
- To Build a Dream for Me (Heidi Magelby; Clive Romney)
- Toccata and Finale (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- To Christ Give We Praise (Roy A. Bodtcher)
- Today I Must Prepare (Michael F. Moody)
- Today Is Monday (Anon.)
- Today Is My Day (Larry W. Bastian)
- Today I Will Rock My Baby (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Today or Tomorrow (William Schaefermeyer)
- Today (Sam Cardon)
- Today’s Disciple (Joyce A. Ainsworth)
- To-Do List (Hilary Weeks)
- Todos Seremos Como Hermanos (María Antonieta Torres)
- Toembaï (Hebrew folk song)
- To Establish Zion, Land of Promise (Merrill Jenson)
- Together Forever (Michael McLean)
- Together (Tyler Castleton; McKay Crockett)
- Together (William J. Gaither; Gloria Gaither)
- To Get Quiet (Moiselle Renstrom)
- To Grow for Him, Tho’ Lowly Ways Be Mine (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- To Him Who Rules on High (Edward P. Kimball)
- Tokanga ki he folofola (Tēvita Tuliakiono)
- To Keep The Gospel Pure (Arlene L. Buffington)
- To Kneel in Family Prayer (Daniel Carter)
- To Leave My Dear Friends, and From Neighbors to Part
- To Love like Thee (Heather D. Zurcher)
- To Love, to Serve, to Offer All (K. Newell Dayley)
- Tomado de la mano
- Toma mi voluntad (William Dexheimer Pharris)
- To Minister Like Thee (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Tomorrow Has Promise (Larry W. Bastian)
- Tomorrow Is Sunday (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Tomtarnas julnatt (Vilhelm Sefve-Svensson)
- To My Savior (Daniel Carter)
- Tonton Nwèl (Yole Derose)
- Too Small For Great Things (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Tooth Bugs (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- Toplady (Thomas Hastings)
- Toronto (Michael F. Moody)
- To See A Better Day (Arlene L. Buffington)
- To See The Morning Light (Arlene L. Buffington)
- To Thee, O God (Old melody)
- To Thee, O Heavenly Father (Edwin F. Parry)
- To Thee Our God (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- To the Giver of All Blessings (Charles J. Thomas)
- To Their Places (Frances K. Taylor)
- To the Land of Judea (Frances K. Taylor)
- To the Regions of Rest Where the Blissful Abide (Evan Stephens)
- To the River (Brian Doerksen; Michael Hansen; Brian Thiessen)
- To the Sweet Shelter of the Grove (Evan Stephens)
- To Think about Jesus / I Thank Thee, Dear Father / For Thy Bounteous Blessings / Stand for the Right (Robert Cundick; George Careless; Traditional melody; Joseph Ballantyne)
- To Think about Jesus (Robert Cundick)
- To This End Was I Born (Kurt Bestor)
- To Those Who Came Before Me (Sally DeFord)
- To Those with Pure Intent (Daniel Carter)
- Touch The Nailprints, Know For Certain (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Touch Thou My Eyes (Michael F. Moody)
- Toulon (Louis Bourgeois)
- Tours (Berthold Tours)
- To Use the Gifts Thou Gavest Me (Frank W. Asper)
- Tovey (Evan Stephens)
- To View The Promised Land (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Toward Zion (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- To Where You Are (Richard Marx)
- To Whom Did He Come? (Matthew J. Neeley)
- To Work, to work! (Alice R. Baldwin)
- Tradition and Error in Battle Array (William Powell)
- Trail Along (Matilda Watts Cahoon)
- Trail of Tears (Kenneth Cope)
- Train (Jennie C. Neal)
- Trampin’ (African-American spiritual)
- Tranquility (George Careless)
- Transition (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Transport (Frederick Christensen)
- Tread softly (Evan Stephens)
- Tread Softly (Evan Stephens)
- Treasure in Heaven (Clint Poulsen; Jim Funk; Barry Gibbons)
- Treasure the Truth (Kenneth Cope)
- Treat Everyone With Love (Nik Day; Lillian Hepler)
- Trees (Clara W. McMaster)
- Trees of the Field (Stuart Dauermann)
- Trekker Song (Leah Ashton Lloyd)
- Trentham (Robert Jackson)
- Treulich geführt / Wedding March (Richard Wagner)
- Tribute (Evan Stephens)
- Trinity (Old English tune)
- Trip It Lightly (Gioachino Rossini)
- Triumph (George Careless)
- Trostlied (Otto Müller)
- Trouble’s Just a Bubble (G. A. Grant-Schaefer)
- True Love (German folk song)
- True (Matt Mylroie)
- True to You (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Trumpet (Isaac B. Woodbury)
- Trumpet Tune in A Major (James C. Kasen)
- Trumpet Voluntary in D Major (Henry Purcell)
- Truro (Charles Burney)
- Trust and Obey (Daniel Brink Towner)
- Trust Him (Nik Day)
- Trust in God and Persevere (Joseph G. Fones)
- Trust in Jesus (William J. Kirkpatrick)
- Trust in the Lord (Clark L. Edwards)
- Trust in the Lord (James S. Hanecy)
- Trust in the Lord (Lynne Perry Christofferson)
- Trust in the Lord (Nik Day)
- Trust (Jennie C. Neal)
- Trust the Children
- Trust With All Your Heart (Scott Krippayne; Tyler Castleton)
- Truth Eternal (George Careless)
- Truth from Elijah (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- Truth (George Careless)
- Truth (Hans Henry Petersen)
- Truth Is An Unfailing Beacon (Alexander Schreiner)
- Truth Never Changes (Nik Day)
- Truth (Nik Day)
- Truth Speak (April Meservy)
- Tryggare kan ingen vara / Swedish (Traditional Swedish melody)
- Try It Again (J. Eardley)
- Try (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Try the Riddle (T. D. B.)
- Try, Try Again (Anon.)
