Lutheran Service Book and Hymnal
Lutheran Service Book and Hymnal,
Only known edition.
721 songs.
- Hymnary: SBHC1958
- N/A
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The Church Year (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding
Words: Edward Caswall, 1814 - 78 Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
2a. |
O come, O come, Emmanuel
Words: Latin, 9th century Music: Ernest White, 1899 -
2b. |
O come, O come, Emmanuel
Words: Latin, 9th century Music: Unknown
3. |
The Advent of our God
Words: Charles Coffin Music: Samuel Wesley, 1766 - 1837
4. |
On Jordan’s banks the Baptist’s cry
Words: Charles Coffin Music: Christopher Edwin Willing, 1830 - 1904
5. |
Come, thou long-expected Jesus
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
6. |
Hark, the glad sound! the Saviour comes
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: Sigmund Gottlieb Staden, 1605-55
7a. |
Wake, awake, for night is flying
Words: Philipp Nicolai Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556 - 1608
7b. |
Wake, awake, for night is flying
Words: Philipp Nicolai Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556-1608; J. S. Bach, 1685-1750; J. S. Bach, 1685-1750
8b. |
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Words: Georg Weissel Music: Unknown
8a. |
Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Words: Georg Weissel Music: Thomas Williams
9. |
Prepare the way, O Zion!
Words: Frans Mikael Franzén Music: Unknown
10. |
The King shall come when morning dawns
Words: John Brownlie Music: Richard Farrant, c.1530 - 80
11. |
O how shall I receive thee
Words: Theodulph of Orleans Music: Melchior Teschner, 1584 - 1635
12. |
Comfort, comfort ye, my people
Words: Isaiah 40:1–5; Johannes G. Olearius Music: Unknown
13. |
Lo! he comes with clouds descending
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Johann G. C. Storl, 1675 - 1719
14. |
Rejoice, all ye believers
Words: Laurentius Laurenti Music: Unknown
15. |
Joy to the world! the Lord is come
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
16. |
Silent night, holy night
Words: Joseph Mohr Music: Franz Xaver Gruber, 1787 - 1863
17a. |
Of the Father’s love begotten
Words: Aurelius Prudentius Music: Winfred Douglas, 1867-1944
17b. |
Of the Father’s love begotten
Words: Aurelius Prudentius Music: Ernest White, 1899-
18. |
A great and mighty wonder
Words: St. Germanus I Music: Henry J. Gauntlett, 1805 - 76
19. |
Christians, awake! salute the happy morn
Words: John Byrom Music: John Wainwright, c. 1723 - 68
20a. |
From east to west, from shore to shore
Words: Coelius Sedulius Music: Unknown
20b. |
From east to west, from shore to shore
Words: Coelius Sedulius Music: Unknown
21. |
All praise to thee, Eternal Lord
Words: Martin Luther Music: Thomas Tallis, c. 1505 - 85
22. |
From heaven above to earth I come
Words: Martin Luther Music: Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546
23. |
It came upon the midnight clear
Words: Edmund H. Sears Music: Richard Storrs Willis, 1819 - 1900
24. |
While shepherds watched their flocks by night
Words: Nahum Tate Music: Gottfried Wilhelm Fink, 1783 - 1846
25. |
Hark, the herald angels sing
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Felix Mendessohn-Bartholdy, 1809 - 47
26. |
All my heart this night rejoices
Words: Paul Gerhardt Music: Johann Georg Ebeling, 1637 - 76
27a. |
O little town of Bethlehem
Words: Phillips Brooks Music: Lewis Henry Redner, 1831 - 1908
27b. |
O little town of Bethlehem
Words: Phillips Brooks Music: Henry Walford Davies, 1869 - 1941
28. |
The happy Christmas comes once more
Words: Charles Porterfield Krauth; Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig Music: Carl C. N. Balle, 1806 - 55
29. |
Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light
Words: Johann Rist Music: Johann Schop, c.1600 - 65; J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
30. |
Gloria in excelsis Deo
Words: French carol Music: Edward Shippen Barnes, 1887 -
31. |
Angels, from the realms of glory
Words: James Montgomery Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
32. |
Rejoice, rejoice this happy morn
Words: Birgitte K. Boye Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556 - 1608
33. |
All hail to thee, O blessed morn
Words: Philipp Nicolai Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556 - 1608
34. |
The holy Son of God most high
Words: Henry More Music: J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
35. |
When Christmas morn is dawning
Words: Betty Ehrenborg-Posse Music: Unknown
36. |
In the bleak midwinter
Words: Christina G. Rossetti Music: Gustav Theodore Holst, 1874 - 1934
37. |
Love came down at Christmas
Words: Christina Rossetti Music: Unknown
38. |
Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming
Words: German carol, 16th century Music: Unknown
39. |
Good Christian men, rejoice
Words: Heinrich Seuse; John Mason Neale (adapter) Music: Unknown
40. |
Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel
Words: English carol; Christmas Carols, W. Sandys, 1833 Music: Unknown
41. |
Once in royal David’s city
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: Henry J. Gauntlett, 1805 - 76
42. |
O come, let us adore him
Words: Latin hymn, 18th century; John F. Wade Music: Unknown
43. |
Angels on wing
Words: Arnold Frederick Keller Music: Arnold F. Keller, 1890 -
44. |
He came among us at Christmastide
Words: Edward Traill Horn III Music: R. Vaughan Williams, 1872 - 1958
45. |
I am so glad each Christmas Eve
Words: Marie Wexelsen Music: Peder Knudsen, 1819 - 63
46. |
Christmas brings joy to every heart
Words: Cecil Cowdrey; Bernhardt Severin Ingemann Music: C. E. F. Weyse, 1774 - 1842
47. |
Away in a manger, no crib for his bed
Words: Martin Luther; Little Children’s Book for Schools and Families, 1885 Music: Unknown
48. |
This, this is Christ the King
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Unknown
49. |
Thy little ones, dear Lord, are we
Words: Hans A. Brorson Music: J. A. P. Schulz, 1747 - 1800
50. |
Jesus, Name of wondrous love
Words: W. Walsham How Music: Henry John Gauntlett, 1805 - 76
51. |
Earth has many a noble city
Words: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius Music: Christian Friedrich Witt, 1660 - 1716
52. |
As with gladness men of old
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Conrad Kocher, 1786 - 1872
53b. |
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
Words: Reginald Heber Music: J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
53a. |
Brightest and best of the sons of the morning
Words: Reginald Heber Music: James P. Harding, c.1860 - 1911
54a. |
O thou, who by a star didst guide
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Thomas Clark, 1775 - 1859
54b. |
O thou, who by a star didst guide
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Henry Hiles, 1826 - 1904
55. |
Songs of thankfulness and praise
Words: Christopher Wordsorth Music: John Richardson, 1816 - 79
56. |
O one with God the Father
Words: William W. How Music: Berthold Tours, 1838 - 97
57. |
Bright and glorious is the sky
Words: N. F. S. Grundtvig Music: Unknown
58. |
Alleluia, song of sweetness
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
59. |
Hark! the voice of Jesus crying
Words: Daniel March Music: Gustaf Duben, 1671 - 1730
60. |
How blessed from the bonds of sin
Words: Jane Borthwick; Karl Johann Philipp Spitta Music: Unknown
61a. |
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Words: Venantius H. Fortunatus Music: Ernest White
61b. |
Sing, my tongue, the glorious battle
Words: Venantius H. Fortunatus Music: Unknown
62a. |
O Christ, our King, Creator, Lord
Words: Gregory I Music: John Ambrose Lloyd, 1815 - 74
62b. |
O Christ, our King, Creator, Lord
Words: Gregory I Music: Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1757 - 1831
63a. |
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
Words: James Allen Music: Unknown
63b. |
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
Words: James Allen Music: Unknown
64b. |
In the Cross of Christ I glory
Words: John Bowring Music: John Stainer, 1840 - 1901
64a. |
In the Cross of Christ I glory
Words: John Bowring Music: Ithamar Conkey, 1815 - 1867
65. |
My song is love unknown
Words: Samuel Crossman Music: John David Edwards, c.1805 - 85
66. |
Wide open are thy hands
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: George William Martin, 1828 - 1881; Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
67a. |
Jesus, Name all names above
Words: John Mason Neale; Theoctistus of the Studium Music: Ralph Alvin Strom, b. 1909
67b. |
Jesus, Name all names above
Words: John Mason Neale; Theoctistus of the Studium Music: Johann Schop, c.1600 - 65; J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
68a. |
Christian, dost thou see them
Words: John Mason Neale; Andrew of Crete Music: Unknown
68b. |
Christian, dost thou see them
Words: John Mason Neale; Andrew of Crete Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
69. |
Jesus, refuge of the weary
Words: Girolamo Savonarola Music: Unknown
70. |
O Lamb of God most holy!
Words: Arthur Tozer Russell; Nikolaus Decius Music: Nikolaus Decius
71. |
Print thine image pure and holy
Words: Thomas Hansen Kingo Music: J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
72. |
Saviour, when in dust to thee
Words: Robert Grant Music: Benjamin Carr, 1768 - 1831
73a. |
Ride on, ride on in majesty!
Words: Henry H. Milman Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
73b. |
Ride on, ride on in majesty!
