Community of Christ Sings (Community of Christ)
Community of Christ Sings (Community of Christ),
Independence, Missouri, USA.
Community of Christ.
Only known edition.
664 songs.
Blue cover with embossed silver lettering and an embossed curve pattern.
Published by Community of Christ (based in Independence, Missouri, previously the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), a Restoration-based denomination.
- Online: cofchrist.org
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: M 2131 .C76 C66 2013; MMC 34:3
- Community of Christ Library: HERALD HOUSE; HERALD HOUSE; HERALD HOUSE V.1; HERALD HOUSE V.1; HERALD HOUSE V.2; HERALD HOUSE V.2; M2131 .C76 C66 2013; M2131 .C76 C662 2013 V.1; M2131 .C76 C662 2013 V.2; REFM2131.C76C66 2013
- Hymnary: CoCS2013
- N/A
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God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
When in Our Music God Is Glorified
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: Charles Villiers Stanford
2. |
How Can We Name a Love
Words: Brian Wren Music: Johann Sebastian Bach
3. |
Many and Great
Words: Joseph R. Renville Music: Native American melody Adapt.: Philip Frazier Arr.: Jack Schrader
4. |
Source and Sovereign, Rock and Cloud
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Welsh hymn melody Arr.: Carlton R. Young
5. |
Bring Many Names
Words: Brian Wren Music: Carlton R. Young
6. |
El amor nunca pasará
Words: 1 Corinthians 13:4–8 Music: Eleazar Cortés Language: Spanish
7. |
God of the Ages
Words: Daniel C. Roberts Music: George W. Warren
8. |
Praise to the Living God
Words: Curtis Beach Music: George J. Elvey
9. |
Who Is God
Words: Brian Wren Music: Joan Collier Fogg
10. |
How Shall We Find You
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: David Haas
11. |
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
Words: Thomas O. Chisholm Music: William M. Runyan Trans.: Honorato Reza; Shirley Judd (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
12. |
Herr, du mein Gott / You Are My God
Words: Helga Poppe Music: Helga Poppe Trans.: Community of Christ; Larry Tyree; Ervelyne Bernard (from German) Arr.: David Bolton Language: German, English, Spanish, French
13. |
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Words: Walter Chalmers Smith Music: Welsh hymn melody Arr.: Caniadau y Cyssegr, 1839
14. |
God Who Cares for All Creation
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Latvian folk melody
15. |
With God All Things Are Possible
Words: John L. Bell Music: John L. Bell
16. |
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Words: Isaac Watts Music: William Croft; Supplement to the New Version, 1708 Arr.: Donald D. Kettring
17. |
With a Word, You Birthed Creation
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Randall Sensmeier
18. |
God of Wonder, God of Thunder
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Dutch melody Arr.: Julius Röntgen
19. |
Amazing Grace
Words: John Newton Music: American folk tune, 19th century Trans.: Barbara C. Mink; Chants d’Esperance; Sida Hodoroabă (from English) Arr.: Rosalee Elser Language: English, Spanish, French
20. |
God Within God Around
Words: Randall Pratt Music: Randall Pratt Arr.: David Bolton
21. |
God the Sculptor of the Mountains
Words: John Thornburg Music: Amanda Husberg
22. |
You, Lord, Are Both Lamb and Shepherd
Words: Sylvia G. Dunstan Music: French carol Arr.: Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978
23. |
I Danced in the Morning
Words: Sydney Carter Music: Joseph Brackett Jr. Arr.: Sydney Carter
24. |
Hidden Christ, Alive Forever
Words: Brian Wren Music: C. Hubert H. Parry
25. |
O Carpenter, Why Leave the Bench
Words: Richard D. Leach Music: James E. Clemens
26. |
Look at This Man, Born of God
Words: Ko Yuki Music: Seigi Abe Trans.: Hiroshi Yamada Adapt.: Geoffrey F. Spencer
27. |
Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Words: Aurelius Prudentius Music: Plainsong, 13th century Trans.: John Mason Neale; Henry W. Baker (from Latin) Arr.: C. Winifred Douglas
28. |
Christ Leads!
Words: Brian Wren Music: Thomas Brown
29. |
Hope of the World
Words: Georgia Harkness Music: V. Earle Copes
30. |
A Man of Ancient Time and Place
Words: Brian Wren Music: Austin C. Lovelace
31. |
I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: Scottish melody Arr.: John L. Bell
32. |
Jesus, Promise of an Angel
Words: John Thornburg Music: Amanda Husberg
33. |
Fairest Lord Jesus
Words: Gesangbuch, Münster, 1677 Music: Silesian folk song; Schlesiche Volkslieder, 1842 Arr.: W. Frederic Miller
34. |
I Know That My Redeemer Lives!
Words: Samuel Medley Music: John C. Hatton Arr.: David McKinley Williams
35. |
We Would See Jesus
Words: J. Edgar Park Music: William J. Reynolds
36. |
O Young and Fearless Prophet
Words: S. Ralph Harlow Music: Swedish melody
37. |
The Wedding Guests Were Waiting
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn Music: John D. Horman
38. |
Who Is This Jesus
Words: Delores Dufner Music: Irish melody Arr.: Jack Schrader
39. |
Crown Him with Many Crowns
Words: Matthew Bridges; Godfrey Thring Music: George J. Elvey Trans.: Godfrey Thring; E. A. Strange; R. Saillens (from English) Arr.: Donald D. Kettring Language: English, Spanish, French
40. |
Jesus, Partner, Lover, Friend
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
41. |
O Risen Christ, Still Wounded
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Hans Leo Hassler Arr.: Johann Sebastian Bach
42. |
As the Wind Song through the Trees
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Swee Hong Lim
43. |
Breath of the Living God / Soplo del Dios viviente
Words: Osvaldo Catena Music: Norwegian melody Trans.: The New Century Hymnal, 1995 (from Spanish) Arr.: Lorraine Floríndez Language: English, Spanish
44. |
O Holy Dove of God Descending
Words: Bryan J. Leech Music: Bryan Jeffery Leech
45. |
Of All the Spirit’s Gifts to Me
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: English folk tune Arr.: Rosalee Elser
46. |
Holy Spirit, Come with Power
Words: Ann Neufeld Rupp Music: The Sacred Harp, 1844 Arr.: Rosalee Elser
47. |
Come Down, O Love Divine
Words: Bianco da Seina Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams Trans.: Richard Frederick Littledale (from Italian) Arr.: W. Herbert Belyea
48. |
Spirit of God, Descend upon My Heart
Words: George Croly Music: Frederick C. Atkinson
49. |
Wind upon the Waters
Words: Marty Haugen Music: Marty Haugen
50. |
Like the Murmur of the Dove’s Song
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Peter Cutts
51. |
God of Dawn, Each Day’s Renewal
Words: Marjorie Dobson Music: Hal H. Hopson
52. |
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!
Words: Reginald Heber Music: John B. Dykes Arr.: Godfrey Hewitt
53. |
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Louis Bourgeois; Genevan Psalter, 1551 Language: English, Spanish, French, Tahitian, Hawaiian
54. |
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Words: Brian Wren Music: Geistliche Kirchengesäng, Cologne, 1623 Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams
55. |
Holy Wisdom, Lamp of Learning
Words: Ruth Duck Music: The Sacred Harp, 1844 Arr.: Rosalee Elser
56. |
The Play of the Godhead
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: William P. Rowan
57. |
Praise with Joy the World’s Creator
Words: Iona Community Music: John Goss
58. |
God of Still Waiting
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Alfred V. Fedak
59. |
Eternal God Transcending Time
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Celtic melody Arr.: Michael Joncas
60. |
Creator God, Creating Still
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: William Croft; Supplement to the New Version, 1708
61. |
When We Seek Language
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Carl F. Schalk
62. |
Womb of Life and Source of Being
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Ludwig van Beethoven Arr.: Edward Hodges
63. |
Afar in Old Judea
Words: Roy A. Cheville Music: Alexander Ewing
64. |
Deep in the Shadows of the Past
Words: Brian Wren Music: Annabeth McClelland Gay
65. |
The Living Word of Scripture
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: Swedish folk melody
66. |
Speak, O Lord
Words: Keith Getty; Stuart Townsend Music: Keith Getty; Stuart Townsend
67. |
Fountain of All Revelation
Words: Deam Ferris Music: Franklyn S. Weddle Arr.: Evan A. Fry
68. |
The Church’s Life
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer; Alan D. Tyree Music: A. Royce Eckhardt
69. |
We Limit Not the Truth of God
Words: George Rawson Music: Louise Hills Lewis Trans.: Rosemary Fishburn; F. Augé-Daulle (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
Praise (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
70. |
God Is Here!