- Tsie, Tsie, Tsie (Herbert Bosumtwi-Sam)
- Tu lugar (Rebecca Lopez Peñailillo; Pablo Peñailillo)
- Tune from Il Pirata (Vincenzo Bellini)
- Tu Palabra Es una Lámpara (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Turkey and Indian Play (Marian Cornwall)
- Turkey in the Straw (Traditional)
- Turn Back O Man (Gustav Holst)
- Turn My Wandering Feet, Dear Savior (Carol Baker Black)
- Turn Thy Face from My Sins (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- Turn to Us Thy Loving Eyes (Stephen M. Jones)
- Turn Ye to the Lord (Edvard Grieg)
- ’Twas a Star (Martin J. Petersen Jr.)
- ’Twas On That Dark, That Solemn Night (Henry E. Giles)
- ’Twas the Commission of Our Lord (Evan Stephens)
- Twenty-One (German round)
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star / Ah! vous dirai-je, maman (Traditional French)
- Twofold Amen (Greek Liturgy)
- Twofold Amen (Louise Hills Lewis)
- Twofold Amen (Orlando Gibbons)
- Twofold Amen (Thomas Tallis)
- Twofold Amen (Van Denman Thompson)
- Two Hands and One Heart (Sam Cardon; Kurt Bestor; Don Stirling; Hilary Weeks)
- Two Happy Feet (Barbara Boyer Obray)
- Two Little Eyes (Moiselle Renstrom)
- Two Love-Birds (Danish folk song)
- Two Oaks (Marty Haugen)
- Two Thousand Stripling Warriors (Gerald Jerling LeBaron)
- Two Thousand Stripling Warriors (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Tydi a Roddaist (Arwel Hughes)
- Über den Sternen (Franz Abt)
- Ubi caritas et amor (Jacques Berthier)
- Ubi caritas et amor (Mack Wilberg)
- Unanswered Yet? (The Prayer) (Charles Davis Tillman)
- Una oración (Vicente Poot P.)
- Unbroken (April Meservy)
- Unchanging Truths (Ashley Flake)
- Un Cojo Mendigaba (Hebrew melody)
- Underscore from “Helps for Understanding the Book of Revelation” (Arlen L. Card)
- Underscore from “Paul—A Chosen Vessel” (Merrill Jenson)
- Under the Stars (Arlen L. Card)
- Unerschüttert steht die Wahrheit (Willy Reske)
- Un flambeau, Jeannette, Isabelle (French carol)
- Unfold, Ye Portals (Charles Gounod)
- Union (George Careless)
- Uniontown (Edwin O. Excell)
- Unity (George Careless)
- [Unknown title]
- [Unknown title]
- [Unknown title] (Danish melody)
- [Unknown title] (Friedrich Kücken)
- [Unknown title] (George Careless)
- [Unknown title] (George Careless)
- [Unknown title] (George Frideric Handel)
- [Unknown title] (George F. Root)
- [Unknown title] (Joseph J. Daynes)
- [Unknown title] (Mark Thatcher)
- [Unknown title] (Welsh melody)
- Un Mandamiento Nuevo (Eduardo de Zayas)
- Un Niño (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Un nombre sobre todo nombre (Vicente Poot P.)
- Unobserved, a Kingdom Rises (Arlene L. Buffington)
- U nodigt mij aan tafel (Peter Dijkstra)
- Un rayito de sol (Vicente Poot P.)
- Unser Leben sei ein Fest (Peter Janssens)
- Unsern Ausgang segne Gott (J. M. Biermann)
- Unser Vater zu dir (George Kingsley)
- Unto Us a Child Is Born
- Up and Down (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- Up! Arouse Thee, O Beautiful Zion (Leroy J. Robertson)
- Uphold Me (Fred Manns; Marvin Winans; Ronald Winans)
- Uphold the Right, though Fierce the Fight (W. F. Hansen)
- Upidee (A. E. Blackmar)
- Upon A Mighty Organ (Alfred M. Durham)
- Up On the House Top (Benjamin R. Hanby)
- Upper California (John Taylor)
- Ups and Downs (Kenneth Cope)
- Upside Down (Jon Schmidt)
- Ure (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Use the Old (Janeen Jacobs Brady)
- U šumici zeko (Anon.)
- Utah Carroll (Folk song)
- Utah (Evan Stephens)
- Utah, the Queen of the West (John M. Chamberlain)
- Utah Trail (Bob Palmer)
- Utah, We Love Thee (Evan Stephens)
- Ute blåser sommarvind (Alice Tegnér)
- Uti vår hage (Swedish folk song)
- Utopia (A. C. Smyth)
- U to vrijeme godišta (Traditional Croatian melody)
- Uxbridge (Lowell Mason)
- Vær velkommen, Herrens år (A. P. Berggreen)
- Vakai telia hoʻo foaki (Tēvita Tuliakiono)
- Vak upp, hör rösten ljuder (Anon.)
- Valborg (Lorin F. Wheelwright)
- Valentine Fun (Bea F. Hansen)
- Valentine Penny Song (Edrie Peterson)
- Valentines (Agness A. West)
- Valentines (Franz Schubert)
- Valentine Skip (Velda Blumhagen)
- Valiant Faith (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Valley Home (Crawford Gates)
- Valse Triste (Jan Sibelius)
- Vamos a Belén (Plácido Koyoc Yam)
- Vamos a la playa (Vicente Poot P.)
- Vänd dig till Herren (Terez Nilsson)
- Van Fleet (Charles F. Church Jr.)
- Va, pensiero sull’ali dorate (Giuseppe Verdi)
- Var hälsad, sköna morgonstund (Philipp Nicolai)
- Varina / There is a land of pure delight (Christian H. Rinck)
- Vaso nuevo (Latin American song)
- Vater im Himmel
- Vater unser im Himmel (Peter Janssens)
- Velkommen igen Guds engle små (A. P. Berggreen)
- Veneration (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Ven, Espíritu Santo (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Vengan a la Mesa (Barbara C. Mink)
- Veni Emmanuel (French melody)
- Venimos ante ti, Señor
- Ven, Poder Consolador (Alvaro Michelin Salomon)
- Ven, Santo Espíritu (Barbara C. Mink)
- Vent frais, vent du matin (French folk song)
- Verdant Spring and Rosy Summer (Anon.)
