Latter-day Saints’ Psalmody
The Latter-day Saints’ Psalmody. A Collection of Original Tunes
Latter-day Saints’ Psalmody,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
George Careless; Ebenezer Beesley; Joseph J. Daynes; Evan Stephens; Thomas C. Griggs; Deseret News.
1896, 2nd Edition.
352 songs.
April 6th, 1896.
- Archive Viewer: 66720
- Flake-Draper Number: 1788 (Mormon Bibliography, 1830–1930)
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: BX 8685.2 .A1 1896; BX 8685.2 .A1 1896 no.2; BX 8685.2 .A1 1896 no.3 copy 2; BX 8685.2 .A1 1896 no.3; BX 8685.2 .A1 1896 no.4; BX 8685.2 .A1 1896 no.5; M 2129 .L37 1896 MiniScore
- Church History Library: M285.2 H99p 1896; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 10; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 11; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 12; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 13; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 14; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 5; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 6; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 7; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 8; M285.2 H99p 1896 no. 9
- N/A
Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
The happy day has rolled on
Words: Philo Dibble Music: Ebenezer Beesley
2. |
Dark is the human mind when bound
Words: Edward L. Sloan Music: Henry E. Giles
3. |
When earth in bondage long had lain
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: John Rippon
4. |
Great God indulge my humble claim
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
5. |
O Lord responsive to Thy call
Words: John Lyon Music: William Boyce
6. |
Praise ye the Lord! my heart shall join
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
7. |
What glorious scenes mine eyes behold!
Words: Anon. Music: Ebenezer Beesley
8. |
Praise ye the Lord! ’tis good to raise
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
9. |
The great and glorious gospel light
Words: Frederick G. Williams Music: Evan Stephens
10. |
How great the joy, that promised day
Words: Anon. Music: Ebenezer Beesley
11. |
Ye Gentile nations, cease your strife
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Wells
12. |
Earth is the place where Christ will reign
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Unknown
13. |
Again we meet around the board
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
14. |
Behold the Mount of Olives rend!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Unknown
15. |
Happy the souls who first believed
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Joseph J. Daynes
16. |
Peace, troubled soul! thou needst not fear
Words: Samuel Ecking Music: Arthur Hanson
17. |
Thou dost not weep, to weep alone
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
18. |
A holy angel from on high
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
19. |
Glory to Thee, my God, this night
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Evan Stephens
20. |
How sweet communion is on earth
Words: Unknown Music: George Careless
21. |
Great God! to thee my evening song
Words: Anne Steele Music: B. Cuzens
22. |
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
23. |
“Come, follow me,” the Savior said
Words: John Nicholson Music: Henry Emery
24. |
God spake the word, and time began
Words: William W. Phelps Music: J. S. Bramwell
25. |
Jesus, from whom all blessings flow
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
26. |
Waked from my bed of slumber sweet
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
27. |
Author of faith, Eternel Word
Words: Charles Wesley Music: George Careless
28. |
Know this, that ev’ry soul is free
Words: Anon.; Sally Swey Music: Joseph J. Daynes
29. |
’Twas on that dark, that solemn night
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
30. |
Lord, thou has searched and seen me thro’
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Ebenezer Beesley
31. |
Behold! the harvest wide extends
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
32. |
’Twas the commission of our Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Ebenezer Beesley
33. |
The morning breaks, the shadows flee
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
34. |
A poor wayfaring man of grief
Words: James Montgomery Music: George Coles
35. |
Hark! listen to the gentle breeze
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
36. |
Hosannah to the great Messiah
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
37. |
Come hither, all ye weary souls
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
38. |
Behold the great Redeemer comes
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
39. |
What wondrous things we now behold
Words: Anon. Music: Joseph J. Daynes
40. |
All you that love Emanuel’s name
Words: John Fellows Music: Joseph J. Daynes
41. |
O Lord, our Father, let thy grace
Words: Hosea Stout Music: A. V. Millward
42. |
Creation speaks with awful voice
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Shoel
43. |
Before Jehovah’s glorious throne
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Frideric Handel
44. |
Let earth’s inhabitants rejoice
Words: William Clegg Music: Thomas C. Griggs
45. |
When Joseph saw his brethren moved
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
46. |
When God’s own people stand in need
Words: John Fawcett Music: William C. Clive
47. |
Great God, attend while Zion sings
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
