Himnos de Sión
Himnos de Sión: una colección de himnos y canciones espirituales con letra y música, para el uso de los coros y las congregaciones de la Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Días
1948 Hymns,
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
First edition.
252 songs.
- Archive Viewer: 88217
- Jacobs Number: 812.H (Mormon Non-English Scriptures, Hymnals, & Periodicals, 1830–1986)
- BYU Harold B. Lee Library: BX 8685.2 .Sp24h 1942; BX 8685.2 .Sp24h 1942 no.2; MSS 6774 box 2 folder 5
- Church History Library: M285.2 H99SPA 1942; M285.2 H99SPA 1942 no. 2; M285.2 H99SPA 1942 no. 3; M285.2 H99SPA 1942 no. 4; M285.2 H99SPAm 1942 no. 2
- N/A
Songs (Return to top) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. |
Fulgura la Aurora
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: George Careless Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
2. |
¡Bienvenidos Todos!
Words: Henry A. Tuckett Music: Henry A. Tuckett Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
3. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. |
Los Niños No Vedéis
Words: Anon. Music: Anon. Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
5. |
Ya Crece Sión
Words: Henry Maiben Music: German air Trans.: Lynn R. Hansen (from English) Arr.: Charles J. Thomas
6. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
7. |
Cuando Ayudamos
Words: Wallace F. Bennett Music: German folk song Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
8. |
La Luz Divina
Words: Matilda Watts Cahoon Music: Mildred Tanner Pettit Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
9. |
Demos Gracias al Padre
Words: Robert Louis Stevenson Music: Franz Joseph Haydn Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
10. |
Porque Me Ama El
Words: Emily Huntington Miller Music: Hans Henry Petersen Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
11. |
Me Gusta Pensar en el Señor
Words: Jemima Luke Music: Leah Ashton Lloyd Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
12. |
Doy Gracias, Oh Padre
Words: Anon. Music: George Careless Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
13. |
Niños Caros, Dad a Cristo
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: A. Preston Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
14. |
Words: Alice E. Allen Music: Joseph Ballantyne Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
15. |
Oh Madre, Lindísimo Sueño
Words: Anon. Music: John S. Lewis Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
16. |
Cristo Me Manda Que Brille
Words: Nellie Talbot Music: Edwin O. Excell Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
17. |
Lavémonos los Dientes
Words: Ivy W. Stone Music: N. Lorenzo Mitchell Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
18. |
Cristo Nos Invita a Brillar
Words: Susan Warner Music: A. C. Smyth Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
19. |
Words: Anon. Music: Anon.
20. |
Mi Mamá Nos Da Amor
Words: N. Lorenzo Mitchell Music: N. Lorenzo Mitchell Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
21. |
Pequeño Niño Fué Jesús
Words: James R. Murray Music: Joseph Ballantyne Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
22. |
Niños, Hoy Cantemos
Words: Charles W. Stayner Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
23. |
Niños, Dios Os Ama
Words: Charles L. Walker Music: John Menzies Macfarlane Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
24. |
El Arroyito Da
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: William B. Bradbury Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
25. |
Niños de Sión, Cantemos
Words: Gus M. Clarke Music: Joseph J. Daynes Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
26. |
Cristo, Caro Salvador
Words: Matilda Watts Cahoon Music: Mildred Tanner Pettit Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
27. |
Cristo Es Amigo de los Niños
Words: Walter J. Mathams Music: Mildred Tanner Pettit Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
28. |
¿Puede Un Niño Como Yo?
