Himnos de Sión (Mexican Mission)
Himnos de Sión de la Iglesia De Jesucristo De Los Santos De Los Ultimos Dias
Himnos de Sión (Mexican Mission),
Independence, Missouri, USA.
Mexican Mission.
1927 Edition.
135 songs.
- Archive Viewer: 88025
- Flake-Draper Number: 1856 (Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930)
- Jacobs Number: 811.H (Mormon Non-English Scriptures, Hymnals, & Periodicals, 1830–1986)
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: BX 8685.2 .Sp24h 1927
- Church History Library: M285.2 H99SPA 1927; M285.2 H99SPA 1927 no. 2
- N/A
Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. |
El fin se acerca
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
4. |
Te damos, Señor, nuestras gracias
Words: William Fowler Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
5. |
Oh mi Padre
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
6. |
La voz de Jesucristo
Words: Edmund W. Richardson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson
7. |
Dios, bendícenos
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
8. |
Dios, despídenos
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
8. |
La obra ya empieza
Words: Edmund W. Richardson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson
10. |
Un ángel del Señor
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
11. |
Fulgura la aurora
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
12. |
Haz tú lo justo
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
13. |
Mirad a Sión hermosa
Words: John A. Granade; Edward Partridge Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
14. |
Venid hermanos en la fe
Words: Edmund W. Richardson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson
15. |
Ante Ti, Señor, tu grey
Words: William Hammond Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
16. |
Ante Ti, Dios el Padre
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
17. |
Venid de Sion los hijos
Words: Caleb J. Taylor; William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
18. |
¡Oh gente afligida!
Words: Edmund W. Richardson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson
20. |
¿Qué es la verdad?
Words: John Jaques Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
21. |
Cuando Cristo vendrá en su gloria
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
22. |
“Venid a mí,” dijo Jesús
Words: John Nicholson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
24. |
Redentor de Israel
Words: Joseph Swain; William W. Phelps (adapter) Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
25. |
La Expiación
Words: John Nicholson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
26. |
El Espíritu de Dios
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
27. |
Hay Reposo con Dios
Words: Zion’s Hill, 1833 Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
28. |
El día santo del Señor
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
29. |
Gran Salvador cerca Ti
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
31. |
Ancianos de Israel
Words: Cyrus H. Wheelock Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: James Jacobson (from English)
32. |
En la Judea, tierra de Dios
Words: John Menzies Macfarlane Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Mexican Mission (from English)
33. |
Oración del Profeta
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Mexican Mission (from English)
34. |
¿Qué vieron en el cielo?
Words: John S. Davis Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Mexican Mission (from English)
35. |
De cerros de Islanda
Words: Reginald Heber Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Mexican Mission (from English)
36. |
Nos veremos en el río
Words: Robert Lowry Music: N/A (words only)
37. |
¿Cuándo veremos a Ti, oh Señor?
Words: Edwin F. Parry Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Mexican Mission (from English)
38. |
Cristo mi Salvador
Words: Orson Pratt Huish Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Mexican Mission (from English)
39. |
Esperando la cosecha
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Mexican Mission (from English)
40. |
Hermanos, venid
Words: Jose V. Estrada G. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Jose V. Estrada G.
42. |
La Proclamación
Words: Jose V. Estrada G. Music: N/A (words only)
43. |
Tened en Dios confianza
Words: Jose V. Estrada G. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Jose V. Estrada G.
44. |
Venid, hermanos
Words: Jose V. Estrada G. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Jose V. Estrada G.
45. |
La ofrenda
Words: Jose V. Estrada G. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Jose V. Estrada G.
46. |
Sabed que el hombre libre está
Words: Anon.; Sally Swey Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Alonzo L. Taylor (from English)
47. |
Promesa cumplida
Words: Joel Morales Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Joel Morales
48. |
Mensaje de paz
Words: Joel Morales Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Joel Morales
49. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
50. |
Si tú al astro Sirio
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
51. |
¿Por qué somos?
Words: Edmund W. Richardson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson
53. |
Mas cerca, Dios a Ti
Words: Sarah F. Adams Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
54. |
Hijos del Señor, venid
Words: James H. Wallis Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
55. |
Himno bautismal
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
56. |
Día de gozo
Words: Philo Dibble Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
57. |
Jesús es mi luz
Words: James L. Nicholson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
58. |
¡Oh bondadoso Padre!
Words: Charles Denney Jr. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
59. |
Niños, Dios os ama
Words: Charles L. Walker Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
60. |
Loor al profeta
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Andrés C. González; Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
61. |
Id mensajeros
Words: Anon.; John Taylor Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: José A. Mortensen (from English)
62. |
¡Mirad al Salvador!
Words: Samuel Deacon; Barton Hymns, 1797 Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Clyde D. Pierce (from English)
63. |
Hogar Dominical
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
64. |
¿Pensaste orar?