48. |
The rising sun has chased the night
Words: William Hurn; Psalms and Hymns, 1813 Music: Evan Stephens
49. |
Though now the nations sit beneath
Words: Leonard Bacon Music: A. M. Fox
50. |
While of these emblems we partake
Words: John Nicholson Music: Joseph J. Daynes
51. |
Another day has fled and gone
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
52. |
When restless on my bed I lie
Words: Isaac Watts; Baptist W. Noel Music: Ann Fellows
53. |
The morning flow’rs display their sweets
Words: Samuel Wesley Jr. Music: George Careless
54. |
Ye chosen Twelve, to you are given
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: A. M. Fox
55. |
Arise! arise! with joy survey
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: George Careless
56. |
He died! the great Redeemer died!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
57. |
From all that dwell below the skies
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Louis Bourgeois; Genevan Psalter, 1551
58. |
Happy the man who finds the grace
Words: Charles Wesley Music: James Leach
59. |
Haste glorious day, when Christ shall come
Words: William Clegg Music: James P. Olsen
60. |
How foolish to the carnal mind
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
61. |
My soul is full of peace and love
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
62. |
How fleet the precious moments roll!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
63. |
Farewell, my kind and faithful friend
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: William C. Clive
64. |
Ye diff’ring jarring sects attend
Words: William Clegg Music: George Careless
65. |
In ancient times a man of God
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: William C. Clive
66. |
I know that my Redeemer lives
Words: Samuel Medley Music: George Careless
67. |
How dark and gloomy was the night
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: George Careless
68. |
Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
69. |
Though deep’ning trials throng your way
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
70. |
The time is nigh, that happy time
Words: Mrs. Vokes; Parley P. Pratt (adapter) Music: Joseph J. Daynes
71. |
Behold the great Redeemer die
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
72. |
Salvation, sacred word of love
Words: Edward Hanham Music: Joseph J. Daynes
73. |
Farewell, ye servants of the Lord
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Ebenezer Beesley
74. |
Do we not know that solemn word
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
75. |
I have no home, where shall I go
Words: Lucy Mack Smith Music: George Careless
76. |
Shall I, for fear of feeble man
Words: Johann J. Winkler Music: George Frideric Handel
77. |
Sweet is the work, my God, my King
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
78. |
Afflicted Saint, to Christ, draw near
Words: John Fawcett Music: George Careless
79. |
Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwell
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
80. |
Ere long the vail will rend in twain
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
81. |
The glorious plan which God has given
Words: John Taylor Music: Ebenezer Beesley
82. |
O Thou, at whose almighty word
Words: John Newton Music: Joseph J. Daynes
83. |
With all the pow’rs of heart and tongue
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
84. |
Awake, ye Saints of God, awake!
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Evan Stephens
85. |
The towers of Zion soon shall rise
Words: William W. Phelps Music: William C. Clive
86. |
Torn from our friends and captive led
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Thomas C. Griggs
87. |
The solid rocks were rent in twain
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
88. |
We here approach thy table, Lord
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: Evan Stephens
89. |
O give me back my Prophet dear
Words: John Taylor Music: George Careless
90. |
Cease, ye fond parents, cease to weep
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Franz Joseph Haydn
91. |
Inspirer of the ancient seers
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
92. |
Down by the river’s verdant side
Words: Anon.; Alexander Neibaur Music: Anon.
93. |
In Jordan’s tide the Prophet stands
Words: John Fellows; Hymns on Believers Baptism, 1773 Music: Lewis D. Edwards
94. |
I’ll praise my Maker while I’ve breath
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph G. Fones
95. |
Captain of Israel’s host, and Guide
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Gioachino Rossini
96. |
The Lord my pasture shall prepare
Words: Joseph Addison Music: George Careless
97. |
When quiet in my house I sit
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Joseph J. Daynes
98. |
Judges, who rule the world by laws
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
99. |
Come, Thou desire of all thy Saints
Words: Anne Steele Music: Joseph J. Daynes
100. |
I saw a mighty angel fly
Words: Sacred Hymns, Manchester, 1840 Music: George Careless
101. |
Ye Saints who dwell on Europe’s shore
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Ebenezer Beesley
102. |
God of all consolation, take
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
103. |
Ye sons of men, a feeble race
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
104. |
Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
105. |
Hark! listen to the trumpeters!