Words: Mary M. Dodge Music: William K. Bassford Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
29. |
Bondadoso Padre
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
30. |
El Himno de los Niños
Words: L. Dalton Music: Anon. Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English) Arr.: Ebenezer Beesley
31. |
Words: English nursery rhyme Music: Henry A. Tuckett Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
32. |
Duerme, Nene Mío
(Trío para Voces de Mujeres)
Words: Gerrit de Jong Jr. Music: Gerrit de Jong Jr. Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
33. |
Dios es Amor
Words: Patty S. Hill Music: Anon. Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
34. |
El Niño de Belén
Words: Nels Woodruff Christiansen; Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen Music: Nels Woodruff Christiansen; Lucy Liljenquist Christiansen Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
35. |
Mi Querido Santo Clos
Words: Traditional Music: Traditional Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
36. |
Duerme, Mi Nene
Words: George F. Wilson Music: Joseph Ballantyne Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
37. |
El Feliz Año Nuevo
Words: Ellen Robena Field Music: Alvin A. Beesley Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
38. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
39. |
Canto de Navidad
Words: Anon. Music: William K. Bassford Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
40. |
El Santo Niño
Words: Lydia Ward Music: Mildred Tanner Pettit Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
41. |
Jesús en Pesebre Sin Cuna Nació
Words: Martin Luther; Little Children’s Book for Schools and Families, 1885 Music: Charles H. Gabriel Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
42. |
En la Judea, Tierra de Dios
Words: John Menzies Macfarlane Music: John Menzies Macfarlane
43. |
Oh, Pueblecito de Belén
Words: Phillips Brooks Music: Lewis H. Redner Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
44. |
Escuchad el Son Triunfal
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Felix Mendelssohn Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
45. |
Noche de Luz, Noche de Paz
Words: Joseph Mohr Music: Franz Gruber Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from German)
46. |
Asombro Me Da
Words: Charles H. Gabriel Music: Charles H. Gabriel Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
47. |
Venid, Adoremos
Words: Latin hymn, 18th century; John F. Wade Music: John F. Wade Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from Latin)
48. |
En Bella Noche se Oyó
Words: Edmund H. Sears Music: Richard S. Willis Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
49. |
¡Regocijad, Jesús Nació!
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Frideric Handel Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
50. |
Canto de Alegría
Words: Eduardo Balderas Music: Luigi Denza Trans.: Guillermo Balderas (from English)
51. |
La Voz del Clarín
Words: Oscar A. Kirkham Music: Alexander Schreiner Trans.: Guillermo Balderas (from English)
52. |
El Señor te Necesita
Words: Eduardo Balderas Music: Gerhard Schulz
53. |
Haces Falta en Nuestra Mutual
Words: Eduardo Balderas Music: Edmund L. Gruber
54. |
Antes de Prometer
(Rondó para cuatro voces)
Words: Anon. Music: Anon.
55. |
Nuestra Gran Asociación
Words: Bertha A. Kleinman Music: Traditional folk song Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
56. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
57. |
Luchemos Por la Asociación
Words: Eduardo Balderas Music: James Lord Pierpont
58. |
La Juventud Sigue a Cristo
Words: Eduardo Balderas Music: Traditional folk song
59. |
Firmes en la Fe
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
60. |
Juventud de Israel
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: William Clayson Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
61. |
Hay Gozo en la Mutual
Words: Eduardo Balderas Music: Neapolitan boat song
62. |
La Canción de los Redimidos
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
63. |
Danos Tu Luz
Words: Charles Gounod Music: Charles Gounod Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from Latin)
64. |
Ven, oh Día Prometido
Words: Pratt’s Collection Music: A. C. Smyth Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
65. |
Los Cielos Cuentan la Gloria de Dios
Words: Christian Fürchtegott Gellert Music: Ludwig van Beethoven Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from German)
66. |
Oh Mi Padre
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: James McGranahan Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English) Arr.: Evan Stephens
67. |
¡Oh Montañas Alabad!
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
68. |
Trabajemos en la Obra
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
69. |
Escucha al Profeta
Words: Joseph S. Murdock; Bruce R. McConkie Music: Joseph J. Daynes
70. |
Dios Da Valor
Words: William E. Hickson Music: Ernst Moritz Arndt Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
71. |
Por Tus Dones Loor Cantamos
Words: Felicia D. Hemans; Edward L. Sloan (adapter) Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
72. |
Pon Tu Hombro a la Lid
Words: Will L. Thompson Music: Will L. Thompson Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
73. |
Mirad a Sión Hermosa
Words: John A. Granade; Edward Partridge Music: Lewis D. Edwards Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
74. |
Ved Volar Potente Angel
Words: Robert B. Thompson Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
75. |
Dulce Grata Oración
Words: William W. Walford Music: William B. Bradbury Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
76. |
Dios, Despídenos
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: Jean-Jacques Rousseau Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
77. |
Jehová, Sé Nuestro Guía
Words: William Williams Music: Annie F. Harrison Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from Welsh)
78. |
Dios Bendícenos
Words: John Fawcett; Walter Shirley Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
79. |
El Estandarte del Señor
Words: Kate J. Redding Music: A. C. Smyth Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
80. |
Al Ir a Sión a Juntaros
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: John E. Tullidge Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
81. |
Venid a Mí, Dijo Jesús
Words: John Nicholson Music: Samuel McBurney Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
82. |
Cuán Breves Nuestros Días Son
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
83. |
La Expiación
Words: John Nicholson Music: Samuel McBurney Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
84. |
Día de Gozo
Words: Philo Dibble Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
85. |
Israel, Jesús Os Llama
Words: Richard Smyth Music: Charles C. Converse Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
86. |
Si Tú al Astro Sirio
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Joseph J. Daynes Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
87. |
Bandera de Sión
Words: Joel H. Johnson Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
88. |
¡Salve Sión, Es Tu Día Ilustre!