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: Cyril V. Taylor
71. |
Jesu, Tawa Pano / Jesus, We Are Here
Words: Patrick Matsikenyiri Music: Patrick Matsikenyiri Trans.: Basler Mission; Pedro P. Pirón (from Shona) Language: Shona, English, Spanish, French
72. |
Gather Us In
Words: Marty Haugen Music: Marty Haugen
73. |
As We Gather
Words: Tommy Coomes; Mike Fay Music: Tommy Coomes; Mike Fay
74. |
The Lord Be with You
Words: Ron Rienstra Music: Ron Rienstra Arr.: Greg Scheer
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76. |
Lord, You Have Brought Us
Words: Dennis S. Aldridge Music: John B. Dykes
77. |
Gather Your Children
Words: Jaroslav J. Vajda Music: Irish folk melody Arr.: Jack Schrader
78. |
O God of Vision
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665 Arr.: Franklyn S. Weddle
79. |
Called to Gather as God’s People
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Moravian folk melody; Manuscript Chorale Book, 1735
80. |
O Lord, Grace Our Communion
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: Swedish melody Arr.: Mark S. Dickey
81. |
Rejoice, Ye Saints of Latter Days
Words: Sacred Hymns, Emma Smith, 1841 Music: Saints’ Hymnal, 1933
82. |
Uthando Lwam’ Kuwe / My Love for You Will Remain
Words: Sizwe Zako Music: Sizwe Zako Trans.: Mnqobi Ngwenya; Community of Christ; Ervelyne Bernard; Joey Williams (from Xhosa) Language: Xhosa, English, Spanish, French
83. |
Come Away from Rush and Hurry
Words: Marva J. Dawn Music: The Sacred Harp, 1844 Arr.: Jack Schrader
84. |
Uyai Mose / Come All You People
Words: Alexander Gondo Music: Alexander Gondo Trans.: I-to Loh (from Shona) Arr.: John L. Bell Language: Shona, English, Spanish, French
85. |
Pray to the Lord
Words: Oriya song Music: Oriya song Trans.: Larry Tyree; Joey Williams Adapt.: Larry Tyree; Joey Williams
86. |
Halle, Halle, Hallelujah
Words: Caribbean folk song Music: Caribbean folk song Arr.: Hal H. Hopson
87. |
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Words: Robert Robinson Music: American folk tune Trans.: George P. Simmonds; F. Augé-Daullé (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
88. |
Oh, Sing to the Lord / Cantad al Señor
Words: Brazilian folk song Music: Brazilian melody Trans.: Gerhard M. Cartford (from Portuguese) Arr.: Jack Schrader Language: English, Spanish
89. |
When Morning Gilds the Sky
Words: Katholisches Gesangbuch, 1828 Music: Joseph Barnby Trans.: Edward Caswall (from German)
90. |
O God beyond All Praising
Words: Michael A. Perry Music: Gustav Holst
91. |
Laudate Dominum
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: Latin
92. |
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Thomas Jarman
93. |
When the Morning Stars Together
Words: Albert F. Bayly Music: C. Hubert H. Parry
94. |
The God of Abraham Praise
Words: Moses Maimonides; Daniel ben Judah; Thomas Olivers Music: Hebrew melody Trans.: Max Landsberg; Newton Mann Adapt.: Daniel ben Judah Arr.: Meyer Lyon
95. |
Siyahamb’ Ekukhanyen’ Kwenkhos’ / We Are Marching in the Light of God
Words: Andries van Tonder Music: Andries van Tonder Trans.: Thabo Mkize (from English) Arr.: Anders Nyberg Language: Zulu, English, Spanish, French
96. |
Now in This Moment
Words: Fanny J. Crosby; Barbara Howard; Richard Howard Music: Phoebe P. Knapp
97. |
For the Music of Creation
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: C. Huburt H. Parry
98. |
All Creatures of Our God and King
Words: St. Francis of Assisi Music: German hymn; Geistliche Kirchengesäng, Cologne, 1623 Trans.: William H. Draper; J. Miguez Bonino; Jean-Jacques Bovet; Larry Tyree (from Italian) Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams Language: English, Spanish, French
99. |
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
Words: Henry Van Dyke Music: Ludwig van Beethoven Arr.: Edward Hodges
100. |
God of Grace and God of Laughter
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: William Moore; Columbian Harmony, 1825
101. |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Words: Joachim Neander Music: Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665 Trans.: Catherine Winkworth; Federico Fliedner; Larry Tyree; Jules-Marcel Nicole (from German) Arr.: Franklyn S. Weddle Language: English, Spanish, French
102. |
Earth and All Stars
Words: Herbert F. Brokering Music: David N. Johnson Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Shirley Judd (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
103. |
Words: Fintan O’Carroll; Christopher Walker Music: Fintan O’Carroll; Christopher Walker
104. |
Sing to God as Sings the Ocean
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Leavit’s The Christian Lyre, 1830
105. |
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name!
Words: Edward Perronet Music: James Ellor
106. |
Louez le Seigneur ! / Praise, Praise, Praise the Lord!
Words: Cameroon folk hymn Music: Cameroon folk hymn Language: French, English, Spanish
107. |
Creation Flows Unceasingly
Words: Barbara McFarlane Higdon Music: Frederick C. Maker
108. |
Now Sing to Our God
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: Jack Ergo
109. |
Amen, Siakudumisa! / Amen, Sing Praises to the Lord
Words: Stephen C. Molefe Music: S. C. Molefe Language: Xhosa, English, Spanish, French
110. |
All Creation Sings God’s Music
Words: Mary Jackson Cathey Music: John Goss
111. |
Sing to the Lord No Threadbare Song
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Alfred V. Fedak
112. |
I Will Sing, I Will Sing
Words: Max Dyer Music: Max Dyer Trans.: Mary Barbieri; Betty Puricelli; Max Dyer; Peter J. Foth; Lex van Gilse (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German
113. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
114. |
Creator God We Sing / Cantemos al Creador
Words: Carlos Rosas Music: Carlos Rosas Trans.: Dimas Planas-Belfort (from Spanish) Arr.: Raquel M. Martínez Language: English, Spanish
115. |
Je louerai l’Éternel / Praise, I Will Praise You, Lord
Words: Psalm 9:1–2; Claude Frayssé Music: Claude Frayssé Trans.: Kenneth I. Morse (from French) Language: French, English, Spanish
116. |
Words: South African traditional Music: South African melody
117. |
Words: Jerry Sinclair Music: Jerry Sinclair
118. |
Great and Marvelous Are Thy Works
Words: Charles H. Gabriel Music: Charles H. Gabriel Trans.: Clair E. Weldon; Shirley Judd (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
119. |
Words: Muscogee (Creek) song Music: Muscogee (Creek) song Adapt.: Charles H. Webb Language: Muscogee
120. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
121. |
Takwaba Uwabanga Yesu! / There’s No One Like Jesus!
Words: Folk hymn Music: Folk hymn Language: Bemba, English, Spanish, French
122. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
123. |
Jubilate Deo
Words: Liturgical text Music: Michael Praetorius Arr.: Jacques Berthier Language: Latin
124. |
Hallelu, avday Adonai
Words: Psalm 113:1–2 Music: Hebrew song Language: Hebrew (Romanized), Hebrew
125. |
Bless This Food
Words: James E. Clemens Music: James E. Clemens Language: English, Spanish, French, Korean (Romanized), Korean, Japanese (Romanized/Romanji), Japanese
126. |
For Thy Gracious Blessing
Song credits not available
127. |
We Gather Together
Words: Nederlandtsche Gedenckclanck, 1626; Adriaen Valerius Music: Dutch melody Trans.: Theodore Baker (from Dutch) Adapt.: Ruth Duck Arr.: Edward Kremser
128. |
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
Words: Henry Alford Music: George J. Elvey
129. |
O Senhor é a minha força / In the Lord I’ll Be Ever Thankful
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German
130. |
For the Beauty of the Earth
Words: Folliott S. Pierpoint Music: Conrad Kocher Arr.: William H. Monk
131. |
Now Thank We All Our God
Words: Martin Rinkhart Music: Johann Crüger Trans.: Catherine Winkworth (from German) Arr.: Felix Mendelssohn
132. |
For the Fruit of All Creation
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: Welsh melody Arr.: Rosalee Elser
133. |
For Remembered Music Sounding
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Sally Ann Morris
134. |
Give Thanks
Words: Henry Smith Music: Henry Smith
135. |
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: English melody Adapt.: Martin Shaw Arr.: John Ribble
136. |
This Is God’s Wondrous World
Words: Maltbie D. Babcock Music: English melody Arr.: Franklin L. Sheppard
137. |
Touch the Earth Lightly
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Swee-Hong Lim Arr.: Tamryn Parker-Carver
138. |
God of the Sparrow
Words: Jaroslav J. Vajda Music: Carl F. Schalk
139. |
Creating God, Your Fingers Trace
Words: Jeffery Rowthorn Music: Thomas Tallis
140. |
Sacred the Body
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Colin Gibson
141. |
Learn from All the Songs of Earth
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Welsh melody Arr.: Carlton R. Young
142. |
For Beauty of Meadows
Words: Walter H. Farquharson Music: Welsh melody Adapt.: Caniadau y Cyssegr, 1839
143. |
Morning Has Broken
Words: Eleanor Farjeon Music: Gaelic melody Arr.: David Evans
144. |
Each Breath Is Borrowed Air
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Sally Ann Morris
145. |
Restless Weaver
Words: O. I. Cricket Harrison Music: Southern Harmony, 1835 Arr.: John Ferguson
146. |
Halleluya, halleluya sthotramu
Words: Folk hymn Music: Folk hymn Language: Telugu (Romanized), Telugu
147. |
God of Creation
Words: Naomi Russell Music: George Frideric Handel
Confession—Renewal (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
148. |
As the Deer
Words: Psalm 42; Martin Nystrom Music: Martin Nystrom
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150. |
Dios está aquí / God Is Here Today
Words: Raúl Galeano Music: Raúl Galeano Trans.: Steven T. Kimbrough Jr.; Liliane Gerber; Simei Monteiro; Lex van Gilse (from Spanish) Arr.: Pedro Gemín Language: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese, Dutch
151. |
Come and Find the Quiet Center
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Swee Hong Lim
152. |
Ubi Caritas et Amor
Words: Tenth-century text; Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: Latin
153. |
Listen in the Silence
Words: Linnea Good Music: Linnea Good
154. |
Come, Holy Spirit, Come
Words: Vicky Vaughan Adkins Music: Vicky Vaughan Adkins Trans.: Geri Silva Macias; Larry Tyree (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