Words: John A. Granade Music: George Careless
106. |
Come, listen to a Prophet’s voice
Words: Joseph S. Murdock; Bruce R. McConkie Music: Joseph J. Daynes
107. |
God moves in a mysterious way
Words: William Cowper Music: Evan Stephens
108. |
O thou at whose supreme command
Words: Ida E. Redding Music: J. Fawcett
109. |
O Lord of Hosts, we now invoke
Words: Andrew Dalrymple Music: George Careless
110. |
Behold thy sons and daughters, Lord
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
111. |
We’ll sing, all hail to Jesus’ name
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: George Careless
112. |
With joy we own thy servants, Lord
Words: James Montgomery Music: Franz Joseph Haydn
113. |
O God, thou great, thou good, thou wise
Words: Austin A. Cowles Music: Evan Stephens
114. |
Come, all ye Saints who dwell on earth
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Ly Huntingdon
115. |
May we, who know the joyful sound
Words: Sacred Hymns, Manchester, 1840 Music: Evan Stephens
116. |
This house we dedicate to thee
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: Evan Stephens
117. |
Great is the Lord! ’tis good to praise
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Ebenezer Beesley
118. |
Thou, earth, wast once a glorious sphere
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Lewis D. Edwards
119. |
How are thy servants blest!
Words: Joseph Addison Music: Joseph J. Daynes
120. |
Let those who would be Saints indeed
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: James P. Olsen
121. |
Lord, when iniquities abound
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
122. |
Let ev’ry mortal ear attend
Words: Isaac Watts Music: John E. Tullidge
123. |
The glorious Gospel light has shone
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: Thomas Jarman
124. |
Come, let us sing an ev’ning hymn
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Thomas C. Griggs
125. |
We’re not ashamed to own our Lord
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
126. |
Tho’ nations rise, and men conspire
Words: Mary Ann Morton Walker Music: Evan Stephens
127. |
O God! our help in ages past
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
128. |
When all thy mercies, O my God
Words: Joseph Addison Music: Evan Stephens
129. |
I long to breathe the mountain air
Words: M. A. Johnstone Music: William B. Bradbury
130. |
Lift up your heads, ye scatter’d Saints
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
131. |
Mortals, awake! with angels join
Words: Samuel Medley Music: John Rippon
132. |
Jesus, thou all redeeming Lord
Words: Charles Wesley Music: George Careless
133. |
Once more, my soul, the rising day
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Lavinia Careless
134. |
How will the Saints rejoice to tell
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Ebenezer Beesley
135. |
Weep not for him that’s dead and gone
Words: John Clements Music: George Careless
136. |
How great the wisdom and the love
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Thomas McIntyre
137. |
Joy to the world! the Lord will come
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Thomas C. Griggs
138. |
Think gently of the erring one!
