Latter-day Saint Hymns
Latter-day Saint Hymns: A collection of hymns and spiritual songs, containing words and music, for use of choirs and congregations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Latter-day Saint Hymns,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Deseret Book Company; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
1940 Edition (last known).
421 songs.
Edition of March, 1940.
- Archive Viewer: 67097
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: M 2129 .C48 L37 1940; BX 8685.2 .A1 1940
- Church History Library: M285.2 H99 1940; M285.2 H99 1940 no. 2; M285.2 H99 1940 no. 3
- N/A
Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
The Morning Breaks, the Shadows Flee
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
2. |
Praise Ye the Lord!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
3. |
Author of Faith, Eternal Word
Words: Charles Wesley Music: George Careless
4. |
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Evan Stephens
5. |
Another Day Has Fled and Gone
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
6. |
What Glorious Scenes Mine Eyes Behold
Words: Anon. Music: Ebenezer Beesley
7. |
Dark is the Human Mind, When Bound
Words: Edward L. Sloan Music: Henry E. Giles
8. |
Think Gently of the Erring One
Words: Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney Music: Henry A. Tuckett
9. |
Again We Meet Around the Board
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
10. |
Come, Dearest Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
11. |
He Died! the Great Redeemer Died
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
12. |
While of These Emblems We Partake
Words: John Nicholson Music: Samuel McBurney
13. |
The Happy Day Has Rolled On
Words: Philo Dibble Music: Ebenezer Beesley
14. |
How Dark and Gloomy Was the Night
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: George Careless
15. |
Behold the Great Redeemer Die
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
16. |
Sing to the Great Jehovah’s Praise
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Ebenezer Beesley
17. |
Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Scattered Saints
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
18. |
Praise Ye the Lord! ’Tis Good to Raise
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
19. |
Great God, Attend While Zion Sings
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
20. |
O Lord of Hosts
Words: Andrew Dalrymple Music: George Careless
21. |
Down By the RIver’s Verdant Side
Words: Anon.; Alexander Neibaur Music: Anon.
22. |
We’re Not Ashamed to Own Our Lord
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
23. |
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief
Words: James Montgomery Music: George Coles
24. |
“Come, Follow Me”
Words: John Nicholson Music: Samuel McBurney
25. |
Inspirer of the Ancient Seers
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Unknown
26. |
Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Louis Bourgeois; Genevan Psalter, 1551
27. |
Great is the Lord; ’Tis Good to Praise
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Ebenezer Beesley
28. |
We’ll Sing All Hail to Jesus’ Name
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: Joseph Coslett
29. |
Prayer is the Soul’s Sincere Desire
Words: James Montgomery Music: George Careless
30. |
Lord, Thou Wilt Hear Me
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
31. |
I Long to Breathe the Mountain Air
Words: M. A. Johnstone Music: N/A (words only)
32. |
How Great the Wisdom and the Love
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Thomas McIntyre
33. |
Though Deepening Trials
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
34. |
O My Father, Thou that Dwellest
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Evan Stephens
35. |
Behold the Mount of Olives Rend!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
36. |
My God, the Spring of All My Joys
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph G. Fones
37. |
Know This, That Every Soul is Free
Words: Anon.; Sally Swey Music: Evan Stephens
38. |
Behold the Great Redeemer Comes
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
39. |
Farewell, My Kind and Faithful Friend
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: William C. Clive
40. |
Behold! the Harvest Wide Extends
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
41. |
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
42. |
I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph G. Fones
43. |
The Glorious Gospel Light has Shone
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: Thomas Jarman
44. |
Judges, Who Rule the World by Laws
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
45. |
God of All Consolation Take
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
46. |
’Twas On That Dark, That Solemn Night
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
47. |
Ere Long the Veil Will Rend in Twain
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
48. |
Go, Ye Messengers of Glory
Words: John Taylor Music: Joseph J. Daynes
49. |
God Moves in a Mysterious Way
Words: William Cowper Music: Evan Stephens
50. |
God Moves in a Mysterious Way
Words: William Cowper Music: William B. Bradbury
51. |
Lo! On the Water’s Brink We Stand
Words: Sacred Hymns, Emma Smith, 1841 Music: George Careless
52. |
What was Witnessed in the Heavens?