155. |
Dona Nobis Pacem
Words: Liturgical text Music: Traditional Language: Latin
156. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
157. |
Wa Wa Wa Emimimo / Come, O Holy Spirit, Come
Words: Josiah Olunowo Ositelu Music: Josiah Olunowo Ositelu Trans.: I-to Loh; Mil Voces Para Celebrar; Joey Williams (from Yoruba) Language: Yoruba, English, Spanish, French
158. |
Calm to the Waves
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Thomas Pavlechko
159. |
Santo, santo, santo / Holy, Holy, Holy
Words: Argentine folk song Music: Argentine folk song Trans.: Joëlle Gouël; Alan D. Tyree; Wolfgang Leyk; Elena Snigireva (from Spanish) Language: Spanish, English, French, Tahitian, German, Russian (Romanized), Russian
160. |
Spirit Fill Us
Words: Randall Pratt Music: Randall Pratt Arr.: Janné Grover
161. |
In the Quiet of This Day
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Jenny McLeod
162. |
Meet Me in a Holy Place
Words: Denise M. Barbour Music: Denise M. Barbour Arr.: Jan Kraybill
163. |
Between Our Thoughts
Words: William Livingstone Wallace Music: David Childs
164. |
Prayer of Peace
Words: Navajo prayer; David Haas Music: David Haas
165. |
How Deep the Silence of the Soul
Words: Sylvia G. Dunstan Music: Thomas Tallis
166. |
Though I May Speak with Bravest Fire
Words: Hal H. Hopson Music: English melody Arr.: Hal H. Hopson
167. |
Be Thou My Vision
Words: Dallán Forgaill; Irish hymn, 8th century Music: Irish melody Trans.: Mary E. Byrne (from Irish) Adapt.: Eleanor H. Hull Arr.: Jack Schrader
168. |
I Will Talk to My Heart
Words: William Livingstone Wallace Music: Barry Brinson
169. |
Let This Mind Be in You
Words: Philippians 2:5; James E. Clemens Music: James E. Clemens
170. |
In the Crossroads of This Moment
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Gustav T. Holst
171. |
Open My Heart
Words: Keith Lancaster Music: Keith Lancaster
172. |
God Is Calling
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Polish carol Arr.: David H. Jones
173. |
Come, Let Us Dwell
Words: William Livingstone Wallace Music: James P. Harding
174. |
Praise the Source of Faith and Learning
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Rowland H. Prichard
175. |
I Sought the Lord
Words: Holy Songs, Carols, and Sacred Ballads, 1880; The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904 Music: The Revivalist, 1869 Adapt.: The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904 Arr.: Rosalee Elser
176. |
Teach Me, God, to Wonder
Words: Walter H. Farquharson Music: Ron Klusmeier
177. |
The Path for Our Walking
Words: Patrick Michaels Music: Patrick Michaels
178. |
Searcher of Hearts
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: George J. Elvey
179. |
Lord, Speak to Me
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: Robert A. Schumann
180. |
We Thank You, O God, for Our Prophets
Words: William Fowler Music: Caroline E. Sheridan Norton Trans.: Geri Silva Macias; Esdras Hernández; Larry Tyree (from English) Adapt.: Randall Pratt Language: English, Spanish, French
181. |
Holy Spirit, Teacher, Friend
Words: Joy F. Patterson Music: Sally Ann Morris
182. |
Eternal Spirit of the Living Christ
Words: Frank von Christierson Music: Alfred Morton Smith Arr.: Kermit G. Moldenhauer
183. |
O Living God
Words: Harry J. Fielding Music: Larry E. Johnson
184. |
Kyrie Eleison
Words: Liturgical text Music: Paraguayan melody Arr.: Carlton R. Young Language: Greek (Romanized)
185. |
Golden Breaks the Dawn
Words: Tzu-chen Chao Music: Te-ngai Hu Adapt.: Frank W. Price Arr.: Bliss Wiant
186. |
Let Us Pray for One Another
Words: David H. Smith Music: Scottish melody; Saints’ Harmony, 1889 Adapt.: Maurice L. Draper Arr.: Mark H. Forscutt
187. |
Soften My Heart
Words: Graham Kendrick Music: Graham Kendrick
188. |
I Need Thee Every Hour
Words: Annie S. Hawks Music: Robert Lowry Adapt.: Robert Lowry
189. |
Ate, Wakaƞtaƞka, hoyewayelo
Words: Lakota prayer song Music: Lakota prayer song Language: Lakota
190. |
Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Words: Edwin Hatch Music: Robert Jackson Trans.: George P. Simmonds; Shirley Judd (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
191. |
Mayenziwe ’Ntando Yakho / Your Will Be Done
Words: Anon. Music: South African melody Trans.: George A. Mxadana; John Glaser; Paul-Jean Olangi (from Xhosa) Arr.: John L. Bell Language: Xhosa, English, Spanish, French
192. |
O Lord, Hear My Prayer
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier
193. |
Lord of All Hopefulness
Words: Jan Struther Music: Irish melody Arr.: Jack Schrader
194. |
Dear God, Embracing Humankind
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: Frederick C. Maker
195. |
O God We Call
Words: Linnea Good Music: Linnea Good
196. |
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
Words: George Whelpton Music: George Whelpton
197. |
Lord, Have Mercy
Words: Liturgical text Music: Steve Merkel
198. |
By the Babylonian Rivers
Words: Ewald J. Bash Music: Latvian folk melody Trans.: John Glaser; Daniel Hameline (from English) Arr.: Geoff Weaver Language: English, Spanish, French
199. |
What Comfort Can Our Worship Bring
Words: Adam M. L. Tice Music: Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, 1813 Arr.: The Hymnal Project
200. |
Senzeni Na
Words: South African song Music: South African song Language: Xhosa, Zulu
201. |
How Long, O Lord
Words: Psalm 13; Barbara Woollett Music: Christopher Norton
202. |
When Eyes That We Once Knew as Keen
Words: John Core Music: Scottish melody Arr.: John L. Bell
203. |
When Memory Fades
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Jayne Southwick Cool
204. |
The Storm Came to Honduras
Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Music: Patrick Michaels
205. |
When Senseless Violence
Words: Joy F. Patterson Music: Alfred Morton Smith Arr.: Kermit G. Moldenhauer
206. |
Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Words: Elizabeth C. Clephane Music: Frederick C. Maker
207. |
Creator of Sunrises
Words: Evelyn Palmer Maples Music: Christian Harmony, Jeremiah Ingalls, 1805 Arr.: David N. Johnson
208. |
It’s Me, It’s Me, O Lord
Words: African-American spiritual Music: Negro spiritual Arr.: William Farley Smith
209. |
Lord, Lead Me by Your Spirit
Words: Eric L. Selden Music: Swedish melody Arr.: Mark S. Dickey
210. |
The Love of God
Words: Anders Frostenson Music: Jean Sibelius Trans.: Fred Kaan (from Swedish) Arr.: Hymnal 1933
211. |
Humble Yourself
Words: Folk hymn Music: Folk hymn
212. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
213. |
Through All the World a Hungry Christ
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Freeman Lewis; Columbian Harmony, 1825 Arr.: Louise McAllister
214. |
The Weight of Past and Fruitless Guilt
Words: Cleo Hanthorne Moon Music: Thomas Hastings Arr.: Rosalee Elser
215. |
Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive
Words: Rosamond E. Herklots Music: Supplement to the Kentucky Harmony, 1820
216. |
God Is a Wonder to My Soul
Words: Robert J. Fryson Music: Negro spiritual Arr.: Valeria A. Foster
217. |
When the World Is Babbling Round Us
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn Music: John D. Horman
218. |
Lwe, lwe
Words: Haitian worship chorus Music: Haitian worship chorus Arr.: David Bolton Language: Haitian Creole
219. |
Restore in Us, O God
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Genevan Psalter, 1551
220. |
O My Soul, Bless Your Creator
Words: Psalm 103; United Presbyterian Book of Psalms, 1871 Music: Christian F. Witt; Psalmodia Sacra, Gotha, 1715
221. |
Spirit of Christ, Remember Me
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
222. |
Gentle God, When We Are Driven
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Larry E. Johnson
223. |
I Will Arise and Go
Words: John L. Bell Music: John L. Bell
224. |
O May Your Church Build Bridges
Words: Evelyn Palmer Maples Music: George J. Elvey
225. |
Ososŏ / Come Now, O Prince of Peace
Words: Geonyong Lee Music: Geonyong Lee Trans.: Marion Pope; Martin Junge; Robert Faerber; Dieter Trautwein; Dietrich Werner (from Korean) Language: Korean (Romanized), Korean, English, Spanish, French, German
226. |
He Came Singing Love
Words: Colin Gibson Music: Colin Gibson
227. |
Come Now, You Hungry
Words: Colleen Fulmer; Rufino Zaragoza Music: Colleen Fulmer; Rufino Zaragoza Trans.: Ervelyne Bernard; Joey Williams (from English) Arr.: Daniel Charles Damon Language: English, Spanish, French
228. |
Out of the Depths, O God, We Call
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Robert J. Batastini
229. |
When We Are Called to Sing
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn Music: John B. Dykes
230. |
Come to Me, O Weary Traveler
Words: Sylvia G. Dunstan Music: Sally Ann Morris
231. |
Lord Jesus Christ, Lover of All
Words: John L. Bell Music: John L. Bell
232. |
Healing River of the Spirit
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Sally Ann Morris
233. |
Strong, Gentle Children
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
234. |
There Is a Balm in Gilead
Words: African-American spiritual Music: Southern folk song Trans.: Oscar Rodriguez; Community of Christ (from English) Arr.: Rosalee Elser Language: English, Spanish, French
235. |
Come and Fill / Confitemini Domino
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: English, Latin
236. |
God! When Human Bonds Are Broken
Words: Fred Kaan Music: Joel Blomquist Arr.: Rosalee Elser
237. |
God, Renew Us by Your Spirit
Words: John A. Dalles Music: Southern Harmony, 1835 Arr.: Charles H. Webb
238. |
Blessed Is the Body and the Soul
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
239. |
A Mother Lined a Basket
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn Music: John D. Horman
240. |
Light Dawns on a Weary World
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: William P. Rowan
241. |
Nada te turbe
Words: St. Teresa of Ávila; Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: Spanish
242. |
When We Are Living / Pues si vivimos
Words: Anon.; Roberto Escamilla Music: Spanish melody Trans.: Elise S. Eslinger; George Lockwood (from Spanish) Arr.: Hal H. Hopson
243. |
Pues si vivimos / When We Are Living
Words: Anon.; Roberto Escamilla Music: Spanish melody Arr.: Hal H. Hopson Language: Spanish