Words: Mary A. Pepper Kidder Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
65. |
Para siempre Dios esté con vos
Words: Jeremiah E. Rankin Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
66. |
Tratémonos con bondad
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
68. |
Marchemos a la gloria
Words: John M. Chamberlain Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
69. |
Dios trabaja misteriosamente
Words: William Cowper Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
70. |
Words: Andrés C. González Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Andrés C. González
71. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
72. |
Brilla la aurora sacra
Words: John Jaques Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: W. Ernest Young (from English)
74. |
Una despedida
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: W. Ernest Young (from English)
75. |
Adelante para siempre
Words: W. Ernest Young Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: W. Ernest Young
76. |
¡Oh, está todo bien!
Words: William Clayton Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
77. |
Ya regocijemos en día bendito
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
78. |
¡Oh Jesús, mi Gran Amor!
Words: Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
80. |
Te quiero sin cesar
Words: Annie S. Hawks Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
81. |
¡Oh, Rey de Reyes, ven!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
82. |
Venid los que tenéis de Dios el Sacerdocio
Words: Thomas Davenport Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
83. |
Bandera de Sión
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
85. |
Mansos reverentes hoy
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
86. |
De corte celestial cuan gran Amor
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
87. |
Saludo a ti
Words: Patty S. Hill Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
89. |
Los niños no vedéis
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
90. |
Pequeño niño fué Jesús
Words: James R. Murray Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
91. |
¿Quién sigue al Señor?
Words: Hannah Last Cornaby Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
93. |
Ved volar potente ángel
Words: Robert B. Thompson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
94. |
Al ir a Sión a juntaros
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
95. |
Doquier que me mandas, iré
Words: Mary Brown Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
97. |
Israel Jesús os llama
Words: Richard Smyth Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
98. |
Jehová mi Pastor es
Words: Psalm 23; James Montgomery (adapter) Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
99. |
Al partir cantemos
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
100. |
Yo sé que vive mi Señor
Words: Samuel Medley Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
101. |
Oh vos que sois llamados
Words: Mary Judd Page Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
102. |
Del alma es la oración
Words: James Montgomery Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
104. |
Cristo El quiere que brille
Words: Nellie Talbot Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
105. |
Pon tu hombro a la lid
Words: Will L. Thompson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
106. |
Solana en mi alma hay
Words: Eliza E. Hewitt Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
107. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
108. |
Paz, cálmense
Words: Mary Ann Baker Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
109. |
Tu niño tan caro ha muerto
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
110. |
Allá, allá, el nos dirá
Words: Maxwell N. Cornelius Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
112. |
Cuando hay amor
Words: John Hugh McNaughton Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
113. |
Cuan grato es cantar loor
Words: George Manwaring Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
114. |
Sé prudente, O hermano
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
116. |
Asombro me da
Words: Charles H. Gabriel Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
117. |
Si la vía es penosa
Words: W. H. Flaville Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
118. |
O Jesús, gran Rey del cielo
Words: John Fellows Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
119. |
¡Qué firmes cimientos!
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
120. |
¡Salve Sión, es tu día ilustre!
Words: Thomas Hastings Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
121. |
Jehová, sé nuestro guía
Words: William Williams Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from Welsh)
122. |
Tan humilde al nacer
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
123a. |
A Dios, el Padre, y Jesús
Words: Thomas Ken Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
123b. |
Cuando te abruman penas y dolor
Words: Johnson Oatman Jr. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
124. |
Jesús en pesebre, sin cuna nació
Words: Martin Luther; Little Children’s Book for Schools and Families, 1885 Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
126. |
Canto de Navidad
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
127. |
Palabras de amor
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
128. |
Escucha al Profeta
Words: Joseph S. Murdock; Bruce R. McConkie Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
130. |
O hablemos con tiernos acentos
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
131. |
¡Mirad, reales huestes!
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
132. |
¿He hecho hoy un bien?
Words: Will L. Thompson Music: N/A (words only)
133. |
De la gran cïudad he leído
Words: Jonathan Bush Atchinson Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
135. |
O, ¿qué se cosechará?
Words: Emily S. Oakey Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
136. |
Bienvenido día Santo
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
138. |
Caros le son al Maestro
Words: Mary B. Wingate Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
140. |
Ya nos juntamos otra vez
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
141. |
Aunque pesares os vengan
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
142. |
Cantemos todos a Jesús
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
143. |
En el pueblo de Sión
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
144. |
¡Cuan gloriosas cosas hablan!
Words: John Newton Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
145. |
¡O cantad de Sión los himnos!
Words: Lillie T. Freeze Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
146. |
Siempre solana
Words: Lanta Wilson Smith Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
148. |
Galilea, bello mar
Words: Robert Morris Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
149. |
O Dios de Huestes
Words: Andrew Dalrymple Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
150. |
Más allá del negro río
Words: Horace L. Hastings Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
151. |
Niños caros dad a Cristo
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
152. |
Himno de batalla de la República
Words: Julia Ward Howe Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
153a. |
Espíritu de Dios
Song credits not available Trans.: Rey L. Pratt
153b. |
Guardadme Tú
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
154. |
Duerme nene mío
Words: Gerrit de Jong Jr. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
155. |
O madre, lindísimo sueño
Words: Anon. Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
156. |
Cual rocío, que distila
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
Has lyrics in text format
Has sheet music or a scanned page
Has an audio recording
Has a video