Words: John S. Davis Music: Evan Stephens
53. |
The Glorious Plan which God has Given
Words: John Taylor Music: Ebenezer Beesley
54. |
We Here Approach Thy Table, Lord
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: Evan Stephens
55. |
The Rising Sun Has Chased the Night
Words: William Hurn; Psalms and Hymns, 1813 Music: Evan Stephens
56. |
Afflicted Saint, to Christ Draw Near
Words: John Fawcett Music: George Careless
57. |
Except the Lord Conduct the Plan
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
58. |
Come, Listen to a Prophet’s Voice
Words: Joseph S. Murdock; Bruce R. McConkie Music: Joseph J. Daynes
59. |
This House We Dedicate to Thee
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: Evan Stephens
60. |
The Lord My Pasture Shall Prepare
Words: Joseph Addison Music: George Careless
61. |
Sweet is the Peace the Gospel Brings
Words: Mary Ann Morton Walker Music: George Careless
62. |
Lo! the Mighty God Appearing
Words: William Goode Music: Evan Stephens
63. |
The Sun that Declines in the Far Western Sky
Words: Thomas B. Marsh; William W. Phelps Music: Harry Aldous
64. |
O Stop and Tell Me, Red Man
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Unknown
65. |
Rest, Rest for the Weary Soul
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: George Careless
66. |
An Angel Came Down from the Mansions of Glory
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Unknown
67. |
Lo! The Gentile Chain is Broken
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Unknown
68. |
Sing Ye of a Home Immortal
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: George Careless
69. |
The Time is Far Spent
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: German folk song
70. |
Kind Words are Sweet Tones of the Heart
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: Ebenezer Beesley
71. |
Your Sweet Little Rosebud Has Left You
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only)
72. |
How Fleet the Precious Moments Roll
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
73. |
Come Hither, All Ye Weary Souls
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes
74. |
With All the Power of Heart and Tongue
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
75. |
Hark! Listen to the Trumpeters
Words: John A. Granade Music: George Careless
76. |
Captain of Israel’s Host
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Gioachino Rossini
77. |
Great Spirit, Listen to the Red Man’s Wail!
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Evan Stephens
78. |
Think Not, When You Gather to Zion
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: John E. Tullidge
79. |
Shall I, for Fear of Feeble Man
Words: Johann J. Winkler Music: George Frideric Handel
80. |
Hark! Listen to the Gentle Strain
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
81. |
Waked from My Bed of Slumber Sweet
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Joseph J. Daynes
82. |
Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion!
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Thomas E. Williams; Thomas A. Becket Sr.
83. |
Do We Not Know that Solemn Word?
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
84. |
Thou Dost Not Weep Alone
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
85. |
How Sweet Communion is on Earth
Words: Unknown Music: George Careless
86. |
Cease, Ye Fond Parents, Cease to Weep
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Franz Joseph Haydn
87. |
Softly Beams the Sacred Dawning
Words: John Jaques Music: George Careless
88. |
Children of Zion, Awake From Your Sadness
Words: Unknown Music: George Careless
89. |
How Pleased and Blest Was I
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
90. |
When First the Glorious Light of Truth
Words: William Clayton Music: Anon.
91. |
Sweet is the Work, My God, My King
Words: Isaac Watts Music: John J. McClellan
92. |
I Have Read of a Beautiful City
Words: Jonathan Bush Atchinson Music: Otis F. Presbrey
93. |
Uphold the Right, though Fierce the Fight
Words: Emily H. Woodmansee Music: Hortense Beauharnais Arr.: Ebenezer Beesley
94. |
See, the Mighty Angel Flying!