244. |
There’s an Old, Old Path
Words: Vida E. Smith Music: M. Audentia Anderson Trans.: Clair E. Weldon; F. Augé-Daullé (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
245. |
There’s an Old, Old Path
Words: Jeff Lindle; Vida E. Smith Music: Jeff Lindle Arr.: David Bolton
246. |
I Know Not What the Future Hath
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: James Leith Macbeth Bain Arr.: Gordon Jacob
247. |
My Shepherd Will Supply My Need
Words: Isaac Watts Music: American folk tune Arr.: Rosalee Elser
248. |
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
Words: Martin Luther Music: Martin Luther Trans.: Frederick H. Hedge (from German)
249. |
Si tuvieras fe / If You Only Had Faith
Words: Matthew 17:20–21 Music: Spanish Caribbean Pentecostal chorus Trans.: Pablo D. Sosa; Sida Hodoroabă (from Spanish) Adapt.: Jorge Lockward Arr.: Community of Christ Language: Spanish, English, French
250. |
How Firm a Foundation
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: American melody Arr.: Rosalee Elser
251. |
Jesus Loves Me
Words: Anna Warner Music: William B. Bradbury
252. |
Blessed Be Your Name
Words: Matt Redman; Beth Redman Music: Matt Redman; Beth Redman
253. |
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
Words: Joseph M. Scriven Music: Charles C. Converse
254. |
Jesus, Jesus, Ever Near Us
Words: Randall Pratt Music: Randall Pratt Arr.: Community of Christ
255. |
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot
Words: African-American spiritual Music: African-American spiritual Arr.: Bill Thomas
256. |
Tenderly, Tenderly, Lead Thou Me On
Words: Joseph Smith III Music: Norman W. Smith
257. |
Standing on the Promises
Words: R. Kelso Carter Music: R. Kelso Carter
258. |
Shall Tribulation or Distress
Words: Romans 8:31–39; Mary Louise Bringle Music: Sally Ann Morris
259. |
The Lord’s My Shepherd
Words: Francis Rous Music: Jessie Seymour Irvine
260. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
261. |
We Shall Overcome
Words: Charles A. Tindley Music: Charles Albert Tindley Arr.: William Farley Smith
262. |
The King of Love My Shepherd Is
Words: Henry W. Baker Music: Irish melody Arr.: The English Hymnal, 1906
263. |
My Life Flows On in Endless Song
Words: Pauline T. Music: Robert Lowry Arr.: David N. Johnson
264. |
O Lord, My Shepherd
Words: Psalm 23; Delores Dufner Music: Wyeth’s Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, 1813 Arr.: The Hymnal Project
265. |
Jésus est le rocher de ma vie / Jesus Is the Rock for You and Me
Words: French worship chorus Music: French worship chorus Arr.: David Bolton Language: French, English, Spanish
266. |
All My Days
Words: Laurie Zelman Music: Mark A. Miller
267. |
We Wait in Hope for the Lord
Words: Psalm 33:20–22; James E. Clemens Music: James E. Clemens
268. |
By Gracious Powers / Von guten Mächten treu und still umgeben
Words: Dietrich Bonhoeffer Music: Otto Abel Trans.: Fred Pratt Green (from German) Arr.: Pamela K. Robison Language: English, German
269. |
Let My Spirit Always Sing
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Rusty Edwards
The Church (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
270. |
God of All Time
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Alfred Scott-Gatty
271. |
Alleluia! Hear God’s Story
Words: Mary Anne Parrott Music: Polish melody Arr.: David H. Jones
272. |
On the Journey to Emmaus
Words: Marty Haugen Music: Gaelic melody Arr.: John R. Bell
273. |
Draw the Circle Wide
Words: Gordon Light Music: Gordon Light Arr.: Andrew Donaldson
274. |
God, We Gather as Your People
Words: David Lohman Music: David Lohman
275. |
Leftover People in Leftover Places
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Colin Gibson
276. |
All Are Welcome
Words: Marty Haugen Music: Marty Haugen
277. |
Welcome, Jesus, You Are Welcome
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
278. |
There’s a Church within Us
Words: Kent E. Schneider Music: Kent E. Schneider
279. |
Living Stones
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Cyril V. Taylor
280. |
Lord, Prepare Me
Words: John W. Thompson; Randy Scruggs Music: John Thompson; Randy Scruggs
281. |
Can Steel and Stone and Swirling Spire
Words: Danny A. Belrose Music: Clement Scholefield
282. |
God Is Still Speaking
Words: Barbara Hamm Music: Barbara Hamm
283. |
When, in Awe of God’s Creation
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: Rowland H. Prichard
284. |
Why Should the Earth Disclose a Face
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: Robert A. Schumann
285. |
For Everyone Born
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Brian Mann Trans.: John Glaser; Ervelyne Bernard (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
286. |
Let Justice Flow Down
Words: Douglas Romanow Music: Douglas Romanow
287. |
Come and Bring Light
Words: Kevin Keil Music: Kevin Keil
288. |
Let Justice Roll like a River
Words: Marty Haugen Music: Marty Haugen
289. |
Friend of the Streetwalker
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Alfred V. Fedak
290. |
When the Poor Ones / Cuando el pobre
Words: José A. Oliver; Miguel Manzano Music: José A. Oliver; Miguel Manzano Trans.: George Lockwood (from Spanish) Arr.: Alvin Schutmaat
291. |
Cuando el pobre / When the Poor Ones
Words: José A. Oliver; Miguel Manzano Music: José A. Oliver; Miguel Manzano Arr.: Alvin Schutmaat Language: Spanish
292. |
The People Walk / Un pueblo que camina
Words: Juan A. Espinosa Music: Juan A. Espinosa Trans.: Martin A. Seltz (from Spanish) Language: English, Spanish
293. |
When Israel Was in Egypt’s Land
Words: African-American spiritual Music: Negro spiritual
294. |
When Israel Was in Egypt’s Land
Words: African-American spiritual Music: Negro spiritual Arr.: Robert Lewis
295. |
The Church of Christ in Every Age
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: English melody Arr.: Hymns Ancient and Modern, Revised, 1950
296. |
Companion of the Poor
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
297. |
For the Healing of the Nations
Words: Fred Kaan Music: David McCarthy
298. |
I Am Standing Waiting
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: French melody
299. |
We Call Out to You
Words: Nepali song Music: Nepali melody Adapt.: Nelda Kerr; Anon. Arr.: David Bolton
300. |
What Does the Lord Require
Words: Micah 6:6–8; Albert F. Bayly Music: Erik Routley
301. |
We Cannot Own the Sunlit Sky
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Joy F. Patterson Arr.: Randall Senmeier
302. |
Beauty for Brokenness
Words: Graham Kendrick Music: Graham Kendrick
303. |
Till All the Jails Are Empty
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: John L. Bell Arr.: Daniel Charles Damon
304. |
Sometimes We Wait, Expecting God
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
305. |
We Are the Ones the World Awaits
Words: Edith Sinclair Downing Music: English melody Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams
306. |
We Are People of God’s Peace
Words: Menno Simons Music: Johnann Roh Trans.: Esther Bergen (from Dutch)
307. |
Let There Be Peace on Earth
Words: Sy Miller; Jill Jackson Music: Sy Miller; Jill Jackson Trans.: Coco Ramos; Winifred Sarre (from English) Arr.: Charles H. Webb Language: English, Spanish, French
308. |
Come, Join in Mary’s Prophet Song
Words: Adam M. L. Tice Music: Celtic melody Arr.: Michael Joncas
309. |
Put Peace into Each Other’s Hands
Words: Fred Kaan Music: Irish melody Arr.: The English Hymnal, 1906
310. |
Peace Salaam Shalom
Words: Pat Humphries; Sandy Opatow Music: Pat Humphries; Sandy Opatow Language: English, Spanish, French
311. |
Hevenu shalom alaychem / La paz esté con nostotros
Words: Jerusalem Talmud Music: Jewish melody Trans.: Cesáreo Gabaráin (from Hebrew) Language: Hebrew (Romanized), Spanish, Hebrew
312. |
O God of Every Nation
Words: William Watkins Reid Jr. Music: James E. Clemens
313. |
One Common Prayer
Words: Audrey Schulz Music: Audrey Schulz
314. |
When the Darkness Overwhelms Us
Words: Jim Strathdee Music: Jim Strathdee
315. |
O Christ Who by a Cross
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Alfred Morton Smith Arr.: Kermit G. Moldenhauer
316. |
O God of Love, Grant Us Your Peace
Words: John A. Dalles Music: David G. Wilson Arr.: Noël Tredinnick
317. |
The Peace of Jesus Christ
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Arr.: Pamela K. Robison
318. |
Peace of Jesus
Words: Danny A. Belrose Music: Welsh melody
319. |
God’s Melody of Peace
Words: Barbara Howard; Richard Howard Music: Robert Lowry
320. |
The Peace of Mind
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: Thomas Tallis
321. |
Gonna Lay Down My Sword and Shield
Words: African-American spiritual Music: Negro spiritual
322. |
Let the Truth Shine in Our Speaking
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Sally Ann Morris
323. |
Let Us Sing a Worldwide Anthem
Words: Roy A. Cheville Music: Franz Joseph Haydn
324. |
We Need Each Other’s Voice to Sing
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Jan Kraybill
325. |
Blest Be the Tie that Binds
Words: John Fawcett Music: Hans Georg Nägeli Trans.: Barbara C. Mink; Edmond L. Budry (from English) Arr.: Lowell Mason Language: English, Spanish, French
326. |
In Christ We Live
Words: Brian Wren Music: English folk tune Arr.: Rosalee Elser
327. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
328. |
With Gifts That Differ by Your Grace
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Arthur G. Clyde
329. |
All Who Love and Serve Your City
Words: Erik Routley Music: The United States Sacred Harmony, 1799 Arr.: Carlton R. Young
330. |
Summoned by the God Who Made Us
Words: Delores Dufner Music: John Wyeth
331. |
For All the Saints
Words: William Walsham How Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams Adapt.: Richard Clothier
332. |
Sing of Colors / De colores
Words: Mexican folk song Music: Mexican folk song Trans.: The New Century Hymnal, 1995 (from Spanish) Arr.: Raquel M. Martínez Language: English, Spanish
333. |
Help Us Accept Each Other
Words: Fred Kaan Music: Samuel S. Wesley
334. |
Though the Spirit’s Gifts Are Many
Words: David Gambrell Music: Rowland H. Prichard
335. |
Here, O Lord, Your Servants Gather
Words: Tokuo Yamaguchi Music: Isao Koizumi Trans.: Everett M. Stowe (from Japanese)
336. |
Who Is My Mother, Who Is My Brother?