- Verlaß mich nicht (Willy Reske)
- Vermeland (Swedish folk song)
- Vernald (Laurence M. Yorgason)
- Vernon (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Vertraut den neuen Wegen (16th century)
- Vesper (George Careless)
- Vessels Of Gold (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Via Dolorosa (Billy Sprague; Niles Borop)
- Vicar (V. Earle Copes)
- Victory (George Careless)
- Victory of Truth
- Victory Song (B. Cecil Gates)
- Viennese Refrain (Hugo Frey)
- Vi er børn af sol og sommer (Anon.)
- Vierling, No. 27 (Johann Gottfried Vierling)
- Vi er søskende (Anon.)
- Vigilance
- Vigil (Swedish folk melody)
- Viktoria! Der Heiland lebt
- Vil du høre (Anon.)
- Ville du Havre (Philip P. Bliss)
- Villikins and his Dinah (John Parry)
- Vineyard Haven (Richard Dirksen)
- Viola (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- Virtue (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Visions of Christmas (James C. Kasen)
- Vi tar hverandres hender (L. Å. Lundberg)
- Viva (A. C. Smyth)
- Vive l’Amour (Anon.)
- Voices from the Dead (Richard S. Horne)
- Voices (Lex de Azevedo)
- Voices now to Thee upraising (Carl Maria von Weber)
- Volga Boat Song (Russian folk song)
- Voller Demut denk ich Dein (Manfred Magnus Knabe)
- Voller Freude, über dieses Wunder (Egil Hovland)
- Voluntary (J. L. Battman)
- Vom Himmel hoch (Martin Luther)
- Vox Dilecti (John B. Dykes)
- Vrede van God (Johan Bronsveld)
- Vrede zij u (Johan Hendriks)
- ¡Vuélvete a Dios! (Osvaldo Cateno)
- Wachet Auf (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Wachet Auf (Philipp Nicolai)
- Wahrheitslicht
- Wait for It (Ben Truman; Chad Truman; Russ Dixon)
- Waiting for Me (Tyler Castleton; Wayne Burton)
- Waiting for the Reapers (Friedrich Kücken)
- Waiting to Grow (Amanda Turner)
- Waked from My Bed of Slumber Sweet (Roger C. Hoffman)
- Wake Up (Leah Patt Rivenburg)
- Waldesnacht / Opus 62, No. 3 (Johannes Brahms)
- Wales (Evan Stephens)
- Walk
- Walked a Mile
- Walk His Way (Sam Cardon)
- Walking at Night (Czech folk song)
- Walking Home After Hard Day’s Work (Jennie C. Neal)
- Walking in His Father’s Footsteps (Margo Faraoni Edgeworth)
- Walking in Sunlight (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Walking, Talking Doll (Marian Cornwall)
- Walking with Christ (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Walking With Jesus (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Walk in His Ways (Steve Stewart; Clive Romney)
- Walkin’ Home
- Walkin’ on Sunshine (Kimberley Rew)
- Walk in the Light (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Walk in the Light (Kristin W. Belcher; Brian R. Jensen)
- Walk On (Michael Webb; Kenneth Cope; Vickey Pahnke Taylor; Randy Kartchner)
- Walk Tall, You’re a Daughter of God (Jamie Glenn)
- Walk with Me (African-American spiritual)
- Walk with Me (Lex de Azevedo)
- Walk You Through the Night (Cherie Call)
- Waltham (John Baptiste Calkin)
- Waltzes from Der Rosenkavalier (Richard Strauss)
- Waltzing Matilda (Christina Macpherson)
- Wanamaker (John R. Sweney)
- Wanted on the Other Side (John S. Lewis)
- War Clouds (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Wareham (William Knapp)
- Warning (George Careless)
- Warriors for the Lord (Juliet Gamero)
- Warriors of Light (Afterglow)
- Warriors of Light (Camilyn Cook)
- Warum Sollt Ich (Johann G. Ebeling)
- Wasatch (Evan Stephens)
- Was Gott tut, das ist wohlgetan (Severus Gastorius)
- Washing Dishes (Alice R. Baldwin)
- Was klingt in diesen Tagen (Anon.)
- Watching for the Day When He Will Come (Rachel P. Mohlman)
- Watching the River Run (Kenny Loggins; Jim Messina)
- Watchman
- Watchman, What Of The Night? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Waterfall (Jon Schmidt)
- Waterman (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Watts (Macy)
- Wave The Flags Of Zion (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Wave the Standard Royal (Charles H. Marsh)
- Wave the Standard Royal (Charles H. Marsh)
- Waving The Death Angel Over (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Way Down Yonder in the Cornfield (Anon.)
- Wayfaring Stranger (American folk song)
- Wayfaring Stranger (American folk song)
- Wear a Smile (Moiselle Renstrom)
- We are children of the kingdom (Charles J. Thomas)
- We Are (Chuck Butler; Ed Cash; Hillary McBride; James Tealy)
- We Are Daughters in God’s Kingdom (Janice Kapp Perry)
- We Are Different (Patricia Kelsey Graham)
- We Are His Hands (Marlene D. Bartlett)
- We Are Mormon Boys (N. Lorenzo Mitchell)
- We Are One (Nik Day)
- We Are Reverent (A. Laurence Lyon)
- We Are Sunbeams (Florence T. Britsch)
- We Are the Gleaners (Edward P. Kimball)
- We Are the Lambs of His Fold (Janice Kapp Perry)
- We Are the Targeteers (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- We Are Watchers, Earnest Watchers (Joseph G. Fones)
- We Are Your Daughters (Elizabeth K. Linton)
- Webb (George J. Webb)
- We Believe
- We Believe (Greg Simpson)
- We Believe (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- We Believe (Russ Dixon)
- We Believe (Wilford A. Beesley Jr.)