(Male Voices)
Words: Robert B. Thompson Music: Evan Stephens
95. |
There is a Place in Utah, that I Remember Well
Words: William Willes Music: Unknown Arr.: Ebenezer Beesley
96. |
The Seer, Joseph the Seer
Words: John Taylor Music: Sigismond Neukomm Arr.: Ebenezer Beesley
97. |
Give Us Room That We May Dwell
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: William N. B. Shepherd
98. |
School Thy Feelings, O My Brother
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Ebenezer Beesley
99. |
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning
Words: Philip P. Bliss Music: Philip P. Bliss
100. |
We Lay Thee Softly Down to Sleep
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: Evan Stephens
101. |
Earthly Happiness is Fleeting
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: John S. Lewis
102. |
There is Now a Feast for the Righteous Preparing
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Unknown
103. |
Mourn Not for Those Who Peaceful Lay
Words: Edward L. Sloan Music: Evan Stephens
104. |
O Lord, Our Sovereign King
Words: Unknown Music: Joseph J. Daynes
105. |
Reverently and Meekly Now
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: Ebenezer Beesley
106. |
Yes, My Native Land, I Love Thee
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: George Careless
107. |
Away with Our Fears! the Glad Morning Appears
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
108. |
Ye Gentile Nations, Cease Your Strife
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Wells
109. |
Israel, Awake from Thy Long, Silent Slumber
Words: J. McGregor Music: John S. Lewis
110. |
Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses
Words: Anon.; M. E. Abbey Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Arr.: Henry A. Tuckett
111. |
As the Dew, From Heaven Distilling
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: Joseph J. Daynes
112. |
Arise, O Glorious Zion
Words: William G. Mills Music: George Careless
113. |
Glory to God on High
Words: James Allen Music: Felice de Giardini
114. |
The Pure Testimony Poured Forth in the Spirit
Words: Anon.; William W. Phelps Music: Unknown
115. |
Jesus, Mighty King in Zion
Words: John Fellows Music: Evan Stephens
116. |
Gently Raise the Sacred Strain
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Thomas C. Griggs
117. |
Wake, O Wake the World from Sleeping
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Unknown
118. |
For the Strength of the Hills
Words: Felicia D. Hemans; Edward L. Sloan (adapter) Music: Evan Stephens
119. |
Weep for the Early Dead
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: John S. Lewis
120. |
May We, Who Know the Joyful Sound
Words: Sacred Hymns, Manchester, 1840 Music: William B. Bradbury
121. |
Come All Ye Saints Who Dwell on Earth
Words: William W. Phelps Music: N/A (words only)
122. |
To Thee, O God, We Do Approach
Words: John Lyon Music: George Careless
123. |
Ye Ransomed of Our God
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: John E. Tullidge
124. |
O Awake! My Slumb’ring Minstrel
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Evan Stephens
125. |
’Mid Scenes of Confusion
Words: David Denham Music: Henry R. Bishop
126. |
Home, Sweet Home
Words: John Howard Payne Music: N/A (words only)
127. |
The Spirit of God Like a Fire
Words: William W. Phelps Music: English melody
128. |
Come, Let Us Sing an Evening Hymn
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Tracy Y. Cannon
129. |
The Gallant Ship is Under Weigh
Words: Richard Huie; William W. Phelps Music: Anon.
130. |
Our Father, in the Sacred Name of Jesus Christ
Words: John Jaques Music: Joseph J. Daynes
131. |
High on the Mountain Top
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: Ebenezer Beesley
132. |
God Be With You
Words: Jeremiah E. Rankin Music: William G. Tomer
133. |
Behold the Lamb of God
Words: Samuel Deacon; Barton Hymns, 1797 Music: Lowell Mason
134. |
In Jordan’s Tide the Prophet Stands
Words: John Fellows; Hymns on Believers Baptism, 1773 Music: Lewis D. Edwards
135. |
O God, th’Eternal Father
Words: William W. Phelps Music: George Careless
136. |
Spirit of Faith, Come Down
Words: Charles Wesley Music: George Careless
137. |
Hark! Ye Mortals. Hist! be Still
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Frideric Handel
138. |
Arise! Arise! With Joy Survey
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: George Careless
139. |
Ho, ho, for the Temple’s Completed
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Evan Stephens
140. |
Unveil Thy Bosom, Faithful Tomb
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
141. |
Come, All Ye Saints Throughout the Earth
Words: John Jaques Music: George Careless
142. |
All Hail the Glorious Day
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: Evan Stephens
143. |
We’ll Sing the Songs of Zion
Words: William G. Mills Music: Felix Mendelssohn
144. |
Does the Journey Seem Long?
Words: Joseph Fielding Smith Jr. Music: George D. Pyper
145. |
Glorious Things are Sung of Zion
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
146. |
I Trust Thee, Lord, Tho’ Long the Way and Dim
Words: Bertha A. Kleinman Music: Henry Hooper
147. |
It Is Not Death Though We Fade and Die
Words: Bertha A. Kleinman Music: George Careless
148. |
When Time Shall Be No More
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
149. |
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
Words: John A. Granade; Edward Partridge Music: Lewis D. Edwards
150. |
Father in Heaven, We Do Believe
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Jane Romney Crawford
151. |
Arise, My Soul, Arise
Words: Charles Wesley; Wesley’s Collection Music: George Careless
152. |
There is a Green Hill Far Away
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: Old melody
153. |
If You Could Hie to Kolob
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
154. |
Now We’ll Sing With One Accord
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
155. |
Ye Simple Souls Who Stray
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
156. |
Ye Children of Our God
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
157. |
Come to Me, Will Ye Come to the Saints that Have Died
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Evan Stephens
158. |
Come, O Thou King of Kings
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Anon.