Words: Thomas Hastings Music: Edwin F. Parry Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
89. |
¿Qué Vieron en el Cielo?
Words: John S. Davis Music: Evan Stephens
90. |
Ancianos de Israel
Words: Cyrus H. Wheelock Music: Thomas H. Bayly Trans.: James Jacobson (from English)
91. |
El Fin se Acerca
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: German folk song Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
92. |
Sabed Que el Hombre Libre Está
Words: Anon.; Sally Swey Music: George Frideric Handel Trans.: Alonzo L. Taylor (from English)
93. |
Doquier Que Me Mandes, Iré
Words: Mary Brown Music: Carrie E. Rounsefell Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
94. |
¡Oh Rey de Reyes, Ven!
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Anon. Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
95. |
Mansos, Reverentes, Hoy
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
96. |
Ya Nos Juntamos Otra Vez
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
97. |
La Obra Ya Empieza
Words: Edmund W. Richardson Music: Unknown
98. |
Venid, los que Tenéis de Dios el Sacerdocio
Words: Thomas Davenport Music: Orson Pratt Huish Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
99. |
¡Oh Jesús, Mi Gran Amor!
Words: Charles Wesley Music: Joseph P. Holbrook Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
100. |
De Cerros de Islanda
Words: Reginald Heber Music: Lowell Mason
101. |
Quita Mis Dudas, Oh Gran Salvador
Words: Bertha A. Kleinman Music: Samuel B. Mitton Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
102. |
Mensaje de Paz
Words: Joel Morales Music: Unknown
103. |
Oh Hablemos con Tiernos Acentos
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
104. |
Tu Niño Tan Caro Ha Muerto
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: N/A (words only) Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
105. |
Más Allá del Negro Río
Words: Horace L. Hastings Music: Elihu S. Rice Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
106. |
A Ti, Señor
Words: Joseph H. Dean Music: Joseph H. Dean Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
107. |
Oh Jesús, Gran Rey del Cielo
Words: John Fellows Music: John Edwards Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
108. |
Señor, Escúchame
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Joseph J. Daynes Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
109. |
Brillan Rayos de Clemencia
Words: Philip P. Bliss Music: Philip P. Bliss Trans.: E. Leroy Hatch (from English)
110. |
Oración Secreta
Words: Hans Henry Petersen Music: Hans Henry Petersen Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
111. |
Hermanos, Venid
Words: Jose V. Estrada G. Music: George Careless
112. |
Un Angel del Señor
(Trío y Coro)
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: John E. Tullidge Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
113. |
Dios de Nuestros Padres
Words: Rudyard Kipling Music: Isaac B. Woodbury Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
114. |
Venid de Sión los Hijos
Words: Caleb J. Taylor; William W. Phelps Music: John E. Tullidge Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
115. |
Sé Prudente, Oh Hermano
(Voces de Hombres)
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: George F. Root Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
116. |
Jehová Aparece en su Gloria
Words: William Goode Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
117. |
Abre Tu Seno, Tumba Fiel
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
118. |
Brilla la Aurora Sacra
Words: John Jaques Music: George Careless Trans.: W. Ernest Young (from English)
119. |
Promesa Cumplida
Words: Joel Morales Music: Ralph Bradshaw
120. |
Para Siempre Alabad a Dios
Words: Anna L. Barbauld; Stewart’s Collection Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
121. |
Words: Andrés C. González Music: Joseph P. Webster
122. |
¡Resplandeced, oh Sión!
Words: William G. Mills Music: George Careless Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
123. |
¡Oh Gente Afligida!
Words: Edmund W. Richardson Music: N/A (words only)
124. |
Dios Trabaja Misteriosamente
Words: William Cowper Music: William B. Bradbury Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
125. |
Haz Tú lo Justo
Words: Anon. Music: George Kiallmark Sr. Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
126. |
¡Cuán Gloriosas Cosas Hablan!
Words: John Newton Music: James S. Hanecy Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
127. |
¿Quién Sigue al Señor?