Words: Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney Music: Henry A. Tuckett
139. |
Jehovah, Lord of heav’n and earth
Words: Anon. Music: Norwegian air
140. |
Sing to the great Jehovah’s praise
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Ebenezer Beesley
141. |
The glorious day is rolling on
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
142. |
Lo! on the water’s brink we stand
Words: Sacred Hymns, Emma Smith, 1841 Music: George Careless
143. |
Lord, let thy Holy Spirit now
Words: Edward L. Sloan Music: George Careless
144. |
Ye wond’ring nations, now give ear
Words: Sacred Hymns, Manchester, 1840 Music: Evan Stephens
145. |
Prayer is the soul’s sincere desire
Words: James Montgomery Music: George Careless
146. |
Come, all ye Saints throughout the earth
Words: John Jaques Music: George Careless
147. |
My God, the spring of all my joys
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph G. Fones
148. |
Sweet is the peace the Gospel brings
Words: Mary Ann Morton Walker Music: George Careless
149. |
A Saint! and is tho title mine
Words: Mary Ann Morton Walker Music: J. Paddon
150. |
Mourn not the dead who peaceful lay
Words: Edward L. Sloan Music: Evan Stephens
151. |
“The silver, gold and precious stones”
Words: John Jaques Music: Thomas C. Griggs
152. |
O happy is the man who hears
Words: Michael Bruce Music: Joseph J. Daynes
153. |
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Words: Stewart’s Collection; New Version of the Psalms of David, Tate and Brady, 1696 Music: William Croft; Supplement to the New Version, 1708
154. |
Father, how wide thy glory shines!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Thomas C. Griggs
155. |
Beloved brethren! sing his praise
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Old English tune
156. |
O God, thou God that rules on high
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Joseph J. Daynes
157. |
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
158. |
All praise to our redeeming Lord
Words: Charles Wesley Music: George Careless
159. |
How have the nations grown corrupt!
Words: John Jaques Music: Ebenezer Beesley
160. |
Once more we come before our God
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: George Careless
161. |
Behold, the mountain of the Lord
Words: Michael Bruce Music: Joseph J. Daynes
162. |
Father in heav’n, we do believe
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Ebenezer Beesley
163. |
O Lord, do thou thy gifts bestow
Words: John Lyon Music: John S. Lewis
164. |
Our Father, in the sacred name
Words: John Jaques Music: Joseph J. Daynes
165. |
I’ll serve the Lord while I am young
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Evan Stephens
166. |
The gallant ship is under weigh
Words: Richard Huie; William W. Phelps Music: Anon.
167. |
To thee, O God, we do approach
Words: John Lyon Music: George Careless
168. |
Let Zion in her beauty rise
Words: John A. Granade; Edward Partridge Music: Lewis D. Edwards
169. |
Lord, thou wilt hear me when I pray!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
170. |
The Gospel standard high is raised
Words: Kate J. Redding Music: A. C. Smyth
171. |
O Lord, preserve thy chosen seed!
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: Joseph J. Daynes
172. |
When sickness clouds the soul with grief
Words: John Lyon Music: A. C. Smyth
173. |
Spirit of faith, come down
Words: Charles Wesley Music: George Careless
174. |
Let sinners take their course
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
175. |
Come we that love the Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: William C. Clive
176. |
Lord, make thy mercy known
Words: Unknown Music: John E. Tullidge
177. |
See how the morning sun
Words: Elizabeth Scott; William W. Phelps Music: George Careless
178. |
To Him who reigns on high
Words: William Clegg Music: Thomas C. Griggs
179. |
The day is past and gone
Words: John Leland Music: James P. Olsen
180. |
How beauteous are their feet
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
181. |
Behold the Savior comes!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
182. |
See! all creation joins
Words: Isaac Watts; William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
183. |
And are we yet alive
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Philip Doddridge
184. |
Ye children of our God
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
185. |
Come we that love the Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Macy
186. |
Ye simple souls who stray
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
187. |
An angel from on high
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: John E. Tullidge
188. |
Let earth and heav’n agree
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
189. |
Repent, ye Gentiles all
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
190. |
Arise, my soul, arise
Words: Charles Wesley; Wesley’s Collection Music: George Careless
191. |
Behold the Lamb of God!
Words: Samuel Deacon; Barton Hymns, 1797 Music: Sylvanus Billings Pond
192. |
High on the mountain top
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: Ebenezer Beesley
193. |
All hail the glorious day
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: Evan Stephens
194. |
All hail! the new-born year!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
195. |
O Lord, our Sovereign King
Words: Unknown Music: Joseph J. Daynes
196. |
O happy souls, who pray
Words: Isaac Watts; William W. Phelps Music: George Careless
197. |
Come, O thou King of kings!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Anon.