Words: Henry H. Milman Music: Graham George, b. 1912
74. |
All glory, laud, and honor
Words: Theodulph of Orleans Music: Melchior Teschner, 1585 - 1635
75a. |
The royal banners forward go
Words: Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus Music: Ernest White, b. 1899
75b. |
The royal banners forward go
Words: Venantius Honorius Clementianus Fortunatus Music: Horatio Parker, 1863 - 1919
76. |
Glory be to Jesus
Words: Edward Caswall Music: Friedrich Filitz, 1804 - 76
77a. |
There is a green hill far away
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: John Henry Gower, 1855 - 1922
77b. |
There is a green hill far away
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: William Horsley, 1774 - 1858
78. |
Go to dark Gethsemane
Words: James Montgomery Music: Richard Redhead, 1820 - 1901
79. |
Christ, the Life of all the living
Words: Ernst C. Homburg Music: Unknown
80. |
Deep were his wounds, and red
Words: William Johnson Music: Leland B. Sateren, b. 1913
81. |
The Words On The Cross
Words: Thomas B. Pollock Music: Unknown
82. |
Come to Calvary’s holy mountain
Words: James Montgomery Music: Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812 - 87
83. |
Behold the Lamb of God!
Words: Matthew Bridges Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810 - 76
84. |
At the Cross, her station keeping
Words: Jacobus de Benedictis Music: Unknown
85. |
Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended
Words: Johann Heermann Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
86. |
O come and mourn with me awhile
Words: Frederick William Faber Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
87. |
O darkest woe!
Words: Johann von Rist Music: Unknown
88a. |
O sacred Head, now wounded
Words: Arnulf of Leuven; Paul Gerhardt Music: Hans Leo Hassler, 1564-1612
88b. |
O sacred Head, now wounded
Words: Arnulf of Leuven; Paul Gerhardt Music: Hans Leo Hassler, 1564-1612; J. S. Bach, 1685-1750; J. S. Bach, 1685-1750
89. |
O perfect life of love
Words: Henry W. Baker Music: Ludvig von Beethoven, 1770 - 1827
90. |
The strife is o’er, the battle done
Words: Francis Pott, 1832-1909 Music: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, 1525 - 94; William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89; William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
91. |
Christ the Lord is risen today
Words: Charles Wesley Music: George Job Elvey, 1816 - 93
92. |
Jesus Christ is risen today, Alleluia!
Words: Latin hymn Music: Unknown
93. |
Welcome, happy morning! age to age shall say
Words: Venantius H. Fortunatus Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
94a. |
That Easter Day with joy was bright
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Michael Praetorius, 1571 - 1621; George R. Woodward, 1848 - 1939
94b. |
That Easter Day with joy was bright
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
95a. |
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
Words: Robert Campbell Music: Jakob Hintze, 1622 - 1702; J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
95b. |
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
Words: Robert Campbell Music: John Richardson, 1816 - 79
96. |
O sons and daughters, let us sing!
Words: Jean Tisserand Music: Unknown
97. |
Sing, men and angels, sing
Words: John Masefield Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810 - 76
98a. |
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands
Words: Martin Luther Music: Unknown
98b. |
Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands
Words: Martin Luther Music: J. S. Bach, 1685-1750
99. |
Christ, the Lord, is risen today
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Robert Williams, c. 1781 - 1821
100. |
Alleluia! Jesus lives!
Words: Carl Bernhard Garve Music: Ludvig Matthias Lindeman, 1812 - 87
101. |
Our Lord is risen from the dead
Words: Fred C. M. Hansen; Birgitte Cathrine Boye Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556 - 1608
102. |
O Paschal Feast, what joy is thine!
Words: George Henry Trabert; Olavus Petri Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
103. |
Now let the vault of heaven resound
Words: Paul Zeller Strodach Music: Unknown
104. |
Praise the Saviour, now and ever
Words: Venantius H. Fortunatus Music: Unknown
105. |
The Day of Resurrection
Words: John of Damascus Music: Berthold Tours, 1838 - 97
106b. |
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
Words: John of Damascus Music: Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812 - 87
106a. |
Come, ye faithful, raise the strain
Words: John of Damascus Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
107. |
Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Words: Wipo of Burgundy Music: Unknown
108. |
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
109. |
Good Christian men, rejoice and sing!
Words: Cyril A. Alington Music: Melchior Vulpius, cir. 1560; Ernest MacMillan, b. 1893
110. |
A hymn of glory let us sing
Words: The Venerable Bede Music: Frederick M. A. Venua, 1788- 1872
111. |
Hail the day that sees him rise
Words: Charles Wesley Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
112. |
See the Conqueror mounts in triumph
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
113. |
Let all the multitudes of light
Words: Frederick Brodie Macnutt Music: Unknown
114b. |
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: William Owen, 1814 - 93
114a. |
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: Henry John Gauntlett, 1805 - 76
115. |
’All His work is ended’
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: Frances Ridley Havergal, 1836 - 79
116. |
To realms of glory in the skies
Words: Claude William Foss; Johan Olof Wallin Music: Johann Hermann Schein, 1586 - 1630
117a. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Winfred Douglas, 1867 - 1944
117b. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
118. |
Spirit of mercy, truth, and love
Words: Unknown Music: William Henry Gladstone, 1840 - 91
119. |
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Friedrich Filitz, 1804 - 76
120. |
O Holy Spirit, enter in
Words: Michael Schirmer Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556 - 1608; J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
121. |
Come, Holy Ghost, in love
Words: King Robert II of France Music: John Roberts, 1822 - 77
122a. |
Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord
Words: Martin Luther Music: Unknown
122b. |
Come, Holy Spirit, God and Lord
Words: Martin Luther Music: Horatio W. Parker, 1863 - 1919
123. |
Come down, O Love divine
Words: Bianco da Seina Music: R. Vaughan Williams, 1872 - 1958
124a. |
Creator Spirit, by whose aid
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: Thomas Attwood, 1765 - 1838
124b. |
Creator Spirit, by whose aid
Words: Rabanus Maurus Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
125. |
Love of the Father, Love of God the Son
Words: Robert Bridges Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1583 - 1625
126. |
Come, O come, thou quickening Spirit
Words: Heinrich Held Music: Unknown
127. |
Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove
Words: Simon Browne Music: William Knapp, 1698 - 1768
128. |
Lord, let thy Spirit, from earthly passion weaning
Words: Valdimar Briem Music: Andreas Peter Berggren, 1801 - 80
129. |
Spirit of God, descend up on my heart
Words: George Croly Music: Frederick Cook Atkinson, 1841 - 97
130. |
Holy Spirit, truth divine
Words: Samuel Longfellow Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1583 - 1625
131. |
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!
Words: Reginald Heber Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
132. |
All glory be to God on high
Words: Nikolaus Decius; Joachim Slüter Music: Nikolaus Decius, d. 1541
133a. |
O Trinity of blessed light
Words: St. Ambrose Music: Ernest White, b. 1899
133b. |
O Trinity of blessed light
Words: St. Ambrose Music: Unknown
133c. |
O Trinity of blessed light
Words: St. Ambrose Music: John Bishop, 1665 - 1737
134. |
Father most holy, merciful and tender
Words: Percy Dearmer Music: R. Vaughan Williams, 1872 - 1958
135. |
Holy, holy, holy Lord
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Edward John Hopkins, 1818 - 1901
136. |
Come, thou almighty King
Words: Authorship uncertain Music: Felice de Giardini, 1716 - 96
137. |
Ancient of Days, who sittest throned in glory
Words: William Croswell Doane Music: John Albert Jeffery, 1855 - 1929
138. |
Most ancient of all mysteries
Words: Frederick William Faber Music: Unknown
139. |
Glory be to God the Father!