Words: Hannah Last Cornaby Music: Henry H. Russell Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English) Arr.: George Careless
128. |
El Espíritu de Dios
Words: William W. Phelps Music: English melody Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
129. |
Del Alma es la Oración
Words: James Montgomery Music: George Careless Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
130. |
Himno de Batalla de la República
Words: Julia Ward Howe Music: Anon. Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
131. |
¡Ved! El Redentor Muere
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
132. |
¿Pensaste Orar?
Words: Mary A. Pepper Kidder Music: William O. Perkins Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
133. |
Mirad al Salvador
Words: Samuel Deacon; Barton Hymns, 1797 Music: Lowell Mason Trans.: Clyde D. Pierce (from English)
134. |
Esperando la Cosecha
Words: Anon. Music: Friedrich Kücken
135. |
Redentor de Israel
Words: Joseph Swain; William W. Phelps (adapter) Music: Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, Wyeth, 1813; Freeman Lewis Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
136. |
¿He Hecho Hoy un Bien?
Words: Will L. Thompson Music: Will L. Thompson Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
137. |
No Desechéis al Pecador
Words: Julia Abigail Fletcher Carney Music: Henry A. Tuckett Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
138. |
¿Sin Contestar?
Words: Ophelia G. Adams Music: Charles Davis Tillman Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
139. |
Más Cerca, Dios, a Ti
Words: Sarah F. Adams Music: Lowell Mason Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
140. |
Id Al Rayar el Alba
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
141. |
Permaneced, Es Noche Ya
Words: M. Lowrie Hofford Music: Harrison Millard Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
142. |
Oh Señor, Mi Cruz Levanto
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: S. L. Fish Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
143. |
Para Siempre Dios Esté con Vos
Words: Jeremiah E. Rankin Music: William G. Tomer Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
144. |
¡Qué Firmes Cimientos!
Words: Selection of Hymns, John Rippon, 1787; Robert Keen Music: Anon.; John Ellis Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
145. |
Si Diéramos Alivio
Words: Harry A. Dean Music: Hans Henry Petersen Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
146. |
Gloria a Dios en las Alturas
Words: James Allen Music: Felice de Giardini Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
147. |
Mi Padre Celestial Ve
Words: S. M. I. Henry Music: Edwin O. Excell Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
148. |
Jehová, Señor del Cielo
Words: Anon. Music: Oliver Holden Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
149. |
Oración del Profeta
Words: George Manwaring Music: Sylvanus Billings Pond Adapt.: A. C. Smyth
150. |
Cuán Gran la Ley de Dios
Words: Philip Doddridge Music: Hans Georg Nägeli Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
151. |
Tan Sólo con Pensar en Ti, Jesús
Words: Bernard of Clairvaux Music: John B. Dykes Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from Latin)
152. |
Palabras de Amor
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: Edwin F. Parry Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
153. |
Dios, Escúchanos Orar
Words: Annie Pinnock Malin Music: Louis M. Gottschalk Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
154. |
Una Despedida
Words: George Manwaring Music: Benjamin Milgrove Trans.: W. Ernest Young (from English)
155. |
Hay Reposo Con Dios
Words: Zion’s Hill, 1833 Music: William B. Bradbury Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
156. |
Cantemos Todos a Jesús
Words: Richard Alldridge Music: Joseph Coslett Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
157. |
El Día Santo del Señor
Words: George Manwaring Music: Robert Lowry Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
158. |
Te Quiero Sin Cesar
Words: Annie S. Hawks Music: Robert Lowry Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
159. |
Jehová Mi Pastor es
Words: Psalm 23; James Montgomery (adapter) Music: Thomas Koschat Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English) Arr.: Thomas Koschat
160. |
Cristo Mi Salvador
Words: Orson Pratt Huish Music: Orson Pratt Huish
161. |
Pedimos Hoy Por Ti
(Trío Para Voces de Mujeres)
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Henry A. Tuckett Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
162. |
Entonad Sagrado Son
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Thomas C. Griggs Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
163. |
Al Rayar el Nuevo Día
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: Robert B. Baird Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
164. |
Ante Ti, Señor, Tu Grey
Words: William Hammond Music: Carl Maria von Weber Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
165. |
Somos los Soldados
Words: Anon. Music: William B. Bradbury Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
166. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
167. |
En el Pueblo de Sión
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George F. Root Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
168. |
De Corte Celestial Cuán Gran Amor
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Thomas McIntyre Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
169. |
No Hablemos con Enojo
Words: Horatio R. Palmer Music: Horatio R. Palmer Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
170. |
Yo Sé Que Vive Mi Señor
Words: Samuel Medley Music: Lewis D. Edwards Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
171. |
Tened en Dios Confianza
Words: Jose V. Estrada G. Music: Evan Stephens
172. |
¡Oíd! El Toque del Clarín
Words: John A. Granade Music: Lewis D. Edwards Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
173. |
De la Gran Ciudad He Leído
Words: Jonathan Bush Atchinson Music: Otis F. Presbrey Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
174. |
¿Cuándo Veremos a Ti, Oh Señor?