- We Belong (Ann L. Bailey)
- Weber (Joseph J. Daynes)
- We Bow Our Heads (Alexander Schreiner)
- We Can Do More (Nik Day)
- We Close Our Eyes (Alexander Schreiner)
- We Come Before Thee on This Day (Sharalen J. Benson)
- Wedlock (The Sacred Harp, 1844)
- Weepin’ Mary (David Fletcher)
- We Follow the Prophet (Janice Kapp Perry)
- We Have Found Him, Our Messiah (Arlene L. Buffington)
- We Honor Those Who Came Before (Janice Kapp Perry)
- Weighed In The Balance (Arlene L. Buffington)
- We Implore Your Presence (Barbara C. Mink)
- Weißt du, wie viel Sternlein stehen (German folk song)
- We Know His Name (Nik Day)
- We Lay Thee Softly Down to Sleep (Evan Stephens)
- Welcome (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Welcome, Friends of Song (Benjamin C. Unseld)
- Welcome Guest (Harrison Millard)
- Welcome, Happy Sunday (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Welcome Sunshine (Clarence Kohlmann)
- Welcome to All (Henry A. Tuckett)
- Welcome to Our Union Meeting (A. Parsons)
- Welcome to Our World (Chris Rice)
- Welcome to this meeting (Evan Stephens)
- We’ll All Stand Up Together (Anon.)
- We’ll Be There (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- We’ll Bring the World His Truth (Janice Kapp Perry)
- We’ll Shout and Give Him Glory (Traditional)
- Wellsville (Evan Stephens)
- We’ll Thank Our God (Alvin A. Beesley)
- We’ll Trip the Merry Measure (Matilda Watts Cahoon)
- We Love Thy Holy House (Carol B. Black)
- Welwyn (Alfred Scott-Gatty)
- We Meet Again Tonight (Anon.)
- We must adore Thee (Willy Reske)
- Wendy (Stephen M. Jones)
- Wenn das Brot, das wir teilen (Kurt Grahl)
- Wenn Englein kommen und gehn (Willy Reske)
- Wenn ich ihn nur habe (Heinrich Carl Breidenstein)
- We’re All Together Again (Satis N. Coleman)
- We’re Glad It’s Your Birthday (Satis N. Coleman)
- We’re heirs unto the priesthood (Charles J. Thomas)
- We Rejoice (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- We’re Just People (Nik Day; Madilyn Paige)
- We’re on the Upward Trail (Oscar A. Kirkham)
- We’re Proud of Utah (Evan Stephens)
- Were You There (African-American spiritual)
- Were You There on that Christmas Night? (Natalie W. Sleeth)
- Were you There to Hear the Heavenly Angels Sing? (Kevin G. Pace)
- We Sail the Ocean Blue (Arthur S. Sullivan)
- We Seek After These Things
- We Seek After These Things
- We Seek After These Things (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- We Seek After These Things (Rhea B. Allen)
- Wesley (Lowell Mason)
- We Stand (Nik Day)
- We stand up straight (Verda Mae Christensen)
- Westward Ho! (Marcia Davidson)
- Westwood (Henry A. Tuckett)
- We Talk of Christ (Marvin K. Gardner; Vanja Y. Watkins)
- We Thank Thee (Frances K. Taylor)
- We Thank Thee, Gracious Lord of Hosts (Henry Hooper)
- We Thank Thee, Heavenly Father (Alexander Schreiner)
- We Thank Thee, Heavenly Father (Lucy May Green)
- We Thank Thee, Lord, for Temples (Douglas L. Ipson)
- We Thank Thee (Michael F. Moody)
- We Thank Thee Our Father (Wilma Boyle Bunker)
- We, the People of the Lord (Martin J. Petersen Jr.)
- We, the Youth in Zion’s Army (Benjamin Salisbury)
- We Two (Clyde D. Sandgren)
- We Walk Together (Arlene L. Buffington)
- We Want to See the Temple (Willard L. Smith)
- We welcome you (Bea F. Hansen)
- We Welcome You (Marjorie Castleton Kjar)
- We Were There (Arlene L. Buffington)
- We Will Follow the Lord (Nita Dale Milner)
- We Will Gather All Our Family (Karrol Corey)
- We Will Sing as We Go (Tracy Y. Cannon)
- We Will Stand
- We Wish You a Merry Christmas (English carol)
- We Won’t Cry Tomorrow, Friend (Arlene L. Buffington)
- We Worship Now Before Thee, Lord (David S. Maughan)
- Wexford Carol (Irish carol)
- We Your Sons Forever (Walter Smith)
- What About (Peter Breinholt)
- What a wonderful day (Leah Patt Rivenburg)
- What a Wonderful World (Bob Thiele; George David Weiss)
- What Builds Temples? (Madelyn W. Larsen; Joanne M. Parker)
- What Can I Do Today? (Sharalen J. Benson)
- What Can I Give Him? (Annette W. Dickman)
- Whatcha Gonna Do Now? (Oskar and Julia)
- What Does Christmas Mean (Daniel Carter)
- What Does He Think (Nik Day)
- What Doesn’t Kill You
- What does your family do?
- Whatever It Takes (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- What Faith Can Do (Scott Davis; Scott Krippayne)
- What Family Means to Me (Nik Day; Jaeden Vaifanua)
- What God Calls Us To (Catherine A. Tibbitts)
- What God Hath Given (Daniel Carter)
- What Have I Done with His Name? (Kenneth Cope)
- What Heaven Sees in You (Doug Walker; Sherry Marks Walker)
- What He Began (Kenneth Cope)
- What I Need (Michael McLean)
- What Is a Friend?