198. |
To him who made the world
Words: William W. Phelps Music: George Careless
199. |
When time shall be no more
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
200. |
Ye ransom’d of our God
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: John E. Tullidge
201. |
Lord, we come before thee now
Words: William Hammond Music: George Careless
202. |
Now we’ll sing with one accord
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
203. |
Hark! the song of Jubilee
Words: James Montgomery Music: John S. Lewis
204. |
In the sun, and moon, and stars
Words: Reginald Heber Music: James P. Olsen
205. |
Jesus, once of humble birth
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Giacomo Meyerbeer; English Chorister
206. |
Give us room that we may dwell
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: A. M. Fox
207. |
Praise to God, immortal praise
Words: Anna L. Barbauld; Stewart’s Collection Music: Ebenezer Beesley
208. |
Who are these arrayed in white
Words: De Courcy; Charles Wesley Music: J. Heink
209. |
Where the voice of friendship’s heard
Words: John Lyon Music: Anon.
210. |
When shall we all meet again?
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Thomas C. Griggs
211. |
Daniel’s wisdom may I know
Words: R. F. Mann Music: T. Healy
212. |
Hark! ye mortals. Hist! be still
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Frideric Handel
213. |
Earth, with her ten thousand flow’rs
Words: Thomas R. Taylor Music: Thomas C. Griggs
214. |
Should you feel inclined to censure
Words: Anon. Music: J. S. Bramwell
215. |
As the dew from heav’n distilling
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: Joseph J. Daynes
216. |
We have met, dear friends and brethren
Words: Unknown Music: John E. Tullidge
217. |
Truth reflects upon our senses
Words: Anon.; M. E. Abbey Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
218. |
School thy feelings, Oh my brother
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Ebenezer Beesley
219. |
The night is wearing fast away
Words: Florence Hoare Music: Thomas C. Griggs
220. |
Sister, thou wast mild and lovely
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: John S. Lewis
221. |
O awake! my slumb’ring minstrel
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: A. C. Smyth
222. |
Earthly happiness is fleeting
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: John S. Lewis
223. |
Jesus, mighty King of Zion
Words: John Fellows Music: Joseph J. Daynes
224. |
Sweetly may the blessed Spirit
Words: Unknown Music: Evan Stephens
225. |
Welcome, best of all good meetings
Words: T. J. Dawson Music: Joseph J. Daynes
226. |
Softly beams the sacred dawning
Words: John Jaques Music: George Careless
227. |
Lo! the Gentile chain is broken
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Unknown
228. |
See, the mighty angel flying!
Words: Robert B. Thompson Music: George M. Monroe
229. |
Go, ye messengers of heaven
Words: Anon.; John Taylor Music: Frederick Christensen
230. |
Wake, O wake, the world from sleeping!
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Unknown
231. |
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Words: John Newton Music: George Careless
232. |
What was witness’d in the heavens?
Words: John S. Davis Music: Evan Stephens
233. |
O my Father, thou that dwellest
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Evan Stephens
234. |
Glorious things are sung of Zion
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
235. |
Yes, my native land, I love thee
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: George Careless
236. |
Guide us, O Thou great Jehovah
Words: William Williams Music: Annie F. Harrison
237. |
Go, ye messengers of glory
Words: John Taylor Music: Joseph J. Daynes
238. |
Israel, Israel, God is calling
Words: Richard Smyth Music: Thomas C. Griggs
239. |
O’er the gloomy hills of darkness
Words: William Williams Music: Hans Henry Petersen
240. |
On the mountain’s top appearing
Words: John Kelly Music: Anon.
241. |
Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: Orson Pratt Jr.