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
140. |
Father of heaven, whose love profound
Words: Edward Cooper Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
141. |
For all thy saints, O Lord
Words: Richard Mant Music: Unknown
142. |
In his temple now behold him
Words: Henry John Pye Music: Friedrich Filitz, 1804 - 76
143. |
Hark! the sound of holy voices
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: James Langran, 1835 - 1909
144a. |
For all the saints who from their labors rest
Words: William Walsham How Music: R. Vaughan Williams, 1872 - 1958
144b. |
For all the saints who from their labors rest
Words: William Walsham How Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 86
145. |
The saints of God! their conflict past
Words: William Dalrymple Maclagan Music: Berndt Mikael Nyberg, 1871 - 1940
146a. |
In heaven above, in heaven above
Words: Laurentius Laurenti Music: Unknown
146b. |
In heaven above, in heaven above
Words: Laurentius Laurenti Music: Unknown
147a. |
O wondrous type, O vision fair
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Ernest White, b. 1899
147b. |
O wondrous type, O vision fair
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
148. |
Stars of the morning, so gloriously bright
Words: St. Joseph the Hymnographer Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
The Church (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
149. |
The Church’s one foundation
Words: Samuel J. Stone Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810 - 76
150. |
A mighty fortress is our God
Words: Martin Luther Music: Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546
151. |
Built on a rock the church doth stand
Words: Nicolai F. S. Grundtvig Music: Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812 - 87
152a. |
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Words: John Newton Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
152b. |
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Words: John Newton Music: Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732 - 1809
153a. |
Jesus, with thy Church abide
Words: Thomas B. Pollock Music: Unknown
153b. |
Jesus, with thy Church abide
Words: Thomas B. Pollock Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
154. |
O where are kings and empires now
Words: A. Cleveland Coxe Music: Thomas Tallis, c. 1505 - 85
155a. |
Lord, keep us steadfast in thy word
Words: Martin Luther Music: Unknown
155b. |
Lord, keep us steadfast in thy word
Words: Martin Luther Music: Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546
156a. |
Fear not, thou faithful Christian flock
Words: Johann M. Altenburg Music: Johann Gottfried Schicht, 1753 - 1823
156b. |
Fear not, thou faithful Christian flock
Words: Johann M. Altenburg Music: Unknown
157. |
Lord of our life, and God of our salvation
Words: Matthäus Apelles von Löwenstern Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
158. |
I love thy kingdom, Lord
Words: Psalm 137; Timothy Dwight Music: Aaron Williams, 1731 - 76
159. |
Thy hand, O God, has guided
Words: Edward Hayes Plumptre Music: Basil Harwood, 1859 - 1949
Worship (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
160a. |
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: John Goss, 1800 - 80
160b. |
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Ludvig Matthias Lindeman, 1812 - 87
161. |
Before Jehovah’s aweful throne
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Louis Bourgeois, c.1510 - 61
162. |
Lo, God is here! let us adore
Words: Gerhard Tersteegen Music: Unknown
163. |
O worship the King, all glorious above
Words: Robert Grant Music: William Croft, 1678 - 1727
164. |
God himself is present
Words: Gerhard Tersteegen Music: Joachim Neander, 1650 - 80
165. |
Come, we that love the Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
166. |
Blessing and honor, and glory and power
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: Matthias Keller, 1813 - 90
167. |
Holy God, we praise thy Name
Words: Ignaz Franz Music: Unknown
168a. |
O God, our help in ages past
Words: Isaac Watts Music: William Croft, 1678 - 1727
168b. |
O God, our help in ages past
Words: Isaac Watts Music: William Croft, 1678-1727; Martin Shaw, 1875-
169. |
All people that on earth do dwell
Words: William Kethe Music: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510 - 61
170. |
Lord of all being, throned afar
Words: Oliver Wendell Holmes Music: Virgil Corydon Taylor, 1817 - 91
171. |
Our God, to whom we turn
Words: Edward Grubb Music: Ahasuerus Fritsch, 1629-1701; J. S. Bach, 1685-1750
172. |
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
Words: Walter Chalmers Smith Music: Unknown
173. |
O praise him, O praise him
Words: St. Francis of Assisi Music: Unknown
174. |
We worship thee, almighty Lord
Words: Charles Wharton Stork; Johan Olof Wallin Music: Unknown
175. |
O King of kings, before whose throne
Words: John Quarles; Thomas Darling Music: John Bishop, c. 1665 - 1737
176a. |
O God, the Rock of Ages
Words: Edward Henry Bickersteth Music: Joseph Parry Holbrook, 1822 - 88
176b. |
O God, the Rock of Ages
Words: Edward Henry Bickersteth Music: Johann Georg Ebeling, 1637 - 76
177a. |
Lord, thy glory fills the heaven
Words: Richard Mant Music: George Job Elvey, 1816 - 93
177b. |
Lord, thy glory fills the heaven
Words: Richard Mant Music: Gerard Francis Cobb, 1838 - 1904
178. |
Eternal God, before thy throne we bend
Words: Ernest Edwin Ryden Music: Carl W. Landahl, b. 1908
179. |
Shepherd of tender youth
Words: St. Clement of Alexandria Music: Edward Bunnett, 1834 - 1923
180. |
Arise, my soul, arise! Stretch forth to things eternal
Words: Ernest E. Ryden; Johan Kahl Music: Ulrich S. Leupold, b. 1909
181. |
My God, how wonderful thou art
Words: Frederick W. Faber Music: Unknown
182a. |
O day of rest and gladness
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Arthur Henry Mann, 1850 - 1929
182b. |
O day of rest and gladness
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: J. W. Franck, 1641-88
183. |
Sweet is the work, my God, my King
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
184. |
Pleasant are thy courts above
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Walter Bond Gilbert, 1829 - 1910
185. |
Safely through another week
Words: John Newton Music: John Dahle, 1853 - 1931
186. |
Light of light, enlighten me
Words: Catherine Winkworth; Benjamin Schmolck Music: Unknown
187. |
Open now thy gates of beauty
Words: Benjamin Schmolck Music: Joachim Neander, 1650 - 80
188a. |
Lord Jesus Christ, be present now
Words: Wilhelm II; Catherine Winkworth Music: Unknown
188b. |
Lord Jesus Christ, be present now
Words: Wilhelm II; Catherine Winkworth Music: J. S. Bach, 1685-1750; J. S. Bach, 1685-1750
189. |
Glorious Majesty, before thee
Words: Samuel J. Hedborn; August W. Kjellstrand Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556 - 1608
190. |
Look upon us, blessed Lord
Words: Robert A. S. Macalister; Tobias Clausnitzer Music: Johann Rudolph Ahle, 1625 - 73
191a. |
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: Unknown
191b. |
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: Unknown
192. |
Abide with us, our Saviour
Words: Josua Stegmann Music: Melchior Vulpius, cir. 1560 - 1615
193. |
On what has now been sown
Words: John Newton Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
194. |
Praise to thee and adoration
Words: Thomas Hansen Kingo Music: J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
195. |
On our way rejoicing
Words: John S. Monsell Music: Frances Ridley Havergal, 1836 - 79
196. |
Almighty God, thy word is cast
Words: John Cawood Music: Henry J. Gauntlett, 1805 - 76
197. |
O happy day when we shall stand
Words: Wilhelm Andreas Wexels Music: Nikolaus Hermann, cir. 1480 - 1561
198. |
Saviour, again to thy dear Name we raise
Words: John Ellerton Music: Edward John Hopkins, 1818 - 1901
199. |
Through life’s long day and death’s dark night
Words: Frederick William Faber Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
200. |
Peace to soothe our bitter woes
Words: N. F. S. Grundtvig Music: Johan P. E. Hartmann, 1805 - 1900
201. |
New every morning is the love
Words: John Keble Music: Samuel Webbe, 1740 - 1816
202. |
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Francois H. Barthelemon, 1741 - 1808
203a. |
At thy feet, O Christ, we lay
Words: William Bright Music: Johann Georg Ebeling, 1637 - 76
203b. |
At thy feet, O Christ, we lay
Words: William Bright Music: Walter Cecil Macfarren, 1826 - 1905
204. |
Father, we praise thee, now the night is over
Words: Gregory the Great Music: R. Vaughan Williams, 1872-1958
205. |
God, who madest earth and heaven
Words: Catherine Winkworth; John Christian Jacobi; Heinrich Albert; Arthur Tozer Russell Music: Heinrich Albert, 1604 - 51
206a. |
O Splendor of God’s glory bright
Words: St. Ambrose Music: Unknown
206b. |
O Splendor of God’s glory bright
Words: St. Ambrose Music: Unknown
207a. |
Come, my soul, thou must be waking
Words: Friedrich von Canitz Music: Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732 - 1809
207b. |
Come, my soul, thou must be waking
Words: Friedrich von Canitz Music: Karl Johan Moring, 1832 - 1868
208a. |
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Charles F. Gounod, 1818 - 93
208b. |
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
209. |
God of our life, all-glorious Lord
Words: Paul Z. Strodach Music: Unknown
210. |
Golden light, serene and bright
Words: Fred C. M. Hansen; Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig Music: Christian Barnekow, 1837-1913
211. |
Now that the daystar glimmers bright
Words: John Henry Newman Music: Samuel Howard, 1710 - 82
212. |
Come, thou bright and morning star
Words: Freiherr Christian Knorr von Rosenroth Music: Unknown
213. |
Behold us, Lord, a little space
Words: John Ellerton Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
214. |
Forth in thy Name, O Lord, I go
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1583 - 1625
215. |
Evening and morning
Words: Paul Gerhardt Music: Johann Georg Ebeling, 1637 - 76
216. |
From thee all skill and science flow
Words: Charles Kingsley Music: Vincent Novello, 1781 - 1861
217a. |
O Son of Man, thou madest known
Words: Milton S. Littlefield Music: John Bishop, 1665 - 1737
217b. |
O Son of Man, thou madest known
Words: Milton S. Littlefield Music: Catherine Deisher Baxter, b. 1914
218a. |
Blest are the moments, doubly blest
Words: William Wordsworth Music: Karl Ivar Natanael Wideen, 1871 - 1951
218b. |
Blest are the moments, doubly blest
Words: William Wordsworth Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810 - 76
219. |
O Strength and Stay upholding all creation
Words: John Ellerton; Fenton J. A. Hort; St. Ambrose Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
220. |
O gladsome light, O grace
Words: Robert Seymour Bridges Music: Louis Bourgeois, c.1510 - 61; Claude Goudimel, d. 1572
221. |
Saviour, breathe an evening blessing
Words: James Edmeston Music: George Coles Stebbins, 1846 - 1945
222. |
The radiant morn hath passed away
Words: Godfrey Thring Music: Frederick A. G. Ouseley, 1825 - 99
223. |
All praise to thee, my God, this night
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Thomas Tallis, c. 1505 - 85
224. |
The day is past and over
Words: St. Anatolius of Constantinople Music: Arthur Henry Brown, 1830 - 1926
225b. |
Now God be with us, for the night is closing
Words: Petrus Herbert Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
225a. |
Now God be with us, for the night is closing
Words: Petrus Herbert Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
226. |
Sun of my soul, thou Saviour dear
Words: John Keble Music: Unknown
227. |
The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended
Words: John Ellerton Music: Clement Cotterill Scholefield, 1839 - 1904
228. |
The duteous day now closeth
Words: Paul Gerhardt Music: Heinrich Isaak, c. 1455 - 1517; J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
229. |
Saviour, now the day is ending
Words: Sarah Doudney Music: Charles Francois Gounod, 1818 - 93
230. |
God, that madest earth and heaven
Words: Reginald Heber; William Mercer Music: Unknown
231a. |
Now the day is over
Words: Sabine Baring-Gould Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
231b. |
Now the day is over
Words: Sabine Baring-Gould Music: Johann C. H. Rinck, 1770 - 1846
232. |
At even when the sun was set
Words: Henry Twells Music: Georg Joseph
233. |
The twilight shadows round me fall
Words: Ernest Edwin Ryden Music: Peter Johnson, b.1870
234. |
Holy, holy, holy Lord God of Hosts!