159. |
On the Mountain’s Top Appearing
Words: John Kelly Music: Anon.
160. |
To Him Who Rules on High
Words: William Clegg Music: Edward P. Kimball
161. |
See! All Creation Joins
Words: Isaac Watts; William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes
162. |
Come, Ye Disconsolate
Words: Thomas Moore; Thomas Hastings Music: Samuel Webbe
163. |
Beloved Brethren, Sing His Praise
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Old English tune
164. |
Ye Sons of Men, a Feeble Race
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
165. |
All Hail the New-Born Year!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless
166. |
“Now,” is the Voice that Nature Breathes
Words: Lydia H. Sigourney Music: George Careless
167. |
Praise to the Man
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Scottish folk song
168. |
The Night is Wearing Fast Away
Words: Florence Hoare Music: Edward P. Kimball
169. |
Blow Gently, Ye Wild Winds with Frost in Your Breath
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Old Scotch air
170. |
Once More, My Soul, the Rising Day
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Lavinia Careless
171. |
Take Courage, Saints, and Faint Not by the Way
Words: James Crystal Music: Edna H. Coray Dwyer
172. |
Sweetly May the Blessed Spirit
Words: Unknown Music: Evan Stephens
173. |
The Earth was Shrouded Deep in Gloom
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
174. |
Though in the Outward Church Below
Words: John Newton Music: N/A (words only)
175. |
Let Earth’s Inhabitants Rejoice
Words: William Clegg Music: Edward P. Kimball
176. |
Come, Holy Ghost, Our Hearts Inspire
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
177. |
Farewell, Dear Friends and Brethren
Words: William W. Phelps Music: George Careless
178. |
Weep Not for Him That’s Dead and Gone
Words: John Clements Music: George Careless
179. |
When Shall We All Meet Again?
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Thomas C. Griggs
180. |
Abide with Me! Fast Falls the Eventide
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: William H. Monk
181. |
Ye Wondering Nations, Now Give Ear
Words: Sacred Hymns, Manchester, 1840 Music: Evan Stephens
182. |
To Him Who Made the World
Words: William W. Phelps Music: George Careless
183. |
Adieu to the City Where Long I Have Wandered
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: John E. Tullidge
184. |
Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah
Words: William Williams Music: Annie F. Harrison
185. |
Do What is Right
Words: Anon. Music: George Kiallmark Sr.
186. |
The Time is Nigh, the Happy Time
Words: Mrs. Vokes; Parley P. Pratt (adapter) Music: Joseph J. Daynes
187. |
From Greenland’s Icy Mountains
Words: Reginald Heber Music: Lowell Mason
188. |
Joy to the World
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Frideric Handel
189. |
Deseret, Deseret! ’Tis the Home of the Free
Words: William Willes Music: Evan Stephens
190. |
Hark! the Song of Jubilee
Words: James Montgomery Music: John S. Lewis
191. |
O Say, What is Truth?
Words: John Jaques Music: Ellen Knowles Melling
192. |
Happy the Souls Who First Believed
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
193. |
O, Give Me Back My Prophet Dear
Words: John Taylor Music: George Careless
194. |
Come, Come, Ye Saints
Words: William Clayton Music: English folk song
195. |
Come, Let Us Anew
Words: Charles Wesley Music: James Lucas
196. |
Jehovah, Lord of Heaven and Earth
Words: Anon. Music: Norwegian air
197. |
When Restless on My Bed I Lie
Words: Isaac Watts; Baptist W. Noel Music: Ann Fellows
198. |
Behold Thy Sons and Daughters, Lord
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: William Gardiner
199. |
How Will the Saints Rejoice to Tell
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Evan Stephens
200. |
Let Us Pray, Gladly Pray
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Unknown
201. |
Resting Now from Care and Sorrow
Words: Emily H. Woodmansee Music: Joseph J. Daynes
202. |
O Thou at Whose Supreme Command
Words: Ida E. Redding Music: J. Fawcett
203. |
The Trials of the Present Day
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Thomas C. Griggs
204. |
When Joseph Saw His Brethren Moved
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens
205. |
Before all Lands in East or West
Words: Alexander Ross Music: Unknown
206. |
Come, Go With Me, Beyond the Sea
Words: Cyrus H. Wheelock Music: Anon. Arr.: Thomas C. Griggs
207. |
Though Nations Rise, and Men Conspire
Words: Mary Ann Morton Walker Music: Evan Stephens