Words: Edwin F. Parry Music: Edwin F. Parry
175. |
Paz, Cálmense
Words: Mary Ann Baker Music: Horatio R. Palmer Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
176. |
Cuando Cristo Descienda en Gloria
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: John M. Chamberlain Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
177. |
La Tierra Con Sus Mil Flores
Words: Thomas R. Taylor Music: Thomas C. Griggs Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
178. |
Te Damos, Señor, Nuestras Gracias
Words: William Fowler Music: Caroline E. Sheridan Norton Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
179. |
Sé Tú Mi Luz
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: William H. Monk Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
180. |
En Memoria de Tu Muerte
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
181. |
¡Oh Bondadoso Padre!
Words: Charles Denney Jr. Music: George Careless Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
182. |
Bienvenido Día Santo
Words: Robert B. Baird Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
183. |
Hogar Dominical
Words: Anon. Music: Anon. Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
184. |
Galilea, Bello Mar
Words: Robert Morris Music: Horatio R. Palmer Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
185. |
En las Cumbres de los Montes
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: A. C. Smyth Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
186. |
Con Bondad Nos Trataremos
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
187. |
Otro Año Ha Pasado
Words: Mary B. C. Slade Music: Anon. Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
188. |
El Alba Ya Rompe
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: William Clayson Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
189. |
Dulce es la Obra
Words: Isaac Watts Music: John J. McClellan Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
190. |
Loor al Profeta
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Scottish folk song Trans.: Andrés C. González; Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
191. |
Ven a la Escuela Dominical
Words: William G. Bickley Music: William G. Bickley Trans.: Andrés C. González Jr. (from English)
192. |
Cuando Hay Amor
Words: John Hugh McNaughton Music: John Hugh McNaughton Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
193. |
Tan Humilde al Nacer
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Giacomo Meyerbeer; English Chorister Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
194. |
Caros Le Son al Maestro
Words: Mary B. Wingate Music: William J. Kirkpatrick Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
195. |
Oh Sión, Santuario de Libertad
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Henry S. Thompson Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
196. |
Venid a Cristo
Words: Orson Pratt Huish Music: Orson Pratt Huish Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
197. |
¡Oh Cantad de Sión los Himnos!
Words: Lillie T. Freeze Music: Henry A. Tuckett Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
198. |
Oh Dios de Huestes
Words: Andrew Dalrymple Music: George Careless Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
199. |
Oh, ¿Qué Se Cosechará?
Words: Emily S. Oakey Music: Philip P. Bliss Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
200. |
Si la Vía es Penosa
Words: W. H. Flaville Music: John R. Sweney Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
201. |
Días de Verano
Words: Boston School Song Book, 1845 Music: Joseph Ballantyne Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
202. |
Dedicaré Mi Juventud al Señor
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: Thomas McIntyre Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
203. |
Ante Ti, Dios el Padre
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Felix Mendelssohn Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
204. |
Bella Sión
Words: George Gill Music: Joseph G. Fones Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
205. |
Hoy Gozosos Nos Reunimos
Words: Evan Stephens Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
206. |
¿Qué es la Verdad?
Words: John Jaques Music: Ellen Knowles Melling Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
207. |
Recoged la Solana
Words: George F. Root Music: George F. Root Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
208. |
O Mi Padre
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: James McGranahan Trans.: Edmund W. Richardson (from English)
209. |
Con Gozosa Canción
Words: Julia H. Johnson Music: Horatio R. Palmer Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
210. |
A Dios, el Padre, y Jesús
Words: Thomas Ken Music: Louis Bourgeois; Genevan Psalter, 1551 Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
211. |
Allá, Allá, El Nos Dirá
Words: Maxwell N. Cornelius Music: James McGranahan Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
212. |
Hijos del Señor, Venid
Words: James H. Wallis Music: Spanish melody Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
213. |
Cuán Grato Es Cantar Loor
Words: George Manwaring Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
214. |
¡Oh, Está Todo Bien!
