Relief Society Song Book
Relief Society Song Book: A collection of selected hymns and songs especially arranged for the use of the Relief Societies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Relief Society Song Book,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
General Board of Relief Society; Brigham Cecil Gates.
First edition.
157 songs.
June, 1919.
- Archive Viewer: 66938
- Flake-Draper Number: 2143 (Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930)
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: BX 8685.24 .A1 1919
- Church History Library: M285.22 R382 1919; M285.22 R382 1919 no. 2
- N/A
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Opening Hymns (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
Words: William Hammond Music: Carl Maria von Weber Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
2. |
O God, Our Help
Words: Isaac Watts Music: B. Cecil Gates
3. |
To Thee, O God
Words: John Lyon Music: Old melody Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
4. |
Beneath this Sacred Roof
Words: Susa Young Gates Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
5. |
Scatter Seeds of Kindness
Words: Anon. Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
6. |
Hear Us Pray
Words: Annie Pinnock Malin Music: Louis M. Gottschalk Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
7. |
Words: Anon. Music: Henry A. Tuckett Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
8. |
Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
Words: Joseph S. Murdock; Bruce R. McConkie Music: Joseph J. Daynes Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
9. |
Onward Christian Soldiers
Words: Sabine Baring-Gould Music: Arthur S. Sullivan Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
10. |
Catch the Sunshine
Words: George F. Root Music: George F. Root Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
11. |
Though Deepening Trials
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
12. |
Lead, Kindly Light
Words: John Henry Newman Music: John B. Dykes Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
13. |
Do What Is Right
Words: Anon. Music: George Kiallmark Sr. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
14. |
Earth, with her Ten Thousand Flowers
Words: Thomas R. Taylor Music: Thomas C. Griggs Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
15. |
The Lord Is My Light
Words: James L. Nicholson Music: John R. Sweney Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
16. |
Redeemer of Israel
Words: Joseph Swain; William W. Phelps (adapter) Music: Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, Wyeth, 1813; Freeman Lewis Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
17. |
O Ye Mountains High
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Henry S. Thompson Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
18. |
Our God, We Raise to Thee
Words: Bernard Snow Music: Henry Carey; Thesaurus Musicus Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
19. |
The Happy Day Has Rolled On
Words: Philo Dibble Music: Ebenezer Beesley Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
20. |
Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise
Words: Pratt’s Collection Music: A. C. Smyth Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
21. |
Zion Prospers, All Is Well
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
22. |
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Words: William Clayton Music: English folk song Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
23. |
Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: A. C. Smyth Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
24. |
Jerusalem the Golden
Words: Bernard of Cluny Music: Alexander Ewing Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
25. |
Love at Home
Words: John Hugh McNaughton Music: John Hugh McNaughton Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
26. |
Our Mountain Home So Dear
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
27. |
Come, O Thou King of Kings
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
28. |
Words: William G. Bickley Music: William G. Bickley Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
29. |
Did You Think to Pray?
Words: Mary A. Pepper Kidder Music: William O. Perkins Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
30. |
Joseph Smith’s First Prayer
Words: George Manwaring Music: Sylvanus Billings Pond Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
Closing Hymns (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
31. |
God Be With You
Words: Jeremiah E. Rankin Music: William G. Tomer Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
32. |
How Firm a Foundation
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: Anon.; John Ellis Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
33. |
Praise to the Man
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Scottish folk song Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
34. |
All Hail the Power
(Crown Him Lord)
Words: Edward Perronet Music: Oliver Holden Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
35. |
Lord, We Ask Thee, Ere We Part
Words: George Manwaring Music: Benjamin Milgrove Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
36. |
Prayer is the Soul’s Sincere Desire
Words: James Montgomery Music: George Careless Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
37. |
Farewell, All Earthly Honors
Words: Zion’s Hill, 1833 Music: William B. Bradbury Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
38. |
The Spirit of God Like a Fire
Words: William W. Phelps Music: English melody Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
39. |
Nearer, My God to Thee
Words: Sarah F. Adams Music: Lowell Mason Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
40. |
For the Strength of the Hills
Words: Felicia D. Hemans; Edward L. Sloan (adapter) Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
41. |
We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
Words: William Fowler Music: Caroline E. Sheridan Norton Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
42. |
Rock of Ages
Words: Augustus M. Toplady Music: Thomas Hastings Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
43. |
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Louis Bourgeois; Genevan Psalter, 1551 Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
44. |
O Say, What is Truth?
Words: John Jaques Music: Ellen Knowles Melling Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
45. |
Now Let Us Rejoice
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Henry Tucker Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
46. |
Lord, Dismiss Us With Thy Blessing
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: Jean-Jacques Rousseau Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
47. |
Come, Let Us Anew
Words: Charles Wesley Music: James Lucas Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
48. |
High on the Mountain Top
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: Ebenezer Beesley Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
49. |
Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
Words: William Williams Music: John Hughes Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
50. |
The Time is Far Spent
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: German folk song Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
51. |
Let Us All Press On
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
52. |
Improve the Shining Moments
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: Robert B. Baird Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
53. |
Parting Hymn
Words: George Manwaring Music: Ebenezer Beesley Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
General Hymns (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
54. |
Shall We Meet?