Words: Mary Ann Lathbury Music: William F. Sherwin, 1826 - 88
235. |
Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me
Words: Mary Lundie Duncan Music: John Stainer, 1840 - 1901
236. |
The fading day adorns the west
Words: Jakobina Johnson; Steingrimur Thorsteinsson Music: Unknown
237. |
Round me falls the night
Words: William R. Romanis Music: Leicester Darwall, 1813 - 97
The House of God (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
238a. |
Lord of the worlds above
Words: Isaac Watts Music: William Croft, 1678 - 1727
238b. |
Lord of the worlds above
Words: Isaac Watts Music: John Darwall, 1731 - 89
239. |
We love the place, O God
Words: William Bullock Music: Henry Lascelles Jenner, 1820 - 98
240. |
Angel voices ever singing
Words: Francis Pott Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
241. |
How blessed is this place, O Lord
Words: Ernest E. Ryden Music: John Ambrose Lloyd, 1815 - 74
242. |
Christ is made the sure foundation
Words: Latin hymn Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
243a. |
Put forth, O God, thy Spirit’s might
Words: Howard Chandler Robbins Music: Howard Chandler Robbins, 1876 - 1952; Ray Francis Brown, b.1897
243b. |
Put forth, O God, thy Spirit’s might
Words: Howard Chandler Robbins Music: Roger Cole Wilson, b.1912
244. |
All things are thine; no gift have we
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: Samuel Webbe, 1740 - 1816
245a. |
Blessed city, heavenly Salem
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
245b. |
Blessed city, heavenly Salem
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
246. |
Thou, whose unmeasured temple stands
Words: William Cullen Bryant Music: Wilhelm A. F. Schulthes, 1816 - 79
247. |
O Light, from age to age the same
Words: Frederick L. Hosmer Music: Raphael Courteville, c. 1677 - 1772
248. |
Our Father, by whose servants
Words: George Wallace Briggs Music: Bartholomaeus Gesius, c.1555 - 1613
249a. |
Come, all ye people, come away
Words: George Rise Seltzer Music: Ralph P. Lewars, b. 1883
249b. |
Come, all ye people, come away
Words: George Rise Seltzer Music: Samuel Webbe, 1740 - 1816
The Holy Scriptures (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
250. |
O God of Light, thy word, a lamp unfailing
Words: Sarah E. Taylor Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
251. |
The Spirit of the Lord revealed
Words: George Wallace Briggs Music: Unknown
252. |
O Word of God incarnate
Words: William Walsham How Music: Felix Mendelssohn
253. |
How blest are they who hear God’s word
Words: Johan Nordahl Brun Music: Unknown
254a. |
Thy word, O Lord, like gentle dews
Words: Carl Bernhard Garve Music: William Croft, 1678 - 1727
254b. |
Thy word, O Lord, like gentle dews
Words: Carl Bernhard Garve Music: Unknown
255. |
Awake, thou Spirit of the watchmen
Words: Karl Heinrich von Bogatzky Music: Unknown
256. |
Father of mercies, in thy word
Words: Anne Steele Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
257. |
God’s word is our great heritage
Words: N. F. S. Grundtvig Music: Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546
Sacraments and Rites (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
258. |
O Lord, thy people gathered here
Words: Roy A. Cheville Music: Robert Edwin Roberts, b.1879
259. |
He that believes and is baptized
Words: Thomas Hansen Kingo Music: Unknown
260. |
Jesus took the babes and blessed them
Words: Matthias Loy Music: Henry Thomas Smart, 1813 - 79
261. |
Saviour, who thy flock art feeding
Words: William Augustus Muhlenberg Music: Charlotte Alington Barnard, 1830 - 69
262. |
Deck thyself with joy and gladness
Words: Johann Franck Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
263b. |
O God, unseen, yet ever near
Words: Edward Osler Music: Unknown
263a. |
O God, unseen, yet ever near
Words: Edward Osler Music: John Henry Gower, 1855 - 1922
264. |
Thine own, O loving Saviour
Words: Olof Olsson; Ernest Edwin Ryden; Frans Mikael Franzen Music: Unknown
265b. |
Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray
Words: Henry Eyster Jacobs Music: Winifred Jacobs Shearer, b.1883
265a. |
Lord Jesus Christ, we humbly pray
Words: Henry Eyster Jacobs Music: Ignaz Joseph Pleyel, 1757 - 1831
266. |
According to thy gracious word
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
267. |
Be still, my soul, for God is near
Words: William Dalrymple Maclagan Music: Georg Joseph, b.c1657
268a. |
Author of life divine
Words: Charles Wesley Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
268b. |
Author of life divine
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
269. |
Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
270. |
A voice, a heavenly voice I hear!
Words: Samuel Magnus Hill; Johan Olof Wallin; Ernst W. Olson Music: Olof Ahlstrom, 1756 - 1835
271. |
O Bread of life from heaven
Words: Anon. Music: Heinrich Isaak, c.1450 - 1527
272. |
Thee we adore, O hidden Saviour, thee
Words: Thomas Aquinas Music: Unknown
273. |
Draw nigh and take the Body of the Lord
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
274a. |
Victim Divine, thy grace we claim
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Melchior Vulpius, c.1560 - 1615
274b. |
Victim Divine, thy grace we claim
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
275. |
Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: Edward Dearle, 1806 - 91
276. |
Not worthy, Lord, to gather up the crumbs
Words: Edward Henry Bickersteth Music: Giuseppe Moschetti, b.1908
277a. |
O saving Victim, opening wide
Words: Thomas Aquinas Music: Unknown
277b. |
O saving Victim, opening wide
Words: Thomas Aquinas Music: Sigismund Neukomm, 1778 - 1858
278. |
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
Words: William Bright Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
279. |
Bread of the world in mercy broken
Words: Reginald Heber Music: John S. B. Hodges, 1830 - 1915
280. |
Very Bread, good Shepherd, tend us
Words: St. Thomas Aquinas Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
281. |
Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Words: Liturgy of St. James; Gerard Moultrie Music: Unknown
282. |
For the bread which thou hast broken
Words: Louis F. Benson Music: W. S. Rockstro, 1823 - 95
283. |
Come with us, O blessed Jesus
Words: John Henry Hopkins Jr. Music: Johann Schop, 1600 - 65; J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
284. |
O Jesus, blessed Lord, to thee
Words: Thomas Hansen Kingo Music: Unknown
285. |
O living Bread from heaven
Words: Johann von Rist Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810 - 76
286. |
Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands
Words: Mar Yazdin the Great Music: J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
287. |
Lord of the everlasting light
Words: Leigh Mitchell Hodges Music: John Dahle, 1853 - 1931
288. |
My Lord, I hear thee pleading
Words: Fred C. M. Hansen; Nikolai F. S. Grundtvig Music: Unknown
289. |
O God, accept my heart this day
Words: Matthew Bridges Music: Robert Simpson, 1790 - 1832
290. |
Blessed Saviour, who hast taught me
Words: John Mason Neale Music: Unknown
291. |
With solemn joy we come, dear Lord
Words: Ernest Edwin Ryden Music: Alexander R. Reinagle, 1799 - 1877
292. |
O take my hand, dear Father
Words: H. Brueckner; Julia Hausmann Music: Friedrich Silcher, 1789 - 1860
293. |
Lord, to thee I now surrender
Words: Charles William Schaeffer; Johann Jacob Rambach Music: Unknown
294a. |
Jesus Christ, my sure Defence
Words: Otto von Schwerin Music: Unknown
294b. |
Jesus Christ, my sure Defence
Words: Otto von Schwerin Music: Unknown
295. |
Beyond the everlasting hills
Words: Ernest Edwin Ryden Music: Thomas Turton, 1780 - 1864
296. |
Father, in thy gracious keeping
Words: John Ellerton Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
297. |
Despair not, O heart, in thy sorrow
Words: Aurelius Clemens Prudentius; Edward Traill Horn III Music: Unknown
298a. |
That day of wrath, that dreadful day
Words: Walter Scott Music: Griffith Hugh Jones, 1849 - 1919
298b. |
That day of wrath, that dreadful day
Words: Walter Scott Music: Daniel Read, 1757 - 1836
299. |
I know of a sleep in Jesus’ Name
Words: Magnus Brostrup Landstad Music: Christoph E. F. Weyse, 1774 - 1842
300. |
O perfect Love, all human thought transcending
Words: Dorothy B. Gurney Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
301. |
Lord, who at Cana’s wedding feast
Words: Adelaide Thrupp Music: Gerhard Theodore Alexis, 1889 - 1927
302. |
O pour thy Spirit from on high
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