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Jack Schrader
337. |
Somos el cuerpo de Cristo / We Are the Body of Christ
Words: Jaime Cortez; Bob Hurd Music: Jaime Cortez Arr.: Jeffrey Honoré Language: Spanish, English
338. |
Kanisa Litajengwa / Oh, Who Will Build the Church Now?
Words: Kenyan worship chorus Music: Kenyan worship chorus Trans.: Steven T. Kimbrough Jr.; John Glaser; Larry Tyree (from Swahili) Arr.: Jorge Lockward Language: Swahili, English, Spanish, French
339. |
In Christ There Is No East or West
Words: William A. Dunkerley Music: American melody Arr.: Richard Clothier
340. |
We Are Children of Creation
Words: Barbara Hamm Music: Hal H. Hopson
341. |
Arabs, Romans, Jews, and Gentiles
Words: Patrick Michaels Music: Franklyn S. Weddle Adapt.: Evan A. Fry
342. |
Too Often, God, Your Name Is Used
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Sally Ann Morris
343. |
Listen for the Call of God
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Joseph Parry
344. |
Creator of the Intertwined
Words: Jacque B. Jones Music: English melody Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams
345. |
Year by Year
Words: Brian Wren Music: Susan Heafield
346. |
Lord, Whose Love
Words: Albert F. Bayly Music: Rowland H. Prichard
347. |
The Church of Christ Cannot Be Bound
Words: Adam M. L. Tice Music: Negro spiritual Arr.: Harry T. Burleigh
348. |
We Serve the Prince of Peace
Words: Terry W. York Music: C. David Bolin
349. |
God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens
Words: Catherine Cameron Music: William Moore; Columbian Harmony, 1825 Arr.: Rosalee Elser
350. |
We Are a Family of Faith
Words: R. Jay Goos Music: R. Jay Goos
351. |
To Be Your Presence
Words: Delores Dufner Music: Charles V. Stanford
352. |
We Are the Singers Who Celebrate Jesus
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Sally Ann Morris
353. |
Let Your Heart Be Broken
Words: Bryan J. Leech Music: Bryan Jeffery Leech Arr.: Fred Bock
354. |
Community of Christ
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Hebrew melody Arr.: Meyer Lyon
355. |
Whatever You Do
Words: Carolyn Winfrey Gillette Music: Christian Harmony, 1805 Arr.: David N. Johnson
356. |
Christ Has Changed the World’s Direction!
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Herbert Howells
357. |
Christ, You Call Us All to Service
Words: Joy F. Patterson Music: John D. Horman
358. |
When the Church of Jesus
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: Bryan Jeffery Leech Arr.: Fred Bock
359. |
We Are One in the Spirit
Words: Peter Scholtes Music: Peter Scholtes Trans.: Barbara C. Mink; Shirley Judd; Winifred Sarre; J. C. Bouissou (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
360. |
God of the Future
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Colin Gibson
361. |
God of Every Generation
Words: Mary Nelson Keithahn Music: John D. Horman
362. |
Prophetic Church, the Future Waits
Words: Marion Franklin Ham Music: Franklyn S. Weddle Arr.: Evan A. Fry
363. |
Go, Make of All Disciples
Words: Leon M. Adkins Music: Henry Smart
364. |
Lord, Make Us Instruments
Words: St. Francis of Assisi Music: Kirk Dearman; Deby Dearman Adapt.: Kirk Dearman; Deby Dearman
365. |
The City Is Alive, O God
Words: William Watkins Reid Jr. Music: Gustav T. Holst
366. |
As God Is Joy
Words: Randall Pratt Music: Randall Pratt Arr.: David Bolton
367. |
Jesu, Jesu, Fill Us with Your Love
Words: Tom Colvin Music: Ghanaian folk song Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Clair E. Weldon; Winifred Sarre; J. C. Bouissou (from English) Arr.: Tom Colvin; Charles H. Webb Language: English, Spanish, French
368. |
In Nature’s Voice We Hear You, Lord
Words: Mildred Jordan Music: German melody Arr.: Samuel Dyer
369. |
Now It Is Evening
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: David Haas
370. |
I Love to Tell the Story
Words: Katherine Hankey Music: William G. Fischer
371. |
Let Our Earth Be Peaceful
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Joy F. Patterson
372. |
Clouds of Witnesses Surround Us
Words: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr. Music: Robert A. Hobby
373. |
Church of Christ Now Poised Anew
Words: Franklyn S. Weddle Music: Franklyn S. Weddle
374. |
Bear Each Other’s Burdens
Words: Barbara Howard Music: Welsh carol Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Winifred Sarre (from English) Arr.: Caradog Roberts Language: English, Spanish, French
375. |
Grace Moves in Rhythms
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Randall Sensmeier
376. |
For Such a Time
Words: David Wright Music: James E. Clemens
377. |
Sizohamba Naye / We Will Walk with God
Words: Swaziland folk hymn Music: Swaziland melody Trans.: John L. Bell (from Xhosa) Adapt.: The Swedish Exchange Project Language: Xhosa, English, Spanish, French
378. |
Oh, How Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit
Words: Richard K. Avery; Donald S. Marsh Music: Richard K. Avery; Donald S. Marsh
379. |
O for a World
Words: Miriam Therese Winter Music: Carl G. Gläser Arr.: Lowell Mason
380. |
O Day of Peace
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: C. Hubert H. Parry Arr.: Charles H. Webb
381. |
Come Now, Sound the Call of Zion
Words: Eric L. Selden Music: Henry R. Mills
382. |
Tiona Nehenehe
Words: Community of Christ Music: Community of Christ Arr.: David Bolton Language: Tahitian
383. |
Circle Round for Freedom
Words: Linda Hirschhorn Music: Linda Hirschhorn
384. |
The Spirit of God like a Fire Is Burning
Words: William W. Phelps Music: English melody Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Community of Christ; F. Augé-Daullé; Larry Tyree (from English) Adapt.: Andrew Bolton; Randall Pratt Language: English, Spanish, French
385. |
What Is the World Like
Words: Adam M. L. Tice Music: Sally Ann Morris
386. |
The Cause of Zion Summons Us
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: William Croft
387. |
Bring Forth the Kingdom
Words: Marty Haugen Music: Marty Haugen
388. |
Redeemer of Israel
Words: Joseph Swain; William W. Phelps (adapter) Music: Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, Wyeth, 1813; Freeman Lewis Trans.: Vernon L. Peterson; Winifred Sarre (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
389. |
This Is My Song
Words: Lloyd Stone Music: Jean Sibelius Trans.: Elida G. Falcon; Larry Tyree (from English) Adapt.: Georgia Harkness Arr.: Hymnal 1933 Language: English, Spanish, French
390. |
Onward to Zion
Words: Frederick M. Smith Music: Franklyn S. Weddle
Christian Year (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
391. |
On Jordan’s Banks the Baptist’s Cry
Words: Charles Coffin Music: Trier manuscript Arr.: Michael Praetorius
392. |
All Earth Is Hopeful
Words: Alberto Taulé Music: Alberto Taulé Trans.: Madeleine Forell Marshall (from Spanish) Arr.: Skinner Chávez-Melo
393. |
Toda la Tierra / All Earth Is Hopeful
Words: Alberto Taulé Music: Alberto Taulé Arr.: Skinner Chávez-Melo Language: Spanish
394. |
O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Words: Latin, 9th century Music: French melody Trans.: John Mason Neale; Henry S. Coffin (from Latin) Arr.: Thomas Helmore
395. |
People, Look East
Words: Eleanor Farjeon Music: French melody Arr.: Martin Shaw
396. |
Blessed Be the God of Israel
Words: Michael A. Perry Music: Hal H. Hopson
397. |
God Almighty, We Are Waiting
Words: Ann Bell Worley Music: William Moore; Columbian Harmony, 1825
398. |
Hope Is a Light
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon Trans.: John Glaser; Joey Williams (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
399. |
Wait for the Lord
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier
400. |
Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Rowland H. Prichard
401. |
View the Present through the Promise
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Francis Jackson
402. |
Peace Child
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Patrick Michaels
403. |
like a child
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
404. |
Canticle of the Turning
Words: Luke 1:46–55; Rory Cooney Music: Irish melody Arr.: Rory Cooney
405. |
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
Words: Liturgy of St. James; Gerard Moultrie Music: French carol Adapt.: Gerard Moultrie Arr.: Lutheran Book of Worship
406. |
Tomorrow Christ Is Coming
Words: Fred Kaan Music: Erik Routley
407. |
Comfort, Comfort Now My People
Words: Isaiah 40:1–5; Johannes G. Olearius Music: Louis Bourgeois; Genevan Psalter, 1551 Trans.: Catherine Winkworth (from German)
408. |
Joy to the World!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Frideric Handel Arr.: Lowell Mason
409. |
Go, Tell It on the Mountain
Words: Southern folk song Music: Southern folk song Adapt.: John W. Work Jr. Arr.: John W. Work III
410. |
Holy Night, Blessed Night
Words: Weiyu Zhu; Jingren Wu Music: Qigui Shi Trans.: Kathleen Moody (from Chinese (Traditional)) Arr.: Pen-li Chen
411. |
God’s Love Made Visible!
Words: Iola Brubeck Music: Dave Brubeck
412. |
Jesus, Our Brother, Kind and Good
Words: French carol Music: French carol Arr.: Carlton R. Young
413. |
Canto de las posadas
Words: Latin American carol Music: Latin American carol Arr.: Raquel M. Martínez Language: Spanish
414. |
Joseph, Kind Joseph
Words: Naomi Russell Music: Appalachian folk hymn; R. Herron Arr.: John Obetz
415. |
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day
Words: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Music: John Baptiste Calkin
416. |
Infant Holy, Infant Lowly
Words: Polish carol; Piotrowi Skardze Music: Polish carol Adapt.: Edith M. G. Reed Arr.: David H. Jones
417. |
How Far Is It to Bethlehem?
Words: Frances A. Chesterton Music: English melody Arr.: Community of Christ
418. |
No Obvious Angels
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Carlton R. Young
419. |
Silvery Star, Precious Star
Words: Elbert A. Smith Music: M. Audentia Anderson
420. |
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Carlton R. Young
421. |
Silent Night! Holy Night! / Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht!