Words: Horace L. Hastings Music: Elihu S. Rice Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
55. |
What Was Witnessed in the Heavens?
Words: John S. Davis Music: Charles C. Converse Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
56. |
Come, Dearest Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
57. |
Abide With Me
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: William H. Monk Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
58. |
Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
Words: Edward Hopper Music: John Edgar Gould Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
59. |
Still, Still With Thee
Words: James D. Burns Music: Robert A. Schumann Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
60. |
Nearer, Dear Savior, to Thee
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: William Clayson Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
61. |
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Joseph P. Holbrook Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
62. |
The Morning Light
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: George J. Webb Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
63. |
Come, Said Jesus
Words: Anna L. Barbauld Music: Old tune Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
64. |
O Worship the King
Words: Robert Grant Music: Joseph Martin Kraus Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
65. |
Hushed Was the Evening Hymn
Words: James D. Burns Music: Arthur S. Sullivan Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
66. |
The Rising Sun
Words: William Hurn; Psalms and Hymns, 1813 Music: Judeth Keysor Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
67. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
68. |
An Angel from on High
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: John E. Tullidge Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
69. |
Where the Voice of Friendship’s Heard
Words: John Lyon Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
70. |
Who Are These Arrayed in White?
Words: De Courcy; Charles Wesley Music: Samuel B. Marsh Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
71. |
God Speed the Right
Words: William E. Hickson Music: Ernst Moritz Arndt Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
72. |
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Words: Samuel Medley Music: Lewis D. Edwards Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
73. |
God Bless Our Mountain Home
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
74. |
The Lord is My Shepherd
Words: Psalm 23; James Montgomery (adapter) Music: Thomas Koschat Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
75. |
Nay, Speak No Ill
Words: Charles Swain Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
76. |
Jesus, My Savior
Words: C. E. Leslie Music: Spanish melody Arr.: C. E. Leslie
77. |
When First the Glorious Light of Truth
Words: William Clayton Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
78. |
O Happy Home
Words: Mary Ann Morton Walker Music: A. C. Smyth Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
79. |
Now a Calm and Peaceful Sleep
Words: Anon. Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
80. |
We Thank Thee, Heavenly Father
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: Lucy May Green Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
81. |
Rest for the Weary Soul
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: George Careless Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
82. |
Silent Night
Words: Joseph Mohr Music: Franz Gruber Trans.: John F. Young (from German) Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
83. |
God Moves In a Mysterious Way
Words: William Cowper Music: William B. Bradbury Arr.: E. D. Mann
84. |
Rock of My Refuge
Words: Anon. Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
85. |
Take Courage, Saints
Words: James Crystal Music: Felix Mendelssohn Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
86. |
Hail to the Brightness of Zion’s Glad Morning
Words: Thomas Hastings Music: Edwin F. Parry Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
87. |
Sister, Thou Wast Mild and Lovely
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: John S. Lewis Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
88. |
To Thee, O Heavenly Father
(A Thanksgiving Hymn)
Words: A. N. K. Music: Edwin F. Parry Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
89. |
Kind Words are Sweet Tones
(Solo and Chorus)
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: Ebenezer Beesley Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
90. |
Hark! Listen to the Trumpeters
Words: John A. Granade Music: Lewis D. Edwards Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
91. |
O Thou Rock of Our Salvation
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: William Clayson Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
92. |
Beautiful Words of Love
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: Edwin F. Parry Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
93. |
O What Songs of the Heart
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: William Clayson Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
Patriotic Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
94. |
The Star-Spangled Banner
Words: Francis Scott Key Music: John Stafford Smith Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
95. |
Freedom Waves Her Joyous Pinions
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Edwin F. Parry Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
96. |
Land of the Free
Words: John M. Chamberlain Music: John M. Chamberlain Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
97. |
Marseillaise Hymn
Words: Anon. Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
98. |
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: Henry Carey; Thesaurus Musicus Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
99. |
Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean
Words: David T. Shaw; Thomas A. Becket Sr. Music: Thomas E. Williams; Thomas A. Becket Sr. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
100. |
Hail, Columbia!
Words: Joseph Hopkinson Music: Philip Phile Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
101. |
Utah, We Love Thee
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
102. |
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Words: Julia Ward Howe Music: Anon. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
103. |
Flag of the Free
Words: Richard Wagner Music: Richard Wagner Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
Special Music (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
104. |
Our Mountain Home So Dear
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
105. |
Beyond To-day
(Duet and Chorus)
Words: C. L. B. Music: T. H. M. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
106. |
O, Ye Tears
Words: Charles Mackay Music: Franz Abt Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
107. |
(Chorus or Trio)
Words: Gerrit de Jong Jr. Music: Gerrit de Jong Jr. Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
108. |
Our Eternal Home
(Chorus or Trio)
Words: B. Cecil Gates Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
109. |
I Live for Those Who Love Me
(Duet or Two-Part Song)
Words: George Linnaens Banks Music: George Careless Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
110. |
Words: Ida H. White Music: Ida H. White Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
111. |
School Thy Feelings
(Trio or Chorus)
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
112. |
Christmas Song
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
113. |
Utah, We Love Thee!