303. |
Lord of the Church, we humbly pray
Words: Charles Wesley; Edward Osler Music: Georg Peter Weimar, 1734 - 1800
Church Life and Work (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
304. |
Lord of the living harvest
Words: John S. B. Monsell Music: Arthur Henry Brown, 1830 - 1926
305. |
Thou Lord of Hosts, whose guiding hand
Words: Octavius Brooke Frothingham Music: Unknown
306. |
O Spirit of the living God
Words: James Montgomery Music: Samuel Webbe, 1740 - 1816
307. |
Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
Words: Isaac Watts Music: John Hatton, d.1793
308. |
Lift up your heads, ye gates of brass
Words: James Montgomery Music: Unknown
309. |
Thou, whose almighty word
Words: John Marriott Music: Felice de Giardini, 1716 - 96
310. |
From Greenland’s icy mountains
Words: Reginald Heber Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
311a. |
Christ for the world we sing
Words: Samuel Wolcott Music: William F. Sherwin, 1826 - 88
311b. |
Christ for the world we sing
Words: Samuel Wolcott Music: Edward Bunnett, 1834 - 1923
312. |
Saviour, sprinkle many nations
Words: Arthur Cleveland Coxe Music: John Zundel, 1815 - 82
313. |
The morning light is breaking
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: George James Webb, 1803 - 87
314. |
Publish glad tidings, tidings of peace
Words: Mary A. Thomson Music: James Walch, 1837 - 1901
315. |
Fling out the banner! let it float
Words: George W. Doane Music: John Baptiste Calkin, 1827 - 1905
316a. |
O God of mercy, God of might
Words: Godfrey Thring Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
316b. |
O God of mercy, God of might
Words: Godfrey Thring Music: Otto Emanuel Olsson, b. 1879
317. |
Remember all the people
Words: Percy Dearmer Music: Unknown
318. |
Thy kingdom come! O Father, hear our prayer
Words: Margaret Rebecca Seebach Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810 - 76
319a. |
Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning
Words: Thomas Hastings Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
319b. |
Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning
Words: Thomas Hastings Music: Johann Georg Hille
320. |
Heralds of Christ, who bear the King’s commands
Words: Laura S. Copenhaver Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
321. |
Hills of the North, rejoice
Words: Charles Edward Oakley Music: Martin Shaw, b.1875
322. |
Eternal God, whose power upholds
Words: Henry H. Tweedy Music: William Gawler, c.1750 - 1809
323. |
Spread, O spread, thou mighty word
Words: Jonathan Friedrich Bahnmaier Music: Unknown
324. |
Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old
Words: Edward Hayes Plumptre Music: William Croft, 1678 - 1727
325. |
Look from thy sphere of endless day
Words: William Cullen Bryant Music: George J. Elvey, 1816 - 93
326. |
I love to tell the story
Words: Katherine Hankey Music: William Gustavus Fischer, 1835 - 1912
327. |
The Lord will come and not be slow
Words: John Milton Music: William Jones, 1726 - 1800
328. |
Hail to the Lord’s Anointed
Words: James Montgomery Music: Robert Hyslop McCartney, 1844 - 1905
329. |
Thy kingdom come, O God
Words: Lewis Hensley Music: Leighton George Hayne, 1836 - 83
330a. |
City of God, how broad and far
Words: Samuel Johnson Music: Thomas Haweis, 1734 - 1820
330b. |
City of God, how broad and far
Words: Samuel Johnson Music: Roger Cole Wilson, b.1912
331. |
Thy kingdom come! on bended knee
Words: Frederick Lucian Hosmer Music: Unknown
332. |
O holy city, seen of John
Words: Walter Russell Bowie Music: Frederick C. Maker, 1844 - 1927
333. |
Full many shall come from the east and the west
Words: Peer Olsen Stromme; Laurence N. Field; Magnus Brostrup Landstad Music: Unknown
334. |
O holy Lord, content to fill
Words: William Walsham How Music: Herbert Stanley Oakeley, 1830 - 1903
335. |
Sing to the Lord the children’s hymn
Words: Robert Stephen Hawker Music: Unknown
336. |
O happy home, where thou art loved the dearest
Words: Karl Johann Philipp Spitta Music: John Victor Bergquist, 1877 - 1935
337. |
Holy Father, in thy mercy
Words: Isabella S. Stephenson Music: Ebenezer Prout, 1835 - 1909
338. |
Eternal Father! strong to save
Words: William Whiting Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
339. |
Before the Lord we bow
Words: Francis Scott Key Music: John Darwall, 1731 - 89
340. |
From ocean unto ocean
Words: Robert Murray Music: Felix Mendelssohn, 1809 - 47
341. |
Thou, by heavenly hosts adored
Words: Henry Harbaugh Music: George J. Elvey, 1816 - 93
342a. |
In Christ there is no east or west
Words: William A. Dunkerley Music: Leland B. Sateren, b. 1913
342b. |
In Christ there is no east or west
Words: William A. Dunkerley Music: Alexander R. Reinagle, 1799 - 1877
343a. |
Judge eternal, throned in splendor
Words: Henry Scott Holland Music: Unknown
343b. |
Judge eternal, throned in splendor
Words: Henry Scott Holland Music: Unknown
344a. |
O God of earth and altar
Words: Gilbert K. Chesterton Music: Unknown
344b. |
O God of earth and altar
Words: Gilbert K. Chesterton Music: R. Vaughan Williams, 1872 - 1958
345. |
Not alone for mighty empire
Words: William Pierson Merrill Music: Gardiner M. Day, b. 1883
346. |
O beautiful for spacious skies
Words: Katherine Lee Bates Music: Samuel A. Ward, 1848 - 1903
347. |
God of our fathers, known of old
Words: Rudyard Kipling Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
348. |
Turn back, O man, forswear thy foolish ways
Words: Clifford Bax Music: Unknown
349. |
God of peace, in peace preserve us
Words: Ernst William Olson Music: Clive Harold Kilgore, b.1889
350. |
Eternal Ruler of the ceaseless round
Words: John W. Chadwick Music: Orlando Gibbons, 1583 - 1625
351. |
Where cross the crowded ways of life
Words: Frank Mason North Music: William Gardiner, 1770 - 1853
352a. |
O God of love, O King of peace
Words: Henry W. Baker Music: Unknown
352b. |
O God of love, O King of peace
Words: Henry W. Baker Music: William H. Monk, 1823 - 89
353. |
O God of wondrous grace and glory
Words: Luther Reed Music: Luther D. Reed, b. 1873; Leland B. Sateren, b. 1913
354. |
God the Omnipotent! King, who ordainest
Words: Henry F. Chorley Music: Alexis Feodorovich Lwoff (Lvov), 1799 - 1870
355. |
Where restless crowds are thronging
Words: Thomas Curtis Clark Music: Unknown
356. |
Glory, glory, Hallelujah!
Words: Julia Ward Howe Music: William Steffe, b. 1852
357. |
Mighty God, to thy dear Name be given
Words: Petter Dass Music: Leland B. Sateren, b. 1913
358. |
God bless our native land
Words: Siegfried A. Mahlmann Music: Unknown
359a. |
Lord God of hosts, whose mighty hand
Words: John Oxenham Music: Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546; J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
359b. |
Lord God of Hosts, whose mighty hand
Words: John Oxenham Music: Henry Carey, 1692 - 1743
360. |
My country, ’tis of thee
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: Unknown
361. |
God save our gracious Queen
Words: Anon. Music: Unknown
362a. |
Lord, in thy Name thy servants plead
Words: John Keble Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
362b. |
Lord, in thy Name thy servants plead
Words: John Keble Music: Arnold F. Keller, b.1890
363. |
Come, ye thankful people, come
Words: Henry Alford Music: George J. Elvey, 1816 - 93
364. |
All good gifts around us
Words: Matthias Claudius Music: Johann A. P. Schulz, 1747 - 1800
The Life in Christ (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
365b. |
Lord Jesus, think on me
Words: Synesius of Cyrene Music: Samuel Howard, 1710 - 82
365a. |
Lord Jesus, think on me
Words: Synesius of Cyrene Music: Unknown
366. |
Weary of earth, and laden with my sin
Words: Samuel John Stone Music: James Langran, 1835 - 1909
367. |
With broken heart and contrite sigh
Words: Cornelius Elven Music: George J. Elvey, 1816 - 93
368. |
Lord, it belongs not to my care
Words: Richard Baxter Music: Unknown
369. |
Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat
Words: John Newton Music: Unknown
370a. |
Just as I am, without one plea
Words: Charlotte Elliott Music: Henry Baker, 1835-1910
370b. |
Just as I am, without one plea
Words: Charlotte Elliott Music: William B. Bradbury, 1816 - 68
371. |
I bow my forehead to the dust
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: John Richardson, 1816 - 79
372. |
Out of the depths I cry to thee
Words: Nik Day Music: Unknown
373. |
There is a fountain filled with blood
Words: William Cowper Music: William Henry Havergal, 1793 - 1870
374. |
God calling yet; shall I not hear?