- What I See in You (Michael McLean; John Batdorf)
- What I See (Nik Day; Kendra Lowe)
- What Is My Life to Me? (Evan Stephens)
- What Is This Joy (Stephen Nelson; Garon Brett; Ashley Hess; Emily Belle Freeman; Chase Walker; Grace Freeman)
- What Is This Thing That Men Call Death? (Janice Kapp Perry)
- What Is This Thing That Men Call Death? (Nina Harris)
- What Is Written in My Heart (Jenny Phillips)
- What Kind of Boys (Anon.)
- What Love Reveals (Don Stirling; Sam Cardon; John McVey)
- What Makes a Family (K. Newell Dayley)
- What Makes You Beautiful (Savan Kotecha; Rami Yacoub; Carl Falk)
- What Matters Most (Russ Dixon; Scott Krippayne)
- What Matters Most (Tyler Castleton)
- What Prize Shall Be Your Reward? (Ebenezer Beesley)
- What Sacred, Holy Hour Is This? (Janice Kapp Perry)
- What Shall the Harvest Be? (Philip P. Bliss)
- What Shall We Give? (Catalonian carol)
- What’s the Matter with? (Charles Coborn)
- What we Should Learn (Edwin F. Parry)
- What Would Jesus Do?
- What Would Jesus Do? (Wayne Burton)
- What You Knew Then (Alex Melecio)
- Wheeler Park (Stephen A. Reynolds)
- When All Is Said and Done (Geoff Moore; Jeff Silvey)
- When All Is Said and Done (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- When a Prophet Speaks for God (Tami J. Creamer)
- When Christ Was Born in Bethlehem (Ebenezer Beesley)
- When Daddy Comes from Work (Alexander Schreiner)
- When Daddy Comes Home (W. Otto Miessner)
- When dark’ning clouds the skies o’ercast (Evan Stephens)
- When Earth in Bondage Long Had Lain (Edward P. Kimball)
- When Ephraim Rides (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Whenever I Have to Choose (Clive Romney)
- Whenever I Think about Pioneers (A. Laurence Lyon)
- When Godly Sorrow Moves the Soul (David C. Macfarlane; Nathan Howe)
- When Grandpa Comes (Marian Major)
- When He Comes Again / Love One Another (Mirla Greenwood Thayne; Luacine Clark Fox)
- When He Comes Again (Mirla Greenwood Thayne)
- When I Am Baptized / Keep the Commandments (Nita Dale Milner; Barbara A. McConochie)
- When I Am Baptized (Nita Dale Milner)
- When I Can’t Speak (Tyler Castleton)
- When I Come to Him (Matthew J. Neeley)
- When I Do What’s Right I Feel Good (Margie Lindsay)
- When I Feel His Love (Janice Kapp Perry)
- When I Found You (Ysabelle Cuevas; Connor Austin)
- When I Go (Scott Krippayne; Russ Dixon)
- When I Go to Church (Faye Glover Petersen)
- When I Hear My Father Pray (Lloyd T. Hanson)
- When I Hear of Pioneer Children (Janice Kapp Perry)
- When I Hear the Prophet’s Voice (Matthew J. Neeley)
- When I Hear the Scriptures (Larry W. Bastian)
- When I Learn (Katherine Nelson)
- When I’m Kind And True (Moiselle Renstrom)
- When I Pray (Valerie Hall)
- When I Return to Him (Sally DeFord)
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Geoffrey Shaw)
- When It’s Springtime in the Rockies (Robert Sauer)
- When it Storms (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- When I was a student at Cadiz (Anon.)
- When Jesus Came to Bountiful (Janice Kapp Perry)
- When Jesus Christ Was Baptized (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- When Jesus Shall Come in His Glory (John M. Chamberlain)
- When Jesus Was a Boy (Carol Ann Wight)
- When Jesus Was on Earth (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- When Johnny Comes Marching Home (Patrick Gilmore)
- When Joseph Saw His Brethren Moved (Evan Stephens)
- When Joseph Was a Boy (Carol B. Black)
- When Joseph Went to Bethlehem (I. Reed Payne)
- When Kindled by Thy Spirit’s Light (H. Percy Smith)
- When Laughter Is Still (Ron Simpson)
- When Light Peeps O’er the Hill (B. Cecil Gates)
- When Love Came Down (Michael F. Moody)
- When Love Is Kind (Old English melody)
- When Many to the Savior’s Feet (Anon.)
- When Mary Sang Her Lullaby (Sally DeFord)
- When Memory Fades (Jayne Southwick Cool)
- When Mother Bakes (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- When Mother Sews (Czechoslovakian tune; Gladys Pitcher)
- When My Eyes Behold The Beauty (Frank W. Asper)
- When raindrops play (Moiselle Renstrom)
- When Rooks Fly Homeward (Arthur Baynon)
- When Saints Sing Joyful Praise (Marvin K. Gardner; Vanja Y. Watkins)
- When Saints Unite to Sing God’s Praise (Janice Kapp Perry)
- When Shall We All Meet Again? (Joseph G. Fones)
- When Shall We Meet Thee (Edwin F. Parry)
- When Someone Cares (Gwen Moore Cundick)
- When the Day Is Done (Wayne Burton)
- When The Flood Waters Rise (Arlene L. Buffington)
- When the Holy Spirit Speaks (Janice Kapp Perry)
- When the Little Children Sleep (Anon.)