(The State Song of Utah)
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
114. |
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Edwin F. Parry Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
115. |
Lasting Joy
(Solo and Chorus)
Words: Susa Young Gates Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
116. |
Come, Saints, and Sing a Joyful Song
(Solo, Duet and Chorus)
Words: Susa Young Gates Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
117. |
My Mother’s Love
(Duet or Chorus)
Words: John M. Chamberlain Music: John M. Chamberlain Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
118. |
Gentle Words
(Duet and Chorus)
Words: Lucy May Green Music: Ida H. White Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
119. |
Come, Dearest Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
120. |
Oh, that My Soul
(Chorus or Duet)
Words: Marie Miller Johnson Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
121. |
Freedom and Love
(Duet or Chorus)
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
122. |
The Mother’s Plea
Words: Richard S. Horne Music: Ida H. White Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
123. |
If It Could Be
Words: Bertha A. Kleinman Music: Charles Frederick Stayner Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
124. |
O Thou Who Lovest Innocence
Words: Susa Young Gates Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
125. |
When Light Peeps O’er the Hill
(Chorus or Quartet)
Words: Susa Young Gates Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
126. |
The Relief Society
Words: John M. Chamberlain Music: John M. Chamberlain Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
127. |
The New Freedom Song
Words: Lucy A. R. Clark Music: Evan Stephens Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
128. |
Our Savior King
Words: Susa Young Gates Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
129. |
With Heavenly Inspiration
(From “The Open Door” / Trio)
Words: Lucy May Green Music: Ida H. White Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
130. |
We Serve to Love
(Chorus or Trio)
Words: John M. Chamberlain Music: Jacques Offenbach Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
131. |
Sweet and Low
(Chorus or Quartet)
Words: Alfred Tennyson Music: Joseph Barnby Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
132. |
The Gospel Message
(“Spring Song” / Chorus)
Words: Sacred Hymns, Manchester, 1840 Music: Felix Mendelssohn Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
133. |
Lord, Thou Wilt Hear Me
(Duet or Chorus)
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Michael William Balfe Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
134. |
All Our Hearts
(Chorus or Duet)
Words: Susa Young Gates Music: Antonin Dvorak Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
135. |
Love’s Old Sweet Song
(Quartet or Chorus)
Words: G. Clifton Bingham Music: J. L. Molloy Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
136. |
We Ever Pray for Thee
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Henry A. Tuckett Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
137. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
138. |
We Love Our Work
(Solo, Duet and Chorus)
Words: M. E. Abel Music: Queen Liliuokalani Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
139. |
Song to the Morning
(Chorus or Quartet)
Words: Susa Young Gates Music: B. Cecil Gates Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
140. |
Glory Forever
Words: William Clegg Music: Gaetano Braga Arr.: B. Cecil Gates
Miscellaneous Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
141. |
Carry Me Back to Old Virginny
Words: James A. Bland Music: N/A (words only)
142. |
Dixie Land
Words: Daniel D. Emmett Music: N/A (words only)
143. |
Old Black Joe
Words: Stephen C. Foster Music: N/A (words only)
144. |
Home, Sweet Home
Words: John Howard Payne Music: N/A (words only)
145. |
My Old Kentucky Home
Words: Stephen C. Foster Music: N/A (words only)
146. |
Auld Lang Syne
Words: Robert Burns Music: N/A (words only)
147. |
Old Folks at Home
Words: Stephen C. Foster Music: N/A (words only)
148. |
The Old Oaken Bucket
Words: Samuel Woodworth Music: N/A (words only)
149. |
Good-Night, Ladies
Words: Edwin Pearce Christy Music: N/A (words only)
150. |
The Dearest Spot on Earth
Words: W. T. Wrighton Music: N/A (words only)
151. |
Hard Times, Come Again No More
Words: Stephen C. Foster Music: N/A (words only)
152. |
Grandfather’s Clock
Words: Henry C. Work Music: N/A (words only)
153. |
The Old Arm-Chair
Words: Eliza Cook Music: N/A (words only)
154. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
155. |
Annie Laurie
Words: WIlliam Douglas; Alicia Ann Scott Music: N/A (words only)
156. |
Sweet By-and-By
Words: S. Fillmore Bennett Music: N/A (words only)
157. |
Marching Through Georgia
Words: Henry C. Work Music: N/A (words only)
Has lyrics in text format
Has sheet music or a scanned page
Has an audio recording
Has a video