Words: Sarah Borthwick Findlater; Gerhard Tersteegen Music: Unknown
375. |
My faith looks up to thee
Words: Ray Palmer Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
376b. |
Jesus, thy Blood and righteousness
Words: Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf Music: Unknown
376a. |
Jesus, thy Blood and righteousness
Words: Nicolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf Music: Bartholomaeus Gesius, C. 1555 - c. 1613
377. |
Sinners Jesus will receive
Words: Erdmann Neumeister Music: William Dalrymple Maclagan, 1826 - 1910
378. |
Search me, God, and know my heart
Words: Claus August Wendell Music: Gunnar Wennerberg, 1817 - 1901
379b. |
Rock of Ages, cleft for me
Words: Augustus M. Toplady Music: Thomas Hastings, 1784 - 1872
379a. |
Rock of Ages, cleft for me
Words: Augustus M. Toplady Music: Richard Redhead, 1820 - 1901
380. |
To thee, O Lord, the God of all
Words: Magnus Brostrup Landstad Music: Martin Luther, 1483 - 1546
381. |
By thy Cross, O Christ, and passion
Words: Ernest Edwin Ryden; Johan Olof Wallin; Ernst William Olson Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
382. |
Now once again for help that never faileth
Words: Mildred Whitney Stillman Music: Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1847 - 1918
383. |
Jesus, hear my humble pleading
Words: Samuel V. Autere; Ernest Edwin Ryden; Jenny Pohjola Music: Armas Maasalo, b. 1885
384a. |
One who is all unfit to count
Words: Narayan Vaman Tilak Music: Unknown
384b. |
One who is all unfit to count
Words: Narayan Vaman Tilak Music: Unknown
385. |
On Christ, the solid rock, I stand
Words: Edward Mote Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
386. |
O Jesus, thou art standing
Words: William Walsham How Music: Justin H. Knecht, 1752 - 1817; Edward Husband, 1843 - 1908
387. |
I know that my Redeemer lives
Words: Samuel Medley Music: John Hatton, d. 1793
388. |
As pants the hart for cooling streams
Words: Nahum Tate Music: Hugh Wilson, 1764 - 1824
389. |
O for a heart to praise my God
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
390. |
Thou art the Way; to thee alone
Words: George W. Doane Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
391a. |
Thou hidden Love of God, whose height
Words: Paul Gerhardt Music: Gerhard Theodore Alexis, 1889 - 1927
391b. |
Thou hidden Love of God, whose height
Words: Paul Gerhardt Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
392. |
More love to thee, O Christ
Words: Elizabeth T. Prentiss Music: William Howard Doane, 1832 - 1915
393a. |
Jesus, Lover of my soul
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Joseph Parry, 1841 - 1903
393b. |
Jesus, Lover of my soul
Words: Charles Wesley Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
393c. |
Jesus, Lover of my soul
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Simeon B. Marsh, 1798 - 1875
394. |
Blest are the pure in heart
Words: John Keble; Edward Osler Music: Unknown
395. |
O for a faith that will not shrink
Words: William H. Bathurst Music: Richard Redhead, 1820 - 1901
396. |
I lift my eyes unto heaven above
Words: Ida M. Kaskinen; Ernest Edwin Ryden; Johan Ludvig Runeberg Music: Rudolf Lagi, 1823 - 68
397a. |
Love divine, all loves excelling
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Rowland Hugh Prichard, 1811 - 87
397b. |
Love divine, all loves excelling
Words: Charles Wesley Music: George F. Le Jeune, 1841 - 1904
398. |
Mine eyes unto the mountains
Words: Ernst W. Olson Music: Unknown
399. |
Jesus, thy boundless love to me
Words: Paul Gerhardt Music: Dmitri Stepanovitch Bortnianski, 1752 - 1825
400. |
O Christ, our hope, our hearts’ desire
Words: John Chandler Music: Nikolaus Hermann, c.1480 - 1561
401. |
Jesus, thy love unbounded
Words: James G. Deck Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
402. |
O Love that wilt not let me go
Words: George Matheson Music: Albert Lister Peace, 1844 - 1912
403b. |
Lord, with glowing heart I’d praise thee
Words: Francis Scott Key Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
403a. |
Lord, with glowing heart I’d praise thee
Words: Francis Scott Key Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
404. |
How brightly beams the morning star!
Words: Philipp Nicolai Music: Philipp Nicolai, 1556 - 1608
405. |
For his mercies aye endure
Words: John Milton Music: John Bernard Wilkes, 1785 - 1869
406. |
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
Words: John Newton Music: Alexander Robert Reinagle, 1799 - 1877
407. |
Praise the Lord! Ye heavens, adore him
Words: Psalm 148; John Kempthorne Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
408. |
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation
Words: Joachim Neander Music: Unknown
409. |
Ye holy angels bright
Words: Richard Baxter Music: William Croft, 1678 - 1727
410. |
The God of Abraham praise
Words: Moses Maimonides; Daniel ben Judah; Thomas Olivers Music: Unknown
411. |
Praise to the Holiest in the height
Words: John Henry Newman Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
412. |
Join all the glorious names
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Roger R. Ross, 1817 - 99
413b. |
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Martin Shaw, b.1875
413a. |
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
414. |
Let the whole creation cry
Words: Stopford A. Brooke Music: Jakob Hintze, 1622 - 1702; J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
415. |
Thee we adore, eternal Lord!
Words: Thomas Cotterill Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
416. |
When morning gilds the skies
Words: Robert Bridges, 1844 - 1930 Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
417. |
Alleluia! sing to Jesus
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810 - 76
418. |
Let all the world in every corner sing
Words: George Herbert Music: George J. Elvey, 1816 - 93
419. |
O Saviour, precious Saviour
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: Arthur Henry Mann, 1850 - 1929
420. |
Through all the changing scenes of life
Words: Nahum Tate Music: George Thomas Smart, 1776 - 1867
421. |
Praise ye the Father for his lovingkindness
Words: Elizabeth R. Charles Music: Friedrich F. Flemming, 1778 - 1813
422. |
Sing praise to God who reigns above
Words: Johann J. Schütz Music: Leland B. Sateren, b. 1913
423. |
O sing, all ye lands, with jubilant voice
Words: Harriet Reynolds Krauth Spaeth; Ulrik Vilhelm Koren Music: Erik Christian Hoff, 1830 - 94
424. |
Hosanna to the living Lord!
Words: Reginald Heber Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
425. |
Saviour, blessed Saviour
Words: Godfrey Thring Music: Unknown
426a. |
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name!
Words: Edward Perronet Music: William Shrubsole, 1760 - 1806; Edgar C. Robinson
426b. |
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name!
Words: Edward Perronet Music: Oliver Holden, 1765 - 1844
427. |
Praise the Lord of heaven
Words: Thomas Brierly Browne Music: Thomas Morley, 1842 - 91
428a. |
O for a thousand tongues to sing
Words: Charles Wesley Music: William Gardiner, 1770 - 1853
428b. |
O for a thousand tongues to sing
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Carl Gotthilf Glaser, 1784 - 1829; Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
429. |
From all that dwell below the skies
Words: Isaac Watts Music: John Hatton, d. 1793
430b. |
At the Name of Jesus
Words: Caroline M. Noel Music: Unknown
430a. |
At the Name of Jesus
Words: Caroline M. Noel Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
431. |
Crown him with many crowns
Words: Matthew Bridges; Godfrey Thring Music: George J. Elvey, 1816 - 93
432. |
Songs of praise the angels sang
Words: James Montgomery Music: John Bernard Wilkes, 1785 - 1869
433. |
Thou didst leave thy throne
Words: Emily E. S. Elliott Music: Timothy Richard Matthews, 1826 - 1910
434. |
Beautiful Saviour, King of Creation
Words: Gesangbuch, Münster, 1677 Music: Unknown
435b. |
Hail, thou once despised Jesus!
Words: John Bakewell Music: Unknown
435a. |
Hail, thou once despised Jesus!