Words: Joseph Mohr Music: Franz Gruber Language: English, German
422. |
In the Bleak Midwinter
Words: Christina G. Rossetti Music: Gustav Holst
423. |
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Felix Mendelssohn Arr.: William H. Cummings
424. |
The First Noël
Words: English carol; Christmas Carols, W. Sandys, 1833 Music: English carol; Christmas Carols, W. Sandys, 1833 Arr.: John Stainer; David Willcocks
425. |
Away in a Manger
Words: Martin Luther; Little Children’s Book for Schools and Families, 1885 Music: William J. Kirkpatrick Adapt.: John Thomas McFarland Arr.: Rosalee Elser
426. |
Away in a Manger
Words: Martin Luther; Little Children’s Book for Schools and Families, 1885 Music: James R. Murray Adapt.: John Thomas McFarland
427. |
Angels We Have Heard on High
Words: French carol Music: French carol Arr.: Austin C. Lovelace
428. |
Lovely Child, Holy Child
Words: David N. Johnson Music: American folk melodies; David N. Johnson
429. |
Once in Royal David’s City
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: Henry J. Gauntlett
430. |
When the Present Holds No Promise
Words: Danny A. Belrose Music: Sally Ann Morris
431. |
O Come, All Ye Faithful
Words: Latin hymn, 18th century; John F. Wade Music: John F. Wade Trans.: Frederick Oakeley; Anon. (from Latin) Arr.: David Willcocks
432. |
What Child Is This
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: English folk song, 16th century Arr.: John Stainer
433. |
Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
Words: Heinrich Seuse; John Mason Neale (adapter) Music: German melody, 14th century Trans.: John Mason Neale Arr.: John Stainer; Herbert Arthur Chambers
434. |
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Words: Phillips Brooks Music: Lewis H. Redner
435. |
I Wonder as I Wander
Words: Appalachian folk hymn; John Jacob Niles Music: Appalachian folk hymn; John Jacob Niles Adapt.: John Jacob Niles Arr.: Donald P. Hustad
436. |
Angels, from the Realms of Glory
Words: James Montgomery Music: Henry T. Smart
437. |
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming
Words: German carol, 16th century Music: German carol; Alte Catholische Geistliche Kirchengesäng, Cologne 1599 Trans.: Theodore Baker; Harriet Krauth Spaeth (from German) Arr.: Michael Praetorius
438. |
We Three Kings of Orient Are
Words: John Henry Hopkins Jr. Music: John Henry Hopkins Jr.
439. |
As Joseph Lay in Troubled Sleep
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: William P. Rowan
440. |
From a Far-off Land / De tierra lejana venimos
Words: Puerto Rican carol Music: Puerto Rican carol Trans.: Adrienne Tindall (from Spanish) Arr.: Walter Ehret
441. |
De tierra lejana venimos / From a Far-off Land
Words: Puerto Rican carol Music: Puerto Rican carol Arr.: Walter Ehret Language: Spanish
442. |
When Jesus Came to Jordan
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch, 1693 Arr.: Felix Mendelssohn
443. |
Joseph, Son of an Ancient King
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
444. |
Not in Grand Estate
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Osvaldo D. Vena
445. |
Wise Men Came Journeying
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Scottish melody
446. |
Sing of God Made Manifest
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Jakob Hintze Arr.: Johann Sebastian Bach
447. |
Lully Lullay, Thou Little Tiny Child
Words: Robert Croo Music: English melody Arr.: Martin Shaw
448. |
Peace Among Earth’s Peoples
Words: Margery Stomme Selden Music: Margery Stomme Selden
449. |
Jesus, Tempted in the Desert
Words: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr. Music: Thomas J. Williams
450. |
Lead Me, Lord
Words: Psalm 5:8 Music: Samuel S. Wesley
451. |
The Glory of These Forty Days
Words: Gregory the Great Music: Klug’s Geistliche Lieder, 1543 Trans.: Maurice F. Bell (from Latin) Arr.: Johann Sebastian Bach
452. |
Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley
Words: African-American spiritual Music: African-American spiritual
453. |
When We Are Tested
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Alfred V. Fedak
454. |
What Wondrous Love Is This
Words: Appalachian folk hymn; Alexander Means Music: Southern Harmony, 1835 Arr.: Louita Clothier
455. |
How Long, O God, How Long?
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: The Universal Psalmodist, Aaron William, 1763 Arr.: David Bolton
456. |
’Tis Midnight, and on Olive’s Brow
Words: William B. Tappan Music: William B. Bradbury
457. |
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Gregorian chant; Lowell Mason Adapt.: Jesse Reeves; Chris Tomlin; J. D. Walt Arr.: Jesse Reeves; Chris Tomlin; J. D. Walt
458. |
Were You There
Words: African-American spiritual Music: African-American spiritual
459. |
Jesus, Remember Me
Words: Luke 23:42; Taizé Community; Jacques Berthier Music: Jacques Berthier
460. |
Why Has God Forsaken Me?
Words: William Livingstone Wallace Music: Taihei Sato
461. |
Ah, Holy Jesus
Words: Johann Heermann Music: Johann Crüger Trans.: Robert Bridges (from German)
462. |
Rejected and Despised
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: William P. Rowan
463. |
O Sacred Head, Now Wounded
Words: Arnulf of Leuven; Paul Gerhardt Music: Hans Leo Hassler Trans.: James W. Alexander (from German) Arr.: Johann Sebastian Bach
464. |
Holy Woman, Graceful Giver
Words: Susan Palo Cherwien Music: Patrick Michaels
465. |
Filled with Excitement / Mantos y palmas
Words: Rubén Ruíz Avila Music: Rubén Ruíz Avila Trans.: Gertrude C. Suppe (from Spanish) Arr.: Alvin Schutmaat Language: English, Spanish
466. |
No Tramp of Soldiers’ Marching Feet
Words: Timothy Dudley-Smith Music: David W. Music
467. |
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
Words: Theodulph of Orleans Music: Melchior Teschner Trans.: John Mason Neale (from Latin) Arr.: William H. Monk; O. I. Cricket Harrison
468. |
Bleibet hier
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier Language: German
469. |
Sanna, Sannanina
Words: John 12:13 Music: South African melody Arr.: Geoff Weaver Language: Xhosa
470. |
Shadows Lengthen into Night
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Sally Ann Morris
471. |
Mfurahini, Haleluya / Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia
Words: Bernard Kyamanywa Music: Tanzanian melody Trans.: Howard S. Olson; Joey Williams; George Pfalzgraf (from Swahili) Language: Swahili, English, Spanish, French
472. |
Earth, Earth, Awake!
Words: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr. Music: Sally Ann Morris
473. |
Christ Is Alive!
Words: Brian Wren Music: Thomas Williams’ Psalmodia Evangelica, 1789
474. |
Celebrate Jesus
Words: Gary Oliver Music: Gary Oliver Language: English, Spanish, French
475. |
Lift Your Glad Voices
Words: Henry Ware Jr. Music: Isaac B. Woodbury
476. |
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Words: Latin hymn Music: Lyra Davidica, 1708 Trans.: Lyra Davidica, 1708; The New Century Hymnal, 1995 (from Latin)
477. |
The Risen Christ
Words: Nigel Weaver Music: Walter Greatorex Arr.: John W. Wilson
478. |
Woman, Weeping in the Garden
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
479. |
Good Christians All, Rejoice
Words: Cyril A. Alington Music: Melchior Vulpius
480. |
That Easter Morn, at Break of Day
Words: Jean Tisserand Music: French melody; Airs sur les hymnes sacrez, 1623 Trans.: John Mason Neale (from Latin) Adapt.: Delores Dufner
481. |
Christ Is Living / Cristo vive
Words: Nicolás Martínez Music: Pablo Sosa Trans.: Carolyn Jennings (from Spanish) Language: English, Spanish
482. |
Now the Green Blade Rises
Words: John M. C. Crum Music: French carol
483. |
On Pentecost They Gathered
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: Neuvermehrtes Gesangbuch, 1693 Arr.: Felix Mendelssohn
484. |
God Turned the Spirit Loose in Wind
Words: John Core Music: Claude L. Bass
485. |
Wind Who Makes All Winds That Blow
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Joseph Parry
486. |
O Breath of Life
Words: Elizabeth Ann P. Head Music: Mary J. Hammond
The Sacraments (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
487. |
The Vision of a Life to Be
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: Mary A. Bradford
488. |
Lord, We Bring to You Our Children / Hoy queremos presentarte
Words: Vernon L. Peterson Music: Barbara C. Mink Trans.: Larry Tyree; Bruce Lindgren (from Spanish) Language: English, Spanish
489. |
Lord, Let Your Holy Spirit Come
Words: Mabel Williams Crayne Music: Gioachino Rossini Adapt.: Evelyn Maples Arr.: Collection of Church Music, Henry W. Greatorex, 1851
490. |
Lord, for the Gift of Children
Words: Duane Blakley Music: Finnish melody Arr.: David Evans
491. |
Wonder of Wonders
Words: Brian Wren Music: Gaelic melody Arr.: David Evans
492. |
O God, You Call, Create, and Lead
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: Henry Percy Smith
493. |
O God in Heaven, We Believe
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Southern Harmony, 1835 Arr.: Charles H. Webb
494. |
Sing Praise for Rain That Washes Earth
Words: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr. Music: Southern Harmony, 1835 Arr.: Charles H. Webb
495. |
This Is a Day of New Beginnings
Words: Brian Wren Music: Carlton R. Young
496. |
See What Love We Have Been Given!