Words: William Clayton Music: English folk song Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
215. |
Oh Vos Que Sois Llamados
Words: Mary Judd Page Music: Daniel B. Towner Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
216. |
Id, Mensajeros
Words: Anon.; John Taylor Music: Frederick Christensen Trans.: José A. Mortensen (from English)
217. |
En Aquella Ciudad
Words: F. A. F. Wood-White Music: Alfred Beirly Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
218. |
Aunque Pesares Os Vengan
Words: Eliza R. Snow Music: George Careless Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
219. |
Siembra Solana
Words: Lanta Wilson Smith Music: Edwin O. Excell Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
220. |
No Desmayéis, Oh Santos
Words: James Crystal Music: Felix Mendelssohn Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
221. |
Id en Unión
Words: B. F. Blakeley Music: John R. Sweney Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
222. |
Gracias por la Escuela Dominical
Words: William Willes Music: James R. Murray Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
223. |
Cual Rocío Que Destila
Words: Thomas Kelly Music: Joseph J. Daynes Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
224. |
Solana en Mi Alma Hay
Words: Eliza E. Hewitt Music: John R. Sweney Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
225. |
Hoy Sembramos la Semilla
Words: Anon. Music: Henry A. Tuckett Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
226. |
Jesús es Mi Luz
Words: James L. Nicholson Music: John R. Sweney Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
227. |
Himno Bautismal
Words: Parley P. Pratt Music: Frank W. Asper Trans.: Manuel C. Naegle (from English)
228. |
Nuestra Mente Se Refleja
Words: Anon.; M. E. Abbey Music: Charles Davis Tillman Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
229. |
¡Murió! El Redentor Murió
Words: Isaac Watts Music: George Careless Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
230. |
Ya Regocijemos en Día Bendito
Words: William W. Phelps Music: Henry Tucker Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
231. |
Guíame, Oh Salvador
Words: Edward Hopper Music: John Edgar Gould Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
232. |
Con Valor Marchemos
Words: Sabine Baring-Gould Music: Arthur S. Sullivan Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
233. |
Roca de Eternidad
Words: Augustus M. Toplady Music: Thomas Hastings Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
234. |
Marchemos a la Gloria
Words: John M. Chamberlain Music: John M. Chamberlain Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
235. |
Al Partir Cantemos
Words: George Manwaring Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
236. |
Cuando Te Abrumen Penas y Dolor
Words: Johnson Oatman Jr. Music: Edwin O. Excell Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
237. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
238. |
Obrad con Fervor
Words: Luella Clark Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
239. |
En Nuestro Caro Hogar
Words: Emmeline B. Wells Music: Evan Stephens Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
240. |
Hay Un Hogar Eterno
Words: Horatio R. Palmer Music: Horatio R. Palmer Trans.: Manuel S. Torres (from English)
241. |
En el Calvario Fué
Words: Cecil Frances Alexander Music: Old English melody Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
242. |
¿Por Qué Somos?
Words: Edmund W. Richardson Music: Joseph J. Daynes
243. |
Gran Salvador, Cerca a Ti
Words: Joseph L. Townsend Music: William Clayson Trans.: Marion B. Naegle (from English)
244. |
Tratémonos Con Bondad
Words: Lula Greene Richards Music: John S. Lewis Trans.: Andrés C. González (from English)
245. |
Padre Bendito, Venimos a Ti
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: Ebenezer Beesley Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
246. |
Si Hay Gozo en Tu Corazón
Words: Helen Silcott Dungan Music: James M. Dungan Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
247. |
Venid, Los Que a Dios Amáis
Words: Isaac Watts Music: Macy Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
248. |
¡Mirad, Reales Huestes!
Words: Fanny J. Crosby Music: Adam Geibel Trans.: Rey L. Pratt (from English)
249. |
Ante Dios Venimos Otra Vez
Words: Henry F. Lyte Music: Arthur S. Sullivan Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
250. |
Un Hogar en Sión
Words: Charles W. Penrose Music: J. R. Thomas Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English) Arr.: Evan Stephens
251. |
Mi Oración
Words: Philip P. Bliss Music: Philip P. Bliss Trans.: Eduardo Balderas (from English)
252. |
¡La Proclamación!
Words: Jose V. Estrada G. Music: Robert B. Baird
Has lyrics in text format
Has sheet music or a scanned page
Has an audio recording
Has a video