208. |
Come, Saints of Latter Days
Words: Emily H. Woodmansee Music: Joseph J. Daynes
209. |
How Great the Joy, That Promised Day
Words: Anon. Music: Ebenezer Beesley
210. |
When Dark and Drear the Skies Appear
Words: Emily H. Woodmansee Music: Joseph J. Daynes
211. |
I Saw a Mighty Angel Fly
Words: Sacred Hymns, Manchester, 1840 Music: George Careless
212. |
In Ancient Times a Man of God
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: William C. Clive
213. |
Israel, Israel, God is Calling
Words: Richard Smyth Music: Charles C. Converse
214. |
Come, All Ye Sons of Zion
(Male Voices)
Words: Caleb J. Taylor; William W. Phelps Music: John E. Tullidge
215. |
O Jesus, the Giver
Words: Anon.; William W. Phelps Music: Ralph Bradshaw
216. |
The Morning Flowers Display Their Sweets
Words: Samuel Wesley Jr. Music: George Careless
217. |
Happy the Man Who Finds the Grace
Words: Charles Wesley Music: James Leach
218. |
Now Let Us Rejoice
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Henry Tucker
219. |
The Day is Past and Gone
Words: John Leland Music: Evan Stephens
220. |
Hark! From Afar a Funeral Knell
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
221. |
The Towers of Zion Soon Shall Rise
Words: William W. Phelps Music: William C. Clive
222. |
How Beauteous Are Their Feet
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless
223. |
Stars of Morning, Shout for Joy
Words: Anon. Music: Thomas L. Durham
224. |
When Earth in Bondage Long Had Lain
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Edward P. Kimball
225. |
Our Mountain Home so Dear
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: Evan Stephens
226. |
What Voice Salutes the Startled Ear?
Words: Henry W. Naisbitt Music: Ebenezer Beesley
227. |
Lord, Let Thy Holy Spirit Now
Words: Edward L. Sloan Music: George Careless
228. |
Creation Speaks with Awful Voice
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Shoel
229. |
Saviour, Redeemer of My Soul
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Evan Stephens
230. |
There Are Who Deem Earth’s Hour of Durance
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Tracy Y. Cannon
231. |
Redeemer of Israel
Words: Joseph Swain; William W. Phelps (adapter) Music: Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, Wyeth, 1813; Freeman Lewis
232. |
To the Regions of Rest Where the Blissful Abide
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Evan Stephens
233. |
The Bodies of Our Dead Are Laid
Words: John Nicholson Music: George Careless
234. |
Midway of Life, In Meditative Mood
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Evan Stephens
235. |
Before Jehovah’s Glorious Throne
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Frideric Handel
236. |
To Grow for Him, Tho’ Lowly Ways Be Mine
Words: Bertha A. Kleinman Music: Tracy Y. Cannon
237. |
This Earth Was Once a Garden Place
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Anon.
238. |
Come, Ye Children of the Lord
Words: James H. Wallis Music: Spanish melody
239. |
Where the Voice of Friendship’s Heard
Words: John Lyon Music: N/A (words only)
240. |
All-Wise, Eternal, Loving One
Words: James Crystal Music: John J. McClellan
241. |
“Glory be to God” the Angels Sang
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens
242. |
How are Thy Servants Blest, O Lord
Words: Joseph Addison Music: Joseph J. Daynes
243. |
To Use the Gifts Thou Gavest Me
Words: Bertha A. Kleinman Music: Frank W. Asper
244. |
How Pleasant to Mingle Together
Words: Ruth May Fox Music: Edward P. Kimball
245. |
Death Gathers Up Thick Clouds of Gloom
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: George Careless
246. |
’Twas the Commission of Our Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
247. |
Jesus Lover of My Soul
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Joseph P. Holbrook
248. |
Who Are These Arrayed In White?
Words: De Courcy; Charles Wesley Music: N/A (words only)
249. |
How Pleasant ’Tis to See
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Unknown
250. |
Come, We that Love the Lord
Words: Isaac Watts Music: William C. Clive
251. |
Beware a Fiend in Angel Form
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Leroy J. Robertson
252. |
God of My Fathers! Friend of Humankind!
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Evan Stephens
253. |
Go, Ye Messengers of Heaven
Words: Anon.; John Taylor Music: Frederick Christensen
254. |
The Star-Spangled Banner
Words: Francis Scott Key Music: John Stafford Smith
255. |
What, Though the Gentiles Wildly Rage?