Words: John Bakewell Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
436b. |
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice
Words: Charles Wesley Music: William E. Fischer, 1849 - 1936
436a. |
Lift up your heart, lift up your voice
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Horatio W. Parker, 1863 - 1919
437. |
Ye watchers and ye holy ones
Words: John A. L. Riley Music: Unknown
438. |
Joyful, joyful we adore thee
Words: Henry Van Dyke Music: Samuel Sebastian Wesley, 1810 - 76
439. |
The head that once was crowned with thorns
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: Jeremiah Clarke, c. 1669 - 1707
440b. |
When all thy mercies, O my God
Words: Joseph Addison Music: James Walch, 1837 - 1901
440a. |
When all thy mercies, O my God
Words: Joseph Addison Music: William Horsley, 1774 - 1858
441. |
Give to our God immortal praise
Words: Isaac Watts Music: John Hatton, d.1793
442. |
The spacious firmament on high
Words: Joseph Addison Music: Franz Joseph Haydn, 1732 - 1809
443. |
Now thank we all our God
Words: Martin Rinkhart Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
444. |
For the beauty of the earth
Words: Folliott S. Pierpoint Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
445. |
To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise
Words: William Chatterton Dix Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
446. |
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Johann Michael Haydn, 1737 - 1806
447. |
My God, I thank thee, who hast made
Words: Adelaide A. Procter Music: Frederick C. Maker, 1844 - 1927
448a. |
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
448b. |
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
Words: Christopher Wordsworth Music: Unknown
449. |
How marvellous God’s greatness
Words: Valdimar Briem Music: Unknown
450. |
We praise thee, O God, our Redeemer, Creator
Words: Julia Cady Cory Music: Edward Kremser, 1838 - 1914
451a. |
Teach me, my God and King
Words: George Herbert Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
451b. |
Teach me, my God and King
Words: George Herbert Music: Charles Lockhart, 1745 - 1815
452. |
Lord, teach us how to pray aright
Words: James Montgomery Music: William Henry Havergal, 1793 - 1870
453. |
O Christ, whom we may love and know
Words: Margaret Cropper Music: Richard Redhead, 1820 - 1901
454. |
O thou whose feet have climbed life’s hill
Words: Louis F. Benson Music: Jeremiah Clarke, 1669 - 1707
455. |
Lord, as to thy dear Cross we flee
Words: John Hampden Gurney Music: Unknown
456a. |
One there is above all others
Words: John Newton Music: Unknown
456b. |
One there is above all others
Words: John Newton Music: Andreas Peter Berggren, 1801 - 80
457. |
Our God is love, and all his saints
Words: Thomas Cotterill Music: Wilhelm A. F. Schulthes, 1816 - 79
458. |
Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire
Words: James Montgomery Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
459. |
What a friend we have in Jesus
Words: Joseph M. Scriven Music: Charles Crozat Converse, 1832 - 1918
460. |
O God, eternal source
Words: E. T. Horn III; C. Winkworth; M. Rinkart; J. Heermann Music: Ahasuerus Fritsch, 1629 - 1701; J. S. Bach, 168 -1750
461. |
Saviour, Saviour, hear my humble cry
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: William Howard Doane, 1832 - 1915
462. |
O my soul, on wings ascending
Words: Composite; Johan Olof Wallin Music: Johann Schop, c.1600 - 65
463. |
Saviour, thy dying love
Words: S. Dryden Phelps Music: Robert Lowry, 1826 - 99
464. |
Thou to whom the sick and dying
Words: Godfrey Thring Music: Friedrich Heinrich Himmel, 1765 - 1814
465. |
My God and Father, while I stray
Words: Charlotte Elliott Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
466. |
O for a closer walk with God
Words: William Cowper Music: Unknown
467. |
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: Frederick C. Maker, 1844 - 1927
468. |
O Jesus, King most wonderful
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: Unknown
469. |
Jesus, these eyes have never seen
Words: Ray Palmer Music: Herbert S. Irons, 1834 - 1905
470. |
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Words: Edwin Hatch Music: Robert Jackson, 1842 - 1914
471. |
Come, O thou Traveler unknown
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Robert King, c.1684 - 1711
472. |
Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace
Words: William Henry Burleigh Music: James Langran, 1835 - 1909
473. |
I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew
Words: Holy Songs, Carols, and Sacred Ballads, 1880; The Pilgrim Hymnal, 1904 Music: George Whitefield Chadwick, 1854 - 1931
474. |
Walk in the light: so shalt thou know
Words: Bernard Barton Music: Thomas Haweis, 1734 - 1820
475. |
Light of the anxious heart
Words: Robert Campbell; St. Bernard of Clairvaux Music: Unknown
476a. |
Immortal Love, forever full
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: Jeremiah Clarke, c. 1669 - 1707
476b. |
Immortal Love, forever full
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: William Vincent Wallace, 1814 - 65
477. |
Since Jesus is my Friend
Words: Catherine Winkworth; Paul Gerhardt Music: Samuel Wesley, 1766 - 1837
478. |
He leadeth me: O blessed thought!
Words: Joseph H. Gilmore Music: William Batchelder Bradbury, 1816 - 68
479. |
I need thee, O I need thee
Words: Annie S. Hawks Music: Robert Lowry, 1826 - 99
480a. |
O thou in all thy might so far
Words: Frederick Lucian Hosmer Music: Unknown
480b. |
O thou in all thy might so far
Words: Frederick Lucian Hosmer Music: Arnold F. Keller, b.1890
481. |
Jesus, the very thought of thee
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
482. |
Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain would take my stand
Words: Elizabeth C. Clephane Music: Frederick C. Maker, 1844 - 1927
483a. |
Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: Ernest White, b. 1899
483b. |
Jesus, thou Joy of loving hearts
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: Unknown
484. |
God moves in a mysterious way
Words: William Cowper Music: Unknown
485. |
Jesus, Lord and precious Saviour
Words: Augustus Nelson; Jakob Arrhenius Music: Unknown
486. |
Alas! and did my Saviour bleed
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Hugh Wilson, 1764 - 1824
487. |
This is my Father’s world
Words: Maltbie D. Babcock Music: Franklin L. Sheppard, 1852 - 1930
488. |
Unto the hills around do I lift up
Words: John Campbell Music: Charles Henry Purday, 1799 - 1885
489. |
O God, I love thee; not that my poor love
Words: St. Francis Xavier Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
490. |
I look to thee in every need
Words: Samuel Longfellow Music: Johann Balthasar Reimann, 1702 - 49
491. |
Break thou the bread of life
Words: Mary Ann Lathbury Music: William F. Sherwin, 1826 - 88
492. |
I lay my sins on Jesus
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: Felix Mendelssohn, 1809 - 47
493b. |
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Words: Frederick W. Faber Music: Henry Brinley Richards, 1817 - 89
493a. |
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Words: Frederick W. Faber Music: W. S. Rockstro, 1823 - 95
494a. |
We sing the praise of him who died
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: Unknown
494b. |
We sing the praise of him who died
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: Gordon C. Ruud, b. 1920
495a. |
Sometimes a light surprises
Words: William Cowper Music: John Pyke Hullah, 1812 - 84
495b. |
Sometimes a light surprises
Words: William Cowper Music: William H. Monk, 1823 - 89; Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
496. |
Still, still with thee, when purple morning breaketh
Words: Harriet Beecher Stowe Music: Franz Abt, 1819 - 85
497. |
I think, when I read that sweet story of old
Words: Jemima Luke Music: William B. Bradbury, 1816 - 68; Winfred Douglas, 1867 - 1944
498. |
Angels of Jesus, angels of light
Words: Frederick W. Faber Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
499a. |
I heard the voice of Jesus say
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: Thomas Tallis, c. 1505 - 85
499b. |
I heard the voice of Jesus say
Words: Horatius Bonar Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
500. |
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Words: African-American spiritual Music: Unknown
501. |
O Jesu so meek, O Jesu so kind
Words: Valentin Thilo Music: J. S. Bach, 1685 - 1750
502a. |
The Lord our God alone is strong
Words: Caleb T. Winchester Music: L. David Miller, b. 1919
502b. |
The Lord our God alone is strong
Words: Caleb T. Winchester Music: Unknown
503a. |
When I survey the wondrous Cross
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
503b. |
When I survey the wondrous Cross
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Edward Miller, 1731 - 1807
504. |
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all
Words: Henry Collins Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
505. |
Thee will I love, my strength, my tower
Words: Johann Scheffler Music: Unknown
506. |
Let me be thine forever
Words: Nicolaus Selneccer Music: Hartnack O. K. Zinck, 1746 - 1833
507. |
Jesus, Master, whose I am
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: Jeremiah F. Ohl, 1850 - 1941
508. |
Make me a captive, Lord
Words: George Matheson Music: George William Martin, 1828 - 81; Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
509. |
Conquering kings their titles take
Words: John Chandler Music: Unknown
510. |
Take my life, and let it be
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: William Henry Havergal, 1793 - 1870
511. |
Thine for ever! God of love
Words: Mary Fawler Maude Music: Unknown
512b. |
Jesus, I my cross have taken
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
512a. |
Jesus, I my cross have taken
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Gerhard Theodore Alexis, 1889 - 1927
513. |
Thy life was given for me
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
514. |
Jesus, and shall it ever be
Words: Benjamin Francis; Joseph Grigg Music: Henry K. Oliver, 1800 - 85
515b. |
O Jesus, I have promised
Words: John E. Bode Music: Lee H. Bristol, Jr., b. 1923
515a. |
O Jesus, I have promised
Words: John E. Bode Music: Arthur Henry Mann, 1850 - 1929
516. |
Faith of our fathers! living still
Words: Frederick W. Faber Music: Henri Frederick Hemy, 1818 - 88; James George Walton, 1821 - 1905
517. |
Art thou weary, art thou languid
Words: Stephen of Mar Sabas Music: Henry Williams Baker, 1821 - 77
518. |
Jesus, thou art mine forever
Words: Matthias Loy Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
519b. |
O God of Bethel, by whose hand
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: Alexander R. Reinagle, 1799 - 1877
519a. |
O God of Bethel, by whose hand
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: Rob Roy Peery, b. 1900
520a. |
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
Words: William Williams Music: John Hughes, 1873 - 1932
520b. |
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah
Words: William Williams Music: Jeremiah F. Ohl, 1850 - 1941
521. |
God of our fathers, whose almighty hand
Words: Daniel C. Roberts Music: George William Warren, 1828 - 1902
522. |
The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want
Words: Francis Rous Music: Jessie Seymour Irvine, 1836 - 87; David Grant, 1833 - 93
523a. |
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
Words: John Henry Newman Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
523b. |
Lead, kindly Light, amid the encircling gloom
Words: John Henry Newman Music: Charles Purday, 1799 - 1885
524. |
Saviour, like a shepherd lead us
Words: Dorothy Ann Thrupp Music: William Bachelder Bradbury, 1816 - 68
525. |
Watchman, tell us of the night
Words: John Bowring Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
526. |
The Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well supplied
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Frederick Handel, 1685 - 1759
527. |
Brief life is here our portion
Words: John Mason Neale; Bernard of Cluny Music: Henry J. Gauntlett, 1805 - 76
528. |
Saviour, teach me, day by day
Words: Jane Eliza Leeson Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
529a. |
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Words: Bernhard Severin Ingemann Music: William Samuel Bambridge, 1842 - 1923
529b. |
Through the night of doubt and sorrow
Words: Bernhard Severin Ingemann Music: Martin Shaw, b. 1875
530a. |
The King of love my shepherd is
Words: Henry W. Baker Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
530b. |
The King of love my shepherd is
Words: Henry W. Baker Music: Unknown
531. |
Jesus, Saviour, pilot me
Words: Edward Hopper Music: John Edgar Gould, 1822 - 75
532. |
Jesus, still lead on
Words: Nicolaus Ludwig Music: Adam Drese, 1620 - 1701
533. |
Great God, we sing that mighty hand
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
534a. |
For thee, O dear, dear country
Words: Bernard of Cluny Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
534b. |
For thee, O dear, dear country
Words: Bernard of Cluny Music: T. Tertius Noble, 1867 - 1953
535a. |
Not always on the mount may we
Words: Frederick L. Hosmer Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
535b. |
Not always on the mount may we
Words: Frederick L. Hosmer Music: Walter Henry Hall, 1862 - 1935
536. |
Lord, as a pilgrim on earth I roam
Words: Aino Lilja Kantonen-Halkola; Wilhelmi Malmivaara; Ernest Edwin Ryden Music: Ernest August Hagfors, 1827 - 1913
537. |
O Master, let me walk with thee
Words: Washington Gladden Music: Henry Percy Smith, 1825 - 98
538. |
Lord, speak to me, that I may speak
Words: Frances R. Havergal Music: Robert Schumann, 1810 - 56
539. |
O brother man, fold to thy heart thy brother!