- When the Mists Have Cleared Away (Hans Henry Petersen)
- When the Mists Have Rolled in Splendor (Ira D. Sankey)
- When the Morning Comes (Charles A. Tindley)
- When the Morning Comes (Samuel H. Bradshaw)
- When the Sacrament Is Blessed (Maurine Benson Ozment)
- When the Saints Go Marching In (African-American spiritual)
- When the Savior Comes Again (Lane E. Johnson)
- When the Son of God Was Born (Sally DeFord)
- When the Time is Right (Nik Day; Brynleigh Kinne)
- When the Twilight Shadows Fall (German tune)
- When the Work’s All Done This Fall (D. J. O’Malley)
- When We Are Helpful (H. Hauer)
- When We Meet Again (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- When We’re Helping (German folk song)
- When We Seek Forgiveness from the Lord (Marlene D. Bartlett)
- When You and I Were Young, Maggie (James A. Butterfield)
- When You Believe (Stephen Schwartz)
- When You Call (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- When You Come Back to Me Again (Jenny Yates; Garth Brooks)
- When You Look in the Mirror (Nancy Hanson)
- When Your Heart Says Go (Sam Cardon)
- When You Wish upon a Star (Leigh Harline)
- When Zion’s Children Come (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Where Are You Going to, My Pretty Maid? (English song)
- Where Can I Turn for Peace? (Morgan J. Busch)
- Where Did Life Go? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Where Faith Lives (Cherie Call; Tyler Castleton)
- Where Is Cinderella’s Shoe? (Polish folk tune)
- Where Is He This Morn? (David A. Zabriskie)
- Where Is John? (Friederich Smetana)
- Where Is Love? (Lionel Bart)
- Where is My Wandering Boy To-night? (Robert Lowry)
- Where I Stand (Claire Kaelin; Abe Kaelin)
- Where Is the King of the Jews? (John W. Peterson)
- Where Is The Place Of My Rest? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Where Jesus Walked (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Where Love Is (Joanne Bushman Doxey; Marjorie Castleton Kjar)
- Where Stand I, Lord, with Thee? (Nathan Howe)
- Where the Voice of Friendship’s Heard (Anon.)
- Wherever You Go (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker; Ross Boothe)
- Where You Are (Rich Mullins; David Strasser)
- Where You Stand (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Whether the weather (Anon.)
- Which Is the Properest Day to Sing? (Thomas A. Arne)
- Which Part Is Mine? (Michael McLean)
- While At This Time My Head I Bow (Nina Harris)
- While I Drink the Water Clear (Alexander Schreiner)
- While of these emblems we partake, Dear Lord (Ida H. White)
- While of these emblems we partake (John Detton)
- While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks (Craig Courtney)
- While strolling thro’ the park one day (Ed Haley)
- While We’re Young (Lowell Alexander; Tyler Castleton)
- Whispering Hope (Septimus Winner)
- Whispering Hope (Septimus Winner)
- Whispers (Sam Cardon)
- Whistle When It Rains! (William H. Blake)
- White City (John Longhurst)
- White Coral Bells (Anon.)
- White Dress (Kenneth Cope)
- White (Nik Day; Kalaya Arne)
- Whoa, Haw, Buck, and Jerry Boy (Folk song)
- Who Am I (Nik Day)
- Who Are These Arrayed in White? (Evan Stephens)
- Who Are These Arrayed in White? (Samuel B. Marsh)
- Who Are You?
- Who Are You
- Who can Stand Against the Works of the Lord? (Lewis D. Edwards)
- Who did swallow Jonah? (Pamela Conn Beall; Susan Hagen Nipp)
- Who Has Seen the Wind? (Jay Welch)
- Who Is My Sister? (Charlene A. Newell)
- Who Is the Child? (Michael F. Moody; Stephen Hopkins)
- Who Is This Joseph? (Brett Raymond)
- Who Is This Man? (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Whole Again (Sally DeFord)
- Whose Children Are These? (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Who shall sing if not the children?
- Who Shall Sing if not the Children? (Anon.)
- Who shall sing if not the children? (James P. Olsen)
- Who Taught the Bird? (Joseph Ballantyne)
- Who Was the Prophet? (William C. Clive)
- Who Will Be the Real Hero? (Michael McLean; John Batdorf)
- Who Will Buy? (Lionel Bart)
- Who Will (Nik Day; Taylor Olson; Todd Schwartzman; Chase Baker)
- Who You Are (Hilary Weeks)
- Why Do Bells for Christmas Ring? (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Why Doesn’t It Rain on Me? (L. Albert)
- Why I Believe (Nicole Sheahan)
- Why should I falter (Samuel B. Mitton)
- Why Weepest Thou? (Kathleen Wood Holyoak)
- Wie der Bräutigam zur Erwählten (John Rutter)
- Wie der Hirsch schreit (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Wie ein Fest nach langer Trauer (Johannes Nitsch)
- Wiegenlied: Guten Abend, gute Nacht (Johannes Brahms)
- Wie lieblich ist der Maien (Johann Steurlein)
- Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (Johannes Brahms)
- Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen (Johannes Brahms)
- Wie lieblich sind die Boten (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Wiesbaden (Dale G. Rider)
- Wie schön leuchtet (Philipp Nicolai)
- Wij zijn fijn bijeen (Maria MB Peeters-Lootens)
- Wilby (William Clayson)
- Wilford (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Wilford & Phoebe (Arlen L. Card)
- Wilhelmus van Nassouwen (Adriaen Valerius)
- Willard (Evan Stephens)
- Willes
- Will He Ever Come? (Michael McLean)
- Will He Really Answer Me? (Michael McLean)
- William, Did You Hear Me? (Arlen L. Card)
- Will I Be Ready When He Comes? (Juventa Vezzani)
- Willie, We Have Missed You (Stephen C. Foster)
- Willing (Will L. Thompson)
- Will I Wait for You? (Lex de Azevedo)
- Willow Brook (Charles Lysberg)
- Will She? (April Meservy)
- Will There Be Any Stars? (John R. Sweney)
- Will Ye Turn From Joy? (Sally DeFord)
- Will You Come to the Manger? (Sally DeFord)
- Wilmington (Erik Routley)
- Wilmot (Carl Maria von Weber)
- Wilson (Frank W. Asper)
- Winchester New (Musikalisches Handbuch, Hamburg, 1690)
- Windjammin’ (Kurt Bestor)
- Window to His Love (Julie de Azevedo)
- Windsor (William C. Clive)
- Winds through the olive trees (Anon.)