Words: John A. Dalles Music: Marty Haugen
497. |
Redeeming Grace
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: John B. Dykes
498. |
Yo quiero ser / I Want to Be
Words: Latin American song Music: Latin American song Trans.: Ervelyne Bernard (from Spanish) Language: Spanish, English, French
499. |
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
Words: S. Sundar Singh Music: Hindustani melody Trans.: Community of Christ (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
500. |
By the Well, a Thirsty Woman
Words: Elizabeth Stilborn Music: Diana Wilcox
501. |
Here at the Water’s Brink We Stand
Words: Sacred Hymns, Emma Smith, 1841 Music: Louise Hills Lewis
502. |
With Water Freely Flowing
Words: Larry E. Schultz Music: Hal H. Hopson
503. |
Come as a Child
Words: Gary Alan Smith Music: Gary Alan Smith
504. |
In This New Moment
Words: Ernesto Barros Cardoso; Darlene Schützer; Paulo R. Salles Garcia; Tércio Junker; Dea C. Affini; Eder Soares Music: Ernesto Barros Cardoso; Darlene Schützer; Paulo R. Salles Garcia; Tércio Junker; Dea C. Affini; Eder Soares Trans.: Daniel Charles Damon (from Portuguese) Arr.: David Bolton
505. |
Holy Spirit, Come, Confirm Us
Words: Brian Foley Music: V. Earle Copes
506. |
Behold Your Sons and Daughters
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Louise Hills Lewis
507. |
O Christ, My Lord, Create in Me
Words: Chester E. Custer Music: Thomas Hastings Arr.: Rosalee Elser
508. |
O God in Whom All Life Begins
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Kevin R. Hackett
509. |
At the Heart of Sacred Calling
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: Richard K. Carlson
510. |
O Lord, We Come as Children All
Words: Alan D. Tyree Music: American folk tune Arr.: Rosalee Elser
511. |
Three Things I Promise
Words: Brian Wren Music: Daniel Charles Damon
512. |
O God, to Us Be Present Here
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: André Grétry Arr.: William J. Kirkpatrick
513. |
We Come, O God, in This Sweet Hour
Words: R. Edwin Browne Music: Southern Harmony, 1854 Arr.: Melva Treffinger Graham
514. |
Baptized in Water
Words: Naomi Russell Music: James Leith Macbeth Bain Adapt.: Alan D. Tyree Arr.: Gordon Jacob
515. |
In These Moments We Remember
Words: Ken Medema Music: Ken Medema
516. |
Coming Together for Wine and for Bread
Words: Adam M. L. Tice Music: Sally Ann Morris
517. |
Here at Thy Table, Lord
Words: May P. Hoyt Music: William F. Sherwin
518. |
Come, Know My Joy, the Maker Says
Words: Andrew Donaldson Music: James E. Clemens
519. |
In the Singing
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Carlton R. Young
520. |
God Extends an Invitation / Nuestro Padre nos invita
Words: Miria T. Kolling Music: Miria T. Kolling Trans.: Gerhard M. Cartford (from Portuguese) Arr.: Evangelical Lutheran Worship Language: English, Spanish
521. |
Let Us Break Bread Together
Words: African-American spiritual Music: African-American spiritual Trans.: Federico J. Pagura; Marc Ginot (from English) Arr.: Rosalee Elser Language: English, Spanish, French
522. |
Let Us Talents and Tongues Employ
Words: Fred Kaan Music: Jamaican folk melody Arr.: Doreen Potter
523. |
As We Gather at Your Table
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: The Sacred Harp, 1844 Arr.: Rosalee Elser
524. |
For Bread before Us Broken
Words: Roy A. Cheville Music: Alexander Ewing
525. |
Small Is the Table
Words: Richard D. Leach Music: James E. Clemens
526. |
Is There One Who Feels Unworthy?
Words: Ken Medema Music: Ken Medema
527. |
Bread of the World
Words: Reginald Heber Music: John S. B. Hodges
528. |
Eat This Bread
Words: Robert J. Batastini; Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier
529. |
O Lord, How Can It Be
Words: Charles W. Fry Music: Charles W. Fry
530. |
Eat This Bread and Never Hunger
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon
531. |
You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
Words: Omer Westendorf Music: Robert E. Kreutz Arr.: John Ferguson
532. |
We Meet as Friends at Table
Words: Brian Wren Music: Hal H. Hopson
533. |
I Come with Joy, a Child of God
Words: Brian Wren Music: Southern Harmony, 1835 Arr.: Charles H. Webb
534. |
Joy and Wonder, Love and Longing
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Hal H. Hopson
535. |
When God’s Call to Serve
Words: Danny A. Belrose Music: John Goss
536. |
By Revelation Called of God
Words: Evan A. Fry Music: Gioachino Rossini Arr.: Collection of Church Music, Henry W. Greatorex, 1851
537. |
A Charge to Keep I Have
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Lowell Mason Adapt.: Richard Howard
538. |
Lord God, We Meet in Jesus’ Name
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: Arthur H. Mills
539. |
A Diligent and Grateful Heart
Words: Raymond Gunn Music: Irish melody Arr.: The English Hymnal, 1906
540. |
Not for Tongues of Heaven’s Angels
Words: Timothy Dudley-Smith Music: Peter Cutts
541. |
Holy Spirit, Bless Your Children
Words: Peter W. Rehwaldt Music: The Sacred Harp, 1844 Arr.: Rosalee Elser
542. |
True Union Is a Gift of God
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Este’s Whole Booke of Psalmes, 1592 Arr.: Hymns Ancient and Modern, 1861
543. |
Dear God, We Come This Hour to Ask
Words: Dennis S. Aldridge Music: André Grétry Arr.: William J. Kirkpatrick
544. |
O Christ, the Healer, We Have Come
Words: F. Pratt Green Music: Robert A. Schumann
545. |
Lay Your Hands
Words: Carey Landry Music: Carey Landry Arr.: David Bolton
546. |
Heal Me, Hands of Jesus
Words: Michael A. Perry Music: John F. Wilson
547. |
Healer of Our Every Ill
Words: Marty Haugen Music: Marty Haugen
548. |
Hands of Blessing
Words: Peggy Haymes Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Arr.: Hubert P. Main
549. |
Gathered Here to Seek God’s Blessing
Words: Danny A. Belrose Music: Marty Haugen
Discipleship—Commitment (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
550. |
We Are Pilgrims on a Journey
Words: Richard Gillard Music: Richard Gillard
551. |
De noche iremos / By Night, We Hasten
Words: Luis Rosales Music: Jacques Berthier Language: Spanish, English, French, German
552. |
We Are Companions on the Journey
Words: Carey Landry Music: Carey Landry
553. |
I Want Jesus to Walk with Me
Words: African-American spiritual Music: African-American spiritual Arr.: J. Jefferson Cleveland; Verolga Nix
554. |
Precious Lord, Take My Hand
Words: Thomas A. Dorsey Music: George N. Allen Adapt.: Thomas A. Dorsey
555. |
Lift Every Voice and Sing
Words: James Weldon Johnson Music: J. Rosamond Johnson
556. |
Lord Jesus, of You I Will Sing
Words: Les Petites Sœurs de Jésus Music: French melody Trans.: Stephen Somerville (from French) Arr.: Darryl Nixon
557. |
Jésus, je voudrais te chanter / Lord Jesus, of You I Will Sing
Words: Les Petites Sœurs de Jésus Music: French melody Arr.: Darryl Nixon Language: French
558. |
Take the Path of the Disciple
Words: Randall Pratt Music: Randall Pratt Arr.: Jan Kraybill
559. |
Bless Now, O God, the Journey
Words: Sylvia G. Dunstan Music: Hal H. Hopson
560. |
How Many Times We Start Again
Words: Thomas H. Troeger Music: Sally Ann Morris
561. |
In the Bulb There Is a Flower
Words: Natalie W. Sleeth Music: Natalie A. Sleeth
562. |
Little One, Born to Bring
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Joy F. Patterson
563. |
Give Thanks for Life
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams
564. |
Spirit, Open My Heart
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Irisih melody Arr.: Arthur G. Clyde
565. |
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
Words: Charles Wesley Music: William P. Rowlands
566. |
Christ Has Called Us to New Visions
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: John Wyeth
567. |
Spirit of the Living God
Words: Daniel Iverson Music: Daniel Iverson Trans.: Moody Bible Institute; Hubertus Tommek; The United Methodist Korean Hymnal Committee (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French, German, Korean (Romanized), Korean
568. |
God, Who Touches Earth with Beauty
Words: Mary S. Edgar Music: J. B. Birkbeck
569. |
Transform Us
Words: Sylvia G. Dunstan Music: French carol Arr.: Lutheran Book of Worship, 1978
570. |
God, Whose Grace Redeems Our Story
Words: Barbara Howard Music: The Sacred Harp, 1844 Arr.: Rosalee Elser
571. |
When as a Child We Spoke
Words: Alan D. Tyree Music: Joseph Barnby
572. |
God Bestows on Every Sense
Words: Adam M. L. Tice Music: J. Freylinghausen’s Geistreiches Gesangbuch, 1704 Arr.: John Wilkes
573. |
Into My Heart
Words: Harry D. Clarke Music: Harry D. Clarke Trans.: John Glaser; Ervelyne Bernard; Johannes Jourdan (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French, German
574. |
Touch Me, Lord, with Thy Spirit Eternal
Words: R. Romanov; P. Rogozin Music: Russian melody Trans.: Clair E. Weldon; Winifred Sarre (from English) Adapt.: Don C. Rawson Arr.: Alexander Efimov Language: English, Spanish, French
575. |
Bless the Lord
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier
576. |
Sing a New World into Being
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Jean Slates Hawk
577. |
Called by Christ to Love Each Other
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: Joachim Neander
578. |
Jesus Is Calling
Words: Charles H. Gabriel Music: Luther O. Emerson
579. |
Christ Be in Your Senses
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: William P. Rowan
580. |
What Does the Lord Require of You?