242. |
Lo! the mighty God appearing
Words: William Goode Music: Evan Stephens
243. |
Come, thou glorious day of promise
Words: Pratt’s Collection Music: A. C. Smyth
244. |
Zion stands with hills surrounded
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: A. C. Smyth
245. |
When Joseph his brethren beheld
Words: John Newton Music: J. I. Cobbin
246. |
This God is the God we adore
Words: Joseph Hart Music: Thomas C. Griggs
247. |
Adieu, my dear brethren, adieu
Words: Seth Mattison Music: Unknown Arr.: Ebenezer Beesley
248. |
Satan’s empire long has flourished
Words: Edward L. Sloan Music: James P. Olsen
249. |
Now, is the voice that nature breathes
Words: Lydia H. Sigourney Music: George Careless
250. |
O, stop and tell me, Red Man
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Unknown
251. |
From greenland’s icy mountains
Words: Reginald Heber Music: Felix Mendelssohn
252. |
If you could hie to Kolob
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
253. |
Farewell, all earthly honors
Words: Zion’s Hill, 1833 Music: Thomas C. Griggs
254. |
We’ll sing the songs of Zion
Words: William G. Mills Music: John E. Tullidge
255. |
O God, th’ Eternal Father
Words: William W. Phelps Music: George Careless
256. |
Farewell, all earthly honors
Words: Zion’s Hill, 1833 Music: William B. Bradbury
257. |
Farewell, our friends and brethren
Words: William W. Phelps Music: George Careless
258. |
Come, all ye sons of Zion
Words: Caleb J. Taylor; William W. Phelps Music: John E. Tullidge
259. |
Arise, O glorious Zion
Words: William G. Mills Music: George Careless
260. |
At first, the babe of Bethlehem
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
261. |
Our God, we raise to Thee
Words: Bernard Snow Music: Henry Carey; Thesaurus Musicus
262. |
Glory to God on high
Words: James Allen Music: Evan Stephens
263. |
Be it my only wisdom here
Words: Charles Wesley Music: A. Radiger
264. |
Hail! bright millennial day of rest
Words: John Lyon Music: A. C. Smyth
265. |
O happy home! O blest abode!
Words: Mary Ann Morton Walker Music: A. C. Smyth
266. |
Hark! from afar a fune’ral knell
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
267. |
Except the Lord conduct the plan
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
268. |
Come, let us purpose with one heart
Words: John Lyon Music: Joseph J. Daynes
269. |
Think not, when you gather to Zion
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: John E. Tullidge
270. |
Your sweet little rose-bud has left you
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Ebenezer Beesley
271. |
We thank thee, O God for a Prophet
Words: William Fowler Music: Caroline E. Sheridan Norton
272. |
Up, awake, ye defenders of Zion!
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Thomas E. Williams; Thomas A. Becket Sr.
273. |
Ho, ho, for the Temple’s completed
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Evan Stephens
274. |
The Spirit of God like a fire is burning!
Words: William W. Phelps Music: English melody
275. |
What fair one is this, from the wilderness trav’ling
Words: Samuel Hutchinson; William W. Phelps Music: James P. Olsen
276. |
Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Henry Tucker
277. |
Hail to the brightness of Zion’s glad morning!
Words: Thomas Hastings Music: Edwin F. Parry
278. |
Praise to the man who communed with Jehovah
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Scottish folk song
279. |
Let Judah rejoice in this glorious news
Words: Alexander Neibaur; Parley P. Pratt Music: A. C. Smyth
280. |
“Great Spirit! listen to the red man’s wail!”
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Felix Mendelssohn
281. |
Ye Elders of Israel, come join now with me
Words: Cyrus H. Wheelock Music: Thomas H. Bayly
282. |
How firm a foundation, ye Saints of the Lord
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: Anon.; John Ellis
283. |
O Jesus! the giver of all we enjoy
Words: Anon.; William W. Phelps Music: Ralph Bradshaw
284. |
Children of Zion, awake from your sadness
Words: Unknown Music: George Careless
285. |
O thou who has promised in love to receive
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Lewis D. Edwards
286. |
’Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaints
Words: David Denham Music: Henry R. Bishop
287. |
This morning in silence I ponder and mourn
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
288. |
The sun that declines in the far western sky
Words: Thomas B. Marsh; William W. Phelps Music: Harry Aldous
289. |
Stars of morning, shout for joy
Words: Anon. Music: Thomas L. Durham
290. |
How pleased and blest was I
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Ebenezer Beesley
291. |
How pleasant ’tis to see
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
292. |
The trials of the present day
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Thomas C. Griggs
293. |
The trials of the present day
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Unknown
294. |
The Lord imparted from above
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
295. |
Gently raise the sacred strain
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Thomas C. Griggs
296. |
Before all lands in east or west
Words: Alexander Ross Music: Unknown
297. |
Rest, rest for the weary soul
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: George Careless