- Winter (Evan Stephens)
- Winter Work (Arlen L. Card)
- Win the Race (Lex de Azevedo)
- Wir bringen jetzt (Friedrich Silcher)
- Wir hatten gebauet ein stattliches Haus (German student song)
- Wir pflügen und wir streuen (Johann Abraham Peter Schulz)
- Wir sagen euch an den lieben Advent (Heinrich Rohr)
- Wir sind ein Volk, vom Strom der Zeit (Johannes Lößmann)
- Wir sind zum Mahl geladen (Johann Crüger)
- Wisdom I Lack (Evan Stephens)
- With a Grateful Heart (Joan Sowards)
- With All My Heart (Kathleen B. Andersen)
- With a Voice of Singing (Martin Shaw)
- With a Voice of Thanksgiving (Janice Kapp Perry)
- With Better, Purer Eyes (Elaine Scherperel)
- With cheerful hearts and voices sweet (Robert B. Baird)
- With Healing in His Wings (Clive Romney)
- With Hearts Sincere (Thomas C. Griggs)
- With Heavenly Inspiration (Ida H. White)
- With Humble Heart (Thomas L. Durham)
- Within These Walls (Michael F. Moody)
- Within These Walls (Orson F. Whitney)
- With Joy We Own Thy Servants, Lord
- With My Eyes (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- With One Accord, We’ll Sing Thy Praise (Samuel B. Mitton)
- With or Without You (Bono)
- With Pity, Dear Father (Arlene L. Buffington)
- With Priesthood Power (Vanja Y. Watkins)
- With Songs we Hail that Star-lit Night (Edwin F. Parry)
- With the Faith of Alma and Nephi (Janice Kapp Perry)
- With their blood (Evan Stephens)
- With the Touch of His Hand (Steve Eaton)
- With the Voice of Joy and Thanksgiving (George Frideric Handel)
- With You Until the End (Michael Webb)
- Witnesses’ Testimony (Merrill Jenson; Sam Cardon)
- Witness (Nik Day)
- Wlazł kotek (Folk song)
- Wo der Herr das Haus nicht bauet
- Wo findet die Seele (Henry R. Bishop)
- Wohl mir, daß ich Jesum habe (Johann Sebastian Bach)
- Wol Ya i Olsem Wan Garen
- Woman of Virtue (Jeanni Gould)
- Women at the Well (Kenneth Cope; Vickey Pahnke Taylor)
- Women of Faith (Diane Tuiofu)
- Wonderful One (Willy Reske)
- Wonderful People (Nik Day)
- Wondering (Aaron Edson)
- Wonder (Mack Wilberg)
- Wondrous Gift (Micheal R. Carson)
- Wond’rous Love (Southern folk hymn)
- Wondrous Love (Southern Harmony, 1835)
- Wondrous Story (Peter P. Bilhorn)
- Won’t It Be Pretty There In Early Spring (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Won’t It Be Something To See Israel Smile (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Wooburn Green (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Woodburn
- Woodland (Nathaniel D. Gould)
- Woodmansee
- Woodruff (John E. Tullidge)
- Woodworth (William B. Bradbury)
- Word of God Speak (Bart Millard; Peter Kipley)
- Word of Wisdom (Anon.)
- Word of Wisdom Promises (Jeanne P. Lawler)
- Words of a Book (Kenneth Cope)
- Words of Life (Philip P. Bliss)
- Words of the Prophets (Jeanni Gould)
- Work and Play (Anon.)
- Work for the Dead (Joseph H. Dean)
- Work, Work, Work
- World Peace (Sy Miller; Jill Jackson)
- Worship (Alexander Schreiner)
- Worship (George Careless)
- Worthy Is the Lamb (George Frideric Handel)
- Worthy to Enter (Clive Romney)
- Worthy to Serve (Jenny Phillips)
- Worthy to Stand (Tyler Castleton; Staci Peters)
- Would I Know My Savior? (Sally DeFord)
- Would I Know You Now?
- Write Thy Name Upon My Heart (Sally DeFord)
- Wśród nocnej ciszy (Anon.)
- W. X. (Thomas C. Griggs)
- Wykagyl Amen (Philip James)
- Wynona (Felix Mendelssohn)
- Wyoming (George E. Knapp)
- W Żlobie leży (Polish carol)
- Yankee Doodle (Old English tune)
- Ya Se Ha Abierto el Cielo (Homero R. Perera)
- Yates
- Ya Viene el Niñito, Jugando Entre Flores (Traditional Andean carol)
- Yawnin’ in the mornin’ (Old Scottish song)
- Ye Elders of Israel (Andrew Moore)
- Ye Merry Birds (Adam Geibel)
- Ye Must Be Born Again (George C. Stebbins)
- Y en ningún otro hay salvación (Philip W. Blycker)
- Ye shall dwell in the land (John Stainer)
- Ye Shall Have a Song (Randall Thompson)
- Yet in Beauty (Ruth Benson Lehenbauer)
- Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
- Ye Who Are Warriors of God (Hussite war song)
- Yield Not to Temptation (Horatio R. Palmer)
- Yo Intentaré Ser la Roca de la Fe (Pedro Landeros)
- Yo le alabo de corazón
- Yo No He Visto a Mi Padre Celestial (Carmelia de la Paz)
- Yo Quiero Estar Cerca de Ti, Señor
- Yo Quiero Estar con Mi Señor (Rubén Landeros)
- Yorkshire (John Wainwright)
- Yorkshire Melody (Yorkshire carol)
- Yo tengo gozo en mi alma
- Yo tengo un amigo que me ama
- Yo Te Ofrezco, Señor, Hoy Mi Vida (Pedro Landeros)
- You Already Know It (Nik Day; Brandon Casper)
- You Are a Child of Mine (Mark Mitchell Schultz; Christopher Eaton)
- You Are Always There (Jenny Phillips)
- You Are Called (Nik Day)
- You Are Loved (Tawgs Salter)
- You Are My God (Helga Poppe)
- You Are My Miracle
- You Are the Reason My Heart Has a Song (Michael McLean; Chris Harding; Brian Blosil)
- You Are the Reason Why (Clive Romney)
- You Can Believe in Christ (Jeff Goodrich)
- You Can Change (Lowell Alexander; Tyler Castleton)
- You Can Make It (Michael McLean; Judd Maher)
- You Can Smile (Alfred H. Ackley)
- You Can’t Hide Forever (Michael McLean; John Batdorf)
- You Don’t Have to Walk the Plains (Dean Kaelin; Susan Kaelin; Kenneth Cope)
- You Know I Believe in You (Michael McLean)
- You Know Who I Am
- You’ll Be There (Randy Thorderson)
- You’ll Never Run Out of Love (Nik Day)
- You’ll Never Walk Alone (Richard Rodgers)
- You’ll Remember Me (Michael William Balfe)
- You Melt the Madness (Steve Siler; Lowell Alexander)
- You Move Me (Gordon Kennedy; Pierce Pettis)
- You Must Believe There Are Miracles (Michael McLean)
- Young (Hugh W. Dougall)
- Young Joseph (Michael F. Moody)
- Young Men of Zion (Larry W. Bastian)
- You Raise Me Up (Brendan Graham; Rolf Lovland)
- You’re a Friend of Mine (Anon.)