Words: Micah 6:8; Jim Strathdee Music: Jim Strathdee
581. |
I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me
Words: African-American spiritual Music: African-American spiritual Arr.: Bill Thomas
582. |
You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore / Tú has venido a la orilla
Words: Cesáreo Gabaráin Music: Cesáreo Gabaráin Trans.: Madeleine Forell Marshall (from Spanish) Arr.: Skinner Chávez-Melo
583. |
Tú has venido a la orilla / You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore
Words: Cesáreo Gabaráin Music: Cesáreo Gabaráin Arr.: Skinner Chávez-Melo Language: Spanish
584. |
Clothe Us in Your Spirit
Words: Sandra L. Webb-Johnsen Music: Sandra L. Webb-Johnsen
585. |
Jesus’ Hands Were Kind Hands
Words: Margaret B. Cropper Music: French melody
586. |
The Summons
Words: John L. Bell; Iona Community Music: Scottish melody Arr.: John L. Bell
587. |
If by Your Grace I Choose to Be
Words: Evelyn Palmer Maples Music: Musikalisches Handbuch, Hamburg, 1690
588. |
Beloved Community of God
Words: Ernest Dodgshun Music: George J. Elvey
589. |
My Savior Said That I Should Be
Words: Harry J. Fielding Music: Larry E. Johnson
590. |
When I Can Ache
Words: Danny A. Belrose Music: C. Hubert H. Parry Arr.: Charles H. Webb
591. |
According to the Gifts
Words: Peter A. Judd Music: William H. Havergal
592. |
Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling
Words: Daniel March Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Arr.: Hubert P. Main
593. |
God, the Source of Light and Beauty
Words: S. Ralph Harlow Music: Dutch melody Arr.: Julius Röntgen
594. |
For Jesus Loved Me / To Ietu Here
Words: Michel Piehi Music: Michel Piehi Trans.: Larry Tyree; Joey Williams (from Tahitian) Arr.: Community of Christ Language: English, Tahitian, French
595. |
While Moses Tended Jethro’s Sheep
Words: Herman G. Stuempfle Jr. Music: Scottish melody Arr.: John L. Bell
596. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
597. |
Make Me a Servant
Words: Kelly Willard Music: Kelly Willard Trans.: John Glaser; Sida Hodoroabă (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
598. |
You Walk along Our Shoreline
Words: Sylvia G. Dunstan Music: Irish melody Arr.: John L. Bell
599. |
Seek Ye First
Words: Karen Lafferty Music: Karen Lafferty Language: English, Spanish, French
600. |
Seek First
Words: Taizé Community Music: Jacques Berthier
601. |
Holy Presence, Holy Teacher
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Leavitt’s The Christian Lyre, 1830 Arr.: Richard Proulx
602. |
In My Life, Lord
Words: Bob Kilpatrick Music: Bob Kilpatrick Trans.: Bob Kilpatrick; Chrystal Vanel (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
603. |
A Prophet-Woman Broke a Jar
Words: Brian Wren Music: Ron Klusmeier
604. |
O My People, Saith the Spirit
Words: Joseph Luff Music: James McGranahan
605. |
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
Words: St. Francis of Assisi Music: Sebastian Temple Adapt.: Sebastian Temple Arr.: Jane Holstein
606. |
All Are Called
Words: Danny A. Belrose Music: Colin Gibson
607. |
Let Us Give Praise to the God of Creation
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: Joseph F. Thrupp
608. |
Take My Life and Let It Be
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: John B. Dykes Adapt.: Alice M. Edwards
609. |
Take My Gifts and Let Me Love You
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Scottish melody; Saints’ Harmony, 1889 Arr.: Mark H. Forscutt
610. |
Take My Life, That I May Be / Toma, oh Dios, mi voluntad
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: William Dexheimer Pharris Trans.: Vicente Mendoza (from English) Arr.: Mark Sedio Language: English, Spanish
611. |
From You I Receive
Words: Anon. Music: Anon. Trans.: John Glaser; Larry Tyree; Dieter Trautwein (from English) Arr.: David Bolton Language: English, Spanish, French, German
612. |
Go with Us, Lord
Words: Mary Jackson Cathey Music: Thomas Tallis
613. |
Nimwebo Ba Yahweh
Words: Worship chorus Music: Worship chorus Language: Bemba
614. |
My Gratitude Now Accept, O God / Gracias, Señor
Words: Rafael Montalvo Music: Rafael Montalvo Trans.: Raquel M. Martínez (from Spanish)
615. |
Gracias, Señor / My Gratitude Now Accept, O God
Words: Rafael Montalvo Music: Rafael Montalvo Language: Spanish
616. |
Brothers and Sisters of Mine
Words: Kenneth I. Morse Music: Wilbur E. Brumbaugh
617. |
Can We Calculate Our Giving
Words: Danny A. Belrose Music: Barbara C. Mink
618. |
We Lift Our Voices
Words: Dwight Liles Music: Dwight Liles
619. |
For the Life That You Have Given
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Leavitt’s The Christian Lyre, 1830 Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams
620. |
As Saints of Old
Words: Frank von Christierson Music: English melody Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams
621. |
Help Us Express Your Love
Words: Cleo Hanthorne Moon Music: Thomas Hastings Arr.: Rosalee Elser
622. |
Send Forth Your Light, O Zion
Words: Roy A. Cheville Music: Henry T. Smart
623. |
Tell Me the Story of Jesus
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: John R. Sweney
624. |
God of Grace and God of Glory
Words: Harry E. Fosdick Music: John Hughes Trans.: Elodia A. de Sada; F. Augé-Daullé (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
625. |
You Are Called to Tell the Story
Words: Ruth Duck Music: Henry T. Smart
626. |
Leaving Her Water Jar Behind
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: American melody Arr.: Lucius Chapin; The Hymnal 1982
627. |
God Forgave My Sin in Jesus’ Name
Words: Carol Owens Music: Carol Owens Trans.: Manuel Jaramillo; Winifred Sarre; Floris Maraeauria; Shirley Judd (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
628. |
When Holy Ghost Shall Come in Power
Words: Evan A. Fry Music: Gesangbuch der Herzogl, Wirtembergischen Katholischen Hofkapelle, 1784
629. |
Would You Bless Our Homes
Words: Walter H. Farquharson Music: Robert Lowry Arr.: Rosalee Elser
630. |
Christ’s Partners All Are We
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: Spanish folk melody Arr.: David Evans
631. |
Community of Joy
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: John Darwall
632. |
Christ’s Word to Us
Words: Jane Parker Huber Music: Walter Greatorex
633. |
Keep Your Lamps Trimmed
Words: African-American spiritual Music: Negro spiritual Arr.: New Hymns and Songs, Renewing Worship 5, 2003
634. |
When We Lift Our Pack and Go
Words: Shirley Erena Murray Music: Ian Render
635. |
Arise, Your Light Is Come!
Words: Ruth Duck Music: William H. Walter
636. |
I Have Called You by Your Name
Words: Daniel Charles Damon Music: Daniel Charles Damon Trans.: John Glaser; David Fines (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
637. |
Lord, Who Views All People Precious
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: Henry R. Mills Trans.: Clair E. Weldon; Winifred Sarre (from English) Language: English, Spanish, French
638. |
God, Bless Your Church with Strength!
Words: John A. Dalles Music: Johann Sebastian Bach
639. |
Your Cause Be Mine
Words: Bryan J. Leech Music: A. Royce Eckhardt
640. |
I, the Lord of Sea and Sky
Words: Daniel L. Schutte Music: Daniel L. Schutte Arr.: James Snyder
641. |
Mighty God Who Called Creation
Words: Carl P. Daw Jr. Music: Tochter Sion, 1741
642. |
Praise the Lord Together Singing
Song credits not available
643. |
Find Your Wholeness
Words: Ralph E. Freeman Music: David Bolton
644. |
Now Let Us from This Table Rise
Words: Fred Kaan Music: Thomas Tallis
645. |
The Trees of the Field
Words: Steffi Geiser Rubin Music: Stuart Dauermann Language: English, Spanish, French
646. |
Go Now Forth into the World
Words: Kenneth L. McLaughlin Music: Mark H. Forscutt
647. |
The Peace of the Earth / La paz de la tierra
Words: Guatemalan song Music: Guatemalan melody Trans.: Christine Carson (from Spanish) Arr.: John L. Bell Language: English, Spanish
648. |
Sent Forth by God’s Blessing
Words: Omer Westendorf Music: Welsh folk melody
649. |
With a Steadfast Faith
Words: L. Wayne Updike Music: Franklyn S. Weddle; Evan A. Fry
650. |
Go, My Children, with My Blessing
Words: Jaroslav J. Vajda Music: Welsh melody Arr.: Rosalee Elser
651. |
Send Me Forth
Words: Elisha A. Hoffman Music: Elisha A. Hoffman Adapt.: Danny A. Belrose
652. |
May the God of Hope / Dios de la esperanza
Words: Alvin Schutmaat Music: Argentine folk melody Language: English, Spanish
653. |
Shalom chaverim
Words: Israeli song Music: Israeli song Language: Hebrew (Romanized), Hebrew
654. |
Go Forth
Words: Sandra L. Webb-Johnsen Music: Sandra L. Webb-Johnsen
655. |
The Lord Bless You and Keep You
Words: Peter C. Lutkin Music: Peter C. Lutkin
656. |
Hallelujah! We Sing Your Praises
Words: South African hymn Music: South African hymn Trans.: Geri Silva Macias; Ervelyne Bernard; Joey Williams (from Shona) Language: English, Spanish, French
657. |
Make Us, O God, a Church That Shares
Words: Victor Kane Music: English melody Arr.: Ralph Vaughan Williams
658. |
Now Let Our Hearts within Us Burn
Words: Geoffrey F. Spencer Music: André Grétry Arr.: William J. Kirkpatrick
659. |
Now Go in Joy
Words: Mary Louise Bringle Music: Caribbean folk melody; Mary Louise Bringle Arr.: David Bolton
660. |
Bwana Awabariki / May God Grant You a Blessing
Words: Swahili folk hymn Music: Swahili folk hymn Trans.: Larry Tyree; Dietrich Werner (from Swahili) Language: Swahili, English, Spanish, French, German
661. |
Thuma Mina
Words: South African song Music: South African song Language: Xhosa, Zulu
662. |
Peace Be with You
Words: Barbara Hamm Music: Barbara Hamm
663. |
I Wish God’s Love to Be with You
Song credits not available Arr.: Swee-Hong Lim Language: English, Mandarin (Romanized/Pinyin), Mandarin (Simplified), Tamil (Romanized), Tamil
664. |
God Be with You Till We Meet Again
Words: Jeremiah E. Rankin Music: Ralph Vaughan Williams
Has lyrics in text format
Has sheet music or a scanned page
Has an audio recording
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