Words: William H. Shearman Music: A. C. Smyth
256. |
Great God, Indulge My Humble Claim
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Evan Stephens
257. |
O Thou, at Whose Almighty Word
Words: John Newton Music: Tracy Y. Cannon
258. |
Lean on My Ample Arm
Words: Theodore E. Curtis Music: Evan Stephens
259. |
Zion Arise! the Dark Clouds are Falling
Words: Theodore E. Curtis Music: Hugh W. Dougall
260. |
Sing the Sweet and Touching Story
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: George Careless
261. |
Come, Come, My Brother, Wake! Awake!
Words: Joseph Fielding Smith Jr. Music: Evan Stephens
262. |
Words: Samuel F. Smith Music: Henry Carey; Thesaurus Musicus
263. |
The Sabbath Sun Serenely Falls
Words: Theodore E. Curtis Music: George Careless
264. |
The Best is Not Too Good for Me
Words: Joseph Fielding Smith Jr. Music: Tracy Y. Cannon
265. |
Let Us Sing of Our Salvation
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens
266. |
Lord, Thou Hast Searched and Seen Me Through
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Ebenezer Beesley
267. |
Let Judah Rejoice in This Glorious News
Words: Alexander Neibaur; Parley P. Pratt Music: A. C. Smyth
268. |
Jesus of Nazareth, Saviour and King
Words: Hugh W. Dougall Music: Hugh W. Dougall
269. |
When Sickness Clouds the Soul with Grief
Words: John Lyon Music: A. C. Smyth
270. |
I Have No Home, Where Shall I Go?
Words: Lucy Mack Smith Music: George Careless
271. |
Keep the Light that God Has Kindled
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Evan Stephens
272. |
Before Thee, Lord, I Bow My Head
Words: Joseph H. Dean Music: Joseph H. Dean
273. |
Praise to God, Immortal Praise
Words: Anna L. Barbauld; Stewart’s Collection Music: Ebenezer Beesley
274. |
Speak Truth, O Oracle, Whate’er Thy Tongue!
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Evan Stephens
275. |
Come, Thou Glorious Day of Promise
Words: Pratt’s Collection Music: A. C. Smyth
276. |
Give Me a Home in the Heart of the Mountains
Words: Theodore E. Curtis Music: Hugh W. Dougall
277. |
I Can See Thee, O My Saviour!
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens
278. |
Hark, Hark! Angelic Minstrels Sing
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: B. Cecil Gates
279. |
Lift Up Your Praise in Parting Song
Words: Bertha A. Kleinman Music: Evan Stephens
280. |
We Thank Thee, Gracious Lord of Hosts
Words: Theodore E. Curtis Music: Henry Hooper
281. |
Shall We Meet?
Words: Horace L. Hastings Music: Elihu S. Rice
282. |
Hail! Bright Millennial Day of Rest
Words: John Lyon Music: A. C. Smyth
283. |
Earth, With Her Ten Thousand Flowers
Words: Thomas R. Taylor Music: Thomas C. Griggs
284. |
Freedom Waves Her Joyous Pinions
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: Samuel B. Mitton
285. |
With Joy We Own Thy Servants, Lord
Words: James Montgomery Music: Franz Joseph Haydn
286. |
Hail to the Brightness of Zion’s Glad Morning
Words: Thomas Hastings Music: Edwin F. Parry
287. |
Zion Stands With Hills Surrounded
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: A. C. Smyth
288. |
I Wander Through the Stilly Night
Words: Theodore E. Curtis Music: Hugh W. Dougall
289. |
Rock of Ages
Words: Augustus M. Toplady Music: Thomas Hastings
290. |
I Know That My Redeemer Lives
Words: Samuel Medley Music: Lewis D. Edwards
291. |
My Father in Heaven, and Dear Kindred There
Words: Mary Ann Morton Walker Music: George Careless
292. |
As Babe on Mother Breast
Words: Orson F. Whitney Music: George Careless
293. |
Jesus, Once of Humble Birth
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Giacomo Meyerbeer; English Chorister
294. |
Farewell, All Earthly Honors
Words: Zion’s Hill, 1833 Music: William B. Bradbury
295. |
The Silver, Gold and Precious Stones
Words: John Jaques Music: Frank W. Asper
296. |
Behold, the Mountain of the Lord
Words: Michael Bruce Music: Joseph J. Daynes
297. |
The Lord Imparted from Above
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless
298. |
We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet
Words: William Fowler Music: Caroline E. Sheridan Norton