- You’re My Friend
- You’re Not Alone (Michael McLean)
- You’re Not Your Mistakes (Nik Day)
- Your Father’s Child (Eliza Cope)
- Your Happy Birthday (Charlene A. Newell)
- Your Light (Stephanie Smith Mabey)
- Your Love Reminds Me (Nik Day)
- Your Mission
- Your Pearl of Great Price (Carol Biggs Daniels)
- Your Song (Jenny Phillips; Tyler Castleton)
- Your Voice (Nik Day)
- Your Will Be Done (South African melody)
- Youth
- Youth All Over the World
- Youthful Sonnet
- Youth’s Call (William Frederick Hanson)
- You’ve Always Been There for Me (Michael McLean)
- You’ve Got to Know (Rich Gibbons)
- You’ve Had a Birthday (Barbara A. McConochie)
- You Were the One (Michael McLean)
- Y Tri Thrawiad (Anon.)
- Žablji zbor (Anon.)
- Zachariah (George Careless)
- Zadok the Priest (George Frideric Handel)
- Zamba de Confesión (Hugo Armand Pilón; Alvaro Michelin Salomón)
- Zaqueo (Inke Frosch; Alejandro Zorzin)
- Zece elefanţi (Romanian children’s song)
- Zee (Jake Lambson)
- Zegening (Ruud Leegstra; Randall Pratt; David Bolton)
- Zephyr (Harry Aldous)
- Zerah (Lowell Mason)
- Zero Population (Lex de Azevedo)
- Zina (Ebenezer Beesley)
- Zion Arise! the Dark Clouds are Falling (Hugh W. Dougall)
- Zion (Franklyn S. Weddle)
- Zion (George Careless)
- Zion (Merrill Bradshaw)
- Zion Must Go Forth (Douglas L. Ipson)
- Zion’s Border Line (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Zion’s Boys and Girls (Mildred Tanner Pettit)
- Zion’s Camp (Brett Raymond)
- Zion’s Children Sing for Joy (Evan Stephens)
- Zion’s City (Arlene L. Buffington)
- Zion’s Hill (Joseph J. Daynes)
- Zionslied (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
- Zion’s Praises (M. Audentia Anderson)
- Zion’s Sunday School Jubilee Hymn (W. Daunt Scott)
- Zion’s Walls (Aaron Copland)
- Zion Theme (Phil Davis)
- Zion (Thomas Hastings)
- Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah (Allie Wrubel)
- Zła zima (Zygmunt Noskowski)
- Zoan (William H. Havergal)
- Zondagsschoolwerk (Willy Reske)
- Zondagsschoolwerk (Willy Reske)
- Zondagsschoolwerk (Willy Reske)
- Zu Bethlehem geboren
- Zum ta di ya (Czech folk song)
- Zu uns komme dein Reich (Willy Reske)
- 100 Ways to Say Jesus (Eric Malizia)
- 148th Psalm (Gustav Holst; Louis Bourgeois)
- 1895
- 1 Nephi 3:7 (Kamie Jacobs Bolen)
- 20th Century Fox Fanfare (Alfred Newman)
- 23rd Psalm
- 23rd Psalm (Nina Harris)
- Аллилуйя (Iuliia Yeriomina)
- Боже мой (Dmitri Bortniansky)
- Боже, Царя храни! (Alexei Lvov)
- Если Богу верен я (Юлия Бурас (Yulia Buras))
- Ой сивая та і зозуленька (Ukrainian folk song)
- Подолояночка (Ukrainian folk song)
- Слава, слава Богу в вышних (Dmitri Bortniansky)
- הבאנו שלום עליכם / Hevenu Shalom Aleichem
- התקווה (National anthem of Israel)
- ירושלים של זהב (Noemi Shemer)
- צום גלי גלי (Hebrew chant)
- שטײט אַ בחור און ער טראַכט (Yiddish folk song)
- เพลงชาติ (Phra Chenduriyang)
- สรรเสริญพระบารมี (Pyotr Schurovsky)
- くまさん、くまさん
- 子供と犬
- 數蛤蜈 (Szechwan folk song)
- 花は咲く (菅野よう子)
- 茉莉花 (Chinese folk song)
- 踏雪尋梅 (Traditional)
- 青春舞曲 (Xinjiang folk song)
- 青海青 (Traditional)
- 高山青 (Traditional)
Tunes that were first published before 1930, or published before 1964 and not renewed, are marked with , meaning that the original tune is in the public domain (note that texts and arrangements associated with these tunes may not necessarily be in public domain).