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: Alfred Scott-Gatty, 1847 - 1918
540. |
Believing fathers oft have told
Words: Archibald Hamilton Charteris Music: Christian Gottlob Neefe, 1748 - 98
541. |
Rise up, O men of God!
Words: William Pierson Merrill Music: William Henry Walter, 1825 - 93
542. |
Son of God, eternal Saviour
Words: Somerset C. Lowry Music: T. Tertius Noble, 1867 - 1953
543. |
Blest be the tie that binds
Words: John Fawcett Music: Lowell Mason; Hans Georg Naegeli, 1773 - 1836
544a. |
We give thee but thine own
Words: William Walsham How Music: John Montgomerie Bell, 1837 - 1910
544b. |
We give thee but thine own
Words: William Walsham How Music: Henry John Gauntlett, 1805 - 76
545. |
The wise may bring their learning
Words: Anon. Music: Edward John Hopkins, 1818 - 1901
546. |
Let us now our voices raise
Words: St. Joseph the Hymnographer Music: Melchior Vulpius, 1560 - 1615
547. |
Once to every man and nation
Words: James Russell Lowell Music: Thomas John Williams, 1869 - 1944
548. |
O God of youth, whose Spirit in our hearts is stirring
Words: Bates G. Burt Music: Bates Gilbert Burt, 1878 - 1948
549. |
Saviour, thee my heart I tender
Words: John Burton Music: George F. C. Le Jeune, 1841 - 1904
550. |
Lead on, O King eternal
Words: Ernest W. Shurtleff Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
551a. |
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Words: George Duffield Music: Geoffrey Turton Shaw, 1879 - 1943
551b. |
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Words: George Duffield Music: George James Webb, 1803 - 87
552. |
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: George Frederick Handel, 1685 - 1759
553. |
Jesus calls us; o’er the tumult
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: William Herbert Jude, 1851 - 1922
554. |
Am I a soldier of the Cross
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Thomas Augustine Arne, 1710 - 78
555. |
Rejoice, rejoice!
Words: Edward H. Plumptre Music: Arthur Henry Messiter, 1834 - 1916
556. |
Rise, ye children of salvation
Words: Emma Frances Bevan; Justus Falckner Music: Joachim Neander, 1650 - 1680
557. |
Fight the good fight with all thy might
Words: John S. B. Monsell Music: William Boyd, 1847 - 1928
558. |
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: Unknown
559. |
My soul, be on thy guard
Words: George Heath Music: Unknown
560. |
Onward, Christian soldiers
Words: Sabine Baring-Gould Music: Arthur S. Sullivan, 1842 - 1900
561. |
In the hour of trial
Words: James Montgomery Music: Spencer Lane, 1843 - 1903
562. |
The Son of God goes forth to war
Words: Reginald Heber Music: Henry Stephen Cutler, 1824 - 1902
563a. |
He who would valiant be
Words: John Bunyan Music: Unknown
563b. |
He who would valiant be
Words: John Bunyan Music: Winfred Douglas, 1867 - 1944
564a. |
Soldiers of Christ, arise
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Edward Woodall Naylor, b.1867
564b. |
Soldiers of Christ, arise
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
565. |
Forward! be our watch-word
Words: Henry Alford Music: Henry Smart, 1813 - 79
566. |
Thine is the glory
Words: Edmond L. Budry Music: George Frederick Handel, 1685 - 1759
567. |
All hail, our glorious Saviour!
Words: Margaret Rebecca Seebach; Lillian Weaver Cassaday Music: George C. F. Haas, 1854 - 1927
568. |
If thou but suffer God to guide thee
Words: Georg Neumark Music: Georg Neumark, 1621 - 81
569. |
Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish
Words: Thomas Moore; Thomas Hastings Music: Samuel Webbe, 1740 - 1816
570. |
Majestic sweetness sits enthroned
Words: Samuel Stennett Music: Thomas Hastings, 1784 - 1872
571. |
Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
Words: Edward H. Bickersteth Music: George Thomas Caldbeck, 1852 - 1912; Charles John Vincent, 1852 - 1934
572. |
Children of the heavenly Father
Words: Karolina W. Sandell-Berg Music: Unknown
573. |
O blessed Sun whose splendor
Words: Karl Johann Philipp Spitta Music: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, 1809 - 47
574. |
In heavenly love abiding
Words: Anna L. Waring Music: David Evans, 1874 - 1948
575a. |
Jesus, priceless Treasure
Words: Johann Franck Music: Johann Cruger, 1598 - 1662
575b. |
Jesus, priceless Treasure
Words: Johann Franck Music: Ludvig M. Lindeman, 1812 - 87
576. |
Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: William Henry Monk, 1823 - 89
577. |
Nearer, my God, to thee
Words: Sarah F. Adams Music: Lowell Mason, 1792 - 1872
578. |
Come home, come home
Words: Will L. Thompson Music: Will Lamartine Thompson, 1847 - 1909
579. |
Put thou thy trust in God
Words: Paul Gerhardt Music: Unknown
580. |
My Jesus, as thou wilt
Words: Benjamin Schmolck Music: Charles J. Dale
581. |
Hope of the world, thou Christ of great compassion
Words: Georgia Harkness Music: John Albert Jeffrey, 1855 - 1929
582. |
Whate’er our God ordains is right
Words: Samuel Rodigast Music: Unknown
583. |
There is a land of pure delight
Words: Isaac Watts Music: James Walch, 1837 - 1901
584. |
Jerusalem the golden
Words: Bernard of Cluny Music: Alexander Ewing, 1830 - 95
585. |
Thy word, O God, declareth
Words: Alfred Ramsey; Johann Walther Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
586. |
The world is very evil
Words: John Mason Neale; Bernard of Cluny Music: Unknown
587a. |
Jerusalem, my happy home
Words: Joseph Bromehead Music: Annabel Morris Buchanan, b. 1888
587b. |
Jerusalem, my happy home
Words: Joseph Bromehead Music: Herbert Stephen Irons, 1834 - 1905
588. |
Jerusalem, thou city fair and high
Words: Catherine Winkworth; Johann Matthaus Meyfart Music: Melchior Franck, c. 1573 - 1639
589. |
Where loyal hearts and true
Words: Frederick William Faber Music: Joseph Barnby, 1838 - 96
590. |
For ever with the Lord!
Words: James Montgomery Music: Charles Lockhart, 1745 - 1815
591. |
Light’s abode, celestial Salem
Words: Thomas à Kempis Music: Unknown
592. |
There’s a Friend for little children
Words: Albert Midlane Music: Samuel Smith, 1821 - 1917
593a. |
I know not what the future hath
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: Oscar Rudolph Overby, b. 1892
593b. |
I know not what the future hath
Words: John Greenleaf Whittier Music: Arthur Cottman, 1842 - 79
594. |
Give me the wings of faith to rise
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Robert Simpson, 1790 - 1832
595a. |
Ten thousand times ten thousand
Words: Henry Alford Music: Johann Wolfgang Franck, 1641-88
595b. |
Ten thousand times ten thousand
Words: Henry Alford Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1823 - 76
596a. |
O what their joy and their glory must be
Words: Peter Abelard Music: J. C. Kittel, 1732 - 1809
596b. |
O what their joy and their glory must be
Words: Peter Abelard Music: Unknown
597. |
I heard a sound of voices
Words: Godfrey Thring Music: Henry Johnson Storer, 1860 - 1935
598. |
For those we love within the veil
Words: William Charter Piggott Music: Unknown
599. |
Behold a host like mountains bright!
Words: Hans Adolph Brorson Music: Edward Grieg, 1843 - 1907
600. |
O Lord of life, where’er they be
Words: Frederick Lucian Hosmer Music: Melchior Vulpius, c. 1560 - 1615; Ernest MacMillan
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601. |
Praise ye the Lord, ye servants of the Lord
Words: George Ratcliffe Woodward Music: Unknown
602. |
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Louis Bourgeois, c. 1510 - 61
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